diff options
authorFrans Pop <>2006-12-24 19:11:37 +0000
committerFrans Pop <>2006-12-24 19:11:37 +0000
commit1607e3d9ffecc6a5d4fa4b6053d4e9fe92ae5f4f (patch)
parent7343b9a477ab08c0b59057fc64eea79ba9aed239 (diff)
Remove reactivating-win for XML-based translations
22 files changed, 8 insertions, 937 deletions
diff --git a/ca/post-install/post-install.xml b/ca/post-install/post-install.xml
index ea310044b..86d52e307 100644
--- a/ca/post-install/post-install.xml
+++ b/ca/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39894 -->
+<!-- original version: 43500 -->
<chapter id="post-install">
<title>Següents passos i per on seguir</title>
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
diff --git a/ca/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/ca/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b674ada44..000000000
--- a/ca/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39614 -->
- <sect1 arch="x86" id="reactivating-win">
- <title>Reactivant DOS i Windows</title>
-Després d'instal·lar el sistema base i escriure el <emphasis>registre
-mestre d'arrencada</emphasis> (MBR), podreu arrencar Linux, però
-probablement res més. Això dependrà de les opcions triades durant la
-instal·lació. Aquest capítol descriu com podeu reactivar el vostre sistema
-operatiu antic, de tal manera que també pugueu arrencar DOS o Windows.
-<command>LILO</command> és un gestor amb el que podeu arrencar altres
-sistemes operatius, a més de Linux, que siguin compatibles amb PC.
-Aquest gestor d'arrencada es configura mitjançant el fitxer
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename>. Si voleu modificar la configuració,
-haureu d'editar el fitxer, i tot seguit executar
-<command>lilo</command>. Això és necessari, ja que els canvis només
-es produiran quan crideu aquest programa.
-Les parts importants del fitxer <filename>lilo.conf</filename> són les
-línies que contenen les paraules <userinput>image</userinput> i
-<userinput>other</userinput>, així com les línies que les segueixen.
-Aquestes s'utilitzen per descriure els sistemes que són arrencables des
-del <command>LILO</command>. Cada sistema pot incloure un nucli
-(<userinput>image</userinput>), una partició arrel, paràmetres
-addicionals del nucli, etc. També pot incloure la configuració per
-arrencar un altre sistema operatiu que no sigui Linux
-(<userinput>other</userinput>). Aquestes paraules clau poden ser usades
-més d'una vegada. L'ordre dels sistemes al fitxer de configuració és
-important, ja que aquest determina quin serà el sistema que arrencarà
-automàticament; per exemple, després d'un cert temps d'espera
-(<userinput>delay</userinput>), i suposant que el <command>LILO</command>
-no sigui aturat prement la tecla <keycap>shift</keycap>.
-Després d'una nova instal·lació de Debian, només el sistema actual està
-configurat per arrencar amb el <command>LILO</command>. Si voleu arrencar
-un altre nucli de Linux, podeu editar el fitxer de configuració
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> i afegir les següents línies:
-Per a una configuració bàsica, només necessitareu les dos primeres
-línies. Si voleu saber més sobre altres opcions, si us plau, consulteu
-la documentació de <command>LILO</command>. La podeu trobar a
-<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>. El fitxer que hauríeu de
-llegir és <filename>Manual.txt</filename>. Per a una introducció
-ràpida al món de l'arrencada de sistemes, podeu mirar també les
-pàgines del manual de <command>LILO</command>:
-<filename>lilo.conf</filename> per a tenir una visió general de les
-paraules clau i <filename>lilo</filename> per a una descripció de la
-instal·lació de noves configuracions al registre d'arrencada.
-Tingueu en compte que també hi ha altres gestors d'arrencada disponibles
-a &debian;, com ara GRUB (al paquet <classname>grub</classname>), CHOS
-(paquet <classname>chos</classname>), Extended-IPL
-(<classname>extipl</classname>), loadlin
-(<classname>loadlin</classname>), etc.
- </sect1>
diff --git a/cs/post-install/post-install.xml b/cs/post-install/post-install.xml
index e581c4785..0fa9a1922 100644
--- a/cs/post-install/post-install.xml
+++ b/cs/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- $Id$ -->
-<!-- original version: 39894 -->
+<!-- original version: 43500 -->
<chapter id="post-install">
<title>Co dál?</title>
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
diff --git a/cs/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/cs/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2262423a0..000000000
--- a/cs/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<!-- original version: 39614 -->
- <sect1 arch="x86" id="reactivating-win">
- <title>Reaktivace DOS a Windows</title>
-Po instalaci základního systému a zapsání zavaděče do <emphasis>Master
-Boot Record</emphasis> budete schopni zavést Linux, ale pravděpodobně
-nic jiného. Vše závisí na tom, co jste zvolili během instalace.
-Tato kapitola popisuje, jak můžete znovu aktivovat původní systémy,
-takže budete znovu moci zavádět DOS nebo Windows.
-<command>LILO</command> je zavaděč, kterým můžete zavádět i jiné
-operační systémy, než je Linux. Zavaděč se konfiguruje souborem
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename>. Po každé editaci tohoto souboru
-musíte spustit program <command>lilo</command>, aby se provedené změny
-Důležité jsou části souboru <filename>lilo.conf</filename> obsahující
-klíčová slova <userinput>image</userinput> a
-<userinput>other</userinput> a všechny následující řádky.
-Používají se k popsání operačního systému, který má
-<command>LILO</command> zavést.
-Takový záznam může specifikovat jádro (<userinput>image</userinput>),
-kořenovou oblast (<userinput>root</userinput>), upřesňující parametry
-jádra, atd. V sekci <userinput>other</userinput> můžete popsat návod k
-zavedení nelinuxového operačního systému.
