path: root/meta/3rd
diff options
authorcarsakiller <>2023-10-27 20:42:08 -0400
committercarsakiller <>2023-10-27 20:42:08 -0400
commitea9526298837c1ea25aad8c2d9af14fdc4662aab (patch)
tree66c54a3b942d186b67bbd9b5f40e5ec0dc86c595 /meta/3rd
parent1c94bfc9d73452fc34011450de3c7b07290b224a (diff)
refactor: replace luassert with LuaCATS submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/3rd')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 1136 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/luassert b/meta/3rd/luassert
new file mode 160000
+Subproject d3528bb679302cbfdedefabb37064515ab95f7b
diff --git a/meta/3rd/luassert/config.json b/meta/3rd/luassert/config.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 71e12fc6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/luassert/config.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- "words" : [ "require[%s%(\"']+luassert[%)\"']" ]
diff --git a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert.lua b/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f2fe9a..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
----@class luassert.internal
-local internal = {}
----@class luassert:luassert.internal
-local luassert = {}
---#region Assertions
----Assert that `value == true`.
----@param value any The value to confirm is `true`.
-function internal.True(value) end
-internal.is_true = internal.True
-internal.is_not_true = internal.True
----Assert that `value == false`.
----@param value any The value to confirm is `false`.
-function internal.False(value) end
-internal.is_false = internal.False
-internal.is_not_false = internal.False
----Assert that `type(value) == "boolean"`.
----@param value any The value to confirm is of type `boolean`.
-function internal.Boolean(value) end
-internal.boolean = internal.Boolean
-internal.is_boolean = internal.Boolean
-internal.is_not_boolean = internal.Boolean
----Assert that `type(value) == "number"`.
----@param value any The value to confirm is of type `number`.
-function internal.Number(value) end
-internal.number = internal.Number
-internal.is_number = internal.Number
-internal.is_not_number = internal.Number
----Assert that `type(value) == "string"`.
----@param value any The value to confirm is of type `string`.
-function internal.String(value) end
-internal.string = internal.String
-internal.is_string = internal.String
-internal.is_not_string = internal.String
----Assert that `type(value) == "table"`.
----@param value any The value to confirm is of type `table`.
-function internal.Table(value) end
-internal.table = internal.Table
-internal.is_table = internal.Table
-internal.is_not_table = internal.Table
----Assert that `type(value) == "nil"`.
----@param value any The value to confirm is of type `nil`.
-function internal.Nil(value) end
-internal.is_nil = internal.Nil
-internal.is_not_nil = internal.Nil
----Assert that `type(value) == "userdata"`.
----@param value any The value to confirm is of type `userdata`.
-function internal.Userdata(value) end
-internal.userdata = internal.Userdata
-internal.is_userdata = internal.Userdata
-internal.is_not_userdata = internal.Userdata
----Assert that `type(value) == "function"`.
----@param value any The value to confirm is of type `function`.
-function internal.Function(value) end
-internal.is_function = internal.Function
-internal.is_not_function = internal.Function
----Assert that `type(value) == "thread"`.
----@param value any The value to confirm is of type `thread`.
-function internal.Thread(value) end
-internal.thread = internal.Thread
-internal.is_thread = internal.Thread
-internal.is_not_thread = internal.Thread
----Assert that a value is truthy.
----@param value any The value to confirm is truthy.
-function internal.truthy(value) end
-internal.Truthy = internal.truthy
-internal.is_truthy = internal.truthy
-internal.is_not_truthy = internal.truthy
----Assert that a value is falsy.
----@param value any The value to confirm is falsy.
-function internal.falsy(value) end
-internal.Falsy = internal.falsy
-internal.is_falsy = internal.falsy
-internal.is_not_falsy = internal.falsy
----Assert that a callback throws an error.
