path: root/script/cli/doc/export.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'script/cli/doc/export.lua')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/script/cli/doc/export.lua b/script/cli/doc/export.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a8c3239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/cli/doc/export.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+local ws = require 'workspace'
+local vm = require 'vm'
+local guide = require ''
+local getDesc = require 'core.hover.description'
+local getLabel = require 'core.hover.label'
+local jsonb = require 'json-beautify'
+local util = require 'utility'
+local markdown = require 'provider.markdown'
+---@alias doctype
+---| 'doc.alias'
+---| 'doc.class'
+---| 'doc.field'
+---| ''
+---| ''
+---| 'doc.type.function'
+---| 'doc.type.table'
+---| 'funcargs'
+---| 'function'
+---| 'function.return'
+---| 'global.type'
+---| 'global.variable'
+---| 'local'
+---| 'luals.config'
+---| 'self'
+---| 'setfield'
+---| 'setglobal'
+---| 'setindex'
+---| 'setmethod'
+---| 'tableindex'
+---| 'type'
+---@class docUnion broadest possible collection of exported docs, these are never all together.
+---@field [1] string in name when table, always the same as view
+---@field args docUnion[] list of argument docs passed to function
+---@field async boolean has @async tag
+---@field defines docUnion[] list of places where this is doc is defined and how its defined there
+---@field deprecated boolean has @deprecated tag
+---@field desc string code commentary
+---@field extends string | docUnion ? what type this 'is'. string:<Parent_Class> for type: 'type', docUnion for type: 'function', string<primative> for other type 's
+---@field fields docUnion[] class's fields
+---@field file string path to where this token is defined
+---@field finish [integer, integer] 0-indexed [line, column] position of end of token
+---@field name string canonical name
+---@field rawdesc string same as desc, but may have other things for types doc.retun andr doc.param (unused?)
+---@field returns docUnion | docUnion[] list of docs for return values. if singluar, then always {type: 'undefined'}? might be a bug.
+---@field start [integer, integer] 0-indexed [line, column] position of start of token
+---@field type doctype role that this token plays in documentation. different from the 'type'/'class' this token is
+---@field types docUnion[] type union? unclear. seems to be related to alias, maybe
+---@field view string full method name, class, basal type, or unknown. in name table same as [1]
+---@field visible 'package'|'private'|'protected'|'public' visibilty tag
+local export = {}
+function export.getLocalPath(uri)
+ --remove uri root (and prefix)
+ local local_file_uri = uri
+ local i, j = local_file_uri:find(DOC)
+ if not j then
+ return '[FORIEGN]'..uri
+ end
+ return local_file_uri:sub( j + 1 )
+function export.positionOf(rowcol)
+ return type(rowcol) == 'table' and guide.positionOf(rowcol[1], rowcol[2]) or -1
+function export.sortDoc(a,b)
+ if ~= then
+ return <
+ end
+ if a.file ~= b.file then
+ return a.file < b.file
+ end
+ return export.positionOf(a.start) < export.positionOf(b.start)
+--- recursively generate documentation all parser objects downstream of `source`
+---@param source parser.object |
+---@param has_seen table? keeps track of visited nodes in documentation tree
+---@return docUnion | [docUnion] | string | number | boolean | nil
+function export.documentObject(source, has_seen)
+ --is this a primative type? then we dont need to process it.
+ if type(source) ~= 'table' then return source end
+ --set up/check recursion
+ if not has_seen then has_seen = {} end
+ if has_seen[source] then
+ return nil
+ end
+ has_seen[source] = true
+ --is this an array type? then process each array item and collect it
+ if (#source > 0 and next(source, #source) == nil) then
+ local objs = {} --make a pure numerical array
+ for i, child in ipairs(source) do
+ objs[i] = export.documentObject(child, has_seen)
+ end
+ return objs
+ end
+ --if neither, then this is a singular docUnion
+ local obj = export.makeDocObject['INIT'](source, has_seen)
+ --check if this source has a type (no type sources are usually autogen'd anon functions's return values that are not explicitly stated)
+ if not obj.type then return obj end
+ local res = export.makeDocObject[obj.type](source, obj, has_seen)
+ if res == false then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return res or obj
+---Switch statement table. functions can be overriden by user file.
