diff options
11 files changed, 1263 insertions, 1289 deletions
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/assign-type-mismatch.lua b/test/diagnostics/assign-type-mismatch.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5aacb168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/diagnostics/assign-type-mismatch.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+local config = require 'config'
+TEST [[
+local m = {}
+---@type integer[]
+m.ints = {}
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x A
+---@type A
+local t
+t.x = {}
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x integer
+---@type A
+local t
+<!t.x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x integer
+---@type A
+local t
+---@type boolean
+local y
+<!t.x!> = y
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local m
+m.x = 1
+---@type A
+local t
+<!t.x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local m
+---@type integer
+m.x = 1
+<!m.x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local mt
+---@type integer
+mt.x = 1
+function mt:init()
+ <!self.x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x integer
+---@type A
+local t = {
+ <!x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean[]
+local t = {}
+t[5] = nil
+TEST [[
+---@type table<string, true>
+local t = {}
+t['x'] = nil
+TEST [[
+local t = { true }
+t[1] = nil
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local t = {
+ x = 1
+<!t.x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local t
+t = 1
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local t
+---@type integer
+local y
+t = y
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local m
+---@type number
+m.x = 1
+<!m.x!> = {}
+TEST [[
+local n
+if G then
+ n = {}
+ n = nil
+local t = {
+ x = n,
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean[]
+local t = {}
+---@type boolean?
+local x
+t[#t+1] = x
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local n
+---@type integer
+local i
+<?i?> = n
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.castNumberToInteger', true)
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local n
+---@type integer
+local i
+i = n
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.castNumberToInteger', false)
+TEST [[
+---@type number|boolean
+local nb
+---@type number
+local n
+<?n?> = nb
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', true)
+TEST [[
+---@type number|boolean
+local nb
+---@type number
+local n
+n = nb
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', false)
+TEST [[
+---@class Option: string
+---@param x Option
+local function f(x) end
+---@type Option
+local x = 'aaa'
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', true)
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local <!x!> = 'aaa'
+TEST [[
+---@class X
+---@class A
+local mt = G
+---@type X
+mt._x = nil
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', false)
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakNilCheck', true)
+TEST [[
+---@type number?
+local nb
+---@type number
+local n
+n = nb
+TEST [[
+---@type number|nil
+local nb
+---@type number
+local n
+n = nb
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakNilCheck', false)
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local a = {}
+---@class B
+local <!b!> = a
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local a = {}
+---@class B: A
+local b = a
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local a = {}
+a.__index = a
+---@class B: A
+local b = setmetatable({}, a)
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local a = {}
+---@class B: A
+local b = setmetatable({}, {__index = a})
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local a = {}
+---@class B
+local <!b!> = setmetatable({}, {__index = a})
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x number?
+local a
+---@class B
+---@field x number
+local b
+b.x = a.x
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x number?
+local a
+---@type number
+local t
+t = a.x
+TEST [[
+local mt = {}
+mt.x = 1
+mt.x = nil
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', true)
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local x = G
+TEST [[
+---@generic T
+---@param x T
+---@return T
+local function f(x)
+ return x
+config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', false)
+TEST [[
+---@alias test boolean
+---@type test
+local <!test!> = 4
+TEST [[
+---@class MyClass
+local MyClass = {}
+function MyClass:new()
+ ---@class MyClass
+ local myObject = setmetatable({
+ initialField = true
+ }, self)
+ print(myObject.initialField)
+TEST [[
+---@class T
+local t = {
+ x = nil
+t.x = 1
+TEST [[
+---@type {[1]: string, [10]: number, xx: boolean}
+local t = {
+ <!true!>,
+ <![10]!> = 's',
+ <!xx!> = 1,
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean[]
+local t = { <!1!>, <!2!>, <!3!> }
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean[]
+local t = { true, false, nil }
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean|nil
+local x
+---@type boolean[]
+local t = { true, false, x }
+TEST [[
+---@enum Enum
+local t = {
+ x = 1,
+ y = 2,
+---@type Enum
+local y
+---@type integer
+local x = y
+TEST [[
+---@type string|string[]|string[][]
+local t = {{'a'}}
+TEST [[
+local A = "Hello"
+local B = "World"
+---@alias myLiteralAliases `A` | `B`
+---@type myLiteralAliases
+local x = A
+TEST [[
+local enum = { a = 1, b = 2 }
+---@type { [integer] : boolean }
+local t = {
+ <![enum.a]!> = 1,
+ <![enum.b]!> = 2,
+ <![3]!> = 3,
+TEST [[
+---@class SomeClass
+---@field [1] string
+-- ...
