diff options
4 files changed, 720 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/parser/calcline.lua b/src/parser/calcline.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef0bfa3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/calcline.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+local m = require 'lpeglabel'
+local row
+local fl
+local NL = (m.P'\r\n' + m.S'\r\n') * m.Cp() / function (pos)
+ row = row + 1
+ fl = pos
+local ROWCOL = (NL + m.P(1))^0
+local function rowcol(str, n)
+ row = 1
+ fl = 1
+ ROWCOL:match(str:sub(1, n))
+ local col = n - fl + 1
+ return row, col
+local NL = m.P'\r\n' + m.S'\r\n'
+local function line(str, row)
+ local count = 0
+ local res
+ local LINE = m.Cmt((1 - NL)^0, function (_, _, c)
+ count = count + 1
+ if count == row then
+ res = c
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+ end)
+ local MATCH = (LINE * NL)^0 * LINE
+ MATCH:match(str)
+ return res
+return {
+ rowcol = rowcol,
+ line = line,
diff --git a/src/parser/grammar.lua b/src/parser/grammar.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eedbd8da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/grammar.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+local re = require 'parser.relabel'
+local m = require 'lpeglabel'
+local calcline = require 'parser.calcline'
+local scriptBuf = ''
+local compiled = {}
+local parser
+local defs = setmetatable({}, {__index = function (self, key)
+ self[key] = function (...)
+ if parser[key] then
+ return parser[key](...)
+ end
+ end
+ return self[key]
+ = (m.P'\r\n' + m.S'\r\n') / function ()
+ if then
+ return
+ end
+defs.s = m.S' \t'
+defs.S = - defs.s
+defs.ea = '\a'
+defs.eb = '\b'
+defs.ef = '\f'
+defs.en = '\n' = '\r' = '\t'
+defs.ev = '\v'
+local eof = re.compile '!. / %{SYNTAX_ERROR}'
+local function grammar(tag)
+ return function (script)
+ scriptBuf = script .. '\r\n' .. scriptBuf
+ compiled[tag] = re.compile(scriptBuf, defs) * eof
+ end
+local labels = {
+local function errorpos(lua, pos, err)
+ local row, col = calcline.rowcol(lua, pos)
+ local str = calcline.line(lua, row)
+ return {
+ lua = lua,
+ line = row,
+ pos = col,
+ err = err,
+ code = str,
+ level = 'error',
+ }
+grammar 'Comment' [[
+Comment <- '--' (LongComment / ShortComment)
+LongComment <- '[' {:eq: '='* :} '[' CommentClose
+CommentClose <- ']' =eq ']' / . CommentClose
+ShortComment <- (!%nl .)*
+grammar 'Sp' [[
+Sp <- (Comment / %nl / %s)*
+grammar 'Common' [[
+Cut <- ![a-zA-Z0-9_]
+X16 <- [a-fA-F0-9]
+AND <- Sp 'and' Cut
+BREAK <- Sp 'break' Cut
+DO <- Sp 'do' Cut
+ELSE <- Sp 'else' Cut
+ELSEIF <- Sp 'elseif' Cut
+END <- Sp 'end' Cut
+FALSE <- Sp 'false' Cut
+FOR <- Sp 'for' Cut
+FUNCTION <- Sp 'function' Cut
+GOTO <- Sp 'goto' Cut
+IF <- Sp 'if' Cut
+IN <- Sp 'in' Cut
+LOCAL <- Sp 'local' Cut
+NIL <- Sp 'nil' Cut
+NOT <- Sp 'not' Cut
+OR <- Sp 'or' Cut
+REPEAT <- Sp 'repeat' Cut
+RETURN <- Sp 'return' Cut
+THEN <- Sp 'then' Cut
+TRUE <- Sp 'true' Cut
+UNTIL <- Sp 'until' Cut
+WHILE <- Sp 'while' Cut
+Esc <- '\' EChar
+EChar <- 'a' -> ea
+ / 'b' -> eb
+ / 'f' -> ef
+ / 'n' -> en
+ / 'r' -> er
+ / 't' -> et
+ / 'v' -> ev
+ / '\'
+ / '"'
+ / "'"
+ / %nl
+ / 'z' (%nl / %s)* -> ''
+ / 'x' X16 X16
+ / [0-9] [0-9]? [0-9]?
+ / 'u{' X16^+1^-6 '}'
+Comp <- Sp CompList
+CompList <- '<='
+ / '>='
+ / '<'
+ / '>'
+ / '~='
+ / '=='
+BOR <- Sp '|'
+BXOR <- Sp '~'
+BAND <- Sp '&'
+Bshift <- Sp BshiftList
+BshiftList <- '<<'
+ / '>>'
+Concat <- Sp '..'
