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index e57ad194..13fcb55a 100644
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/ALIAS COMEBACK SAY I was hoping for a battle of wits, but you seem to be unarmed.
/ALIAS UNACT SCRIPT EXEC \$_->activity(0) for Irssi::windows
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index b7cadf8a..41522cb2 100644
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@@ -1,22 +1,37 @@
- -clear: remove all lastlog lines from window
+ -: Doesn't print the "Lastlog:" and "End of Lastlog" messages.
+ -file: Output the lastlog to a file instead of the active window.
+ -window: Specifies the window to check.
+ -new: Only displays results since the previous lastlog.
+ -away: Only displays results since you previous away status.
+ -level: Specifies the levels to check.
+ -clear: Removes the previous results from the active window.
+ -count: Displays how many lines match.
+ -case: Performs a case-sensitive matching.
+ -regexp: The given text pattern is a regular expression.
+ -word: The text must match full words.
+ -force: Forces to display the lastlog, even if it exceeds 1000 lines.
+ -after: Only displays results after the given line number.
+ -before: Only displays results before the given line number.
+ The pattern to search for and the maximum of lines to display; if no
+ parameter is given, the entire window buffer will be displayed.
+ Searches the active window for a pattern and displays the result.
- -: don't print the "Lastlog:" and "End of Lastlog" messages.
- -file: write lastlog to file instead of screen
- -window: which window's lastlog to check (output is always to active)
- -case: Case-sensitive matching
- -force: Force displaying lastlog even if it's longer than 1000 lines
- -new: show only lines since last /LASTLOG
- -regexp: `text' is a regular expression
- -word: `text' must match to full words
- -<level>: levels to check (default is all; /help levels for details)
- <pattern>: text to search for, or all if empty
- <count>: maximum number of lines to show
- <start>: skip the last `start' lines
-Shows the given number of lines of log from the current window.
+ /LASTLOG holiday
+ /LASTLOG "is on vacation"
+ /LASTLOG -file -force ~/mike.log "mike"
-See also:
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-Saves the current window layout to configuration (yes, you'll still
-need to use /SAVE to save the configuration to file). Next time you run
-irssi, all the channels and queries are exactly in the same windows
-where they were when you called /LAYOUT SAVE.
+ SAVE: Saves your layout to the configuration.
+ RESET: Removes the saved layout from the configuration.
+ Saves the layout of your window configuration; the next time you connect
+ to the server, you will join the channels in the same window as before.
+ This method enables you to keep the same window layout when you start Irssi
+ the next time.
+ You will need to use the SAVE command to confirm and commit the changes
+ into the configuration file.
-Channels aren't actually joined in those windows immediately, they're
-just marked "next time you join to '#channel' in server that has tag
-'ircnet' place it to this window".
+%9See also:%9 SAVE, WINDOW
-/LAYOUT RESET removes the saved layout.
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-Message levels (or in short, levels) are used almost everywhere.
-They describe what kind of messages we're dealing with. Here's a
-list of them all:
- CRAP - Can be almost anything
- MSGS - Private messages
- PUBLIC - Public messages in channel
- NOTICES - Notices
- SNOTES - Server notices
- CTCPS - CTCP messages
- ACTIONS - Actions (/me) - usually ORed with PUBLIC or MSGS
- JOINS - Someone joins a channel
- PARTS - Someone parts a channel
- QUITS - Someone quits IRC
- KICKS - Someone gets kicked from channel
- MODES - Channel mode is changed
- TOPICS - Channel topic is changed
- WALLOPS - Wallop is received
- INVITES - Invite is received
- NICKS - Someone changes nick
- DCC - DCC related messages
- DCCMSGS - DCC chat messages
- CLIENTNOTICE - Irssi's notices
- CLIENTERROR - Irssi's error messages
- CLIENTCRAP - Some other messages from Irssi
-And a few special ones that could be included with the
-levels above:
- HILIGHT - Text is highlighted
- NOHILIGHT - Don't check highlighting for this message
- NO_ACT - Don't trigger channel activity when printing
- this message
- NEVER - Never ignore or log this message
+ These are the message levels that are used throughout Irssi; they describe
+ what kind of message is displayed.
+ These are the common levels you can use:
+ ACTIONS Actions by a nickname.
+ CLIENTCRAP Irssi's internal messages.
+ CLIENTERROR Irssi's internal error messages.
+ CLIENTNOTICE Irssi's internal notices.
+ CRAP Can be almost anything.
+ CTCPS CTCP messages.
+ DCC DCC protocol related messages.
+ DCCMSGS DCC chat messages.
+ INVITES An invite is received.
+ JOINS A nickname joins a channel.
+ KICKS A nickname gets kicked from a channel.
+ MODES A channel mode is modified.
+ MSGS Private messages.
+ NICKS A nickname changes to another nickname.
+ NOTICES Notices sent from a nickname.
+ PARTS A nickname leaves a channel.
+ PUBLIC Public messages in a channel.
+ QUITS A nickname disconnects from IRC.
+ SNOTES Notices sent from a server.
+ TOPICS A channel topic is modified.
+ WALLOPS A wallop is received.
+ These are the special levels you can use:
+ HILIGHT The text is highlighted.
