diff options
author最萌小汐 <>2021-09-14 20:43:33 +0800
committer最萌小汐 <>2021-09-14 20:43:33 +0800
commit5a072004414ff1f8de416c62a4067774f72e7097 (patch)
parent4d1b606cc875803cc07031c63cde351300ea664a (diff)
15 files changed, 78 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/script/core/code-action.lua b/script/core/code-action.lua
index 64f862f9..1bac9359 100644
--- a/script/core/code-action.lua
+++ b/script/core/code-action.lua
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ end
local function disableDiagnostic(uri, code, start, results)
local lines = files.getLines(uri)
- local row = guide.positionOf(lines, start)
+ local row = guide.positionOf(start)
results[#results+1] = {
title = lang.script('ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG', code),
kind = 'quickfix',
diff --git a/script/core/completion.lua b/script/core/completion.lua
index f81f8179..59dc19f3 100644
--- a/script/core/completion.lua
+++ b/script/core/completion.lua
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ local function getSnip(source)
if vm.isMetaFile(uri) then
- local row = guide.positionOf(lines, def.start)
+ local row = guide.positionOf(def.start)
local firstRow = lines[row]
local lastRow = lines[math.min(row + context - 1, #lines)]
local snip = text:sub(firstRow.start, lastRow.finish)
diff --git a/script/core/diagnostics/newfield-call.lua b/script/core/diagnostics/newfield-call.lua
index fe86ad66..61d52dd2 100644
--- a/script/core/diagnostics/newfield-call.lua
+++ b/script/core/diagnostics/newfield-call.lua
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ return function (uri, callback)
local func = call.node
local args = call.args
if args then
- local funcLine = guide.positionOf(lines, func.finish)
- local argsLine = guide.positionOf(lines, args.start)
+ local funcLine = guide.positionOf(func.finish)
+ local argsLine = guide.positionOf(args.start)
if argsLine > funcLine then
callback {
start = call.start,
diff --git a/script/core/diagnostics/newline-call.lua b/script/core/diagnostics/newline-call.lua
index 71dc33e2..69bf948f 100644
--- a/script/core/diagnostics/newline-call.lua
+++ b/script/core/diagnostics/newline-call.lua
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ return function (uri, callback)
- local nodeRow = guide.positionOf(lines, node.finish)
- local argRow = guide.positionOf(lines, args.start)
+ local nodeRow = guide.positionOf(node.finish)
+ local argRow = guide.positionOf(args.start)
if nodeRow == argRow then
diff --git a/script/core/find-source.lua b/script/core/find-source.lua
index edbb1e2c..26a411e5 100644
--- a/script/core/find-source.lua
+++ b/script/core/find-source.lua
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ local function isValidFunctionPos(source, offset)
return false
-return function (ast, offset, accept)
+return function (ast, position, accept)
local len = math.huge
local result
- guide.eachSourceContain(ast.ast, offset, function (source)
+ guide.eachSourceContain(ast.ast, position, function (source)
if source.type == 'function' then
- if not isValidFunctionPos(source, offset) then
+ if not isValidFunctionPos(source, position) then
diff --git a/script/core/keyword.lua b/script/core/keyword.lua
index b8e37605..4b43efe5 100644
--- a/script/core/keyword.lua
+++ b/script/core/keyword.lua
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ until $1"
if first == 'end'
or first == 'else'
or first == 'elseif' then
- local startRow = guide.positionOf(lines, info.start)
- local finishRow = guide.positionOf(lines, pos)
+ local startRow = guide.positionOf(info.start)
+ local finishRow = guide.positionOf(pos)
local startSp = info.text:match('^%s*', lines[startRow].start + 1)
local finishSp = info.text:match('^%s*', lines[finishRow].start + 1)
if startSp == finishSp then
diff --git a/script/core/reference.lua b/script/core/reference.lua
index 5f5831c6..067d2e23 100644
--- a/script/core/reference.lua
+++ b/script/core/reference.lua
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ local accept = {
[''] = true,
-return function (uri, offset)
+return function (uri, position)
local ast = files.getState(uri)
if not ast then
return nil
- local source = findSource(ast, offset, accept)
+ local source = findSource(ast, position, accept)
if not source then
return nil
diff --git a/script/core/type-formatting.lua b/script/core/type-formatting.lua
index a225d9d7..12272f11 100644
--- a/script/core/type-formatting.lua
+++ b/script/core/type-formatting.lua
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ local guide = require ""
