path: root/TODO
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authorTimo Sirainen <>2001-02-22 08:54:36 +0000
committercras <cras@dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564>2001-02-22 08:54:36 +0000
commit3c2347b1faa6d6356027f9feb8e056eddb4cecd6 (patch)
tree52d7b2a6ea0ea2dca0f628b2edc5619b0954e924 /TODO
parent62a7faf5b2cabc4b2c225555df0b88eafc9528e4 (diff)
Getting ready for 0.7.98
git-svn-id: dbcabf3a-b0e7-0310-adc4-f8d773084564
Diffstat (limited to 'TODO')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index edc15389..2389d466 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,175 +1,267 @@
- *** sorry for the finnish items, they're just too many to translate and
- *** I've kept writing them in finnish usually... They also don't always
- *** tell very well about the problem, just some note to myself that I'd
- *** remember myself..
- - /sb redraw doesn't do anything to non-format lines (should redraw
- timestamp, etc.)
- - autorename query when msg is received from another nick in same host
- - /formatabstract & /formatreplace to update abstracts & replaces in themes
- - queries don't work properly in waiting channels .. because the server tag
- verifying fails, we should just create the query and give the server tag
- to it without checking if the server tag is really found at that time.
- - autologissa tulee ongelmia jos printataan targettiin ilman serveriä ..
- tapahtuu esim. "starting query with xxx" kun restoretaan ikkunoita
- jos query oli savetettu. sitten huono kun se ei katoa koskaan itsekseen..
- - perl:
- - joku tapa että perlilläkin voisi muuttaa kokonaan inputtiriviä
- "complete word" signaali, haluaa GSList **:n .. tuon muuttaminen,
- listan alkuun tai loppuun kaman lisäys..
- - joku printnickmsg() jolla voisi printata nuo nickin vaihdot ja quitit
- ..ja killit skriptissä..
- - /bind -delete?
- - <tommik> hmm, I just did /notify nick, /unnotify nick, /notify nick OPN...
- and now /notify shows the nick in all networks I'm connected to -
- /notify -idle and you make /whois nick nick ei toimi
- - redirectiot sotkee jotenkin jos on notify idlessä xmunkki ja tekee
- /wii xmunkki .. kun se laittaa "event empty"yn channelit ja muut, ei
- realname/endofwhoisiä
- - jos serveri ei löydä mun dns:ää niin voi tulla i-linen puute.. irssi ei
- saisi lopettaa tossa kohtaa serveriin yhdistämistä... voisi jotenkin
- säätää että bannin tullessa jos on ircnet asetettu niin ei lopettaisi
- koskaan..
- - serveri jos asettaa +r:n niin siitä ei sen jälkeen pääse eroon millään
- muulla kuin /disconnectilla.. voisi pitää muistissa vaan itse annettuja
- modeja eikä niitä mitä serverillä oli disconnectin aikana.
- - se komentojuttu.. vois tehdä command_bind()iin suoraan parametrit ja optiot
- optioistakin vois pitää sen historyn jos core ja fe-common tms. on eri
- niin sitten fe-comon unloadattaessa tulis se coren takaisin voimaan.
- mutta kuitenkin se merge juttu olis kokoajan että olis nopea..
- - <fuchs> when i am called _` or just ] or { or something like that
- every incomming msg is hilighted :/
- - proxyyn tuki sille että kirjoittaa proxyssä msg:n niin clientitkin saa sen
- - moduuleilta vois ottaa automaagisesti pois unloadissa niiden settingsit
- myös. ja otetaanko niiltä commandeja/signeeleja edes vielä?
- - valita jos yritetään käyttää disable-staticcia configuressa.
- - /mark .. ja automarkki että näkyy joku ------------ uuden tekstin kohdassa.
- - /server -ircnet EFNet -next to cycle to the next server (or /reconnect
- ircnet actually..).