----@param callback function A callback function that should error
----@param error? string The specific error message that will be asserted
-function internal.error(callback, error) end
-internal.Error = internal.error
-internal.has_error = internal.error
-internal.no_error = internal.error
-internal.no_has_error = internal.error
-internal.has_no_error = internal.error
---- the api is the same as string.find
----@param pattern string
----@param actual string
----@param init? integer
----@param plain? boolean
----## Example
- it("Checks matches() assertion does string matching", function()
- assert.matches('.*') end) -- minimum 2 arguments
- assert.matches(nil, 's') end) -- arg1 must be a string
- assert.matches('s', {}) end) -- arg2 must be convertable to string
- assert.matches('s', 's', 's', 's') end) -- arg3 or arg4 must be a number or nil
- assert.matches("%w+", "test")
- assert.has.match("%w+", "test")
- assert.has_no.match("%d+", "derp")
- assert.has.match("test", "test", nil, true)
- assert.has_no.match("%w+", "test", nil, true)
- assert.has.match("^test", "123 test", 5)
- assert.has_no.match("%d+", "123 test", '4')
- end)
-function internal.matches(pattern, actual, init, plain) end
-internal.is_matches = internal.matches
-internal.is_not_matches = internal.matches
-internal.match = internal.matches
-internal.is_match = internal.matches
-internal.is_not_match = internal.matches
----Assert that two values are near (equal to within a tolerance).
----@param expected number The expected value
----@param actual number The actual value
----@param tolerance number The tolerable difference between the two values
----## Example
- ```lua
- it("Checks near() assertion handles tolerances", function()
- assert.near(0) end) -- minimum 3 arguments
- assert.near(0, 0) end) -- minimum 3 arguments
- assert.near('a', 0, 0) end) -- arg1 must be convertable to number
- assert.near(0, 'a', 0) end) -- arg2 must be convertable to number
- assert.near(0, 0, 'a') end) -- arg3 must be convertable to number
-, 2.0, 0.5)
-'1.5', '2.0', '0.5')
- assert.is_not.near(1.5, 2.0, 0.499)
- assert.is_not.near('1.5', '2.0', '0.499')
- end)
- ```
-function internal.near(expected, actual, tolerance) end
-internal.Near = internal.near
-internal.is_near = internal.near
-internal.is_not_near = internal.near
----Check that two or more items are equal.
----When comparing tables, a reference check will be used.
----@param expected any The expected value
----@param ... any Values to check the equality of
-function internal.equal(expected, ...) end
-internal.Equal = internal.equal
-internal.are_equal = internal.equal
-internal.are_not_equal = internal.equal
----Check that two or more items that are considered the "same".
----When comparing tables, a deep compare will be performed.
----@param expected any The expected value
----@param ... any Values to check
-function internal.same(expected, ...) end
-internal.Same = internal.same
-internal.are_same = internal.same
-internal.are_not_same = internal.same
---- Number of return values of function
----@param argument_number integer
----@param func fun()
-function internal.returned_arguments(argument_number, func) end
-internal.not_returned_arguments = internal.returned_arguments
---- check error message by string.match/string.find(`plain`=true)
----@param func function
----@param pattern string
----@param init? integer
----@param plain? boolean
- it("Checks error_matches to accept only callable arguments", function()
- local t_ok = setmetatable( {}, { __call = function() end } )
- local t_nok = setmetatable( {}, { __call = function() error("some error") end } )
- local f_ok = function() end
- local f_nok = function() error("some error") end
- assert.error_matches(f_nok, ".*")
- assert.no_error_matches(f_ok, ".*")
- assert.error_matches(t_nok, ".*")
- assert.no_error_matches(t_ok, ".*")
- end)
-function internal.error_matches(func, pattern, init, plain) end
-internal.no_error_matches = internal.error_matches
-internal.error_match = internal.error_matches
-internal.no_error_match = internal.error_matches
-internal.matches_error = internal.error_matches
-internal.no_matches_error = internal.error_matches
-internal.match_error = internal.error_matches
-internal.no_match_error = internal.error_matches
---[[ Helpers ]]
----Assert that all numbers in two arrays are within a specified tolerance of
----each other.
