path: root/translations.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'translations.txt')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/translations.txt b/translations.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ba76cea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+Debian Installation Manual - notes for translation
+Note: if you happen to modify this file, please don't forget to
+ update the trailing changelog
+Where is the manual kept?
+The manual is kept in a Subversion repository on
+as part of the Debian Installer (d-i) project.
+The manual and its translations can be found in ./installer/doc/manual.
+How to join the translation effort for an existing translation
+Try to find out who is working on the translation and contact them.
+Alternatively you can send a mail to the mailing list for your language
+(debian-l10n-<language>, if one exists or to the mailing
+list for the debian installer project:
+You should also coordinate with current translators on which parts to
+translate and how to submit your translations.
+How to start a new translation
+Starting a translation for a new language without write access to the d-i SVN
+repository really is not practical. See the section on getting SVN access below;
+you will also have to get a local working copy of the manual as described there.
+ 1. Create a new directory structure for your translation
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ Use the following commands to create a copy of the English documents as a
+ base for your translation. This also ensures that your translation will be
+ complete and can be build. A text that has not be translated yet, will be
+ included in English.
+ - change directory to: installer/doc/manual/
+ - cp -R en/ <lang>
+ (where <lang> is the ISO code for your language: xx or xx_XX)
+ - find <lang> -name .svn | xargs rm -Rf
+ (this removes all .svn subdirectories)
+ 2. Convert revision comments
+ ----------------------------
+ This enables you to track changes is the original English documents.
+ see 'Keeping your translation up to date' below for an explanation.
+ - change directory to: installer/doc/manual/
+ - ./scripts/rev-update <lang>
+ 3. Commit the changes to SVN
+ ----------------------------
+ - change directory to: installer/doc/manual/
+ - svn add <lang>
+ - svn ci -m "Manual: creating new translation for <lang>"
+One more change is needed to get your translation build automatically:
+<lang> needs to be added to the 'languages' variable in build/
+However, this is only usefull after you have translated your first couple
+of chapters. Please send a request to the debian-boot mail list for your
+language to be added.
+The default encoding for all .xml files is UTF-8. If you want to keep your
+translation in UTF-8 encoding, you should use an editor that supports UTF-8
+and make sure that UTF-8 encoding is selected when you open a .xml document.
+If it is easier for you to work using another encoding, you will have to
+specify which encoding you use in the first line of each translated document.
+For example, to use ISO-8859-1 encoding (for most Western European languages),
+add the following line at the top of each .xml file:
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+The use of HTML codes (like &egrave;) is possible but not advised.
+Note: If you do not specify the correct encoding, your translation will fail
+ to build.
+Note: You should _not_ change the encoding of the following documents:
+ - administrativa/contributors.xml
+Translation order
+Suggested translation order:
+- ./preface.xml, ./bookinfo.xml
+- ./welcome/*.xml
+- ./using-d-i/*.xml
+- ./using-d-i/modules/*.xml
+- ./boot-new/*.xml
+- ./boot-new/modules/*.xml
+Note that currently (may 10, 2004) it look like there will be a fairly major
+reorganization of parts of the manual in the next month(s).
+Keeping your translation up to date
+There are two perl scripts to help you keep track of changes in the original
+English text of the manual. These scripts make use of special revision
+comments that should be included in each file.
+An original English file contains something like:
+ <!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+ <!-- $Id: preface.xml 12756 2004-04-06 22:23:56Z some-user $ -->
+The second line is important. It contains the filename, the revision number,
+the date and time the last revision was committed, the user that committed
+the last revision. The string '$Id:' is necessary for SVN to automatically
+update this line each time the file is committed.
+A document in a directory containing a translation should contain either:
+ <!-- original version: 12756 -->
+ <!-- original version: 12756 untranslated -->
+When you translate a document, you should of course remove the word
+'untranslated' from this comment.
+The scripts will do several things:
+- show which translated files have a different revision number from the
+ original English files
+- show what changes have been made in the original English file
+- help you update revision comments
+- help you keep track of which files have not yet been translated
+You can find both scripts in the root directory for the manual. Both
+scripts should be run from this directory.
+The procedure below can be used for relatively simple changes. If there
+have been major reorganizations in the English documents, you may have to
+do additional checks to find out exactly what changes have been made.
+Use 'svn st -u' before you start this procedure to check the status of
+your working copy.
+ 1. Update your local working copy from SVN
+ ------------------------------------------
+ - change directory to: installer/doc/manual/
+ - svn up
+ 2. Copy new files (if any)
+ --------------------------
+ If there are any new files (marked 'A' in the output from 'svn up'),
+ copy them to the directory for your translation and then:
+ - ./scripts/rev-update <lang>
+ This will change the revision comment in the copied file to:
+ <!-- original version: ##### untranslated -->
+ You will also have to run 'svn add' for the new documents.
