path: root/script/plugins/ffi/init.lua
diff options
authorCppCXY <>2024-02-22 20:29:13 +0800
committerCppCXY <>2024-02-22 20:29:13 +0800
commit9b6df71d97a70ee7179949ef9f15368cbf29dcbd (patch)
treebf7a7e62ed7c164a12bdce437c17262a5235bcec /script/plugins/ffi/init.lua
parent483fe246b6ae8c25d433aa15e43f04f0e71a74d5 (diff)
parent3e6fd3ce1f2f0528336ded939d776a29bbfaf2eb (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'script/plugins/ffi/init.lua')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/script/plugins/ffi/init.lua b/script/plugins/ffi/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17159ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/plugins/ffi/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+local cdriver = require 'plugins.ffi.c-parser.cdriver'
+local util = require 'plugins.ffi.c-parser.util'
+local utility = require 'utility'
+local SDBMHash = require 'SDBMHash'
+local config = require 'config'
+local fs = require 'bee.filesystem'
+local ws = require 'workspace'
+local furi = require 'file-uri'
+local namespace <const> = 'ffi.namespace*.'
+--TODO:supprot 32bit ffi, need config
+local knownTypes = {
+ ["bool"] = 'boolean',
+ ["char"] = 'integer',
+ ["short"] = 'integer',
+ ["int"] = 'integer',
+ ["long"] = 'integer',
+ ["float"] = 'number',
+ ["double"] = 'number',
+ ["signed"] = 'integer',
+ ["__signed"] = 'integer',
+ ["__signed__"] = 'integer',
+ ["unsigned"] = 'integer',
+ ["ptrdiff_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["size_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["ssize_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["wchar_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["int8_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["int16_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["int32_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["int64_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["uint8_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["uint16_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["uint32_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["uint64_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["intptr_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["uintptr_t"] = 'integer',
+ ["__int8"] = 'integer',
+ ["__int16"] = 'integer',
+ ["__int32"] = 'integer',
+ ["__int64"] = 'integer',
+ ["_Bool"] = 'boolean',
+ ["__ptr32"] = 'integer',
+ ["__ptr64"] = 'integer',
+ --[[
+ ["_Complex"] = 1,
+ ["complex"] = 1,
+ ["__complex"] = 1,
+ ["__complex__"] = 1,
+ ["unsignedchar"] = 'integer',
+ ["unsignedshort"] = 'integer',
+ ["unsignedint"] = 'integer',
+ ["unsignedlong"] = 'integer',
+ ["signedchar"] = 'integer',
+ ["signedshort"] = 'integer',
+ ["signedint"] = 'integer',
+ ["signedlong"] = 'integer',
+local blackKeyWord <const> = {
+ ['and'] = "_and",
+ ['do'] = "_do",
+ ['elseif'] = "_elseif",
+ ['end'] = "_end",
+ ['false'] = "_false",
+ ['function'] = "_function",
+ ['in'] = "_in",
+ ['local'] = "_local",
+ ['nil'] = "_nil",
+ ['not'] = "_not",
+ ['or'] = "_or",
+ ['repeat'] = "_repeat",
+ ['then'] = "_then",
+ ['true'] = "_true",
+local invaildKeyWord <const> = {
+ const = true,
+ restrict = true,
+ volatile = true,
+local constName <const> = 'm'
+---@class ffi.builder
+local builder = { switch_ast = utility.switch() }
+function builder:getTypeAst(name)
+ for i, asts in ipairs(self.globalAsts) do
+ if asts[name] then
+ return asts[name]
+ end
+ end
+function builder:needDeref(ast)
+ if not ast then
+ return false
+ end
+ if ast.type == 'typedef' then
+ -- maybe no name
+ ast = ast.def[1]
+ if type(ast) ~= 'table' then
+ return self:needDeref(self:getTypeAst(ast))
+ end
+ end
+ if ast.type == 'struct' or ast.type == 'union' then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function builder:getType(name)
+ if type(name) == 'table' then
+ local t = ""
+ local isStruct
+ if name.type then
+ t = t .. name.type .. "@"
+ name =
+ end
+ for _, n in ipairs(name) do
+ if type(n) == 'table' then
+ n = n.full_name
+ end
+ if invaildKeyWord[n] then
+ goto continue
+ end
+ if not isStruct then
+ isStruct = self:needDeref(self:getTypeAst(n))
+ end
+ t = t .. n
+ ::continue::
+ end
+ -- deref 一级指针
+ if isStruct and t:sub(#t) == '*' then
+ t = t:sub(1, #t - 1)
+ end
+ name = t
+ end
+ if knownTypes[name] then
+ return knownTypes[name]
+ end
+ return namespace .. name
+function builder:isVoid(ast)
+ if not ast then
+ return false
+ end
+ if ast.type == 'typedef' then
+ return self:isVoid(self:getTypeAst(ast.def[1]) or ast.def[1])
+ end
+ local typename = type(ast.type) == 'table' and ast.type[1] or ast
+ if typename == 'void' then
+ return true
+ end
+ return self:isVoid(self:getTypeAst(typename))
+local function getArrayType(arr)
+ if type(arr) ~= "table" then
+ return arr and '[]' or ''
+ end
+ local res = ''
+ for i, v in ipairs(arr) do
+ res = res .. '[]'
+ end
+ return res
+local function getValidName(name)
+ return blackKeyWord[name] or name
+function builder:buildStructOrUnion(lines, tt, name)
+ lines[#lines+1] = '---@class ' .. self:getType(name)
+ for _, field in ipairs(tt.fields or {}) do
+ if and field.type then
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('---@field %s %s%s'):format(getValidName(, self:getType(field.type),
+ getArrayType(field.isarray))
+ end
+ end
+function builder:buildFunction(lines, tt, name)
+ local param_names = {}
+ for i, param in ipairs(tt.params or {}) do
+ local param_name = getValidName(
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('---@param %s %s%s'):format(param_name, self:getType(param.type), getArrayType(param.idxs))
+ param_names[#param_names+1] = param_name
+ end
+ if tt.vararg then
+ param_names[#param_names+1] = '...'