+---@param some_param SomeClass|SomeClass[]
+local function some_fn(some_param) return end
+some_fn { { "test" } } -- <- diagnostic: "Cannot assign `table` to `string`."
+TEST [[
+---@type string[]
+local arr = {
+ <!3!>,
+TEST [[
+---@type (string|boolean)[]
+local arr2 = {
+ <!3!>, -- no warnings
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/cast-local-type.lua b/test/diagnostics/cast-local-type.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f79bf48d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/diagnostics/cast-local-type.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+TEST [[
+local x = 0
+<!x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@type integer
+local x
+<!x!> = true
+TEST [[
+---@type unknown
+local x
+x = nil
+TEST [[
+---@type unknown
+local x
+x = 1
+TEST [[
+---@type unknown|nil
+local x
+x = 1
+TEST [[
+local x = {}
+x = nil
+TEST [[
+---@type string
+local x
+<?x?> = nil
+TEST [[
+---@type string?
+local x
+x = nil
+TEST [[
+---@type table
+local x
+<!x!> = nil
+TEST [[
+local x
+x = nil
+TEST [[
+---@type integer
+local x
+---@type number
+<!x!> = f()
+TEST [[
+---@type number
+local x
+---@type integer
+x = f()
+TEST [[
+---@type number|boolean
+local x
+---@type string
+<!x!> = f()
+TEST [[
+---@type number|boolean
+local x
+---@type boolean
+x = f()
+TEST [[
+---@type number|boolean
+local x
+---@type boolean|string
+<!x!> = f()
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean
+local x
+if not x then
+ return
+x = f()
+TEST [[
+---@type boolean
+local x
+---@type integer
+local y
+<!x!> = y
+TEST [[
+local y = true
+local x
+x = 1
+x = y
+TEST [[
+local t = {}
+local x = 0
+x = x + #t
+TEST [[
+local x = 0
+x = 1.0
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local t = {}
+---@type A
+local a
+t = a
+TEST [[
+---@type integer
+local x
+x = 1.0
+TEST [[
+---@type integer
+local x
+<!x!> = 1.5
+TEST [[
+---@type integer
+local x
+x = 1 + G
+TEST [[
+---@type integer
+local x
+x = 1 + G
+TEST [[
+---@alias A integer
+---@type A
+local a
+---@type integer
+local b
+b = a
+TEST [[
+---@type string[]
+local t
+<!t!> = 'xxx'
+TEST [[
+---@type 1|2
+local x
+x = 1
+x = 2
+<!x!> = 3
+TEST [[
+---@type 'x'|'y'
+local x
+x = 'x'
+x = 'y'
+<!x!> = 'z'
+TEST [[
+local t = {
+ x = 1,
+local x
+t[x] = true
+TEST [[
+---@type table<string, string>
+local x
+---@type table<number, string>
+local y
+<!x!> = y
+TEST [[
+---@type table<string, string>
+local x
+---@type table<string, number>
+local y
+<!x!> = y
+TEST [[
+---@type table<string, string>
+local x
+---@type table<string, string>
+local y
+x = y
+TEST [[
+---@type { x: number, y: number }
+local t1
+---@type { x: number }
+local t2
+<!t1!> = t2
+TEST [[
+---@type { x: number, [integer]: number }
+local t1
+---@type { x: number }
+local t2
+<!t1!> = t2
+TEST [[
+local x
+if X then
+ x = 'A'
+elseif X then
+ x = 'B'
+ x = 'C'
+local y = x
+<!y!> = nil
+(function (diags)
+ local diag = diags[1]
+ assert(diag.message == [[
+已显式定义变量的类型为 `string` ,不能再将其类型转换为 `nil`。
+- `nil` 无法匹配 `string`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `string`]])
+TEST [[
+---@type 'A'|'B'|'C'|'D'|'E'|'F'|'G'|'H'|'I'|'J'|'K'|'L'|'M'|'N'|'O'|'P'|'Q'|'R'|'S'|'T'|'U'|'V'|'W'|'X'|'Y'|'Z'
+local x
+<!x!> = nil
+(function (diags)
+ local diag = diags[1]
+ assert(diag.message == [[
+已显式定义变量的类型为 `'A'|'B'|'C'|'D'|'E'...(+21)` ,不能再将其类型转换为 `nil`。
+- `nil` 无法匹配 `'A'|'B'|'C'|'D'|'E'...(+21)`
+- `nil` 无法匹配 `'A'|'B'|'C'|'D'|'E'...(+21)` 中的任何子类