+Adds <- Sp AddsList
+AddsList <- '+'
+ / '-'
+Muls <- Sp MulsList
+MulsList <- '*'
+ / '//'
+ / '/'
+ / '%'
+Unary <- Sp UnaryList
+UnaryList <- 'not'
+ / '#'
+ / '-'
+ / '~'
+POWER <- Sp '^'
+PL <- Sp '('
+PR <- Sp ')'
+BL <- Sp '['
+BR <- Sp ']'
+TL <- Sp '{'
+TR <- Sp '}'
+COMMA <- Sp ','
+SEMICOLON <- Sp ';'
+DOTS <- Sp '...'
+DOT <- Sp '.'
+COLON <- Sp ':'
+LABEL <- Sp '::'
+ASSIGN <- Sp '='
+grammar 'Nil' [[
+Nil <- NIL
+grammar 'Boolean' [[
+Boolean <- TRUE
+grammar 'String' [[
+String <- Sp StringDef
+StringDef <- '"' (Esc / !%nl !'"' .)* '"'
+ / "'" (Esc / !%nl !"'" .)* "'"
+ / '[' {:eq: '='* :} '[' StringClose
+StringClose <- ']' =eq ']' / . StringClose
+grammar 'Number' [[
+Number <- Sp NumberDef
+NumberDef <- Number16 / Number10
+Number10 <- Integer10 Float10
+Integer10 <- '0' / [1-9] [0-9]*
+Float10 <- ('.' [0-9]*)? ([eE] [+-]? [1-9]? [0-9]*)?
+Number16 <- Integer16 Float16
+Integer16 <- '0' [xX] X16*
+Float16 <- ('.' X16*)? ([pP] [+-]? [1-9]? [0-9]*)?
+grammar 'Name' [[
+Name <- Sp [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*
+grammar 'Exp' [[
+Exp <- ExpOr
+ExpOr <- ExpAnd (OR ExpAnd)*
+ExpAnd <- ExpCompare (AND ExpCompare)*
+ExpCompare <- ExpBor (Comp ExpBor)*
+ExpBor <- ExpBxor (BOR ExpBxor)*
+ExpBxor <- ExpBand (BXOR ExpBand)*
+ExpBand <- ExpBshift (BAND ExpBshift)*
+ExpBshift <- ExpConcat (Bshift ExpConcat)*
+ExpConcat <- ExpAdds (Concat ExpAdds)*
+ExpAdds <- ExpMuls (Adds ExpMuls)*
+ExpMuls <- ExpUnary (Muls ExpUnary)*
+ExpUnary <- (Unary ExpPower)
+ / ExpPower
+ExpPower <- ExpUnit (POWER ExpUnit)*
+ExpUnit <- Nil
+ / Boolean
+ / String
+ / Number
+ / DOTS
+ / Table
+ / Function
+ / Simple
+Simple <- Prefix (Suffix)*
+Prefix <- PL Exp PR
+ / Name
+Suffix <- DOT Name
+ / COLON Name
+ / Table
+ / String
+ / BL Exp BR
+ / PL ArgList? PR
+ArgList <- Arg (COMMA Arg)*
+Arg <- DOTS
+ / Exp
+Table <- TL TableFields? TR
+TableFields <- TableField (TableSep TableField)* TableSep?
+TableField <- NewIndex / NewField / Exp
+NewIndex <- BL Exp BR ASSIGN Exp
+NewField <- Name ASSIGN Exp
+Function <- FUNCTION PL ArgList? PR
+ (!END Action)*
+-- 纯占位,修改了 `relabel.lua` 使重复定义不抛错
+Action <- !. .
+grammar 'Action' [[
+Action <- SEMICOLON / Do / Break / Return / Label / GoTo / If / For / While / Repeat / Set / Call
+ExpList <- Exp (COMMA Exp)*
+Do <- DO (!END Action)* END
+Break <- BREAK
+Return <- RETURN ExpList?
+Label <- LABEL Name LABEL
+GoTo <- GOTO Name
+If <- IfPart
+ ElseIfPart*
+ ElsePart?