- - laita se splittaamaan automaagisesti msg:t ja noticet
- - kommentit configgifilessä blockeissa bugaa. tee kunnon tarkistukset
- kaikkialle noita ja virheellisiä juttuja varten.
- is_node_list() uppercaseksi ja tee IS_NODE_BLOCK
- - silc käskyt gruuppiin
- - irc-nicklist.c: move nick change to core.
- - irc-queries.c: - '' -
- - logausta vois tutkia vähän.. manuaalisesti ei voi nyt esim. logittaa
- joko efnetin tai ircnetin #irssiä.
- - --more-- tulee jotenkin splitikkunoihin vaikkei pitäisi.
- window show, window hiden jälkeen ehkä ..eivaan ton jälkeen rivit ei
- vaihdu enää vaan pitää itse pgdownia painaa ja shown jälkeen tuli
- joku outo tyhjiä rivejä vaan jotain corruptiota.. 2 ikkunaa oli vaan.
- - hilightit + window activityt koodi on ihan sekasotkua. privamsg hilightit
- vois tehdä pubmsg hilightien tyyliin
- - /notify -away ja -idlessä olis kiva jos nickissä voisi olla wildcardeja
- - completio vois hyppiä niiden -optioiden ohi. vois myös täydennellä
- erikseen option parametrejä? ja se conffattava completio.. alias completio
- - ignore -pattern:n arvo pitäisi näyttää
- - näytä /hilight:n ulostuksessa värit
- - autoignore korjaa.
- - /save -all, tallentais kaikki configin asetukset ja teeman koko teeman
- - haluis et teksti alkais ruudun alhaalta eikä ylhäältä
- - autoresume dcc autogetissä
- - dcc time left
- - dcc chatissa ei vaihdu nickki vaikka muualla vaihtuu.. oma ja toisen.
- - dcc filet välilyönneillä vois pelata
- - plugin.h API
- - fserver
- - settingssit moduuleittain omiin blokkeihin niin sitten vois valittaa
- tuntemattomista jos on typoja ja sellasta
- - pitäis pakottaa ircnet asettamaan setupserverissä .. ja jos poistaa
- ircnetin? "chat network xxx not found, assuming standard IRC network"..
- - editorimainen rivin editointimahdollisuus pitkille riveille :)
- - /window scroll off
- - vertically split windows
- - /set prompt $N etc.
- - try profiling the code with /cat filewith10000lines
- - when pasting text, irssi could notice it and ask
- "pasting 30 lines of text, ok?"
- - wait 1 sec before sending the text, if arrow up key is pressed abort
- sending the text. also really remove the line from screen and maybe
- put some notice?
+ - windows:
+ - /WINDOW SIZE -sticky, so f.e. /WINDOW BALANCE wouldn't affect it.
+ - /LAYOUT save|reset doesn't affect anything immediately, only after
+ restart
+ - Check that /LAYOUT SAVE works properly with all the different /SETs,
+ like reuse_unsued_windows, windows_auto_renumber and autoclose_windows.
+ What should it do if some channel is /PARTed with autoclose_windows
+ set?..
+ - /WINDOW scrollback_lines /WINDOW scrollback_hours
+ - Optionally always start the lines from bottom of the screen when
+ screen is empty (how would scrolling work?)
+ - /WINDOW SCROLL OFF - window wouldn't scroll down automatically
+ - Vertically split windows
+ - Keyboard handling:
+ - /BIND: key definitions should be changed to be more epic-like.. :
+ /bind ^[ key meta, /bind meta-O key meta2, /bind meta-[ key meta2
+ /bind meta2-c echo Ctrl-Left pressed
+ and maybe
+ /bind meta2-C key left, /bind meta-left echo meta-left pressed
+ - Some kind of state support for it, so it would be possible to make
+ support for vi keys easily.
+ - Editor-like (or bash-like) line editor - it would wrap to next line
+ instead of scrolling.
