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+layout: post
+title: "Fuzzing Irssi"
+author: "Joseph Bisch"
+email: ""
+Hello fellow Irssi users and people interested in learning about fuzzing,
+There have been recent efforts within the Irssi and open source security
+communities to make Irssi more secure through the use of fuzzing. For example
+the security bugs revealed in the [first Irssi security advisory of
+2017]( were found by fuzzing. In
+this blog post, we will cover an introduction to fuzzing, how to fuzz Irssi, and
+a look at a couple of actual bugs found in past versions of Irssi.
+### Intro to Fuzzing
+At its most basic level, fuzzing can be thought of as generating random input
+and feeding it to a program. The program is monitored for crashes or assertion
+failures. Some of these crashes or assertion failures can be a result of bugs
+with security implications. An interesting use of assertions in conjunction with
+fuzz testing is testing protocols for correctness. If you have two libraries
+that are supposed to both implement the same protocol, you can repeatedly
+generate random data and feed that same data to corresponding functions in each
+library and assert that the results must be the same.
+Fuzzing is typically done by some program that is responsible for generating the
+input and then calling the program that is being tested with that input. This is
+done repeatedly until there is a crash recorded, or some fuzzers will keep
+running and collect multiple crashes. While these fuzzers may be unaware of how
+the input affects program execution, there are other fuzzers that make use of
+something called instrumentation that allows the fuzzer to determine which
+inputs result in new program coverage. The idea is that there may be bugs that
+are present only in a certain part of the program and they would otherwise be
+hard to find if not for the fuzzer trying to find new coverage. Examples of
+fuzzers that make use of coverage are AFL and libfuzzer, though AFL also has a
+"dumb fuzzer" mode that behaves like a traditional fuzzer without
+instrumentation. Libfuzzer is actually a fuzzing library so it doesn't run your
+program repeatedly, but rather actually links into your code to form a "fuzz
+target" that will repeatedly call function(s) that you want to test. This is
+known as "in-process fuzzing".
+### Fuzzing Irssi
+In this section we will look at a patch written by dx that allows for fuzzing of
+Irssi using AFL. It does so by moving the network communciation onto stdin and
+stdout. The fuzzer essentially acts as an IRC server that Irssi connects to and
+accepts data from. Once the fuzzer finishes sending data, Irssi will terminate
+to allow the fuzzer to start again with new data.
+We will also look at a particular CVE found via this methodology, namely CVE-2017-5193.
+Here is the patch that can be applied to your Irssi source tree in order to
+allow fuzzing of Irssi with AFL:
+The patch causes Irssi to "connect" to stdin. It also does some other stuff,
+like preventing the reading from and saving to of the user's config files, so
+that we start with a default Irssi config every program execution.
+The following commands will clone a fresh copy of Irssi and apply the above
+patch (named fuzz.diff) to your copy of Irssi.
+git clone irssi-fuzz
+cd irssi-fuzz
+patch -p1 < fuzz.diff
+The following commands will configure and build Irssi. If you already ran on your copy of the Irssi source, you can replace ./ with
+CC=/path/to/afl/afl-clang-fast CXX=/path/to/afl/afl-clang-fast++ ./ --disable-shared
+Now the irssi binary is located at `src/fe-text/irssi`.
+Run AFL using the following commands:
+mkdir afl
+cd afl
+mkdir in
+echo 'initial testcase' > in/initial
+cp ../src/fe-fuzz/tokens.dict .
+/path/to/afl/afl-fuzz -i in -o out -x tokens.dict -- ../src/fe-text/irssi
+The `in` directory is the directory of initial inputs each containing some
+sequence of bytes that will be the initial inputs fed to the program being
+tested (Irssi in our case). The inputs are ideally meaningful to the program
+being tested or maybe were gathered from a previous fuzzing session using AFL or
+some other fuzzer. In this demonstration, I just have a single input with the
+string 'initial testcase\n'. The `out` directory is where the crashes and hangs
+and other interesting data will be stored. The `tokens.dict` file is a
+collection of meaningful tokens that will be utilized as part of the fuzzing
+process to find new code paths quicker. The dictionary tokens will be inserted
+into the input and also used to overwrite parts of the input. The `--` separates
+the `afl-fuzz` commands from the binary we are fuzzing and the flags we will be
+giving it. Note that AFL also supports fuzzing a program that reads from a file
+passed as an argument. So if we instead modified Irssi to read from a file, we
+could instead have `-- ./src/fe-text/irssi @@` and AFL would feed Irssi a file
+as argv[1]. But in this case there is no `@@` as part of the command, so AFL
+feeds data to Irssi on stdin.