+IfPart <- IF Exp THEN
+ (!ELSEIF !ELSE !END Action)*
+ElseIfPart <- ELSEIF Exp THEN
+ (!ELSE !END Action)*
+ElsePart <- ELSE
+ (!END Action)*
+For <- Loop / In
+Loop <- FOR LoopStart LoopFinish LoopStep? DO
+ (!END Action)*
+LoopStart <- Name ASSIGN Exp
+LoopFinish <- COMMA Exp
+LoopStep <- COMMA Exp
+In <- FOR NameList IN ExpList DO
+ (!END Action)*
+NameList <- Name (COMMA Name)*
+While <- WHILE Exp DO
+ (!END Action)*
+Repeat <- REPEAT
+ (!UNTIL Action)*
+Set <- LOCAL Name ASSIGN Exp
+ / Simple ASSIGN Exp
+Call <- Prefix (Suffix)*
+grammar 'Lua' [[
+Lua <- (Sp Action)* Sp
+return function (lua, mode, parser_)
+ parser = parser_ or {}
+ mode = mode or 'lua'
+ local r, e, pos = compiled[mode]:match(lua)
+ if not r then
+ local err = errorpos(lua, pos, e)
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ return r
diff --git a/src/parser/init.lua b/src/parser/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2dbea59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+local api = {
+ grammar = require 'parser.grammar',
+return api
diff --git a/src/parser/relabel.lua b/src/parser/relabel.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc832017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/relabel.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+-- $Id: re.lua,v 1.44 2013/03/26 20:11:40 roberto Exp $
+-- imported functions and modules
+local tonumber, type, print, error = tonumber, type, print, error
+local pcall = pcall
+local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local tinsert, concat = table.insert, table.concat
+local rep = string.rep
+local m = require"lpeglabel"
+-- 'm' will be used to parse expressions, and 'mm' will be used to
+-- create expressions; that is, 're' runs on 'm', creating patterns
+-- on 'mm'
+local mm = m
+-- pattern's metatable
+local mt = getmetatable(mm.P(0))
+-- No more global accesses after this point
+local version = _VERSION
+if version == "Lua 5.2" then _ENV = nil end
+local any = m.P(1)
+local dummy = mm.P(false)
+local errinfo = {
+ NoPatt = "no pattern found",
+ ExtraChars = "unexpected characters after the pattern",
+ ExpPatt1 = "expected a pattern after '/'",
+ ExpPatt2 = "expected a pattern after '&'",
+ ExpPatt3 = "expected a pattern after '!'",
+ ExpPatt4 = "expected a pattern after '('",
+ ExpPatt5 = "expected a pattern after ':'",
+ ExpPatt6 = "expected a pattern after '{~'",
+ ExpPatt7 = "expected a pattern after '{|'",
+ ExpPatt8 = "expected a pattern after '<-'",
+ ExpPattOrClose = "expected a pattern or closing '}' after '{'",
+ ExpNumName = "expected a number, '+', '-' or a name (no space) after '^'",
+ ExpCap = "expected a string, number, '{}' or name after '->'",
+ ExpName1 = "expected the name of a rule after '=>'",
+ ExpName2 = "expected the name of a rule after '=' (no space)",
+ ExpName3 = "expected the name of a rule after '<' (no space)",
+ ExpLab1 = "expected a label after '{'",
+ ExpNameOrLab = "expected a name or label after '%' (no space)",
+ ExpItem = "expected at least one item after '[' or '^'",
+ MisClose1 = "missing closing ')'",
+ MisClose2 = "missing closing ':}'",
+ MisClose3 = "missing closing '~}'",
+ MisClose4 = "missing closing '|}'",
+ MisClose5 = "missing closing '}'", -- for the captures
+ MisClose6 = "missing closing '>'",
+ MisClose7 = "missing closing '}'", -- for the labels
+ MisClose8 = "missing closing ']'",
+ MisTerm1 = "missing terminating single quote",
+ MisTerm2 = "missing terminating double quote",