+ - When pasting text, irssi could notice it and ask "pasting 30 lines
+ of text, ok?" .. Could send some signal that sends the pasted lines
+ in GList which signal handlers could modify. Also the first pasted
+ line could be somehow buffered so that it isn't sent immediately
+ so these paste handlers could modify it too.
+ - Already existing / at start of line handler should use this
+ - Automatically remove empty space at the start/end of lines,
+ from start of line it would work so that if each line begins with
+ 4 spaces but some more, it would only remove those 4 spaces from
+ each so pasting code wouldn't mess up indents etc.
+ - Skip all autoreplaces and completions, so that f.e. tabs are
+ printed as-is
+ - Should empty lines be pasted too? Maybe optionally
+ - Notify list:
+ - It's buggy. too buggy. -idle seems to work fine but other than that
+ it seems to have several problems, sometimes not saying if user has
+ quit.
+ - <tommik> hmm, I just did /notify nick, /unnotify nick, /notify nick OPN
+ and now /notify shows the nick in all networks I'm connected to
+ - /NOTIFY -away and -idle: support for wildcards in nicks (requires of
+ course that we're in same channel as nick)
+ - Automatically add queried nicks to notify list temporarily .. display
+ the notifys for the nick in the query window
+ - /NOTIFY -once - notify only once when the user comes to IRC, forget
+ this after it.
+ - /NOTIFY -comment xxx - add a comment to notify. print the comment when
+ user comes to irc.
+ - "Should we check people in notify list when you're away" option
+ Scrollback:
+ - Optionally show a "bookmark" (line mark actually, a line full of '-'
+ chars) in a window. It would be displayed at the position where you
+ were when the window was active last time. /MARK command to force
+ updating it to bottom of screen in active window.
+ - --more-- should be displayed *only* when there's new text at the
+ bottom of the screen, not when you scroll up a bit and go visit another
+ window for a while..
+ - /SCROLLBACK REDRAW doesn't do anything to non-format lines (should
+ redraw timestamp, etc.)
+ - /last 05032 ... didn't really do what I wanted :) maybe I should change
+ the syntax to have -max parameter instead? Or /LAST -public 1000 would
+ be ok, but /LAST 1000 would treat 1000 as word.. hmm..
+ - /LAST -since <timestamp>
+ - Formats / themes:
+ - Possibility to modify abstracts and replaces in themes from irssi.
+ - Document the different formats briefly :)
+ - /FORMATs don't have styling anymore, so translation to different
+ languages should be possible with still the ability to use different
+ themes easily. /SET formats <filename> could change the file where
+ to read all /FORMATs, but formats in theme file would override them.
+ - Logging:
+ - Autologging has some problems if we're printing to some target without
+ server. Happens at least with "starting query with xxx" when restoring
+ queries at startup (saved with /LAYOUT SAVE). Also those logs will
+ never be automatically closed..
+ - Server commands:
+ - Optionally wait for a while (0.5-1sec) before sending the message to
+ server, if arrow up key is pressed abort it. Also remove the line from
+ screen and put some notice about it being not sent.
+ - /FLUSHSERVER or something that would remove commands from transmit
+ queue. Maybe with optional parameter what kind of commands to remove
+ (/FLUSHSERVER mode would remove all modes). Useful for example if you
+ want to abort /OP *.
+ - If we receive "cannot send to channel" from server or "you're not
+ chanop" events, remove the privmsgs/notices or modes/kicks/etc. from
+ send queue automatically. Useful for aborting things when you get
+ kicked after pasting lots of text or deopped after doing /OP * or
+ something ;)
+ - Split PRIVMSGs and NOTICEs automatically to multiple commands if
+ their length exceeds the 512 bytes (or it should be shorter actually
+ so server won't split it when it adds your nick+host mask)
- - ircnetin nimen voisi napata sieltä /ircnet:stä .. että se case menee
- oikein. /server, /server list, /channel list, status ikkuna, [ircnet] ..
