path: root/script/parser/lines.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'script/parser/lines.lua')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/script/parser/lines.lua b/script/parser/lines.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2f076e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/parser/lines.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+local m = require 'lpeglabel'
+local function utf8_len(buf, start, finish)
+ local len, pos = utf8.len(buf, start, finish)
+ if len then
+ return len
+ end
+ return 1 + utf8_len(buf, start, pos-1) + utf8_len(buf, pos+1, finish)
+local function Line(start, line, finish)
+ line.start = start
+ line.finish = finish - 1
+ return line
+local function Space(...)
+ local line = {...}
+ local sp = 0
+ local tab = 0
+ for i = 1, #line do
+ if line[i] == ' ' then
+ sp = sp + 1
+ elseif line[i] == '\t' then
+ tab = tab + 1
+ end
+ line[i] = nil
+ end
+ line.sp = sp
+ = tab
+ return line
+local parser = m.P{
+Lines = m.Ct(m.V'Line'^0 * m.V'LastLine'),
+Line = m.Cp() * m.V'Indent' * (1 - m.V'Nl')^0 * m.Cp() * m.V'Nl' / Line,
+LastLine= m.Cp() * m.V'Indent' * (1 - m.V'Nl')^0 * m.Cp() / Line,
+Nl = m.P'\r\n' + m.S'\r\n',
+Indent = m.C(m.S' \t')^0 / Space,
+local mt = {}
+mt.__index = mt
+function mt:position(row, col, code)
+ if row < 1 then
+ return 1
+ end
+ code = code or self.code
+ if row > #self then
+ if code == 'utf8' then
+ return utf8_len(self.buf) + 1
+ else
+ return #self.buf + 1
+ end
+ end
+ local line = self[row]
+ local next_line = self[row+1]
+ local start = line.start
+ local finish
+ if next_line then
+ finish = next_line.start - 1
+ else
+ finish = #self.buf + 1
+ end
+ local pos
+ if code == 'utf8' then
+ pos = utf8.offset(self.buf, col, start) or finish
+ else
+ pos = start + col - 1
+ end
+ if pos < start then
+ pos = start
+ elseif pos > finish then
+ pos = finish
+ end
+ return pos
+local function isCharByte(byte)
+ if not byte then
+ return false
+ end
+ -- [0-9]
+ if byte >= 48 and byte <= 57 then
+ return true
+ end
+ -- [A-Z]
+ if byte >= 65 and byte <= 90 then
+ return true
+ end
+ -- [a-z]
+ if byte >= 97 and byte <= 122 then
+ return true
+ end
+ -- <utf8>
+ if byte >= 128 then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function mt:positionAsChar(row, col, code)
+ local pos = self:position(row, col, code)
+ if isCharByte(self.buf:byte(pos, pos)) then
+ return pos
+ elseif isCharByte(self.buf:byte(pos+1, pos+1)) then
+ return pos + 1
+ end
+ return pos
+function mt:rowcol(pos, code)
+ if pos < 1 then
+ return 1, 1
+ end
+ code = code or self.code
+ if pos >= #self.buf + 1 then
+ local start = self[#self].start
+ if code == 'utf8' then
+ return #self, utf8_len(self.buf, start) + 1
+ else
+ return #self, #self.buf - start + 2
+ end
+ end
+ local min = 1
+ local max = #self
+ for _ = 1, 100 do
+ if max == min then
+ local start = self[min].start
+ if code == 'utf8' then
+ return min, utf8_len(self.buf, start, pos)
+ else
+ return min, pos - start + 1
+ end
+ end
+ local row = (max - min) // 2 + min
+ local start = self[row].start
+ if pos < start then
+ max = row
+ elseif pos > start then
+ local next_start = self[row + 1].start
+ if pos < next_start then
+ if code == 'utf8' then
+ return row, utf8_len(self.buf, start, pos)
+ else
+ return row, pos - start + 1
+ end
+ elseif pos > next_start then
+ min = row + 1
+ else
+ return row + 1, 1
+ end
+ else
+ return row, 1
+ end
+ end
+ error('rowcol failed!')
+function mt:line(i)
+ local start, finish = self:range(i)
+ return self.buf:sub(start, finish)
+function mt:range(i)
+ if i < 1 or i > #self then
+ return 0, 0
+ end
+ return self[i].start, self[i].finish
+function mt:set_code(code)
+ self.code = code
+return function (self, buf, code)
+ local lines, err = parser:match(buf)
+ if not lines then
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ lines.buf = buf
+ lines.code = code
+ return setmetatable(lines, mt)