path: root/server-beta/src/parser/guide.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server-beta/src/parser/guide.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 621 deletions
diff --git a/server-beta/src/parser/guide.lua b/server-beta/src/parser/guide.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index af511555..00000000
--- a/server-beta/src/parser/guide.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,621 +0,0 @@
-local error = error
-local type = type
-local next = next
-local tostring = tostring
-_ENV = nil
-local m = {}
-local blockTypes = {
- ['while'] = true,
- ['in'] = true,
- ['loop'] = true,
- ['repeat'] = true,
- ['do'] = true,
- ['function'] = true,
- ['ifblock'] = true,
- ['elseblock'] = true,
- ['elseifblock'] = true,
- ['main'] = true,
-local breakBlockTypes = {
- ['while'] = true,
- ['in'] = true,
- ['loop'] = true,
- ['repeat'] = true,
-m.childMap = {
- ['main'] = {'#'},
- ['repeat'] = {'#', 'filter'},
- ['while'] = {'filter', '#'},
- ['in'] = {'keys', '#'},
- ['loop'] = {'loc', 'max', 'step', '#'},
- ['if'] = {'#'},
- ['ifblock'] = {'filter', '#'},
- ['elseifblock'] = {'filter', '#'},
- ['elseblock'] = {'#'},
- ['setfield'] = {'node', 'field', 'value'},
- ['setglobal'] = {'value'},
- ['local'] = {'attrs', 'value'},
- ['setlocal'] = {'value'},
- ['return'] = {'#'},
- ['do'] = {'#'},
- ['select'] = {'vararg'},
- ['table'] = {'#'},
- ['tableindex'] = {'index', 'value'},
- ['tablefield'] = {'field', 'value'},
- ['function'] = {'args', '#'},
- ['funcargs'] = {'#'},
- ['setmethod'] = {'node', 'method', 'value'},
- ['getmethod'] = {'node', 'method'},
- ['setindex'] = {'node', 'index', 'value'},
- ['getindex'] = {'node', 'index'},
- ['paren'] = {'exp'},
- ['call'] = {'node', 'args'},
- ['callargs'] = {'#'},
- ['getfield'] = {'node', 'field'},
- ['list'] = {'#'},
- ['binary'] = {1, 2},
- ['unary'] = {1}
-m.actionMap = {
- ['main'] = {'#'},
- ['repeat'] = {'#'},
- ['while'] = {'#'},
- ['in'] = {'#'},
- ['loop'] = {'#'},
- ['if'] = {'#'},
- ['ifblock'] = {'#'},
- ['elseifblock'] = {'#'},
- ['elseblock'] = {'#'},
- ['do'] = {'#'},
- ['function'] = {'#'},
- ['funcargs'] = {'#'},
---- 是否是字面量
-function m.isLiteral(obj)
- local tp = obj.type
- return tp == 'nil'
- or tp == 'boolean'
- or tp == 'string'
- or tp == 'number'
- or tp == 'table'
---- 获取字面量
-function m.getLiteral(obj)
- local tp = obj.type
- if tp == 'boolean' then
- return obj[1]
- elseif tp == 'string' then
- return obj[1]
- elseif tp == 'number' then
- return obj[1]
- end
- return nil
---- 寻找父函数
-function m.getParentFunction(obj)
- for _ = 1, 1000 do
- obj = obj.parent
- if not obj then
- break
- end
- local tp = obj.type
- if tp == 'function' or tp == 'main' then
- return obj
- end
- end
- return nil
---- 寻找所在区块
-function m.getBlock(obj)
- for _ = 1, 1000 do
- if not obj then
- return nil
- end
- local tp = obj.type
- if blockTypes[tp] then
- return obj
- end
- obj = obj.parent
- end
- error('guide.getBlock overstack')
---- 寻找所在父区块
-function m.getParentBlock(obj)
- for _ = 1, 1000 do
- obj = obj.parent
- if not obj then
- return nil
- end
- local tp = obj.type
- if blockTypes[tp] then
- return obj
- end
- end
- error('guide.getParentBlock overstack')
---- 寻找所在可break的父区块
-function m.getBreakBlock(obj)
- for _ = 1, 1000 do
- obj = obj.parent
- if not obj then
- return nil
- end
- local tp = obj.type
- if breakBlockTypes[tp] then
- return obj
- end
- if tp == 'function' then
- return nil
- end
- end
- error('guide.getBreakBlock overstack')
---- 寻找根区块
-function m.getRoot(obj)
- for _ = 1, 1000 do
- local parent = obj.parent
- if not parent then
- return obj
- end
- obj = parent
- end
- error('guide.getRoot overstack')
---- 寻找函数的不定参数,返回不定参在第几个参数上,以及该参数对象。
---- 如果函数是主函数,则返回`0, nil`。
----@return table
----@return integer
-function m.getFunctionVarArgs(func)
- if func.type == 'main' then
- return 0, nil
- end
- if func.type ~= 'function' then
- return nil, nil
- end
- local args = func.args
- if not args then
- return nil, nil
- end