- - optio käyttää sitä VALKOISTA tai määrättyä väriä eikä "default" väriä
+ - server connecting:
+ - Don't try to restore user modes set by server automatically when
+ reconnecting to another server. Like when server sets +r mode to you
+ you won't get rid of it until you /disconnect.
+ - DNS problems may cause removal of i-line, irssi shouldn't stop
+ trying to reconnect the server if it happens.. Maybe it never should
+ stop reconnecting to servers that are in config.
+ - /RECONNECT <servertag> - If <servertag> belongs to some IRC network,
+ reconnect to next server in that ircnet, otherwise just reconnect
+ to the server.
+ - /SERVER <number> would connect to n'th server in list. Show the
+ numbers with /SERVER LIST
+ - /CONNECT <ircnet> could remove existing ircnet connection from
+ reconnect queue if it exists (only if there's only one?). Also if
+ we're already connected to the ircnet it could complain about it
+ and -yes would force it.
- - skriptejä:
- - nappula status window/takaisin hyppimiseen
- - xtermin titlen asettelija
+ - Tab completion:
+ - Complete aliases
+ - Command completion doesn't work properly when -options are used.
+ - Possibility to complete -option parameters? Like -ircnet <tab>, also
+ /MSG -servertag<tab> and /LAST -level<tab> should work. All of these
+ require some command definition changes..
+ - bash-style (or whatever it shoulda be called) tab-completion
+ - key for reverse completion
+ - Statusbar:
+ - It now sometimes wraps to next line messing up screen
+ - Should be configurable. See
+ for what it probably should look like.
+ - When starting to run out of space some items could be made smaller,
+ activity for example .. make some generic flag for items to use.
+ - Add user counts (ops/voices/normal/total)
+ - Modules:
+ - Figure out module vs. plugin wording, what is what ;)
+ - API for plugins which would be guaranteed not to change
+ (at least too much/too often :)
+ - "chat protocol modules" - they could be loaded at startup so they'd be
+ equal to IRC protocol (autoconnecting servers would work etc.)
+ - on-demand autoload modules (f.e. by /command or maybe some signal)
+ - Try to make them create only .so files instead of .a and all..
+ - perl scripting:
+ - /SCRIPT for listing scripts, /SCRIPT REMOVE <name>|ALL,
+ - /PERL command - how does signal_add() work with it? probably not well.
+ How to remove those scripts? etc. /SCRIPT could show them as some
+ anonymous scripts, maybe list the whole script in the line..
+ - Possibility to modify entry line somehow
+ - Possibility to use "complete word" signal, needs GSList** handling
+ - signal_emit() - if emitting unknown signal, it could automatically
+ save the types of sent parameters so another perl script could
+ signal_add() it.
+ - Perl module and the Irssi and Irssi::Irc libraries could have some
+ version checks so that if they don't match it would complain.
+ - Dependencies don't work with .xs files..
+ - Bigger code changes:
+ - Restructure code tree so that non-IRC chat protocols would be in
+ same places than IRC protocol. Something like:
+ - src/irc (like now)
+ - src/irc/fe-common, src/irc/fe-text
+ SILC could then make symlinks to src/silc to whereever the SILC
+ module was unpacked. Make it possible to build SILC support built-in.
+ - /SETs have now boolean/number/string types. Add more:
+ - Time: Allow to use s|m|h|d to specify the time, default to
+ seconds. When sending reply to user, use the time formatting too,
+ not just x seconds or minutes. "10d 5s" should also work.
+ - Level: Like "all -msgs -public". Complain about unknown strings.
+ - Reading configuration file should be changed somehow .. at least add
+ some helper functions for reading lists since comments inside them
+ now crash irssi. Also if setting wasn't expected type can cause
+ crashes so add proper error checkings everywhere. And is_node_list()
+ etc. should be in uppercase..
+ - Would this work..? : command_bind() could specify the parameters
+ it uses, then some generic command parser could parse the commands
+ and options and if all is ok, send the parsed parameters directly with
+ signal_emit() .. I'm just thinking some type checking problems but
+ if all commands would be in format SERVER_REC, WI_ITEM_REC,
+ GHashTable *options, char ** (NULL terminated parameters list) .. ?
