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2 files changed, 131 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty.lrucache.lua b/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty.lrucache.lua
index 3d5cf7b4..c7e675b9 100644
--- a/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty.lrucache.lua
+++ b/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty.lrucache.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,115 @@
-function resty_lrucache.delete(self, key) end
-function end
-function resty_lrucache.set(self, key, value, ttl) end
-function resty_lrucache.flush_all(self) end
-function resty_lrucache.get(self, key) end
-return resty_lrucache \ No newline at end of file
+---@class resty.lrucache : table
+local lrucache = {
+ _VERSION = "0.11",
+--- User flags value associated with the item to be stored.
+--- It can be retrieved later with the item. The user flags are stored as an
+--- unsigned 32-bit integer internally, and thus must be specified as a Lua
+--- number. If not specified, flags will have a default value of 0. This
+--- argument was added in the v0.10 release.
+---@alias resty.lrucache.flags integer
+--- Creates a new cache instance.
+--- Upon failure, returns nil and a string describing the error.
+---@param max_items number specifies the maximal number of items this cache can hold.
+---@return resty.lrucache? cache
+---@return string? error
+function end
+--- Sets a key with a value and an expiration time.
+--- When the cache is full, the cache will automatically evict the least
+--- recently used item.
+---@param key string
+---@param value any
+---@param ttl? number Expiration time, in seconds. If omitted, the value never expires.
+---@param flags? resty.lrucache.flags
+function lrucache:set(key, value, ttl, flags) end
+--- Fetches a value with the key.
+--- If the key does not exist in the cache or has already expired, `nil` will
+--- be returned.
+--- Starting from v0.03, the stale data is also returned as the second return
+--- value if available.
+---@param key string
+---@return any? data
+---@return any? stale_data
+---@return resty.lrucache.flags? integer
+function lrucache:get(key) end
+--- Removes an item specified by the key from the cache.
+---@param key string
+function lrucache:delete(key) end
+--- Returns the number of items currently stored in the cache, including expired
+--- items if any.
+--- The returned count value will always be greater or equal to 0 and smaller
+--- than or equal to the size argument given to cache:new.
+--- This method was added in the v0.10 release.
+---@return integer
+function lrucache:count() end
+--- Returns the maximum number of items the cache can hold.
+--- The return value is the same as the size argument given to
+--- `` when the cache was created.
+--- This method was added in the v0.10 release.
+---@return integer
+function lrucache:capacity() end
+--- Fetch the list of keys currently inside the cache, up to `max_count`.
+--- The keys will be ordered in MRU fashion (Most-Recently-Used keys first).
+--- This function returns a Lua (array) table (with integer keys) containing
+--- the keys.
+--- When `max_count` is `nil` or `0`, all keys (if any) will be returned.
+--- When provided with a `res` table argument, this function will not allocate a
+--- table and will instead insert the keys in `res`, along with a trailing `nil`
+--- value.
+--- This method was added in the v0.10 release.
+---@param max_count? integer
+---@param res? table
+---@return table keys
+function lrucache:get_keys(max_count, res) end
+--- Flushes all the existing data (if any) in the current cache instance.
+--- This is an O(1) operation and should be much faster than creating a brand
+--- new cache instance.
+--- Note however that the `flush_all()` method of `resty.lrucache.pureffi` is any
+--- O(n) operation.
+function lrucache:flush_all() end
+return lrucache \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty.lrucache.pureffi.lua b/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty.lrucache.pureffi.lua
index d36f147e..af5e9821 100644
--- a/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty.lrucache.pureffi.lua
+++ b/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty.lrucache.pureffi.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
-function resty_lrucache_pureffi.delete(self, key) end
-function, load_factor) end
-function resty_lrucache_pureffi.set(self, key, value, ttl) end
-function resty_lrucache_pureffi.flush_all(self) end
-function resty_lrucache_pureffi.get(self, key) end
-return resty_lrucache_pureffi \ No newline at end of file
+---@class resty.lrucache.pureffi : resty.lrucache
+local lrucache_pureffi = {
+ _VERSION = "0.11",
+--- Creates a new cache instance.
+--- Upon failure, returns nil and a string describing the error.
+---@param max_items number specifies the maximal number of items this cache can hold.
+---@param load_factor? number designates the "load factor" of the FFI-based hash-table used internally by `resty.lrucache.pureffi`; the default value is 0.5 (i.e. 50%); if the load factor is specified, it will be clamped to the range of [0.1, 1] (i.e. if load factor is greater than 1, it will be saturated to 1; likewise, if load-factor is smaller than 0.1, it will be clamped to 0.1).
+---@return resty.lrucache.pureffi? cache
+---@return string? error
+function, load_factor) end
+return lrucache_pureffi \ No newline at end of file