----@param expected number[] The expected values
----@param actual number[] The actual values
----@param tolerance number The tolerable difference between the values in the two arrays
-function internal.all_near(expected, actual, tolerance) end
-internal.are_all_near = internal.all_near
-internal.are_not_all_near = internal.all_near
---- array is uniqued
----@param arr any[]
----## Example
----it("Checks to see if table1 only contains unique elements", function()
---- local table2 = { derp = false}
---- local table3 = { derp = true }
---- local table1 = {table2,table3}
---- local tablenotunique = {table2,table2}
---- assert.is_not.unique(tablenotunique)
---- end)
-function internal.unique(arr) end
-internal.is_unique = internal.unique
-internal.is_not_unique = internal.unique
---#region Spies
----Perform an assertion on a spy object. This will allow you to call further
----functions to perform an assertion.
----@param spy luassert.spy The spy object to begin asserting
----@return luassert.spy.assert spyAssert A new object that has further assert function options
-function internal.spy(spy) end
----Perform an assertion on a stub object. This will allow you to call further
----functions to perform an assertion.
----@param stub luassert.spy The stub object to begin asserting
----@return luassert.spy.assert stubAssert A new object that has further assert function options
-function internal.stub(stub) end
---#region Array
----Perform an assertion on an array object. This will allow you to call further
----function to perform an assertion.
----@param object table<integer, any> The array object to begin asserting
----@return luassert.array arrayAssert A new object that has further assert function options
-function internal.array(object) end
---#region test apis
---- register custom assertions
----@param namespace 'assertion' | 'matcher' | 'modifier' | string
----@param name string
----@param callback function
----@param positive_message string
----@param negative_message string
----## Example
- it("Checks register creates custom assertions", function()
- local say = require("say")
- local function has_property(state, arguments)
- local property = arguments[1]
- local table = arguments[2]
- for key, value in pairs(table) do
- if key == property then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- say:set_namespace("en")
- say:set("assertion.has_property.positive", "Expected property %s in:\n%s")
- say:set("assertion.has_property.negative", "Expected property %s to not be in:\n%s")
- assert:register("assertion", "has_property", has_property, "assertion.has_property.positive", "assertion.has_property.negative")
- assert.has_property("name", { name = "jack" })
-"name", { name = "jack" })
- assert.not_has_property("surname", { name = "jack" })
-"surname", { name = "jack" })
- assert.has_error(function() assert.has_property("surname", { name = "jack" }) end)
- assert.has_error(function()"surname", { name = "jack" }) end)
- assert.has_error(function() assert.no_has_property("name", { name = "jack" }) end)
- assert.has_error(function()"name", { name = "jack" }) end)
- end)
-function luassert:register(namespace, name, callback, positive_message, negative_message) end
- ### Customized formatters
-The formatters are functions taking a single argument that needs to be converted to a string representation. The formatter should examine the value provided, if it can format the value, it should return the formatted string, otherwise it should return `nil`.
-Formatters can be added through `assert:add_formatter(formatter_func)`, and removed by calling `assert:remove_formatter(formatter_func)`.
-Example using the included binary string formatter:
-local binstring = require("luassert.formatters.binarystring")
-describe("Tests using a binary string formatter", function()
- setup(function()
- assert:add_formatter(binstring)
- end)
- teardown(function()
- assert:remove_formatter(binstring)
- end)
- it("tests a string comparison with binary formatting", function()
- local s1, s2 = "", ""
- for n = 65,88 do
- s1 = s1 .. string.char(n)
- s2 = string.char(n) .. s2
- end
- assert.are.same(s1, s2)
- end)
-Because this formatter formats string values, and is added last, it will take precedence over the regular string formatter. The results will be:
-Failure: projects\busted\formatter\spec\formatter_spec.lua @ 13
-tests a string comparison with binary formatting projects\busted\formatter\spec\formatter_spec.lua:19: Expected objects to be the same. Passed in:
-Binary string length; 24 bytes
-58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 4f 4e 4d 4c 4b 4a 49 XWVUTSRQ PONMLKJI
-48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 HGFEDCBA
-Binary string length; 24 bytes
-41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 50 ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP
-51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 QRSTUVWX
----@param callback fun(obj:any):string|nil
-function luassert:add_formatter(callback) end
----@param fmtr function
-function luassert:remove_formatter(fmtr) end
---- To register state information 'parameters' can be used. The parameter is included in a snapshot and can hence be restored in between tests. For an example see `Configuring table depth display` below.
