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author最萌小汐 <>2022-07-08 17:44:23 +0800
committerGitHub <>2022-07-08 17:44:23 +0800
commit5da189ea61f9dd458d77c0441887df8d98ecc618 (patch)
parentdb4ae9c48b7d2f97823469e8a32aff170ecba12f (diff)
parent86002c86e6a6583fd1af382ea58c4d35ae38b7b1 (diff)
Merge pull request #1302 from fesily/openresty-meta
meta: openresty add api run_worker_thread
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx.lua b/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx.lua
index 60102245..ec5541d5 100644
--- a/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx.lua
+++ b/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx.lua
@@ -4245,5 +4245,145 @@ ngx.resp = {}
---@return string|'"truncated"' error
function ngx.resp.get_headers(max_headers, raw) end
+---@alias ngx.thread.arg boolean|number|integer|string|lightuserdata|table
+---**syntax:** *ok, res1, res2, ... = ngx.run_worker_thread(threadpool, module_name, func_name, arg1, arg2, ...)*
+---**context:** *rewrite_by_lua&#42;, access_by_lua&#42;, content_by_lua&#42;*
+---**This API is still experimental and may change in the future without notice.**
+---**This API is available only for Linux.**
+---Wrap the [nginx worker thread]( to execute lua function. The caller coroutine would yield until the function returns.
+---Only the following ngx_lua APIs could be used in `function_name` function of the `module` module:
+---* `ngx.encode_base64`
+---* `ngx.decode_base64`
+---* `ngx.hmac_sha1`
+---* `ngx.encode_args`
+---* `ngx.decode_args`
+---* `ngx.quote_sql_str`
+---* ``
+---* ``
+---* ``
+---* ``
+---* ``
+---* `ngx.crc32_short`
+---* `ngx.crc32_long`
+---* `ngx.hmac_sha1`
+---* `ngx.md5_bin`
+---* `ngx.md5`
+---* `ngx.config.subsystem`
+---* `ngx.config.debug`
+---* `ngx.config.prefix`
+---* `ngx.config.nginx_version`
+---* `ngx.config.nginx_configure`
+---* `ngx.config.ngx_lua_version`
+---The first argument `threadpool` specifies the Nginx thread pool name defined by [thread_pool](
+---The second argument `module_name` specifies the lua module name to execute in the worker thread, which would return a lua table. The module must be inside the package path, e.g.
+---lua_package_path '/opt/openresty/?.lua;;';
+---The third argument `func_name` specifies the function field in the module table as the second argument.
+---The type of `arg`s must be one of type below:
+---* boolean
+---* number
+---* string
+---* nil
+---* table (the table may be recursive, and contains members of types above.)
+---The `ok` is in boolean type, which indicate the C land error (failed to get thread from thread pool, pcall the module function failed, .etc). If `ok` is `false`, the `res1` is the error string.
+---The return values (res1, ...) are returned by invocation of the module function. Normally, the `res1` should be in boolean type, so that the caller could inspect the error.
+---This API is useful when you need to execute the below types of tasks:
+---* CPU bound task, e.g. do md5 calculation
+---* File I/O task
+---* Call `os.execute()` or blocking C API via `ffi`
+---* Call external Lua library not based on cosocket or nginx
+---Example1: do md5 calculation.
+---location /calc_md5 {
+--- default_type 'text/plain';
+--- content_by_lua_block {
+--- local ok, md5_or_err = ngx.run_worker_thread("testpool", "md5", "md5")
+--- ngx.say(ok, " : ", md5_or_err)
+--- }
+--- }
+---local function md5()
+--- return ngx.md5("hello")
+---Example2: write logs into the log file.
+---location /write_log_file {
+--- default_type 'text/plain';
+--- content_by_lua_block {
+--- local ok, err = ngx.run_worker_thread("testpool", "write_log_file", "log", ngx.var.arg_str)
+--- if not ok then
+--- ngx.say(ok, " : ", err)
+--- return
+--- end
+--- ngx.say(ok)
+--- }
+--- }
+--- local function log(str)
+--- local file, err ="/tmp/tmp.log", "a")
+--- if not file then
+--- return false, err
+--- end
+--- file:write(str)
+--- file:flush()
+--- file:close()
+--- return true
+--- end
+--- return {log=log}
+---@param threadpool string
+---@param module_name string
+---@param func_name string
+---@param arg1? ngx.thread.arg
+---@param arg2? ngx.thread.arg
+---@param ... ngx.thread.arg
+---@return boolean ok
+---@return ngx.thread.arg? result_or_error
+---@return ...
+function ngx.run_worker_thread(threadpool, module_name, func_name, arg1, arg2, ...)
return ngx