+export.makeDocObject = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, k)
+ return function()
+ --print('DocError: no type "'..k..'"')
+ end
+export.makeDocObject['INIT'] = function(source, has_seen)
+ ---@as docUnion
+ local ok, desc = pcall(getDesc, source)
+ local rawok, rawdesc = pcall(getDesc, source, true)
+ return {
+ type = source.cate or source.type,
+ name = export.documentObject((source.getCodeName and source:getCodeName()) or, has_seen),
+ start = source.start and {guide.rowColOf(source.start)},
+ finish = source.finish and {guide.rowColOf(source.finish)},
+ types = export.documentObject(source.types, has_seen),
+ view = vm.getInfer(source):view(ws.rootUri),
+ desc = ok and desc or nil,
+ rawdesc = rawok and rawdesc or nil,
+ }
+export.makeDocObject['doc.alias'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+export.makeDocObject['doc.field'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ if source.field.type == '' then
+ = source.field[1]
+ else
+ = ('[%s]'):format(vm.getInfer(source.field):view(ws.rootUri))
+ end
+ obj.file = export.getLocalPath(guide.getUri(source))
+ obj.extends = source.extends and export.documentObject(source.extends, has_seen) --check if bug?
+ obj.async = vm.isAsync(source, true) and true or false --if vm.isAsync(set, true) then result.defines[#result.defines].extends['async'] = true end
+ obj.deprecated = vm.getDeprecated(source) and true or false -- if (depr and not depr.versions) the result.defines[#result.defines].extends['deprecated'] = true end
+ obj.visible = vm.getVisibleType(source)
+export.makeDocObject['doc.class'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ local extends = source.extends or source.value --doc.class or other
+ local field = source.field or source.method
+ = type(field) == 'table' and field[1] or nil
+ obj.file = export.getLocalPath(guide.getUri(source))
+ obj.extends = extends and export.documentObject(extends, has_seen)
+ obj.async = vm.isAsync(source, true) and true or false
+ obj.deprecated = vm.getDeprecated(source) and true or false
+ obj.visible = vm.getVisibleType(source)
+export.makeDocObject[''] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ obj['[1]'] = export.documentObject(source[1], has_seen)
+ obj.view = source[1]
+export.makeDocObject[''] = export.makeDocObject['']
+export.makeDocObject['doc.type.function'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ obj.args = export.documentObject(source.args, has_seen)
+ obj.returns = export.documentObject(source.returns, has_seen)
+export.makeDocObject['doc.type.table'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ obj.fields = export.documentObject(source.fields, has_seen)
+export.makeDocObject['funcargs'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ local objs = {} --make a pure numerical array
+ for i, child in ipairs(source) do
+ objs[i] = export.documentObject(child, has_seen)
+ end
+ return objs
+export.makeDocObject['function'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ obj.args = export.documentObject(source.args, has_seen)
+ obj.view = getLabel(source, source.parent.type == 'setmethod')
+ local _, _, max = vm.countReturnsOfFunction(source)
+ if max > 0 then obj.returns = {} end
+ for i = 1, max do
+ obj.returns[i] = export.documentObject(vm.getReturnOfFunction(source, i), has_seen) --check if bug?