- for i = 1, #args do
- local arg = args[i]
- if arg.type == '...' then
- return i, arg
- end
- end
- return nil, nil
---- 获取指定区块中可见的局部变量
----@param block table
----@param name string {comment = '变量名'}
----@param pos integer {comment = '可见位置'}
-function m.getLocal(block, name, pos)
- block = m.getBlock(block)
- for _ = 1, 1000 do
- if not block then
- return nil
- end
- local locals = block.locals
- local res
- if not locals then
- end
- for i = 1, #locals do
- local loc = locals[i]
- if loc.effect > pos then
- break
- end
- if loc[1] == name then
- if not res or res.effect < loc.effect then
- res = loc
- end
- end
- end
- if res then
- return res, res
- end
- block = m.getParentBlock(block)
- end
- error('guide.getLocal overstack')
---- 获取指定区块中可见的标签
----@param block table
----@param name string {comment = '标签名'}
-function m.getLabel(block, name)
- block = m.getBlock(block)
- for _ = 1, 1000 do
- if not block then
- return nil
- end
- local labels = block.labels
- if labels then
- local label = labels[name]
- if label then
- return label
- end
- end
- if block.type == 'function' then
- return nil
- end
- block = m.getParentBlock(block)
- end
- error('guide.getLocal overstack')
---- 判断source是否包含offset
-function m.isContain(source, offset)
- return source.start <= offset and source.finish >= offset - 1
---- 判断offset在source的影响范围内
---- 主要针对赋值等语句时,key包含value
-function m.isInRange(source, offset)
- return (source.vstart or source.start) <= offset and (source.range or source.finish) >= offset - 1
---- 添加child
-function m.addChilds(list, obj, map)
- local keys = map[obj.type]
- if keys then
- for i = 1, #keys do
- local key = keys[i]
- if key == '#' then
- for i = 1, #obj do
- list[#list+1] = obj[i]
- end
- else
- list[#list+1] = obj[key]
- end
- end
- end
---- 遍历所有包含offset的source
-function m.eachSourceContain(ast, offset, callback)
- local list = { ast }
- while true do
- local len = #list
- if len == 0 then
- return
- end
- local obj = list[len]
- list[len] = nil
- if m.isInRange(obj, offset) then
- if m.isContain(obj, offset) then
- local res = callback(obj)
- if res ~= nil then
- return res
- end
- end
- m.addChilds(list, obj, m.childMap)
- end
- end
---- 遍历所有指定类型的source
-function m.eachSourceType(ast, type, callback)
- local cache = ast.typeCache
- if not cache then
- local mark = {}
- cache = {}
- ast.typeCache = cache
- m.eachSource(ast, function (source)
- if mark[source] then
- return
- end
- mark[source] = true
- local tp = source.type
- if not tp then
- return
- end
- local myCache = cache[tp]
- if not myCache then
- myCache = {}
- cache[tp] = myCache
- end
- myCache[#myCache+1] = source
- end)
- end
- local myCache = cache[type]
- if not myCache then
- return
- end
- for i = 1, #myCache do
- callback(myCache[i])
- end
---- 遍历所有的source
-function m.eachSource(ast, callback)
- local list = { ast }
- while true do
- local len = #list
- if len == 0 then
- return
- end
- local obj = list[len]
- list[len] = nil
- callback(obj)
- m.addChilds(list, obj, m.childMap)
- end
---- 获取指定的 special
-function m.eachSpecialOf(ast, name, callback)
- local root = m.getRoot(ast)
- if not root.specials then
- return
- end
- local specials = root.specials[name]
- if not specials then
- return
- end
- for i = 1, #specials do
- callback(specials[i])
- end
---- 获取偏移对应的坐标
----@param lines table
----@return integer {name = 'row'}
----@return integer {name = 'col'}
-function m.positionOf(lines, offset)
- if offset < 1 then
- return 0, 0
- end
- local lastLine = lines[#lines]
- if offset > lastLine.finish then
- return #lines, lastLine.finish - lastLine.start + 1
- end
- local min = 1
- local max = #lines
- for _ = 1, 100 do
- if max <= min then
- local line = lines[min]
- return min, offset - line.start + 1
- end
- local row = (max - min) // 2 + min
- local line = lines[row]
- if offset < line.start then
- max = row - 1
- elseif offset > line.finish then
- min = row + 1
- else
- return row, offset - line.start + 1
- end
- end
- error('Stack overflow!')