local function insertIndentation(uri, offset, edits)
local lines = files.getLines(uri)
local text = files.getOriginText(uri)
- local row = guide.positionOf(lines, offset)
+ local row = guide.positionOf(offset)
local line = lines[row]
local indent = text:sub(line.start, line.finish):match '^%s*'
for _, edit in ipairs(edits) do
diff --git a/script/files.lua b/script/files.lua
index ecaaa5a5..0e62a740 100644
--- a/script/files.lua
+++ b/script/files.lua
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ function m.position(uri, offset, leftOrRight)
lines = m.getOriginLines(uri)
text = m.getOriginText(uri)
- local row, col = guide.positionOf(lines, offset)
+ local row, col = guide.positionOf(offset)
local start, finish = guide.lineRange(lines, row, true)
start = start + 1
if col <= finish - start + 1 then
diff --git a/script/parser/guide.lua b/script/parser/guide.lua
index e5e9ead1..941fc7b1 100644
--- a/script/parser/guide.lua
+++ b/script/parser/guide.lua
@@ -548,24 +548,24 @@ function m.getRange(source)
return start, finish
---- 判断source是否包含offset
-function m.isContain(source, offset)
+--- 判断source是否包含position
+function m.isContain(source, position)
local start, finish = m.getStartFinish(source)
if not start then
return false
- return start <= offset and finish >= offset
+ return start <= position and finish >= position
---- 判断offset在source的影响范围内
+--- 判断position在source的影响范围内
--- 主要针对赋值等语句时,key包含value
-function m.isInRange(source, offset)
+function m.isInRange(source, position)
local start, finish = m.getRange(source)
if not start then
return false
- return start <= offset and finish >= offset
+ return start <= position and finish >= position
function m.isBetween(source, tStart, tFinish)
@@ -597,8 +597,8 @@ local function addChilds(list, obj)
f(obj, list)
---- 遍历所有包含offset的source
-function m.eachSourceContain(ast, offset, callback)
+--- 遍历所有包含position的source
+function m.eachSourceContain(ast, position, callback)
local list = { ast }
local mark = {}
while true do
@@ -610,8 +610,8 @@ function m.eachSourceContain(ast, offset, callback)
list[len] = nil
if not mark[obj] then
mark[obj] = true
- if m.isInRange(obj, offset) then
- if m.isContain(obj, offset) then
+ if m.isInRange(obj, position) then
+ if m.isContain(obj, position) then
local res = callback(obj)
if res ~= nil then
return res
@@ -737,64 +737,24 @@ function m.eachSpecialOf(ast, name, callback)
---- 获取光标偏移对应的坐标。
---- 如果在换行符的右侧,则认为在新的一行。
---- 第一行的行号是1不是0。
----@param lines table
----@return integer {name = 'row'}
----@return integer {name = 'col'}
-function m.positionOf(lines, offset)
- if offset <= 0 then
- return 1, 0
- end
- local lastLine = lines[#lines]
- if offset >= lastLine.finish then
- return #lines, lastLine.finish - lastLine.start
- end
- local min = 1
- local max = #lines
- for _ = 1, 100 do
- if max <= min then
- local line = lines[min]
- return min, offset - line.start
- end
- local row = (max - min) // 2 + min
- local line = lines[row]
- if offset < line.start then
- max = row - 1
- elseif offset >= line.finish then
- min = row + 1
- else
- return row, offset - line.start
- end
- end
- error('Stack overflow!')
+--- 将 position 拆分成行号与列号
+--- 第一行是0
+---@param position integer
+---@return integer row
+---@return integer col
+function m.positionOf(position)
+ return position // 10000, position % 10000
---- 获取坐标对应的光标偏移。
---- 一定会落在当前行的换行符左侧。
---- 第一行的行号是1不是0。
----@param lines table
+--- 将行列合并为 position
+--- 第一行是0
---@param row integer
---@param col integer
----@return integer {name = 'offset'}
-function m.offsetOf(lines, row, col)
- if row < 1 then
- return 0
- end
- if row > #lines then
- local lastLine = lines[#lines]
- return lastLine.finish
- end
- local line = lines[row]
- local len = line.range - line.start
- if col < 0 then
- return line.start
- elseif col > len then
- return line.range
- else
- return line.start + col
- end
+---@return integer
+function m.offsetOf(row, col)
+ return row * 10000 + col
function m.lineContent(lines, text, row, ignoreNL)
diff --git a/script/parser/luadoc.lua b/script/parser/luadoc.lua
index 26341571..533aa9db 100644
--- a/script/parser/luadoc.lua
+++ b/script/parser/luadoc.lua
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ function parseType(parent)
result.finish = getFinish()
result.firstFinish = result.finish
- local row = guide.positionOf(Lines, result.finish)
+ local row = guide.positionOf(result.finish)
local function pushResume()
local comments
@@ -1178,8 +1178,8 @@ end
local function isTailComment(lns, text, binded, doc)
local lastDoc = binded[#binded]
- local lastDocStartRow = guide.positionOf(lns, lastDoc.originalComment.start)