----@param name any
----@param value any
----## Example
-assert:set_parameter("my_param_name", 1)
-local s = assert:snapshot()
-assert:set_parameter("my_param_name", 2)
-assert.are.equal(1, assert:get_parameter("my_param_name"))
-function luassert:set_parameter(name, value) end
---- get current snapshot parameter
----@param name any
----@return any value
-function luassert:get_parameter(name) end
----To be able to revert changes created by tests, inserting spies and stubs for example, luassert supports 'snapshots'. A snapshot includes the following;
----@return {revert:fun()}
-function luassert:snapshot() end
---- unregister custom assertions
----@param namespace 'assertion' | 'matcher' | 'modifier' | string
----@param name string
-function luassert:unregister(namespace, name) end
---#region modifier namespace
-internal.are = internal = internal
-internal.has = internal
-internal.does = internal
-internal.is_not = internal
-internal.are_not = internal
-internal.has_no = internal
-internal.no_has = internal
-internal.does_not = internal = internal
-internal.Not = internal
-return luassert
diff --git a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/array.lua b/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/array.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 89253a12..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/array.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
----@class luassert.array
-local array = {}
----Assert that an array has holes in it
----@param length? integer The expected length of the array
----@return integer|nil holeIndex The index of the first found hole or `nil` if there was no hole.
-function array.holes(length) end
-array.has = array
- = array
-return array
diff --git a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/match.lua b/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/match.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a61b728..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/match.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
----Matchers are used to provide flexible argument matching for `called_with` and
----`returned_with` asserts for spies. Just like with asserts, you can chain a
----modifier value using `is` or `is_not`, followed by the matcher you wish to use.
----@class luassert.match
-match = {}
----Match a value from a spy = {}
----Match inverse values from a spy
-match.is_not = {}
---- Wildcard match, matches anything.
----## Example
----it("tests wildcard matcher", function()
---- local s = end)
---- local _ = match._
---- s("foo")
---- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(_) -- matches any argument
---- assert.spy(s).was_not_called_with(_, _) -- does not match two arguments
-match._ = {}
---[[ Modifiers ]]
----If you're creating a spy for functions that mutate any properties on a table
----(like `self`) and you want to use `was_called_with`, you should use
----## Example
----describe("combine matchers", function()
---- local match = require("luassert.match")
---- it("tests ref matchers for passed in table", function()
---- local t = { count = 0, }
---- function t.incrby(t, i) t.count = t.count + i end
---- local s = spy.on(t, "incrby")
---- s(t, 2)
---- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(match.is_ref(t), 2)
---- end)
---- it("tests ref matchers for self", function()
---- local t = { count = 0, }
---- function t:incrby(i) self.count = self.count + i end
---- local s = spy.on(t, "incrby")
---- t:incrby(2)
---- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(match.is_ref(t), 2)
---- end)
----@param obj any
-function match.Ref(obj) end
-match.ref = match.Ref = match.Ref = match.Ref
-match.is_ref = match.Ref
----Combine matchers, matching all provided matchers.
----@param ... table|function
----describe("combine matchers", function()
---- local match = require("luassert.match")
---- it("tests composite matchers", function()
---- local s = end)
---- s("foo")
---- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(match.is_all_of(
---- match.is_not_nil(),
---- match.is_not_number()
---- ))
---- end)
-function match.all_of(...) end
-match.is_all_of = match.all_of = match.all_of
----Combine matchers, matching at least one provided matcher.
----@param ... table|function
----describe("combine matchers", function()
---- local match = require("luassert.match")
---- it("tests composite matchers", function()
---- local s = end)
---- s("foo")
---- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(match.is_any_of(
---- match.is_number(),
---- match.is_string(),
---- match.is_boolean()
---- ))
---- end)
-function match.any_of(...) end
-match.is_any_of = match.any_of = match.any_of
----Combine matchers, matching none of the provided matchers.