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'Z'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'Y'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'X'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'W'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'V'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'U'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'T'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'S'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'R'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'Q'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'C'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'B'`
+- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'A'`]])
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/cast-type-mismatch.lua b/test/diagnostics/cast-type-mismatch.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fba58f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/diagnostics/cast-type-mismatch.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+TEST [[
+---@type string|boolean
+local t
+---@cast t string
+TEST [[
+---@type string|boolean
+local t
+---@cast t <!number!>
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/init.lua b/test/diagnostics/init.lua
index 96720342..302bb0a9 100644
--- a/test/diagnostics/init.lua
+++ b/test/diagnostics/init.lua
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ for key in pairs(status) do
status[key] = 'Any!'
+config.set('nil', 'Lua.type.castNumberToInteger', false)
+config.set('nil', 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', false)
+config.set('nil', 'Lua.type.weakNilCheck', false)
rawset(_G, 'TEST', true)
local function founded(targets, results)
@@ -34,11 +38,13 @@ function TEST(script)
files.setText(TESTURI, newScript)
local origins = {}
+ local filteds = {}
local results = {}
core(TESTURI, false, function (result)
if DIAG_CARE == result.code
or DIAG_CARE == '*' then
results[#results+1] = { result.start, result.finish }
+ filteds[#filteds+1] = result
origins[#origins+1] = result
@@ -54,38 +60,7 @@ function TEST(script)
return function (callback)
- callback(origins)
- end
-function TESTWITH(code)
- return function (script)
- local newScript, catched = catch(script, '!')
- files.setText(TESTURI, newScript)
- local origins = {}
- local results = {}
- core(TESTURI, false, function (result)
- if code ~= result.code then
- return
- end
- results[#results+1] = { result.start, result.finish }
- origins[#origins+1] = result
- end)
- if results[1] then
- if not founded(catched['!'] or {}, results) then
- error(('%s\n%s'):format(util.dump(catched['!']), util.dump(results)))
- end
- else
- assert(#catched['!'] == 0)
- end
- files.remove(TESTURI)
- return function (callback)
- callback(origins)
- end
+ callback(filteds)
@@ -105,7 +80,14 @@ check 'undefined-env-child'
check 'newline-call'
check 'newfield-call'
check 'redundant-parameter'
-require 'diagnostics.type-check'
+check 'cast-local-type'
+check 'assign-type-mismatch'
+check 'cast-type-mismatch'
+check 'need-check-nil'
+check 'return-type-mismatch'
+check 'missing-return'
+check 'missing-return-value'
+check 'redundant-return-value'
require 'diagnostics.incomplete-signature-doc'
require 'diagnostics.missing-global-doc'
require 'diagnostics.missing-local-export-doc'
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/missing-return-value.lua b/test/diagnostics/missing-return-value.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e45bb4d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/diagnostics/missing-return-value.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+TEST [[
+---@type fun():number
+local function f()
+ <!return!>
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/missing-return.lua b/test/diagnostics/missing-return.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e5a99c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/diagnostics/missing-return.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+TEST [[
+---@type fun():number
+local function f()
+TEST [[
+---@type fun():number?
+local function f()
+TEST [[
+---@type fun():...