- local lastDocStartLineData = guide.lineData(lns, lastDocStartRow)
+ local lastDocStartRow = guide.positionOf(lastDoc.originalComment.start)
+ local lastDocStartLineData = guide.lineData(lastDocStartRow)
if haveCodeBeforeDocInCurLine(text, lastDocStartLineData, lastDoc.originalComment.start) then
return true
@@ -1191,8 +1191,8 @@ local function isNextLine(lns, text, binded, doc)
return false
local lastDoc = binded[#binded]
- local lastRow = guide.positionOf(lns, lastDoc.finish)
- local newRow = guide.positionOf(lns, doc.start)
+ local lastRow = guide.positionOf(lastDoc.finish)
+ local newRow = guide.positionOf(doc.start)
return newRow - lastRow == 1
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ local function bindDoc(sources, lns, binded)
doc.bindSources = bindSources
- local row = guide.positionOf(lns, lastDoc.finish)
+ local row = guide.positionOf(lastDoc.finish)
local cstart, cfinish = guide.lineRange(lns, row)
local nstart, nfinish = guide.lineRange(lns, row + 1)
bindDocsBetween(sources, binded, bindSources, cstart, cfinish)
diff --git a/script/vm/getDocs.lua b/script/vm/getDocs.lua
index c0205654..5fcf9478 100644
--- a/script/vm/getDocs.lua
+++ b/script/vm/getDocs.lua
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ local function makeDiagRange(uri, doc, results)
names[name] = true
- local row = guide.positionOf(lines, doc.start)
+ local row = guide.positionOf(doc.start)
if doc.mode == 'disable-next-line' then
if lines[row+1] then
results[#results+1] = {
diff --git a/test/basic/noder.lua b/test/basic/noder.lua
index 4c0a1620..87b34e12 100644
--- a/test/basic/noder.lua
+++ b/test/basic/noder.lua
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ local function TEST(script)
local newScript, catched = catch(script, '?')
files.setText('', newScript)
- local source = getSource(catched[1][1])
+ local source = getSource(catched['?'][1][1])
local result = {
id = noder.getID(source),
diff --git a/test/catch.lua b/test/catch.lua
index 910c368f..09b55929 100644
--- a/test/catch.lua
+++ b/test/catch.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+local mt = {}
+local function catchedTable()
+ return setmetatable({}, mt)
+function mt.__add(a, b)
+ if not a or not b then
+ return a or b
+ end
+ local t = catchedTable()
+ for _, v in ipairs(a) do
+ t[#t+1] = v
+ end
+ for _, v in ipairs(b) do
+ t[#t+1] = v
+ end
+ return t
local function getLine(offset, lns)
for i = 0, #lns do
@@ -20,7 +39,7 @@ end
---@param script string
---@param sep string
return function (script, sep)
- local pattern = ('()<%%%s.-%%%s>()'):format(sep, sep)
+ local pattern = ('()<(%s).-%s>()'):format(sep, sep)
local lns = {}
lns[0] = 0
for pos in script:gmatch '()\n' do
@@ -33,7 +52,7 @@ return function (script, sep)
local list = {}
local cuted = 0
local lastLine = 0
- for a, b in script:gmatch(pattern) do
+ for a, char, b in script:gmatch(pattern) do
codes[#codes+1] = script:sub(pos, a - 1)
codes[#codes+1] = script:sub(a + 2, b - 3)
pos = b
@@ -51,7 +70,10 @@ return function (script, sep)
local right = getPosition(b - 3, lns) - cuted
cuted = cuted + 2
- list[#list+1] = { left, right }
+ if not list[char] then
+ list[char] = catchedTable()
+ end
+ list[char][#list[char]+1] = { left, right }
codes[#codes+1] = script:sub(pos)
return table.concat(codes), list
diff --git a/test/references/init.lua b/test/references/init.lua
index 2fba92e5..a14f0a02 100644
--- a/test/references/init.lua
+++ b/test/references/init.lua
@@ -1,19 +1,6 @@
local core = require 'core.reference'
local files = require 'files'
-local function catch_target(script)
- local list = {}
- local cur = 1
- while true do
- local start, finish = script:find('<[!?].-[!?]>', cur)
- if not start then
- break
- end
- list[#list+1] = { start + 2, finish - 2 }
- cur = finish + 1
- end
- return list
+local catch = require 'catch'
local function founded(targets, results)
if #targets ~= #results then
@@ -33,14 +20,12 @@ end
function TEST(script)
- local expect = catch_target(script)
- local start = script:find('<[?~]')
- local finish = script:find('[?~]>')
- local pos = (start + finish) // 2 + 1
- local new_script = script:gsub('<[!?~]', ' '):gsub('[!?~]>', ' ')
- files.setText('', new_script)
+ local newScript, catched = catch(script, '[!?~]')
+ files.setText('', newScript)
- local results = core('', pos)
+ local input = catched['?'] + catched['~']
+ local expect = catched['!'] + catched['?'] + catched['~']
+ local results = core('', input[1][1])
if results then
local positions = {}
for i, result in ipairs(results) do