+ - GLib's g_mem_chunks does some weird things which seem pretty useless
+ (keeping memory blocks in a tree), replace them with our own memory
+ block allocator. GLists and GSLists waste some memory, would be better
+ if I just made prev/next pointers to structures and used some #defines
+ to traverse back and forth.
+ - All there dynamic memory allocations are making lots of memory
+ fragmentation. Maybe creating our own memory manager would be good
+ idea? :) Separate allocator for temporary and non-temporary memory
+ allocations could help some. Use mmap() if possible so we could
+ actually free the memory with munmap() sometimes..
+ - /SET -reset?
+ - /ignore -patterneja ei voi olla useita samalla nickillä
+ - /ignore -strip -pattern away * actions ..
+ - module_uniq_destroy() - those calls are probably wrong .. for CHANNEL and
+ QUERY at least?
+ - /ban -time .. ja /knockout alias /kick & /ban -time
+ - /bantype -> /set bantype, /ban -type xxx, /ban -ip ?
+ - /HILIGHT: list doesn't print several options. Maybe some generic function
+ which could be used for printing those options for all these /ircnet,
+ /server add, etc. commands. /IGNORE -pattern isn't printed.
+ - /HILIGHT -mask <mask> <word>: not possible use both. Case sensitive
+ hilight checking.
+ - possibility to use $[123]0 in themes files. Like with $[9]0 in msgnick.
+ - hide_mirc_colors doesn't work properly, it hides also colors irssi tries
+ to print itself, like with /HILIGHT. They should be removed somewhere
+ earlier.. but where? Those should be removed from messages, quit/kick/etc.
+ reasons but not from at least usernames, bans and channels (maybe they
+ should be changed to actually print <invert>C</invert>number instead of
+ coloring it)
+ - -f configfile command line option. /SAVE should use that file too.
+ - nick completion shouldn't try completing nicks everywhere, like /SET <tab>
+ - File completion could guess when it's wanted, word beginning with / (not
+ at start of line of course, unless / isn't in cmdchars) or ~/ or ./ and
+ - utf8 support
+ - /connect -! : don't autojoin to channels
+ - /names without parameters should probably default to /names *, and add
+ the possibility to show all names with /names ** (just like /who works)
+ - printnickmsg() which would print nick changes and quit messages. And
+ export that function to perl so could print kills with it too.
+ - /MSG a,b,#c,#d - it should print the message to #c and #d channel windows
+ and show only "a,b" as target when printing it to msg window.. Or if
+ autoquery is set, it should print them to those windows. Hmm. maybe some
+ multipeople query support? :) /query nick1,nick2 and sending text there
+ would send it to both. Seems to work already but receiving messages from
+ either nick1 or nick2 don't go to that window..
+ - /MSG =dcc_chat,#channel doesn't work, same for /CTCP.
+ - regexp host masks
+ - irssi proxy: when writing msg in proxy, send them to clients.
+ - /SAVE -all: save all /SETs and /FORMATs.
+ - dcc time left
+ - ban list prints "x seconds ago" .. should be x days, mins, hours, ..
+ - some script to handle ctcp floods, like doing /IGNORE * CTCPS when it
+ happens.
+ - netsplit quit isn't printed if quit -> join -> quit -> join happens fast
*** New stuff in TODO, try to get rid of these :)
-( - translate all those TODO items I have in finnish to english ;) )
- /ignore -activity .. would ignore it just in window activity list,
not hide the text.
- autoignoring:
- it shouldn't save them to config file
- it could be merged with /ignore -time
- - /server <number> would connect to n'th server in list. show the numbers
- with /server list
- when dcc chat is accepted and query exists from the same nick, replace
the query window with the dcc chat window.