+local function f()
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/need-check-nil.lua b/test/diagnostics/need-check-nil.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..246fc655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/diagnostics/need-check-nil.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+TEST [[
+---@type string?
+local x
+local s = <!x!>:upper()
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/param-type-mismatch.lua b/test/diagnostics/param-type-mismatch.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a4bfcb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/diagnostics/param-type-mismatch.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+TEST [[
+---@param x number
+local function f(x) end
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@param n A
+local function f(n)
+---@class B
+local a = {}
+---@type A?
+a.x = XX
+TEST [[
+---@alias A string|boolean
+---@param x string|boolean
+local function f(x) end
+---@type A
+local x
+TEST [[
+---@alias A string|boolean
+---@param x A
+local function f(x) end
+---@type string|boolean
+local x
+TEST [[
+---@param b boolean
+local function f(b)
+---@type boolean
+local t
+if t then
+ f(t)
+TEST [[
+---@enum A
+local t = {
+ x = 1,
+ y = 2,
+---@param x A
+local function f(x)
+TEST [[
+---@enum A
+local t = {
+ x = { h = 1 },
+ y = { h = 2 },
+---@param x A
+local function f(x)
+f(<!{ h = 1 }!>)
+TEST [[
+---@generic T: string | boolean | table
+---@param x T
+---@return T
+local function f(x)
+ return x
+TEST [[
+---@param opts {a:number, b:number}
+local function foo(opts)
+---@param opts {a:number, b:number}
+local function bar(opts)
+ foo(opts)
+TEST [[
+---@param opts {a:number, b:number}
+local function foo(opts)
+---@param opts {c:number, d:number}
+local function bar(opts)
+ foo(<!opts!>) -- this should raise linting error
+TEST [[
+---@param opts {[number]: boolean}
+local function foo(opts)
+---@param opts {[1]: boolean}
+local function bar(opts)
+ foo(opts)
+TEST [[
+---@generic T
+---@param v1 T
+---@param v2 T|table
+local function func(v1, v2)
+func('hello', 'world')
+TEST [[
+---@generic T1, T2, T3, T4, T5
+---@param f fun(): T1?, T2?, T3?, T4?, T5?
+---@return T1?, T2?, T3?, T4?, T5?
+local function foo(f)
+ return f()
+local a, b = foo(function()
+ return 1
+TEST [[
+---@generic T1, T2, T3, T4, T5
+---@param f fun(): T1|nil, T2|nil, T3|nil, T4|nil, T5|nil
+---@return T1?, T2?, T3?, T4?, T5?
+local function foo(f)
+ return f()
+local a, b = foo(function()
+ return 1
+TEST [[
+---@param v integer
+---@return boolean
+local function is_string(v)
+ return type(v) == 'string'
+TEST [[
+---@param p integer|string
+local function get_val(p)
+ local is_number = type(p) == 'number'
+ return is_number and p or p
+TEST [[
+---@class Class
+local Class = {}
+---@param source string
+function Class.staticCreator(source)
+Class<!:!>staticCreator() -- Expecting a waring
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@class B : A
+---@class C : B
+---@class D : B
+---@param x A
+local function func(x) end
+---@type C|D
+local var
+TEST [[
+---@class MyClass
+---@overload fun(x : string) : MyClass
+local MyClass = {}
+local w = MyClass(<!1!>)
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/redundant-return-value.lua b/test/diagnostics/redundant-return-value.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c406e69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/diagnostics/redundant-return-value.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+TEST [[
+---@type fun():number
+local function f()
+ return 1, <!true!>
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/return-type-mismatch.lua b/test/diagnostics/return-type-mismatch.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aaf7807f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/diagnostics/return-type-mismatch.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+TEST [[
+---@return number
+function F()
+ return <!true!>
+TEST [[
+---@return number?
+function F()
+ return 1
+TEST [[
+---@return number?
+function F()
+ return nil
+TEST [[
+---@return number, number
+local function f()
+ return 1, 1
+---@return number, boolean
+function F()
+ return <!f()!>
+TEST [[
+---@return boolean, number
+local function f()
+ return true, 1
+---@return number, boolean
+function F()
+ return <!f()!>
+TEST [[
+---@return boolean, number?