---- 获取坐标对应的偏移
----@param lines table
----@param row integer
----@param col integer
----@return integer {name = 'offset'}
-function m.offsetOf(lines, row, col)
- if row < 1 then
- return 0
- end
- if row > #lines then
- local lastLine = lines[#lines]
- return lastLine.finish
- end
- local line = lines[row]
- local len = line.finish - line.start + 1
- if col < 0 then
- return line.start
- elseif col > len then
- return line.finish
- else
- return line.start + col - 1
- end
-function m.lineContent(lines, text, row)
- local line = lines[row]
- if not line then
- return ''
- end
- return text:sub(line.start, line.finish)
-function m.lineRange(lines, row)
- local line = lines[row]
- if not line then
- return 0, 0
- end
- return line.start, line.finish
-function m.getName(obj)
- local tp = obj.type
- if tp == 'getglobal'
- or tp == 'setglobal' then
- return obj[1]
- elseif tp == 'local'
- or tp == 'getlocal'
- or tp == 'setlocal' then
- return obj[1]
- elseif tp == 'getfield'
- or tp == 'setfield'
- or tp == 'tablefield' then
- return obj.field[1]
- elseif tp == 'getmethod'
- or tp == 'setmethod' then
- return obj.method[1]
- elseif tp == 'getindex'
- or tp == 'setindex'
- or tp == 'tableindex' then
- return m.getName(obj.index)
- elseif tp == 'field'
- or tp == 'method' then
- return obj[1]
- elseif tp == 'index' then
- return m.getName(obj.index)
- elseif tp == 'string' then
- return obj[1]
- end
- return nil
-function m.getKeyName(obj)
- local tp = obj.type
- if tp == 'getglobal'
- or tp == 'setglobal' then
- return 's|' .. obj[1]
- elseif tp == 'getfield'
- or tp == 'setfield'
- or tp == 'tablefield' then
- if obj.field then
- return 's|' .. obj.field[1]
- end
- elseif tp == 'getmethod'
- or tp == 'setmethod' then
- if obj.method then
- return 's|' .. obj.method[1]
- end
- elseif tp == 'getindex'
- or tp == 'setindex'
- or tp == 'tableindex' then
- if obj.index then
- return m.getKeyName(obj.index)
- end
- elseif tp == 'field'
- or tp == 'method' then
- return 's|' .. obj[1]
- elseif tp == 'string' then
- local s = obj[1]
- if s then
- return 's|' .. s
- else
- return s
- end
- elseif tp == 'number' then
- local n = obj[1]
- if n then
- return ('n|%q'):format(obj[1])
- else
- return 'n'
- end
- elseif tp == 'boolean' then
- local b = obj[1]
- if b then
- return 'b|' .. tostring(b)
- else
- return 'b'
- end
- end
- return nil
-function m.getENV(ast)
- if ast.type ~= 'main' then
- return nil
- end
- return ast.locals[1]
---- 测试 a 到 b 的路径(不经过函数,不考虑 goto),
---- 每个路径是一个 block 。
---- 如果 a 在 b 的前面,返回 `"before"` 加上 2个`list<block>`
---- 如果 a 在 b 的后面,返回 `"after"` 加上 2个`list<block>`
---- 否则返回 `false`
---- 返回的2个 `list` 分别为基准block到达 a 与 b 的路径。
----@param a table
----@param b table
----@return string|boolean mode
----@return table|nil pathA
----@return table|nil pathB
-function m.getPath(a, b)
- --- 首先测试双方在同一个函数内
- if m.getParentFunction(a) ~= m.getParentFunction(b) then
- return false
- end
- local mode
- local objA
- local objB
- if a.finish < b.start then
- mode = 'before'
- objA = a
- objB = b
- elseif a.start > b.finish then
- mode = 'after'
- objA = b
- objB = a
- else
- return 'equal', {}, {}
- end
- local pathA = {}
- local pathB = {}
- for _ = 1, 1000 do
- objA = m.getParentBlock(objA)
- pathA[#pathA+1] = objA
- if objA.type == 'function' or objA.type == 'main' then
- break
- end
- end
- for _ = 1, 1000 do
- objB = m.getParentBlock(objB)
- pathB[#pathB+1] = objB
- if objB.type == 'function' or objB.type == 'main' then
- break
- end
- end
- -- pathA: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
- -- pathB: {5, 6, 2, 3}
- local top = #pathB
- local start
- for i = #pathA, 1, -1 do
- local currentBlock = pathA[i]
- if currentBlock == pathB[top] then
- start = i
- break
- end
- end
- -- pathA: { 1, 2, 3}
- -- pathB: {5, 6, 2, 3}
- local extra = 0
- local align = top - start
- for i = start, 1, -1 do
- local currentA = pathA[i]
- local currentB = pathB[i+align]
- if currentA ~= currentB then
- extra = i
- break
- end
- end
- -- pathA: {1}
- local resultA = {}
- for i = extra, 1, -1 do
- resultA[#resultA+1] = pathA[i]
- end
- -- pathB: {5, 6}
- local resultB = {}
- for i = extra + align, 1, -1 do
- resultB[#resultB+1] = pathB[i]
- end
- return mode, resultA, resultB
-return m