- - autoload specified modules. /load xx could also try to load fe-common/xx
- and fe-text/xx modules automatically.
- - all options that want time as argument, allow to use s|m|h|d, default to
- seconds. when sending reply to user, use the time formatting too, not
- just x seconds or minutes ..
- - /savewindows: save split windows, save window logs. window log names
- should be moved to WINDOW_REC...
- - automatically add queried nicks to notify list temporarily .. display
- the notifys for the nick in the query window
- - Some problems with idle notify lists, "cras [IRCNet] [@] [] just stopped
- idling" was print to screen with some NULL arguments in text..
- - /BIND: key definitions should be changed to be more epic-like.. :
- /bind ^[ key meta, /bind meta-O key meta2, /bind meta-[ key meta2
- /bind meta2-c echo Ctrl-Left pressed
- and maybe
- /bind meta2-C key left, /bind meta-left echo meta-left pressed
+ - try profiling the code with /cat filewith10000lines
- automatically switch to status window when using commands that always
print their output to status window, like /whois.
- automatic whowas if whois wasn't found should be moved to fe-common.
it could also print something like "nick $0 not in IRC, but this user
WAS in IRC:"
- Add command for changing automatic replaces (/replace)
- - bash-style (or whatever it shoulda be called) tab-completion
- - /last 05032 ... didn't really do what I wanted :) maybe I should change
- the syntax to have -max parameter instead?
- commands to move channels and servers in the config list, to set the
join/connect order of them.
- - statusbar:
- - you can't configure it in any way!
- - move it to fe-common, make some "statusbar" signal .. maybe
- statusbar items could be printed with printformat() and statusbar
- would be just another small window? .. or maybe not exactly, but
- something like that :)
- - when starting to run out of space some items could be made smaller,
- activity for example .. make some generic flag for items to use.
- - add user counts (ops/voices/normal/total)
- - themes:
- - document the different formats briefly :)
- /CAT should pause on every screenful of text, this should be some kind of
printtext_multiline_paused() function which would use some callback to
ask for new text.
- - /msg =dcc_chatti,#kanava doesn't work - fix it somehow that also different
- chat plugins could use the same /msg command. /CTCP too.
- - /NOTIFY -once - notify only once when the user comes to IRC, forget this
- after it.
- - /NOTIFY -comment xxx - add a comment to notify. print the comment when
- user comes to irc.
- - "Should we check people in notify list when you're away" option
- - Implement /EXEC (steal all options from epic, make shell window somehow
- with query), /ON and /TIMER commands
+ - /ON and /TIMER commands
- All those options to /WHO and /LIST commands that EPIC has
- nick/channel lists at right side of the text version of irssi. Ctrl-N
@@ -180,14 +272,9 @@
*** Bugs
- - netsplits don't work right if quits/joins happen fast multiple times..
- maybe some other bugs too
- still some problems in detecting floods right? not sure, couldn't
reproduce the problem again..
- match_wildcards(), mask="*a?c*", data="abdabc"
- - multiple dcc connections from different irc networks from same nick
- doesn't work. Maybe create "server nick" and "refer nick" variables to
*** GTK UI
@@ -220,8 +307,8 @@
- plugins:
- scheme, tcl, python scripting? eggdrop/epic compatible scripting?
- IRC bot, eggdrop is too old, needs a replacement ;) (started)
- - DCC file server, I'm not too excited about this, maybe someone else
- wants to do it..
+ - DCC file server (xdcc, fserver), I'm not too excited about these,
+ maybe someone else wants to do it..
- Multiplayer games! :) Chess, tic-tac-toe, othello, battleship, tetris,
etc. Existing games should probably be used .. though there doesn't
seem to be any of these (except tetris) for gnome right now..
@@ -258,7 +345,7 @@
- {}|~ are same as []\^ (not in all irc networks) - does this really affect
irssi at all..?
-*** GTK UI
+*** GTK UI .. just some things to remember if i'll rewrite it again.
- itext:
- save/find text