+ end
+ if tt.ret then
+ if not self:isVoid(tt.ret) then
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('---@return %s'):format(self:getType(tt.ret.type))
+ end
+ end
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('function m.%s(%s) end'):format(name, table.concat(param_names, ', '))
+function builder:buildTypedef(lines, tt, name)
+ local def = tt.def[1]
+ if type(def) == 'table' and not then
+ -- 这个时候没有主类型,只有一个别名,直接创建一个别名结构体
+ self.switch_ast(def.type, self, lines, def, name)
+ else
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('---@alias %s %s'):format(self:getType(name), self:getType(def))
+ end
+local calculate
+local function binop(enumer, val, fn)
+ local e1, e2 = calculate(enumer, val[1]), calculate(enumer, val[2])
+ if type(e1) == "number" and type(e2) == "number" then
+ return fn(e1, e2)
+ else
+ return { e1, e2, op = val.op }
+ end
+ local ops = {
+ ['+'] = function (a, b) return a + b end,
+ ['-'] = function (a, b) return a - b end,
+ ['*'] = function (a, b) return a * b end,
+ ['/'] = function (a, b) return a / b end,
+ ['&'] = function (a, b) return a & b end,
+ ['|'] = function (a, b) return a | b end,
+ ['~'] = function (a, b)
+ if not b then
+ return ~a
+ end
+ return a ~ b
+ end,
+ ['<<'] = function (a, b) return a << b end,
+ ['>>'] = function (a, b) return a >> b end,
+ }
+ calculate = function (enumer, val)
+ if ops[val.op] then
+ return binop(enumer, val, ops[val.op])
+ end
+ val = util.expandSingle(val)
+ if type(val) == "string" then
+ if enumer[val] then
+ return enumer[val]
+ end
+ return tonumber(val)
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+local function pushEnumValue(enumer, name, v)
+ v = tonumber(util.expandSingle(v))
+ enumer[name] = v
+ enumer[#enumer+1] = v
+ return v
+function builder:buildEnum(lines, tt, name)
+ local enumer = {}
+ for i, val in ipairs(tt.values) do
+ local name =
+ local v = val.value
+ if not v then
+ if i == 1 then
+ v = 0
+ else
+ v = tt.values[i - 1].realValue + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if type(v) == 'table' and v.op then
+ v = calculate(enumer, v)
+ end
+ if v then
+ val.realValue = pushEnumValue(enumer, name, v)
+ end
+ end
+ local alias = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(enumer) do
+ alias[#alias+1] = type(k) == 'number' and v or ([['%s']]):format(k)
+ if type(k) ~= 'number' then
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('m.%s = %s'):format(k, v)
+ end
+ end
+ if name then
+ lines[#lines+1] = ('---@alias %s %s'):format(self:getType(name), table.concat(alias, ' | '))
+ end
+ :case 'struct'
+ :case 'union'
+ :call(builder.buildStructOrUnion)
+ :case 'enum'
+ :call(builder.buildEnum)
+ : case 'function'
+ :call(builder.buildFunction)
+ :case 'typedef'
+ :call(builder.buildTypedef)
+local function stringStartsWith(self, searchString, position)
+ if position == nil or position < 0 then
+ position = 0
+ end
+ return string.sub(self, position + 1, #searchString + position) == searchString
+local firstline = ('---@meta \n ---@class %s \n local %s = {}'):format(namespace, constName)
+local m = {}
+local function compileCode(lines, asts, b)
+ for _, ast in ipairs(asts) do
+ local tt = ast.type
+ if tt.type == 'enum' and not stringStartsWith(, 'enum@') then
+ goto continue
+ end
+ if not then
+ if tt.type ~= 'enum' then
+ goto continue
+ end
+ --匿名枚举也要创建具体的值
+ lines = lines or { firstline }
+ builder.switch_ast(tt.type, b, lines, tt)
+ else
+ tt.full_name =
+ lines = lines or { firstline }
+ builder.switch_ast(tt.type, b, lines, tt, tt.full_name)
+ lines[#lines+1] = '\n'
+ end
+ ::continue::
+ end
+ return lines
+function m.compileCodes(codes)
+ ---@class ffi.builder
+ local b = setmetatable({ globalAsts = {}, cacheEnums = {} }, { __index = builder })
+ local lines
+ for _, code in ipairs(codes) do
+ local asts = cdriver.process_context(code)
+ if not asts then
+ goto continue
+ end
+ table.insert(b.globalAsts, asts)
+ lines = compileCode(lines, asts, b)
+ ::continue::
+ end
+ return lines
+function m.build_single(codes, fileDir, uri)
+ local texts = m.compileCodes(codes)
+ if not texts then
+ return
+ end
+ local fullPath = fileDir /ws.getRelativePath(uri)
+ if fullPath:stem():string():find '%.' then
+ local newPath = fullPath:parent_path() / (fullPath:stem():string():gsub('%.', '/') .. ".lua")
+ fs.create_directories(newPath:parent_path())
+ fullPath = newPath
+ end
+ utility.saveFile(tostring(fullPath), table.concat(texts, '\n'))
+ return true
+return m