+Now that you ran `afl-fuzz`, you will see the AFL UI appear in your terminal
+that will allow you to monitor the fuzzing progress. You should start to see the
+number of paths discovered (the second number from the top on the right side of
+the interface as of the time of writing this post) increasing. AFL should
+quickly display a message saying that it is odd, if no paths are found. In that
+case, you should check to see if the program you are fuzzing is actually reading
+data from stdin.
+Here is an image showing the AFL UI that displays:
+![AFL UI](images/afl_nocrash.png)
+As you can see no crashes have been found so far during that fuzzing session.
+AFL has found a total of 3090 inputs that cause new paths to be taken and
+currently AFL is in the process of fuzzing the 2520th of those inputs, which is
+81.55% of the way through the 3090 found so far. Of course that percentage can
+go down as new paths are discovered.
+Here is an example of a crash discovered while fuzzing a contrived program.
+Notice the "odd, check syntax!" warning that is displayed. Normally that is an
+indication that something is wrong, but in this case the program is just a
+simple program that AFL can't find any additional paths through, hence the
+![AFL UI with crash](images/afl_crash.png)
+Now we can go to `afl/out/crashes` in our program's source tree and find crashes
+with filenames like `out/crashes/id:000000,sig:06,src:000000,op:havoc,rep:32`,
+indicating a unique id for the crash, the signal with which the program crashed,
+the previous input that this one is based on, and the operation performed on the
+previous input. You should then be able to then do the following to reproduce
+the crash and hopefully get some information about the crash: `cat file |
+program`, where file is the file in `out/crashes/` and program is the program
+you were testing.
+#### CVE-2017-5193
+CVE-2017-5193 was a NULL pointer dereference in the nickcmp function that I
+found using AFL and the above patch. As you can see [in the commit that fixed
+the fix is just a matter of ensuring nick is non-NULL. The exploit allowed the
+server to crash Irssi. Since the NULL pointer dereference results in a segfault,
+this kind of issue is detectable just with Irssi, the above patch, and AFL.
+If you want to reproduce CVE-2017-5193, you will want to follow the above
+instructions and be prepared to wait many many hours. Also, you should make sure
+that you have built Irssi <= 0.8.20, since 0.8.21 fixes CVE-2017-5193. There are
+some things you can do to speed up fuzzing in the case of this particular demo,
+such as setting the initial testcase to be something close to the reproducer and
+using a limited dictionary that has just the tokens that are part of the
+reproducer. Here is how you may do so:
+echo $'001\nprivmsg\nprivmsg 0 ' > in/initial
+echo '"\x01ACTION"' > tokens.dict
+I want to stress that we are using a limited dictionary and using this
+particular initial testcase in an attempt to re-discover a particular bug. It
+would normally not be beneficial to use a dictionary with a single token instead
+of a more comprehensive collection of tokens.
+For those of you that don't want to wait or that want to ensure that what you've
+found is actually CVE-2017-5193, here is the minimized trigger:
+echo $'001\nprivmsg\nprivmsg 0 :\x01ACTION ' | nc -l -p 6667
+Since that command results in a server listening on port 6667 locally, you can
+just start a vulnerable instance of Irssi and then enter: `/connect localhost`
+to trigger the crash.
+### What can I do to help with fuzzing Irssi?...
+ a question you may be asking yourself after having read this post. I hope
+you learned something from this post either way, but we do have ways you can
+help if you are interested in doing so.
+We could use more code coverage. Of course we can't find bugs in code that we're
+not able to reach. The above patch was written as a quick hack to get fuzzing of
+Irssi working and it may be possible to tweak it to get better coverage. For
+example, the patch forces a default Irssi config instead of reading the config
+from the filesystem. So if a bug is only triggerable with a particular
+configuration or layout, it will be missed when fuzzing with the patch in its
+current state.
+There are also other approaches to fuzzing besides using this patch with AFL.
+While it wasn't the subject of this blog post, we have a [fuzzing
+frontend]( that is
+libfuzzer based. So that is something else you can take a look at improving.
+There may be another blog post soon that takes a look at the fuzzing frontend.
+As always, #irssi on Freenode is a great place to discuss Irssi.
+And we would like to hear about any bugs you find, whether by fuzzing or other
+methods. You can report non-security bugs via the [Irssi GitHub
+repo]( Security bugs can be reported to Irssi