+ NEVER Never ignores or logs the message.
+ NO_ACT Doesn't trigger any activity in the statusbar.
+ NOHILIGHT The text is not highlighted.
+ When using levels from Irssi scripts, you need to prepend the level with
+ "MSGLEVEL_"; for example "CRAP" will be "MSGLEVEL_CRAP".
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index 95ee07c5..a2aaa689 100644
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-Shows the links between the IRC servers of the
-current IRC network. If a wildcard parameter is
-specified, shows only the matching entries.
+ The server to search on and the string to match on; if no arguments are
+ given, the list of links of the active server will be displayed.
+ Displays the links between an IRC server and its connections.
+ /LINKS *.hub
-See also: MAP
+%9See also:%9 LUSERS, MAP
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-Lists the channel names. Trying to list all the channel
-names usually causes you to be disconnected from the
-server with the reason "Excess flood", as usually all
-40000 channels form together and server naively attempts
-to send you them.
+ -yes: Comfirms that you want to receive a large amount of data.
+ The text a channel must match; if no argument is given, the list of all
+ channels will be displayed.
+ Displays the channel names that match your request; requesting all channels
+ may cause the server to disconnect you for flooding.
-Thus, on IRCNet, you should rather use service ALIS
-(Advanced Listing Service), which will allow you to query
-for channel with specific name, topic, mode or usercount.
-Type /SQUERY ALIS HELP to get more info about it.
+ /LIST -yes
+ /LIST -yes *ubuntu*
See also: SQUERY
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-Load a plugin. If full path isn't given, irssi searches the plugin from
+ The name of the module and submodule to load.
+ Loads a plugin; if the full path isn't given, it will attempt to load from
+ common directories in your installation path.
- ~/.irssi/modules/
- <install dir, /usr/local or /usr maybe>/lib/irssi/modules/
+ To load a perl script, you must use the SCRIPT command.
-See plugins page of to see if there's any plugins
-you'd want to use.
-To load a perl script you should use /SCRIPT.
+ /LOAD fish
+ /LOAD ~/irssi-fish/
-See also: UNLOAD
+%9See also:%9 SCRIPT, UNLOAD
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- -noopen: Create the entry to log list, but don't start logging
- -autoopen: Automatically open this log file at startup
- -<server tag>: Targets are logged only in this server
- -targets: Log only in specified channels/nicks (space separated list)
- -window: Log output in the window. Active window is used by default, or
- you can give the window's refnum in -targets.
- <filename>: File name where to log, it is parsed with
- strftime(), so %%d=day, etc. see "man strftime" for
- more info.
- <levels>: Defaults to ALL
- <id>: ID number of log.
-/SET log_create_mode <mode> - Specifies what file mode to use with
- the created log files. Default is 0600.
-All of these are parsed with strftime():
-/SET log_timestamp <text> - Specifies the time stamp format.
- Default is "%%H:%%M ".
-/SET log_open_string <text> - Text written to log when it's opened
-/SET log_close_string <text> - Text written to log when it's closed
-/SET log_day_changed <text> - Text written to log when day changes
-NOTE: Log files are locked after opened, so two Irssis can't
-accidentally try to write to the same log file.
-/LOG OPEN -targets cras ~/irclogs/cras.log MSGS
- - Logs all messages from/to nick `cras'
-/LOG OPEN -targets #linux ~/irclogs/linux/linux-%%Y-%%m-%%d
- - Logs all messages in channel #linux. Log is rotated daily, so
- logs in 1. May 2000 goes to file "linux-2000-05-01", when the
- day is changed, Irssi closes the log and starts logging to
- "linux-2000-05-02" etc.
+ OPEN: Opens a logfile.
+ CLOSE: Closes a logfile.
+ START: Starts logging a log entry.
+ STOP: Stops logging a log entry.
+ -noopen: Saves the entry in the configuration, but doesn't actually
+ start logging.
+ -autoopen: Automatically opens the log at startup.
+ -window: Displays the output to the active window, or the window
+ specified in the targets parameter.
+ -<server tag>: The server tag the targets must be on.
+ -targets: Logs the specified nickhames or channels.
+ -colors: Also log the color codes of the messages.
+ The filename of the log and the levels to match; if no argument is given,
+ the list of open logs will be displayed.
+ Opens a logfile and stores the messages of the given targets into it; the
+ logfiles will be locked so multiple clients cannot log to the same file.
+ You may use any of the date formats to create a logrotation; we strongly
+ recommend you to enable autolog if you are interested in keeping logs.
+ /LOG OPEN -targets mike ~/irclogs/mike.log MSGS
+ /LOG OPEN -targets #irssi-freenode ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d
+ /LOG CLOSE ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d
+ /LOG STOP ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d
+ /LOG START ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d
+ /SET autolog ON
+%9See also:%9 SET LOG, WINDOW LOG
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-Shows user statistics of the current IRC network.
+ The server to search on and the remote sever to search on; if no arguments
+ are given, the active server will be used.
+ Displays the user statistics of the active or remote server.
+ The parameters to search on a remote server are no longer supported on most
+ IRC servers; we no longer provide examples for remote LUSERS to avoid all
+ confusion.
+%9See also:%9 LINKS, MAP