+ end
+export.makeDocObject['function.return'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ obj.desc = source.comment and getDesc(source.comment)
+ obj.rawdesc = source.comment and getDesc(source.comment, true)
+export.makeDocObject['local'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ = source[1]
+export.makeDocObject['luals.config'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+export.makeDocObject['self'] = export.makeDocObject['local']
+export.makeDocObject['setfield'] = export.makeDocObject['doc.class']
+export.makeDocObject['setglobal'] = export.makeDocObject['doc.class']
+export.makeDocObject['setindex'] = export.makeDocObject['doc.class']
+export.makeDocObject['setmethod'] = export.makeDocObject['doc.class']
+export.makeDocObject['tableindex'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ = source.index[1]
+export.makeDocObject['type'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ if export.makeDocObject['variable'](source, obj, has_seen) == false then
+ return false
+ end
+ obj.fields = {}
+ vm.getClassFields(ws.rootUri, source, vm.ANY, function (next_source, mark)
+ if next_source.type == 'doc.field'
+ or next_source.type == 'setfield'
+ or next_source.type == 'setmethod'
+ or next_source.type == 'tableindex'
+ then
+ table.insert(obj.fields, export.documentObject(next_source, has_seen))
+ end
+ end)
+ table.sort(obj.fields, export.sortDoc)
+export.makeDocObject['variable'] = function(source, obj, has_seen)
+ obj.defines = {}
+ for _, set in ipairs(source:getSets(ws.rootUri)) do
+ if set.type == 'setglobal'
+ or set.type == 'setfield'
+ or set.type == 'setmethod'
+ or set.type == 'setindex'
+ or set.type == 'doc.alias'
+ or set.type == 'doc.class'
+ then
+ table.insert(obj.defines, export.documentObject(set, has_seen))
+ end
+ end
+ if #obj.defines == 0 then return false end
+ table.sort(obj.defines, export.sortDoc)
+---gathers the globals that are to be exported in documentation
+---@return table globals
+function export.gatherGlobals()
+ local all_globals = vm.getAllGlobals()
+ local globals = {}
+ for _, g in pairs(all_globals) do
+ table.insert(globals, g)
+ end
+ return globals
+---builds a lua table of based on `globals` and their elements
+---@param globals table
+---@param callback fun(i, max)
+function export.makeDocs(globals, callback)
+ local docs = {}
+ for i, global in ipairs(globals) do
+ table.insert(docs, export.documentObject(global))
+ callback(i, #globals)
+ end
+ table.sort(docs, export.sortDoc)
+ return docs
+---takes the table from `makeDocs`, serializes it, and exports it
+---@param docs table
+---@param outputDir string
+---@return boolean ok, string[] outputPaths, (string|nil)[]? errs
+function export.serializeAndExport(docs, outputDir)
+ local jsonPath = outputDir .. '/doc.json'
+ local mdPath = outputDir .. '/'
+ --export to json
+ local old_jsonb_supportSparseArray = jsonb.supportSparseArray
+ jsonb.supportSparseArray = true
+ local jsonOk, jsonErr = util.saveFile(jsonPath, jsonb.beautify(docs))
+ jsonb.supportSparseArray = old_jsonb_supportSparseArray
+ --export to markdown
+ local md = markdown()
+ for _, class in ipairs(docs) do
+ md:add('md', '# ' ..
+ md:emptyLine()
+ md:add('md', class.desc)
+ md:emptyLine()
+ if class.defines then
+ for _, define in ipairs(class.defines) do
+ if define.extends then
+ md:add('lua', define.extends.view)
+ md:emptyLine()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if class.fields then
+ local mark = {}
+ for _, field in ipairs(class.fields) do
+ if not mark[] then
+ mark[] = true
+ md:add('md', '## ' ..
+ md:emptyLine()
+ md:add('lua', field.extends.view)
+ md:emptyLine()
+ md:add('md', field.desc)
+ md:emptyLine()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ md:splitLine()
+ end
+ local mdOk, mdErr = util.saveFile(mdPath, md:string())
+ --error checking save file
+ if( not (jsonOk and mdOk) ) then
+ return false, {jsonPath, mdPath}, {jsonErr, mdErr}
+ end
+ return true, {jsonPath, mdPath}
+return export \ No newline at end of file