path: root/TODO
diff options
authorEmanuele Giaquinta <>2008-03-10 20:17:42 +0000
committerexg <exg@dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564>2008-03-10 20:17:42 +0000
commitda1f993e7ab5eed247696cda39f6882468a2630f (patch)
tree6465f860a567db272f021be1dcc90e158e5d6b9c /TODO
parent1e4d285f97f10a9b7ef9ac1da5d258e6c568a844 (diff)
Update, translations are courtesy of Tomi Nygren.
git-svn-id: dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564
Diffstat (limited to 'TODO')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index d7d1236a..29341bf3 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,38 +1,8 @@
-FIXME translate
-19:36 [IRCNet] [muzzy] lisää bugeja irssissä, ilmeisesti
- uusin versio: foo splittaa ulos, bar joinaa sisään, bar vaihtaa
- nicknamen fooksi, foo splittaa uudestaan ulos -> tulee Glib warning
- "is already in split list (how?)" .. :)
-22:51 [IRCNet] [zhafte] irssi muuten taitaa bugaa jos
- pistää ACT oikeaan reunaan, vai onkohan se vain mun terminaali?
-22:52 [IRCNet] [zhafte] menevät välillä päällekkäin
- numerot
-17.03.2002 22:25 <@Ion> cras: Jos sanon dcc chatissa että /exec -
- -out cat iso_tiedosto, niin miksi
- iso_tiedosto jää kesken? :)
- - %n%_ ei näy lastlogissa
- - use_status_window, use_msgs_window sais toimia heti
- - tab completio jos lisää utf8 juttuja niin ei oikein toimi?
- - jos kickataan nopeasti ja joinaa takas nopeasti chansyncci kaataa
- /WHOssa.. kts. qrczak logi
- - /set show_server_tags tjsp että näyttäis aina (yhdistä hide_server_tagsin
- kanssa?)
- - /SBAR topic placement bottom ei toimi??
- - /exec -out kanavalla ei pelaa silcissä
- - /op * valitus vois olla joku parempi kuin "not a good idea"..
- - mitenkäs tabcompletio completoi taas omaakin nickkiä..?
- - vanhan irssin /upgrades uuteen ennen sitä vaihtoi /set autolog_path:iin
- $1 ja kaatui?..
- - /win hide vois pelata vaikka oliskin stickyjä siinä ikkunassa
- - /window server -sticky:tetyt ikkunat ei aina meinaa tajuta kun serveri
- yhdistyy?
- - utf8-tekstitykset bugailee statusbarissa (promptissa)
- - jos /set reuse_unused_windows off, ja ikkuna näyttäis täysin tyhjälle
- ja niitä olis vaan 1, niin sen vois kyllä käyttää silti (?)
- - active_mainwin oli jotenkin NULL ja kaatoi.. /window killi teki sen,
- liittyy varmaan jotenkin siihen että window_close() vaihtoi samaan
- hiddenikkunaan splitti-ikkunan sisällä jota oltiin kuitenkin tappamassa
- kun se ei ollut sticky..
+19:36 [IRCNet] [muzzy] more bugs in irssi, apparently the new version: foo splits out,
+ bar joins, bar changes his nick to foo, foo splits again ->
+ Glib warning "is already in split list (how?)" .. :)
+22:51 [IRCNet] [zhafte] irssi bugs if you put ACT to the right, or maybe it is my terminal?
+22:52 [IRCNet] [zhafte] the numbers tend to go on top of eachother
04:35 [OPN] [slug] was just wondering if you
had Irssi::keyboard_entry_redirect() on your TODO somewhere near the
@@ -51,8 +21,6 @@ FIXME translate
-14:59 <@c0ffee> cras, bug report, mode change compression appears not to work:
- 13:58 -!- mode/#*cut* [-b+ *cut*] by *cut* (i think it was -b+b)
21:55 <@L> 17:04.11 <L> /eval /last quit;/clear;/sb goto 10:00;/last -clear;/sb end
21:55 <@L> 17:04.27 <L> wait after it scrolls and press page up :)
21:55 <@L> 17:04.48 <L> oh, you can make Irssi behave correctly with /clear
@@ -101,8 +69,28 @@ FIXME translate
windows, and then that person says something again, I'm brought
to the new query window automatically (that's of course bad).
+ - /exec - -out cat file does not send the whole file
+ - %n%_ won't show at lastlog..
+ - use_status_window, use_msgs_window should work instantly..
+ - during fast kicking and the victim quickly rejoins, chansync crashes in /WHO..
+ - /set show_server_tags or something to always show (combine with hide_server_tagsin ?)..
+ - /SBAR topic placement bottom won't work??..
+ - /op * complaining could be better than "not a good idea"..
+ - how did tab completion complete your own nick..?
+ - the old irssi's /upgrades to the new, before it changed to /set autolog_path
+ $1 and crashed?..
+ - /win hide could work even though there are sticky things in that window..
+ - /window server -sticky windows doesn't always realize when a server connects?..
+ - tab completion doesn't work properly if I add utf8 things?..
+ - utf8-texts tend to bug in statusbar (prompt)..
+ - if /set reuse_unused_windows off, and the window seems to be empty,
+ and there would be only one of them it could still be used (?)..
+ - active_mainwin was somehow NULL and crashed.. /window kill did it,
+ probably something to do with window_close() switching to the same
+ hidden window inside the split window, which I was about to kill
+ anyways because it wasn't sticky..
- /foreach server /disconnect $tag n8 does not work
- - /exec - -o uname -a does not work (two spaces before the first dash)
+ - /command -option does not work (two spaces before the dash)
- /whowas server nick does not work
- /msg nick@server or nick%host is fully treated as nickname (log, query)
- max_whois won't stay with reconnects?
@@ -121,7 +109,6 @@ FIXME translate
- away handling is a bit buggy. you do /away;/away reason, irssi remembers
the away reason only until it receives "you're no longer away" from the
first command.. setting it back to away has then lost the reason.
- - crash: /exec -msg safari perl -e 'print "A"x600000'"
- nick_ nick- _nick nick2 nick3 ...
- /SAVE -all?
- /STATUSBAR xx ENABLE|DISABLE recreates all statusbars which is a bit