+local function f()
+ return true, 1
+---@return number, boolean
+function F()
+ return 1, f()
+TEST [[
+---@return number, number?
+local function f()
+ return 1, 1
+---@return number, boolean, number
+function F()
+ return 1, <!f()!>
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x number?
+---@return number
+function F()
+ ---@type A
+ local t
+ return t.x
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+---@field x number?
+local t = {}
+---@return number
+function F()
+ return t.x
+TEST [[
+---@param ... number
+local function f(...)
+TEST [[
+---@return number
+function F()
+ local n = 0
+ if true then
+ n = 1
+ end
+ return n
+TEST [[
+---@param x boolean
+---@return number
+---@overload fun(): boolean
+local function f(x)
+ if x then
+ return 1
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+TEST [[
+---@param x boolean
+---@return number
+---@overload fun()
+local function f(x)
+ if x then
+ return 1
+ else
+ return
+ end
+TEST [[
+---@param x boolean
+---@return number
+---@overload fun()
+local function f(x)
+ if x then
+ return 1
+ end
+TEST [[
+---@param x boolean
+---@return number
+---@overload fun(): boolean, boolean
+local function f(x)
+ if x then
+ return 1
+ else
+ return false, false
+ end
+TEST [[
+---@type fun():number
+local function f()
+ return <!true!>
diff --git a/test/diagnostics/type-check.lua b/test/diagnostics/type-check.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ef05bac..00000000
--- a/test/diagnostics/type-check.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1256 +0,0 @@
-local config = require 'config'
-TEST [[
-local x = 0
-<!x!> = true
-TEST [[
----@type integer
-local x
-<!x!> = true
-TEST [[
----@type unknown
-local x
-x = nil
-TEST [[
----@type unknown
-local x
-x = 1
-TEST [[
----@type unknown|nil
-local x
-x = 1
-TEST [[
-local x = {}
-x = nil
-TEST [[
----@type string
-local x
-<?x?> = nil
-TEST [[
----@type string?
-local x
-x = nil
-TEST [[
----@type table
-local x
-<!x!> = nil
-TEST [[
-local x
-x = nil
-TEST [[
----@type integer
-local x
----@type number
-<!x!> = f()
-TEST [[
----@type number
-local x
----@type integer
-x = f()
-TEST [[
----@type number|boolean
-local x
----@type string
-<!x!> = f()
-TEST [[
----@type number|boolean
-local x
----@type boolean
-x = f()
-TEST [[
----@type number|boolean
-local x
----@type boolean|string
-<!x!> = f()
-TEST [[
----@type boolean
-local x
-if not x then
- return
-x = f()
-TEST [[
----@type boolean
-local x
----@type integer
-local y
-<!x!> = y
-TEST [[
-local y = true
-local x
-x = 1
-x = y
-TEST [[
-local t = {}
-local x = 0
-x = x + #t
-TEST [[
-local x = 0
-x = 1.0
-TEST [[
----@class A
-local t = {}
----@type A
-local a
-t = a
-TEST [[
-local m = {}
----@type integer[]
-m.ints = {}
-TEST [[
----@class A
----@field x A
----@type A
-local t
-t.x = {}
-TEST [[
----@class A
----@field x integer
----@type A
-local t
-<!t.x!> = true
-TEST [[
----@class A
----@field x integer
----@type A
-local t
----@type boolean
-local y
-<!t.x!> = y
-TEST [[
----@class A
-local m
-m.x = 1
----@type A
-local t
-<!t.x!> = true
-TEST [[
----@class A
-local m
----@type integer
-m.x = 1
-<!m.x!> = true
-TEST [[
----@class A
-local mt
----@type integer
-mt.x = 1
-function mt:init()
- <!self.x!> = true
-TEST [[
----@class A
----@field x integer
----@type A
-local t = {
- <!x!> = true
-TEST [[
----@type boolean[]
-local t = {}
-t[5] = nil
-TEST [[
----@type table<string, true>
-local t = {}
-t['x'] = nil
-TEST [[
-local t = { true }
-t[1] = nil
-TEST [[
----@class A
-local t = {
- x = 1
-<!t.x!> = true
-TEST [[
----@type number
-local t
-t = 1
-TEST [[
----@type number
-local t
----@type integer
-local y
-t = y
-TEST [[
----@class A
-local m
----@type number
-m.x = 1
-<!m.x!> = {}
-TEST [[
----@param x number
-local function f(x) end
-TEST [[
----@type integer
-local x
-x = 1.0
-TEST [[
----@type integer
-local x
-<!x!> = 1.5
-TEST [[
----@type integer
-local x
-x = 1 + G
-TEST [[
----@type integer
-local x
-x = 1 + G
-TEST [[
----@alias A integer
----@type A
-local a
----@type integer
-local b
-b = a
-TEST [[
----@type string|boolean
-local t
----@cast t string
-TEST [[
----@type string|boolean
-local t
----@cast t <!number!>
-TEST [[
-local n
-if G then
- n = {}
- n = nil
-local t = {
- x = n,
-TEST [[
----@class A
----@param n A
-local function f(n)
----@class B
-local a = {}
----@type A?