+local function expect (pattern, label)
+ return pattern + m.T(label)
+-- Pre-defined names
+local Predef = { nl = m.P"\n" }
+local mem
+local fmem
+local gmem
+local function updatelocale ()
+ mm.locale(Predef)
+ Predef.a = Predef.alpha
+ Predef.c = Predef.cntrl
+ Predef.d = Predef.digit
+ Predef.g = Predef.graph
+ Predef.l = Predef.lower
+ Predef.p = Predef.punct
+ Predef.s =
+ Predef.u = Predef.upper
+ Predef.w = Predef.alnum
+ Predef.x = Predef.xdigit
+ Predef.A = any - Predef.a
+ Predef.C = any - Predef.c
+ Predef.D = any - Predef.d
+ Predef.G = any - Predef.g
+ Predef.L = any - Predef.l
+ Predef.P = any - Predef.p
+ Predef.S = any - Predef.s
+ Predef.U = any - Predef.u
+ Predef.W = any - Predef.w
+ Predef.X = any - Predef.x
+ mem = {} -- restart memoization
+ fmem = {}
+ gmem = {}
+ local mt = {__mode = "v"}
+ setmetatable(mem, mt)
+ setmetatable(fmem, mt)
+ setmetatable(gmem, mt)
+local I = m.P(function (s,i) print(i, s:sub(1, i-1)); return i end)
+local function getdef (id, defs)
+ local c = defs and defs[id]
+ if not c then
+ error("undefined name: " .. id)
+ end
+ return c
+local function mult (p, n)
+ local np = mm.P(true)
+ while n >= 1 do
+ if n%2 >= 1 then np = np * p end
+ p = p * p
+ n = n/2
+ end
+ return np
+local function equalcap (s, i, c)
+ if type(c) ~= "string" then return nil end
+ local e = #c + i
+ if s:sub(i, e - 1) == c then return e else return nil end
+local S = ( + "--" * (any -^0)^0
+local name = m.C(m.R("AZ", "az", "__") * m.R("AZ", "az", "__", "09")^0)
+local arrow = S * "<-"
+-- a defined name only have meaning in a given environment
+local Def = name * m.Carg(1)
+local num = m.C(m.R"09"^1) * S / tonumber
+local String = "'" * m.C((any - "'" - m.P"\n")^0) * expect("'", "MisTerm1")
+ + '"' * m.C((any - '"' - m.P"\n")^0) * expect('"', "MisTerm2")
+local defined = "%" * Def / function (c,Defs)
+ local cat = Defs and Defs[c] or Predef[c]
+ if not cat then
+ error("name '" .. c .. "' undefined")
+ end
+ return cat
+local Range = m.Cs(any * (m.P"-"/"") * (any - "]")) / mm.R
+local item = defined + Range + m.C(any - m.P"\n")
+local Class =
+ "["
+ * (m.C(m.P"^"^-1)) -- optional complement symbol
+ * m.Cf(expect(item, "ExpItem") * (item - "]")^0, mt.__add)
+ / function (c, p) return c == "^" and any - p or p end
+ * expect("]", "MisClose8")
+local function adddef (t, k, exp)
+ if t[k] then
+ -- TODO 改了一下这里的代码,重复定义不会抛错
+ --error("'"..k.."' already defined as a rule")
+ else
+ t[k] = exp
+ end
+ return t
+local function firstdef (n, r) return adddef({n}, n, r) end
+local function NT (n, b)
+ if not b then
+ error("rule '"..n.."' used outside a grammar")
+ else return mm.V(n)
+ end
+local exp = m.P{ "Exp",
+ Exp = S * ( m.V"Grammar"
+ + m.Cf(m.V"Seq" * (S * "/" * expect(S * m.V"Seq", "ExpPatt1"))^0, mt.__add) );
+ Seq = m.Cf(m.Cc(m.P"") * m.V"Prefix" * (S * m.V"Prefix")^0, mt.__mul);
+ Prefix = "&" * expect(S * m.V"Prefix", "ExpPatt2") / mt.__len
+ + "!" * expect(S * m.V"Prefix", "ExpPatt3") / mt.__unm
+ + m.V"Suffix";
+ Suffix = m.Cf(m.V"Primary" *
+ ( S * ( m.P"+" * m.Cc(1, mt.__pow)
+ + m.P"*" * m.Cc(0, mt.__pow)
+ + m.P"?" * m.Cc(-1, mt.__pow)
+ + "^" * expect( m.Cg(num * m.Cc(mult))
+ + m.Cg(m.C(m.S"+-" * m.R"09"^1) * m.Cc(mt.__pow)
+ + name * m.Cc"lab"
+ ),
+ "ExpNumName")
+ + "->" * expect(S * ( m.Cg((String + num) * m.Cc(mt.__div))
+ + m.P"{}" * m.Cc(nil, m.Ct)
+ + m.Cg(Def / getdef * m.Cc(mt.__div))
+ ),
+ "ExpCap")
+ + "=>" * expect(S * m.Cg(Def / getdef * m.Cc(m.Cmt)),
+ "ExpName1")