----@param ... table|function
----describe("combine matchers", function()
---- local match = require("luassert.match")
---- it("tests composite matchers", function()
---- local s = end)
---- s("foo")
---- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(match.is_none_of(
---- match.is_number(),
---- match.is_table(),
---- match.is_boolean()
---- ))
---- end)
-function match.none_of(...) end
-match.is_none_of = match.none_of = match.none_of
---[[ Matchers ]]
----Check that the value is `true`.
----@return boolean isTrue
-function match.True() end = match.True
-match.is_true = match.True
----Check that the value is `false`.
----@return boolean isFalse
-function match.False() end = match.False
-match.is_false = match.False
----Check that the value is `nil`.
----@return boolean isNil
-function match.Nil() end = match.Nil
-match.is_nil = match.Nil
----Check that the value is of type `boolean`.
----@return boolean isBoolean
-function match.Boolean() end
-match.boolean = match.Boolean = match.Boolean = match.Boolean
-match.is_boolean = match.Boolean
----Check that the value is of type `number`.
----@return boolean isNumber
-function match.Number() end
-match.number = match.Number = match.Number = match.Number
-match.is_number = match.Number
----Check that the value is of type `string`.
----@return boolean isString
-function match.String() end
-match.string = match.String = match.String = match.String
-match.is_string = match.String
----Check that the value is of type `table`.
----@return boolean isTable
-function match.Table() end
-match.table = match.Table = match.Table = match.Table
-match.is_table = match.Table
----Check that the value is of type `function`.
----@return boolean isFunction
-function match.Function() end = match.Function
-match.is_function = match.Function
----Check that the value is of type `userdata`.
----@return boolean isUserdata
-function match.Userdata() end
-match.userdata = match.Userdata = match.Userdata = match.Userdata
-match.is_userdata = match.Userdata
----Check that the value is of type `thread`.
----@return boolean isThread
-function match.Thread() end
-match.thread = match.Thread = match.Thread = match.Thread
-match.is_thread = match.Thread
----Check that the value is truthy.
----@return boolean isTruthy
-function match.truthy() end
-match.Truthy = match.truthy = match.truthy = match.truthy
-match.is_truthy = match.truthy
----Check that the value is falsy.
----@return boolean isFalsy
-function match.falsy() end
-match.Falsy = match.falsy = match.falsy = match.falsy
-match.is_falsy = match.falsy
----Check that the two values are equal.
----When comparing tables, a reference check will be used.
----@param value any The target value
----@return boolean isEqual
-function match.Equals(value) end
-match.equals = match.Equals = match.Equals = match.Equals
-match.is_equals = match.Equals
----Check that the two values are considered the "same".
----When comparing tables, a deep compare will be performed.
----@param value any The target value
----@return boolean isSame
-function match.Same(value) end
-match.same = match.Same = match.Same = match.Same
-match.is_same = match.Same
----Match a table with unique values. Will pass if no values are duplicates.
----@param deep boolean If a deep check should be performed or just the first level
----@return boolean isUnique
-function match.Unique(deep) end
-match.unique = match.Unique = match.Unique = match.Unique
-match.is_unique = match.Unique
----Match a certain numerical value with a specified +/- tolerance.
----@param value number The target value
----@param tolerance number The amount that the true value can be off by (inclusive)
----@return boolean isNear
-function match.Near(value, tolerance) end
-match.near = match.Near = match.Near = match.Near
-match.is_near = match.Near
----Perform a `string.find()` match.
----@param pattern string String match pattern
----@param init integer Index of character to start searching for a match at
----@param plain boolean If the `pattern` should be treated as plain text instead of a pattern
----@return boolean matches
-function match.Matches(pattern, init, plain) end
-match.matches = match.Matches = match.Matches = match.Matches
-match.is_matches = match.Matches
-match.match = match.Matches
-match.Match = match.matches = match.Matches = match.Matches
-match.is_match = match.Matches
---[[ Inverse Matchers ]]
----Check that the value is **NOT** `true`.