-a.x = XX
-TEST [[
----@type string?
-local x
-local s = <!x!>:upper()
-TEST [[
----@alias A string|boolean
----@param x string|boolean
-local function f(x) end
----@type A
-local x
-TEST [[
----@alias A string|boolean
----@param x A
-local function f(x) end
----@type string|boolean
-local x
-TEST [[
----@type boolean[]
-local t = {}
----@type boolean?
-local x
-t[#t+1] = x
-TEST [[
----@type number
-local n
----@type integer
-local i
-<?i?> = n
-config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.castNumberToInteger', true)
-TEST [[
----@type number
-local n
----@type integer
-local i
-i = n
-config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.castNumberToInteger', false)
-TEST [[
----@type number|boolean
-local nb
----@type number
-local n
-<?n?> = nb
-config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', true)
-TEST [[
----@type number|boolean
-local nb
----@type number
-local n
-n = nb
-config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', false)
-TEST [[
----@class Option: string
----@param x Option
-local function f(x) end
----@type Option
-local x = 'aaa'
-TEST [[
----@type number
-local <!x!> = 'aaa'
-TEST [[
----@return number
-function F()
- return <!true!>
-TEST [[
----@return number?
-function F()
- return 1
-TEST [[
----@return number?
-function F()
- return nil
-TEST [[
----@return number, number
-local function f()
- return 1, 1
----@return number, boolean
-function F()
- return <!f()!>
-TEST [[
----@return boolean, number
-local function f()
- return true, 1
----@return number, boolean
-function F()
- return <!f()!>
-TEST [[
----@return boolean, number?
-local function f()
- return true, 1
----@return number, boolean
-function F()
- return 1, f()
-TEST [[
----@return number, number?
-local function f()
- return 1, 1
----@return number, boolean, number
-function F()
- return 1, <!f()!>
-TEST [[
----@class A
----@field x number?
----@return number
-function F()
- ---@type A
- local t
- return t.x
-TEST [[
----@class A
----@field x number?
-local t = {}
----@return number
-function F()
- return t.x
-TEST [[
----@param ... number
-local function f(...)
-TEST [[
----@return number
-function F()
- local n = 0
- if true then
- n = 1
- end
- return n
-TEST [[
----@class X
----@class A
-local mt = G
----@type X
-mt._x = nil
-config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakNilCheck', true)
-TEST [[
----@type number?
-local nb
----@type number
-local n
-n = nb
-TEST [[
----@type number|nil
-local nb
----@type number
-local n
-n = nb
-config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakNilCheck', false)
-TEST [[
----@class A
-local a = {}
----@class B
-local <!b!> = a
-TEST [[
----@class A
-local a = {}
----@class B: A
-local b = a
-TEST [[
----@class A
-local a = {}
-a.__index = a
----@class B: A
-local b = setmetatable({}, a)
-TEST [[
----@class A
-local a = {}
----@class B: A
-local b = setmetatable({}, {__index = a})
-TEST [[
----@class A
-local a = {}
----@class B
-local <!b!> = setmetatable({}, {__index = a})
-TEST [[
----@class A
----@field x number?
