path: root/script
diff options
authorPaul Emmerich <>2024-04-27 14:51:12 +0200
committerPaul Emmerich <>2024-04-27 14:51:12 +0200
commit38d83324671b4110614dbef30acef4a1543ee065 (patch)
treecc7a56089c88dde7d3a9fac45714e84b167538de /script
parent6b5e19597d88a219aac73cbccd6f88a4213e07aa (diff)
Add multi-process support to --check.
Set the parameter --num_threads to the desired number of worker tasks to potentially speed up --check. This works by spawning multiple sub-proccesses that each run the desired diagnostics on a subset of the workspace. Each process will still load and compile the entire workspace, so there are diminishing returns and memory usage increases linearly with the number of threads. Overall this can reduce the runtime by about ~50% for my projects, example results: Workspace 1, dominated by a few large/complex files 1 thread: 49.7 seconds 2 threads: 31.8 seconds 4 threads: 23.6 seconds 8 threads: 24.4 seconds Workspace 2, large number of small-ish files 1 thread: 96.0 seconds 2 threads: 76.5 seconds 4 threads: 49.5 seconds 8 threads: 38.1 seconds
Diffstat (limited to 'script')
3 files changed, 248 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/script/cli/check.lua b/script/cli/check.lua
index 3902c4aa..8b314f24 100644
--- a/script/cli/check.lua
+++ b/script/cli/check.lua
@@ -1,130 +1,96 @@
-local lclient = require 'lclient'()
-local furi = require 'file-uri'
-local ws = require 'workspace'
-local files = require 'files'
-local diag = require 'provider.diagnostic'
-local util = require 'utility'
-local jsonb = require 'json-beautify'
-local lang = require 'language'
-local define = require 'proto.define'
-local config = require 'config.config'
-local fs = require 'bee.filesystem'
-local provider = require 'provider'
+local lang = require 'language'
+local platform = require 'bee.platform'
+local subprocess = require 'bee.subprocess'
+local json = require 'json'
+local jsonb = require 'json-beautify'
+local util = require 'utility'
-require 'plugin'
-require 'vm'
+local numThreads = tonumber(NUM_THREADS or 1)
-if type(CHECK) ~= 'string' then
- print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_ERROR_TYPE', type(CHECK)))
- return
+local exe = arg[-1]
+-- TODO: is this necessary? got it from the shell.lua helper in bee.lua tests
+if platform.os == 'windows' and not exe:match('%.[eE][xX][eE]$') then
+ exe = exe..'.exe'
-local rootPath = fs.absolute(fs.path(CHECK)):string()
-local rootUri = furi.encode(rootPath)
-if not rootUri then
- print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_ERROR_URI', rootPath))
- return
+local function logFileForThread(threadId)
+ return LOGPATH .. '/check-partial-' .. threadId .. '.json'
-rootUri = rootUri:gsub("/$", "")
- if not define.DiagnosticSeverity[CHECKLEVEL] then
- print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_ERROR_LEVEL', 'Error, Warning, Information, Hint'))
- return
+local function buildArgs(threadId)
+ local args = {exe}
+ local skipNext = false
+ for i = 1, #arg do
+ local arg = arg[i]
+ -- --check needs to be transformed into --check_worker
+ if arg:lower():match('^%-%-check$') or arg:lower():match('^%-%-check=') then
+ args[#args + 1] = arg:gsub('%-%-%w*', '--check_worker')
+ -- --check_out_path needs to be removed if we have more than one thread
+ elseif arg:lower():match('%-%-check_out_path') and numThreads > 1 then
+ if not arg:match('%-%-%w*=') then
+ skipNext = true
+ end
+ else
+ if skipNext then
+ skipNext = false
+ else
+ args[#args + 1] = arg
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ args[#args + 1] = '--thread_id'
+ args[#args + 1] = tostring(threadId)
+ if numThreads > 1 then
+ args[#args + 1] = '--quiet'
+ args[#args + 1] = '--check_out_path'
+ args[#args + 1] = logFileForThread(threadId)
+ return args
-local checkLevel = define.DiagnosticSeverity[CHECKLEVEL] or define.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning
-local lastClock = os.clock()
-local results = {}
-local function errorhandler(err)
- print(err)
- print(debug.traceback())
+if numThreads > 1 then
+ print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_MULTIPLE_WORKERS', numThreads))
-xpcall(lclient.start, errorhandler, lclient, function (client)
- client:registerFakers()
- client:initialize {
- rootUri = rootUri,
- }
- client:register('textDocument/publishDiagnostics', function (params)
- results[params.uri] = params.diagnostics
- end)
- io.write(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_INITING'))
- provider.updateConfig(rootUri)
- ws.awaitReady(rootUri)
- local disables = util.arrayToHash(config.get(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.disable'))
- for name, serverity in pairs(define.DiagnosticDefaultSeverity) do
- serverity = config.get(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.severity')[name] or 'Warning'
- if serverity:sub(-1) == '!' then
- serverity = serverity:sub(1, -2)
- end
- if define.DiagnosticSeverity[serverity] > checkLevel then
- disables[name] = true
- end
+local procs = {}
+for i = 1, numThreads do
+ local process, err = subprocess.spawn({buildArgs(i)})
+ if err then
+ print(err)
- config.set(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.disable', util.getTableKeys(disables, true))
- local uris = files.getChildFiles(rootUri)
- local max = #uris
- for i, uri in ipairs(uris) do
- diag.doDiagnostic(uri, true)
- -- Print regularly but always print the last entry to ensure that logs written to files don't look incomplete.