----@return boolean isTrue
-function match.is_not.True() end
-match.is_not_true = match.is_not.True
----Check that the value is **NOT** `false`.
----@return boolean isFalse
-function match.is_not.False() end
-match.is_not_false = match.is_not.False
----Check that the value is **NOT** `nil`.
----@return boolean isNil
-function match.is_not.Nil() end
-match.is_not_nil = match.is_not.Nil
----Check that the value is **NOT** of type `boolean`.
----@return boolean isBoolean
-function match.is_not.Boolean() end
-match.is_not.boolean = match.is_not.Boolean
-match.is_not_boolean = match.is_not.Boolean
----Check that the value is **NOT** of type `number`.
----@return boolean isNumber
-function match.is_not.Number() end
-match.is_not.number = match.is_not.Number
-match.is_not_number = match.is_not.Number
----Check that the value is **NOT** of type `string`.
----@return boolean isString
-function match.is_not.String() end
-match.is_not.string = match.is_not.String
-match.is_not_string = match.is_not.String
----Check that the value is **NOT** of type `table`.
----@return boolean isTable
-function match.is_not.Table() end
-match.is_not.table = match.is_not.Table
-match.is_not_table = match.is_not.Table
----Check that the value is **NOT** of type `function`.
----@return boolean isFunction
-function match.is_not.Function() end
-match.is_not_function = match.is_not.Function
----Check that the value is **NOT** of type `userdata`.
----@return boolean isUserdata
-function match.is_not.Userdata() end
-match.is_not.userdata = match.is_not.Userdata
-match.is_not_userdata = match.is_not.Userdata
----Check that the value is **NOT** of type `thread`.
----@return boolean isThread
-function match.is_not.Thread() end
-match.is_not.Thread = match.is_not.Thread
-match.is_not_thread = match.is_not.Thread
----Check that the value is **NOT** truthy.
----@return boolean isTruthy
-function match.is_not.truthy() end
-match.is_not.Truthy = match.is_not.truthy
-match.is_not_truthy = match.is_not.truthy
----Check that the value is **NOT** falsy.
----@return boolean isFalsy
-function match.is_not.falsy() end
-match.is_not.Falsy = match.is_not.falsy
-match.is_not_falsy = match.is_not.falsy
----Check that the two values are **NOT** equal.
----When comparing tables, a reference check will be used.
----@param value any The target value
----@return boolean isEqual
-function match.is_not.Equals(value) end
-match.is_not.equals = match.is_not.Equals
-match.is_not_equals = match.is_not.Equals
----Check that the two values are **NOT** considered the "same".
----When comparing tables, a deep compare will be performed.
----@param value any The target value
----@return boolean isSame
-function match.is_not.Same(value) end
-match.is_not.same = match.is_not.Same
-match.is_not_same = match.is_not.Same
----Match a table with **NOT** unique values. Will pass if at least one duplicate is found.
----@param deep boolean If a deep check should be performed or just the first level
----@return boolean isUnique
-function match.is_not.Unique(deep) end
-match.is_not.unique = match.is_not.Unique
-match.is_not_unique = match.is_not.Unique
----Match a certain numerical value outside a specified +/- tolerance.
----@param value number The target value
----@param tolerance number The amount that the true value must be off by (inclusive)
----@return boolean isNear
-function match.is_not.Near(value, tolerance) end
-match.is_not.near = match.is_not.Near
-match.is_not_near = match.is_not.Near
----Perform a `string.find()` match to find a value that does **NOT** match.
----@param pattern string String match pattern
----@param init integer Index of character to start searching for a match at
----@param plain boolean If the `pattern` should be treated as plain text instead of a pattern
----@return boolean matches
-function match.is_not.Matches(pattern, init, plain) end
-match.is_not.matches = match.is_not.Matches
-match.is_not_matches = match.is_not.Matches
-match.is_not.match = match.is_not.Matches
-match.is_not_match = match.is_not.Matches
-return match
diff --git a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/mock.lua b/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/mock.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 856bce4e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/mock.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
----@alias luassert.mockeds table<string, luassert.mockeds | luassert.spy>
----A mock wraps an entire table's functions in spies or mocks
----@class luassert.mock : luassert.spy.factory
-local mock = {}
----@generic T
----Create a new mock from a table, wrapping all of it's functions in spies or mocks.