-local a
----@class B
----@field x number
-local b
-b.x = a.x
-TEST [[
----@class A
----@field x number?
-local a
----@type number
-local t
-t = a.x
-TEST [[
-local mt = {}
-mt.x = 1
-mt.x = nil
-TEST [[
----@type string[]
-local t
-<!t!> = 'xxx'
-TEST [[
----@param b boolean
-local function f(b)
----@type boolean
-local t
-if t then
- f(t)
-config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', true)
-TEST [[
----@type number
-local x = G
-TEST [[
----@generic T
----@param x T
----@return T
-local function f(x)
- return x
-config.set(nil, 'Lua.type.weakUnionCheck', false)
-TEST [[
----@type 1|2
-local x
-x = 1
-x = 2
-<!x!> = 3
-TEST [[
----@type 'x'|'y'
-local x
-x = 'x'
-x = 'y'
-<!x!> = 'z'
-TEST [[
----@enum A
-local t = {
- x = 1,
- y = 2,
----@param x A
-local function f(x)
-TEST [[
----@enum A
-local t = {
- x = { h = 1 },
- y = { h = 2 },
----@param x A
-local function f(x)
-f(<!{ h = 1 }!>)
-TEST [[
-local t = {
- x = 1,
-local x
-t[x] = true
-TEST [[
----@param x boolean
----@return number
----@overload fun(): boolean
-local function f(x)
- if x then
- return 1
- else
- return false
- end
-TEST [[
----@param x boolean
----@return number
----@overload fun()
-local function f(x)
- if x then
- return 1
- else
- return
- end
-TEST [[
----@param x boolean
----@return number
----@overload fun()
-local function f(x)
- if x then
- return 1
- end
-TEST [[
----@param x boolean
----@return number
----@overload fun(): boolean, boolean
-local function f(x)
- if x then
- return 1
- else
- return false, false
- end
-TEST [[
----@alias test boolean
----@type test
-local <!test!> = 4
-TEST [[
----@class MyClass
-local MyClass = {}
-function MyClass:new()
- ---@class MyClass
- local myObject = setmetatable({
- initialField = true
- }, self)
- print(myObject.initialField)
-TEST [[
----@class T
-local t = {
- x = nil
-t.x = 1
-TEST [[
----@generic T: string | boolean | table
----@param x T
----@return T
-local function f(x)
- return x
-TEST [[
----@type table<string, string>
-local x
----@type table<number, string>
-local y
-<!x!> = y
-TEST [[
----@type table<string, string>
-local x
----@type table<string, number>
-local y
-<!x!> = y
-TEST [[
----@type table<string, string>
-local x
----@type table<string, string>
-local y
-x = y
-TEST [[
----@param opts {a:number, b:number}
-local function foo(opts)
----@param opts {a:number, b:number}
-local function bar(opts)
- foo(opts)
-TEST [[
----@param opts {a:number, b:number}
-local function foo(opts)
----@param opts {c:number, d:number}
-local function bar(opts)
- foo(<!opts!>) -- this should raise linting error
-TEST [[
----@param opts {[number]: boolean}
-local function foo(opts)
----@param opts {[1]: boolean}
-local function bar(opts)
- foo(opts)
-TEST [[
----@type {[1]: string, [10]: number, xx: boolean}
-local t = {
- <!true!>,
- <![10]!> = 's',
- <!xx!> = 1,
-TEST [[
----@type { x: number, y: number }
-local t1
----@type { x: number }
-local t2
-<!t1!> = t2
-TEST [[
----@type { x: number, [integer]: number }
-local t1
----@type { x: number }
-local t2
-<!t1!> = t2
-TEST [[
----@type boolean[]
-local t = { <!1!>, <!2!>, <!3!> }
-TEST [[
----@type boolean[]
-local t = { true, false, nil }
-TEST [[
----@type boolean|nil
-local x
----@type boolean[]
-local t = { true, false, x }
-TEST [[
----@type fun():number
-local function f()
-TEST [[
----@type fun():number
-local function f()
- <!return!>
-TEST [[
----@type fun():number?