- if os.clock() - lastClock > 0.2 or i == #uris then
- lastClock = os.clock()
- client:update()
- local output = '\x0D'
- .. ('>'):rep(math.ceil(i / max * 20))
- .. ('='):rep(20 - math.ceil(i / max * 20))
- .. ' '
- .. ('0'):rep(#tostring(max) - #tostring(i))
- .. tostring(i) .. '/' .. tostring(max)
- io.write(output)
- local filesWithErrors = 0
- local errors = 0
- for _, diags in pairs(results) do
- filesWithErrors = filesWithErrors + 1
- errors = errors + #diags
- end
- if errors > 0 then
- local errorDetails = ' [' .. lang.script('CLI_CHECK_PROGRESS', errors, filesWithErrors) .. ']'
- io.write(errorDetails)
- end
- io.flush()
- end
+ if process then
+ procs[#procs + 1] = process
- io.write('\x0D')
-local count = 0
-for uri, result in pairs(results) do
- count = count + #result
- if #result == 0 then
- results[uri] = nil
- end
+for _, process in ipairs(procs) do
+ process:wait()
-if count == 0 then
- print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_SUCCESS'))
- local outpath = CHECK_OUT_PATH
- if outpath == nil then
- outpath = LOGPATH .. '/check.json'
- end
- util.saveFile(outpath, jsonb.beautify(results))
+local outpath = CHECK_OUT_PATH
+if outpath == nil then
+ outpath = LOGPATH .. '/check.json'
- print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_RESULTS', count, outpath))
+if numThreads > 1 then
+ local mergedResults = {}
+ local count = 0
+ for i = 1, numThreads do
+ local result = json.decode(util.loadFile(logFileForThread(i)) or '[]')
+ for k, v in pairs(result) do
+ local entries = mergedResults[k] or {}
+ mergedResults[k] = entries
+ for _, entry in ipairs(v) do
+ entries[#entries + 1] = entry
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ util.saveFile(outpath, jsonb.beautify(mergedResults))
+ if count == 0 then
+ print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_SUCCESS'))
+ else
+ print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_RESULTS', count, outpath))
+ end
diff --git a/script/cli/check_worker.lua b/script/cli/check_worker.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8be88d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/cli/check_worker.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+local lclient = require 'lclient'()
+local furi = require 'file-uri'
+local ws = require 'workspace'
+local files = require 'files'
+local diag = require 'provider.diagnostic'
+local util = require 'utility'
+local jsonb = require 'json-beautify'
+local lang = require 'language'
+local define = require 'proto.define'
+local protoDiag = require 'proto.diagnostic'
+local config = require 'config.config'
+local fs = require 'bee.filesystem'
+local provider = require 'provider'
+require 'plugin'
+require 'vm'
+local numThreads = tonumber(NUM_THREADS or 1)
+local threadId = tonumber(THREAD_ID or 1)
+if type(CHECK_WORKER) ~= 'string' then
+ print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_ERROR_TYPE', type(CHECK_WORKER)))
+ return
+local rootPath = fs.absolute(fs.path(CHECK_WORKER)):string()
+local rootUri = furi.encode(rootPath)
+if not rootUri then
+ print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_ERROR_URI', rootPath))
+ return
+rootUri = rootUri:gsub("/$", "")
+ if not define.DiagnosticSeverity[CHECKLEVEL] then
+ print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_ERROR_LEVEL', 'Error, Warning, Information, Hint'))
+ return
+ end
+local checkLevel = define.DiagnosticSeverity[CHECKLEVEL] or define.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning
+-- Hash function used to distribute work.