----@param object T The table to wrap
----@param doStubs? boolean If the table should be wrapped with stubs instead of spies
----@param func? function Callback function used for stubs
----@param self? table Table to replace with a spy
----@param key? string The key of the method to replace in `self`
----@return luassert.mockeds
-function mock(object, doStubs, func, self, key) end
----@generic T
----Create a new mock from a table, wrapping all of it's functions in spies or mocks.
----@param object T The table to wrap
----@param doStubs? boolean If the table should be wrapped with stubs instead of spies
----@param func? function Callback function used for stubs
----@param self? table Table to replace with a spy
----@param key? string The key of the method to replace in `self`
----@return luassert.mockeds
-function, doStubs, func, self, key) end
-return mock
diff --git a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy.lua b/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d1a7944..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
----Spies allow you to wrap a function in order to track how that function was
----@class luassert.spy.factory
----## Example
----describe("New Spy", function()
---- it("Registers a new function to spy on", function()
---- local s = end)
---- s(1, 2, 3)
---- s(4, 5, 6)
---- assert.spy(s).was.called()
---- assert.spy(s).was.called(2)
---- assert.spy(s).was.called_with(1, 2, 3)
---- end)
----@overload fun(target:function):luassert.spy
-local spy_factory = {}
----Register a new function to spy on.
----@param target function The function to spy on
----@return luassert.spy spy A spy object that can be used to perform assertions
----## Example
----describe("New Spy", function()
---- it("Registers a new function to spy on", function()
---- local s = end)
---- s(1, 2, 3)
---- s(4, 5, 6)
---- assert.spy(s).was.called()
---- assert.spy(s).was.called(2)
---- assert.spy(s).was.called_with(1, 2, 3)
---- end)
-function end
----Create a new spy that replaces a method in a table in place.
----@param table table The table that the method is a part of
----@param methodName string The method to spy on
----@return luassert.spy spy A spy object that can be used to perform assertions
----## Example
----describe("Spy On", function()
---- it("Replaces a method in a table", function()
---- local t = {
---- greet = function(msg) print(msg) end
---- }
---- local s = spy.on(t, "greet")
---- t.greet("Hey!") -- prints 'Hey!'
---- assert.spy(t.greet).was_called_with("Hey!")
---- t.greet:clear() -- clears the call history
---- assert.spy(s).was_not_called_with("Hey!")
---- t.greet:revert() -- reverts the stub
---- t.greet("Hello!") -- prints 'Hello!', will not pass through the spy
---- assert.spy(s).was_not_called_with("Hello!")
---- end)
-function spy_factory.on(table, methodName) end
----Check that the provided object is a spy.
----@param object any The object to confirm is a spy
----@return boolean isSpy If the object is a spy or not
-function spy_factory.is_spy(object) end
-return spy_factory
diff --git a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy/d.lua b/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy/d.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2789c93e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy/d.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
---[[ Instance ]]
----An instance of a spy.
----@class luassert.spy
-local spy = {}
----Revert the spied on function to its state before being spied on.
----Effectively removes spy from spied-on function.
-function spy:revert() end
----Clear the call history for this spy.
-function spy:clear() end
----Check how many times this spy has been called.
----@param times integer The expected number of calls
----@param compare? fun(callCount, expected): any A compare function, whose result will be returned as the first return value
----@return any result By default, `true` if the spy was called `times` times. Will be the result of `compare` if given
----@return integer calls Number of times called
-function spy:called(times, compare) end
----Check that the spy was called with the provided arguments.
----@param args any[] An array of arguments that are expected to have been passed to this spy
----@return boolean was If this spy was called with the provided arguments
----@return any[] arguments If `was == false`, this will be an array of the arguments *last* given to this spy. If `was == true`, this will be an array of the arguments given to the matching call of this spy.