-local function f()
-TEST [[
----@type fun():...
-local function f()
-TEST [[
----@type fun():number
-local function f()
- return 1, <!true!>
-TEST [[
----@type fun():number
-local function f()
- return <!true!>
-TEST [[
----@enum Enum
-local t = {
- x = 1,
- y = 2,
----@type Enum
-local y
----@type integer
-local x = y
-TEST [[
----@generic T
----@param v1 T
----@param v2 T|table
-local function func(v1, v2)
-func('hello', 'world')
-TEST [[
----@generic T1, T2, T3, T4, T5
----@param f fun(): T1?, T2?, T3?, T4?, T5?
----@return T1?, T2?, T3?, T4?, T5?
-local function foo(f)
- return f()
-local a, b = foo(function()
- return 1
-TEST [[
----@generic T1, T2, T3, T4, T5
----@param f fun(): T1|nil, T2|nil, T3|nil, T4|nil, T5|nil
----@return T1?, T2?, T3?, T4?, T5?
-local function foo(f)
- return f()
-local a, b = foo(function()
- return 1
-TEST [[
----@type string|string[]|string[][]
-local t = {{'a'}}
-TEST [[
-local A = "Hello"
-local B = "World"
----@alias myLiteralAliases `A` | `B`
----@type myLiteralAliases
-local x = A
-TEST [[
-local enum = { a = 1, b = 2 }
----@type { [integer] : boolean }
-local t = {
- <![enum.a]!> = 1,
- <![enum.b]!> = 2,
- <![3]!> = 3,
-TEST [[
-local x
-if X then
- x = 'A'
-elseif X then
- x = 'B'
- x = 'C'
-local y = x
-<!y!> = nil
-(function (diags)
- local diag = diags[1]
- assert(diag.message == [[
-已显式定义变量的类型为 `string` ,不能再将其类型转换为 `nil`。
-- `nil` 无法匹配 `string`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `string`]])
-TEST [[
----@type 'A'|'B'|'C'|'D'|'E'|'F'|'G'|'H'|'I'|'J'|'K'|'L'|'M'|'N'|'O'|'P'|'Q'|'R'|'S'|'T'|'U'|'V'|'W'|'X'|'Y'|'Z'
-local x
-<!x!> = nil
-(function (diags)
- local diag = diags[1]
- assert(diag.message == [[
-已显式定义变量的类型为 `'A'|'B'|'C'|'D'|'E'...(+21)` ,不能再将其类型转换为 `nil`。
-- `nil` 无法匹配 `'A'|'B'|'C'|'D'|'E'...(+21)`
-- `nil` 无法匹配 `'A'|'B'|'C'|'D'|'E'...(+21)` 中的任何子类
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'Z'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'Y'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'X'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'W'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'V'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'U'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'T'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'S'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'R'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'Q'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'C'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'B'`
-- 类型 `nil` 无法匹配 `'A'`]])
-TEST [[
----@param v integer
----@return boolean
-local function is_string(v)
- return type(v) == 'string'
-TEST [[
----@class SomeClass
----@field [1] string
--- ...
----@param some_param SomeClass|SomeClass[]
-local function some_fn(some_param) return end
-some_fn { { "test" } } -- <- diagnostic: "Cannot assign `table` to `string`."
-TEST [[
----@param p integer|string
-local function get_val(p)
- local is_number = type(p) == 'number'
- return is_number and p or p
-TESTWITH 'param-type-mismatch' [[
----@class Class
-local Class = {}
----@param source string
-function Class.staticCreator(source)
-Class<!:!>staticCreator() -- Expecting a waring
-TESTWITH 'assign-type-mismatch' [[
----@type string[]
-local arr = {
- <!3!>,
-TESTWITH 'assign-type-mismatch' [[
----@type (string|boolean)[]
-local arr2 = {
- <!3!>, -- no warnings
-TEST [[
----@class A
----@class B : A
----@class C : B
----@class D : B
----@param x A
-local function func(x) end
----@type C|D
-local var
-TEST [[
----@class MyClass
----@overload fun(x : string) : MyClass
-local MyClass = {}
-local w = MyClass(<!1!>)