+ 3. Check for other changes
+ --------------------------
+ - ./scripts/doc-check <lang>
+ If changes are listed for documents that are marked 'untranslated', you
+ can copy the new English version to the directory for your translation
+ by running:
+ - ./scripts/cp-untrans <lang>
+ (this script also runs rev-update automatically).
+ If changes are listed for documents that are not marked 'untranslated',
+ you can create a diff to find out what the changes are by running:
+ - ./scripts/doc-check -d <lang>
+ 4. Update your translations
+ ---------------------------
+ Edit your translations to reflect the changes in the English documents.
+ !! Don't forget to also update the revision number in the revision comment
+ after you updated a translation. The revision number should be the same
+ as the revision number in the new version of the English document.
+ You should run './scripts/doc-check <lang>' again after you finish all updates
+ and before you commit your changes to SVN; there should be no output.
+ Other uses of the scripts
+ -------------------------
+ - doc-check -s <lang>: show which documents are marked untranslated
+ - rev-update -u <lang>: automatically update revision numbers in the directory
+ containing your translation to the revision numbers in the original English
+ documents (use only after you have made sure there are no changes in content)
+How to remain consistent with the installer
+It is important that your translation of the manual remains consistent with
+the translation of Debian Installer and packages for your languages.
+Probably the best way to do this, is to run the installer in 'expert' mode,
+both in English and your own language.
+As strings and their translations in the installer may change, you may have
+to perform an installation once in a while to check if there have been
+important changes (the main burden to check for changes in strings falls on
+the maintainers of the English original, but is you spot inconsistencies,
+please report them to the debian-boot list).
+You can also use the xx(_XX).po files for packages (including d-i) to see
+how strings have been translated. For more information on these files,
+please refer to the translations.txt file in the parent directory of the
+directory where this file is.
+You can also try contacting the translator for a package or the maillist
+for your language (debian-l10n-<language> to try to clear
+questions about translations.
+How to test your work
+When you have finished your translation, always re-read your file at
+least once to correct all meaning-, spelling-, grammar-, typo-, etc-
+You can also try to build the manual (create HTML pages) for a specific
+architecture for your language.
+See ./build/README for more information on building the manual.
+How to get write access to the SVN repository
+ 1) Installing subversion
+ ------------------------
+ You need to install subversion on your system. For Debian unstable users,
+ just do "apt-get install svn".
+ Others may use backports from Please add this entry to
+ your /etc/apt/sources.list file:
+ deb stable subversion
+ Or use Adam Conrad's backports:
+ deb woody subversion
+ 2) Getting write access to the subversion repository
+ ----------------------------------------------------
+ If you are not a Debian Developer, you first need to create a guest account
+ on, than ask on
+ for somebody to add your guest account to the debian-installer project.
+ 3) Using subversion to get files
+ --------------------------------
+ Once your account is allowed to write to the project, you can retrieve the
+ full project using this:
+ svn co svn+ssh://<username> debian-installer
+ If you only want to work on the manual, you can retrieve the relevant part
+ of the repository using:
+ svn co svn+ssh://<username>
+ 4) Commit your changed translation files to SVN
+ -----------------------------------------------
+ After you have finished editing your translation, use
+ svn commit -m "Your comment about this commit"
+ to commit your changes to the SVN repository.
+ Note: it's possible, to do an anonymous checkout from the svn
+ (use svn co svn://
+ However, from this local copy you aren't able to commit, it's readonly.
+ Use the commands listed under 3), if you plan to do commits in the future.
+You can find a good manual for SVN at
+How to get help
+If you need further assistance, feel free to ask for help on
+debian-boot (for debian-installer related stuff) or debian-i18n (for
+l10n related questions) Debian mailing lists.
+This guide is supposed to be be a first start for translators. There
+are probably errors. Please fix it if you find errors.
+2005-02-12 Frans Pop
+ - Minor corrections
+2004-12-27 Frans Pop
+ - Updated svn checkout info to refer to new server (costa)
+2004/10/26 Holger Wansing
+ - Added a chapter about how to commit + fixed the Link to the svnbook.
+2004/09/27 Frans Pop
+ - Update in line with changes in SVN (moved files/directories)
+2004/09/04 Guillem Jover
+ - Refer to Adam Conrad's subversion backport instead.
+2004/06/04 Frans Pop
+ - Added paragraph on updating translations
+2004/05/10 Frans Pop
+ - file creation
+2005/07/28 Cristian Rigamonti
+ - Added cp-untrans, fixed svn command and some typos