+ )
+ )^0, function (a,b,f) if f == "lab" then return a + mm.T(b) else return f(a,b) end end );
+ Primary = "(" * expect(m.V"Exp", "ExpPatt4") * expect(S * ")", "MisClose1")
+ + String / mm.P
+ + Class
+ + defined
+ + "%" * expect(m.P"{", "ExpNameOrLab")
+ * expect(S * m.V"Label", "ExpLab1")
+ * expect(S * "}", "MisClose7") / mm.T
+ + "{:" * (name * ":" + m.Cc(nil)) * expect(m.V"Exp", "ExpPatt5")
+ * expect(S * ":}", "MisClose2")
+ / function (n, p) return mm.Cg(p, n) end
+ + "=" * expect(name, "ExpName2")
+ / function (n) return mm.Cmt(mm.Cb(n), equalcap) end
+ + m.P"{}" / mm.Cp
+ + "{~" * expect(m.V"Exp", "ExpPatt6")
+ * expect(S * "~}", "MisClose3") / mm.Cs
+ + "{|" * expect(m.V"Exp", "ExpPatt7")
+ * expect(S * "|}", "MisClose4") / mm.Ct
+ + "{" * expect(m.V"Exp", "ExpPattOrClose")
+ * expect(S * "}", "MisClose5") / mm.C
+ + m.P"." * m.Cc(any)
+ + (name * -arrow + "<" * expect(name, "ExpName3")
+ * expect(">", "MisClose6")) * m.Cb("G") / NT;
+ Label = num + name;
+ Definition = name * arrow * expect(m.V"Exp", "ExpPatt8");
+ Grammar = m.Cg(m.Cc(true), "G")
+ * m.Cf(m.V"Definition" / firstdef * (S * m.Cg(m.V"Definition"))^0,
+ adddef) / mm.P;
+local pattern = S * m.Cg(m.Cc(false), "G") * expect(exp, "NoPatt") / mm.P
+ * S * expect(-any, "ExtraChars")
+local function lineno (s, i)
+ if i == 1 then return 1, 1 end
+ local adjustment = 0
+ -- report the current line if at end of line, not the next
+ if s:sub(i,i) == '\n' then
+ i = i-1
+ adjustment = 1
+ end
+ local rest, num = s:sub(1,i):gsub("[^\n]*\n", "")
+ local r = #rest
+ return 1 + num, (r ~= 0 and r or 1) + adjustment
+local function calcline (s, i)
+ if i == 1 then return 1, 1 end
+ local rest, line = s:sub(1,i):gsub("[^\n]*\n", "")
+ local col = #rest
+ return 1 + line, col ~= 0 and col or 1
+local function splitlines(str)
+ local t = {}
+ local function helper(line) tinsert(t, line) return "" end
+ helper((str:gsub("(.-)\r?\n", helper)))
+ return t
+local function compile (p, defs)
+ if mm.type(p) == "pattern" then return p end -- already compiled
+ p = p .. " " -- for better reporting of column numbers in errors when at EOF
+ local ok, cp, label, poserr = pcall(function() return pattern:match(p, 1, defs) end)
+ if not ok and cp then
+ if type(cp) == "string" then
+ cp = cp:gsub("^[^:]+:[^:]+: ", "")
+ end
+ error(cp, 3)
+ end
+ if not cp then
+ local lines = splitlines(p)
+ local line, col = lineno(p, poserr)
+ local err = {}
+ tinsert(err, "L" .. line .. ":C" .. col .. ": " .. errinfo[label])
+ tinsert(err, lines[line])
+ tinsert(err, rep(" ", col-1) .. "^")
+ error("syntax error(s) in pattern\n" .. concat(err, "\n"), 3)
+ end
+ return cp
+local function match (s, p, i)
+ local cp = mem[p]
+ if not cp then
+ cp = compile(p)
+ mem[p] = cp
+ end
+ return cp:match(s, i or 1)
+local function find (s, p, i)
+ local cp = fmem[p]
+ if not cp then
+ cp = compile(p) / 0
+ cp = mm.P{ mm.Cp() * cp * mm.Cp() + 1 * mm.V(1) }
+ fmem[p] = cp
+ end
+ local i, e = cp:match(s, i or 1)
+ if i then return i, e - 1
+ else return i
+ end
+local function gsub (s, p, rep)
+ local g = gmem[p] or {} -- ensure gmem[p] is not collected while here
+ gmem[p] = g
+ local cp = g[rep]
+ if not cp then
+ cp = compile(p)
+ cp = mm.Cs((cp / rep + 1)^0)
+ g[rep] = cp
+ end
+ return cp:match(s)
+-- exported names
+local re = {
+ compile = compile,
+ match = match,
+ find = find,
+ gsub = gsub,
+ updatelocale = updatelocale,
+ calcline = calcline
+if version == "Lua 5.1" then = re end
+return re