-function spy:called_with(args) end
----Check that the spy returned the provided values
----@pasram ... any An array of values that are expected to have been returned by this spy
----@return boolean did If this spy did return the provided values.
----@return any[] returns If `did == false`, this will be an array of the values *last* returned by this spy. If `did == true`, this will be an array of the values returned by the matching call of this spy.
-function spy:returned_with(...) end
---[[ Spy Assertion ]]
----The result of asserting a spy.
----Includes functions for performing assertions on a spy.
----@class luassert.spy.assert
-local spy_assert = {}
----Assert that the function being spied on was called.
----@param times integer Assert the number of times the function was called
-function spy_assert.called(times) end
----Assert that the function being spied on was called with the provided
----@param ... any The parameters that the function is expected to have been called with
-function spy_assert.called_with(...) end
----Assert that the function being spied on was **NOT** called with the provided
----@param ... any The parameters that the function is expected to **NOT** have been called with
-function spy_assert.not_called_with(...) end
----Assert that the function being spied on was called at **least** a specified
----number of times.
----@param times integer The minimum number of times that the spied-on function should have been called
-function spy_assert.called_at_least(times) end
----Assert that the function being spied on was called at **most** a specified
----number of times.
----@param times integer The maximum number of times that the spied-on function should have been called
-function spy_assert.called_at_most(times) end
----Assert that the function being spied on was called **more** than the
----specified number of times.
----@param times integer The number of times that the spied-on function should have been called more than
-function spy_assert.called_more_than(times) end
----Assert that the function being spied on was called **less** than the
----specified number of times.
----@param times integer The number of times that the spied-on function should have been called less than
-function spy_assert.called_less_than(times) end
----Check that the spy returned the provided values
----@param ... any An array of values that are expected to have been returned by this spy
----@return boolean did If this spy did return the provided values.
----@return any[] returns If `did == false`, this will be an array of the values *last* returned by this spy. If `did == true`, this will be an array of the values returned by the matching call of this spy.
-function spy_assert.returned_with(...) end
-spy_assert.was = {
- called = spy_assert.called,
- called_with = spy_assert.called_with,
- not_called_with = spy_assert.not_called_with,
- called_at_least = spy_assert.called_at_least,
- called_at_most = spy_assert.called_at_most,
- called_more_than = spy_assert.called_more_than,
- called_less_than = spy_assert.called_less_than,
- returned_with = spy_assert.returned_with,
diff --git a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/stub.lua b/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/stub.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6332d3ed..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/stub.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
----Function similarly to spies, except that stubs do not call the function that they replace.
----@class luassert.stub
-local stub = {}
----Creates a new stub that replaces a method in a table in place.
----@param object table The object that the method is in
----@param key string The key of the method in the `object` to replace
----@param ... any A function that operates on the remaining passed in values and returns more values or just values to return
----@return luassert.spy stub A stub object that can be used to perform assertions
----@return any ... Values returned by a passed in function or just the values passed in
-function stub(object, key, ...) end
----Creates a new stub that replaces a method in a table in place.
----@param object table The object that the method is in
----@param key string The key of the method in the `object` to replace
----@param ... any A function that operates on the remaining passed in values and returns more values or just values to return
----@return luassert.spy stub A stub object that can be used to perform assertions
----@return any ... Values returned by a passed in function or just the values passed in
----## Example
----describe("Stubs", function()
---- local t = {
---- lottery = function(...)
---- print("Your numbers: " .. table.concat({ ... }, ","))
---- end,
---- }
---- it("Tests stubs", function()
---- local myStub =, "lottery")
---- t.lottery(1, 2, 3) -- does not print
---- t.lottery(4, 5, 6) -- does not print
---- assert.stub(myStub).called_with(1, 2, 3)
---- assert.stub(myStub).called_with(4, 5, 6)
---- assert.stub(myStub).called(2)
---- assert.stub(myStub).called_less_than(3)
---- myStub:revert()
---- t.lottery(10, 11, 12) -- prints
---- end)
-function, key, ...) end
-return stub