path: root/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/sound.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/sound.lua')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/love2d b/meta/3rd/love2d
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+Subproject dad72a7eae31f35bf4c6529e5b81f6187b5b737
diff --git a/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/sound.lua b/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/sound.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe47d10..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/sound.lua
+++ /dev/null
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----This module is responsible for decoding sound files. It can't play the sounds, see for that.
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----@class love.sound
-love.sound = {}
----Attempts to find a decoder for the encoded sound data in the specified file.
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----@overload fun(filename: string, buffer?: number):love.Decoder
----@param file love.File # The file with encoded sound data.
----@param buffer? number # The size of each decoded chunk, in bytes.
----@return love.Decoder decoder # A new Decoder object.
-function love.sound.newDecoder(file, buffer) end
----Creates new SoundData from a filepath, File, or Decoder. It's also possible to create SoundData with a custom sample rate, channel and bit depth.
----The sound data will be decoded to the memory in a raw format. It is recommended to create only short sounds like effects, as a 3 minute song uses 30 MB of memory this way.
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----@overload fun(file: love.File):love.SoundData
----@overload fun(decoder: love.Decoder):love.SoundData
----@overload fun(samples: number, rate?: number, bits?: number, channels?: number):love.SoundData
----@param filename string # The file name of the file to load.
----@return love.SoundData soundData # A new SoundData object.
-function love.sound.newSoundData(filename) end
----An object which can gradually decode a sound file.
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----@class love.Decoder: love.Object
-local Decoder = {}
----Creates a new copy of current decoder.
----The new decoder will start decoding from the beginning of the audio stream.
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----@return love.Decoder decoder # New copy of the decoder.
-function Decoder:clone() end
----Decodes the audio and returns a SoundData object containing the decoded audio data.
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----@return love.SoundData soundData # Decoded audio data.
-function Decoder:decode() end
----Returns the number of bits per sample.
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----@return number bitDepth # Either 8, or 16.
-function Decoder:getBitDepth() end
----Returns the number of channels in the stream.
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----@return number channels # 1 for mono, 2 for stereo.
-function Decoder:getChannelCount() end
----Gets the duration of the sound file. It may not always be sample-accurate, and it may return -1 if the duration cannot be determined at all.
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----@return number duration # The duration of the sound file in seconds, or -1 if it cannot be determined.
-function Decoder:getDuration() end
----Returns the sample rate of the Decoder.
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----@return number rate # Number of samples per second.
-function Decoder:getSampleRate() end
----Sets the currently playing position of the Decoder.
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----@param offset number # The position to seek to, in seconds.
-function Decoder:seek(offset) end
----Contains raw audio samples.
----You can not play SoundData back directly. You must wrap a Source object around it.
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----@class love.SoundData: love.Data, love.Object
-local SoundData = {}
----Returns the number of bits per sample.
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----@return number bitdepth # Either 8, or 16.
-function SoundData:getBitDepth() end
----Returns the number of channels in the SoundData.
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----@return number channels # 1 for mono, 2 for stereo.
-function SoundData:getChannelCount() end
----Gets the duration of the sound data.
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----@return number duration # The duration of the sound data in seconds.
-function SoundData:getDuration() end
----Gets the value of the sample-point at the specified position. For stereo SoundData objects, the data from the left and right channels are interleaved in that order.
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----@overload fun(self: love.SoundData, i: number, channel: number):number
----@param i number # An integer value specifying the position of the sample (starting at 0).
----@return number sample # The normalized samplepoint (range -1.0 to 1.0).
-function SoundData:getSample(i) end
----Returns the number of samples per channel of the SoundData.
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----@return number count # Total number of samples.
-function SoundData:getSampleCount() end
----Returns the sample rate of the SoundData.
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----@return number rate # Number of samples per second.
-function SoundData:getSampleRate() end
----Sets the value of the sample-point at the specified position. For stereo SoundData objects, the data from the left and right channels are interleaved in that order.
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----@overload fun(self: love.SoundData, i: number, channel: number, sample: number)
----@param i number # An integer value specifying the position of the sample (starting at 0).
----@param sample number # The normalized samplepoint (range -1.0 to 1.0).
-function SoundData:setSample(i, sample) end