+local function hashString(str)
+ local hash = 0
+ for i = 1, #str do
+ hash = (hash * 37 & 0xFFFFFFFF) + str:byte(i, i)
+ end
+ return hash
+local lastClock = os.clock()
+local results = {}
+local function errorhandler(err)
+ print(err)
+ print(debug.traceback())
+xpcall(lclient.start, errorhandler, lclient, function (client)
+ client:registerFakers()
+ client:initialize {
+ rootUri = rootUri,
+ }
+ client:register('textDocument/publishDiagnostics', function (params)
+ results[params.uri] = params.diagnostics
+ end)
+ if not QUIET then
+ io.write(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_INITING'))
+ end
+ provider.updateConfig(rootUri)
+ ws.awaitReady(rootUri)
+ local disables = util.arrayToHash(config.get(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.disable'))
+ for name, serverity in pairs(define.DiagnosticDefaultSeverity) do
+ serverity = config.get(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.severity')[name] or 'Warning'
+ if serverity:sub(-1) == '!' then
+ serverity = serverity:sub(1, -2)
+ end
+ if define.DiagnosticSeverity[serverity] > checkLevel then
+ disables[name] = true
+ end
+ end
+ config.set(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.disable', util.getTableKeys(disables, true))
+ -- Downgrade file opened status to Opened for everything to avoid reporting during compilation on files that do not belong to this thread
+ local diagStatus = config.get(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.neededFileStatus')
+ for diag, status in pairs(diagStatus) do
+ if status == 'Any' or status == 'Any!' then
+ diagStatus[diag] = 'Opened!'
+ end
+ end
+ for diag, status in pairs(protoDiag.getDefaultStatus()) do
+ if status == 'Any' or status == 'Any!' then
+ diagStatus[diag] = 'Opened!'
+ end
+ end
+ config.set(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.neededFileStatus', diagStatus)
+ local uris = files.getChildFiles(rootUri)
+ local max = #uris
+ for i, uri in ipairs(uris) do
+ local hash = hashString(uri) % numThreads + 1
+ if hash == threadId then
+ diag.doDiagnostic(uri, true)
+ -- Print regularly but always print the last entry to ensure that logs written to files don't look incomplete.
+ if (os.clock() - lastClock > 0.2 or i == #uris) and not QUIET then
+ lastClock = os.clock()
+ client:update()
+ local output = '\x0D'
+ .. ('>'):rep(math.ceil(i / max * 20))
+ .. ('='):rep(20 - math.ceil(i / max * 20))
+ .. ' '
+ .. ('0'):rep(#tostring(max) - #tostring(i))
+ .. tostring(i) .. '/' .. tostring(max)
+ io.write(output)
+ local filesWithErrors = 0
+ local errors = 0
+ for _, diags in pairs(results) do
+ filesWithErrors = filesWithErrors + 1
+ errors = errors + #diags
+ end
+ if errors > 0 then
+ local errorDetails = ' [' .. lang.script('CLI_CHECK_PROGRESS', errors, filesWithErrors) .. ']'
+ io.write(errorDetails)
+ end
+ io.flush()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not QUIET then
+ io.write('\x0D')
+ end
+local count = 0
+for uri, result in pairs(results) do
+ count = count + #result
+ if #result == 0 then
+ results[uri] = nil
+ end
+local outpath = CHECK_OUT_PATH
+if outpath == nil then
+ outpath = LOGPATH .. '/check.json'
+-- Always write result, even if it's empty to make sure no one accidentally looks at an old output after a successful run.
+util.saveFile(outpath, jsonb.beautify(results))
+if not QUIET then
+ if count == 0 then
+ print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_SUCCESS'))
+ else
+ print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_RESULTS', count, outpath))
+ end
diff --git a/script/cli/init.lua b/script/cli/init.lua
index d37c50ae..65e7e102 100644
--- a/script/cli/init.lua
+++ b/script/cli/init.lua
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ if _G['CHECK'] then
os.exit(0, true)
+if _G['CHECK_WORKER'] then
+ require 'cli.check_worker'
+ os.exit(0, true)
if _G['DOC_UPDATE'] then
require 'cli.doc' .runCLI()
os.exit(0, true)