-Klíčová slova mohou být použita více než jednou. Pořadí záznamů
-v konfiguračním souboru je důležité, protože určuje systém, který
-bude zaveden automaticky po určité době (<userinput>delay</userinput>)
-za předpokladu, že <command>LILO</command> nebylo zastaveno klávesou
-Ihned po instalaci Debianu je systém nakonfigurován pro automatické
-zavádění programem <command>LILO</command>. Jestliže chcete zavést
-jiné linuxové jádro, musíte změnit soubor
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> a přidat (například) následující
-Pro základní nastavení postačují první dva řádky. Jestliže chcete
-vědět víc o ostatních klíčových slovech, podívejte se do dokumentace k
-programu <command>LILO</command> (v adresáři
-<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>). Nejdůležitější soubor je
-<filename>Manual.txt</filename>. Pokud jste nedočkaví, bude rychlejší
-si projít manuálové stránky <filename>lilo.conf</filename> pro přehled
-klíčových slov a <filename>lilo</filename> pro popis instalace nové
-konfigurace do zaváděcího sektoru.
-Poznamenejme, že v systému &debian; jsou dostupné i jiné zavaděče,
-jako třeba GRUB (balíček <classname>grub</classname>), CHOS (balíček
-<classname>chos</classname>), Extended-IPL (balíček
-<classname>extipl</classname>), loadlin (balíček
-<classname>loadlin</classname>) a mnoho dalších.
- </sect1>
diff --git a/da/post-install/post-install.xml b/da/post-install/post-install.xml
index 0fc1cff2a..9cd02993c 100644
--- a/da/post-install/post-install.xml
+++ b/da/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
diff --git a/da/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/da/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 52da42e89..000000000
--- a/da/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 16560 untranslated -->
- <sect1 arch="x86" id="reactivating-win">
- <title>Reactivating DOS and Windows</title>
-After installing the base system and writing to the <emphasis>Master Boot
-Record</emphasis>, you will be able boot Linux, but probably nothing else.
-This depends what you have chosen during the installation. This chapter
-will describe how you can reactivate your old systems so that you can also
-boot your DOS or Windows again.
-<command>LILO</command> is a boot manager with which you can also boot
-other operating systems than Linux, which complies to PC
-conventions. The boot manager is configured via
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> file. Whenever you edited this
-file you have to run <command>lilo</command> afterwards. The reason
-for this is that the changes will take place only when you call the
-Important parts of the <filename>lilo.conf</filename> file are the
-lines containing the <userinput>image</userinput> and
-<userinput>other</userinput> keywords, as well as the lines following
-those. They can be used to describe a system which can be booted by
-<command>LILO</command>. Such a system can include a kernel
-(<userinput>image</userinput>), a root partition, additional kernel
-parameters, etc. as well as a configuration to boot another, non-Linux
-(<userinput>other</userinput>) operating system. These keywords can
-also be used more than once. The ordering of these systems within the
-configuration file is important because it determines which system
-will be booted automatically after, for instance, a timeout
-(<userinput>delay</userinput>) presuming <command>LILO</command>
-wasn't stopped by pressing the <keycap>shift</keycap> key.
-After a fresh install of Debian, just the current system is configured
-for booting with <command>LILO</command>. If you want to boot another
-Linux kernel, you have to edit the configuration file
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> to add the following lines:
-For a basic setup just the first two lines are necessary. If you want
-to know more about the other two options please have a look at the
-<command>LILO</command> documentation. This can be found in
-<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>. The file which should be
-read is <filename>Manual.txt</filename>. To have a quicker start into
-the world of booting a system you can also look at the
-<command>LILO</command> man pages <filename>lilo.conf</filename> for
-an overview of configuration keywords and <filename>lilo</filename>
-for description of the installation of the new configuration into the
-boot sector.
-Notice that there are other boot loaders available in &debian;, such as
-GRUB (in <classname>grub</classname> package),
-CHOS (in <classname>chos</classname> package),
-Extended-IPL (in <classname>extipl</classname> package),
-loadlin (in <classname>loadlin</classname> package) etc.
- </sect1>
diff --git a/de/post-install/post-install.xml b/de/post-install/post-install.xml
index 78f82449d..bf3e82c9c 100644
--- a/de/post-install/post-install.xml
+++ b/de/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39894 -->
+<!-- original version: 43500 -->
<chapter id="post-install">
<title>Die nächsten Schritte und welche Seiten Sie noch besuchen sollten</title>
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
diff --git a/de/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/de/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16cf0b0f6..000000000
--- a/de/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39614 -->
- <sect1 arch="x86" id="reactivating-win">
- <title>DOS und Windows reaktivieren</title>
-Nachdem das Basissystem installiert wurde und Sie den
-<emphasis>Master-Boot-Record</emphasis> neu geschrieben haben, können Sie
-Linux booten, aber unter Umständen nichts anderes mehr. Dies hängt davon
-ab, was Sie während der Installation gewählt haben. Dieses Kapitel beschreibt,
-wie Sie Ihr altes System reaktivieren können, so dass DOS oder Windows
-wieder startet.
-<command>LILO</command> ist ein Bootmanager, mit dem Sie auch andere
-Betriebssysteme außer Linux starten können, die den PC-Konventionen
-entsprechen. Der Bootmanager wird über die Datei <filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename>
-konfiguriert. Immer, wenn Sie diese Datei verändert haben, müssen Sie
-danach den Befehl <command>lilo</command> aufrufen. Der Grund dafür ist,
-dass die Änderungen nur wirksam werden, wenn Sie den Befehl ausführen.
-Die wichtigen Teile der <filename>lilo.conf</filename>-Datei sind
-die Zeilen, die die Schlüsselwörter <userinput>image</userinput> und
-<userinput>other</userinput> enthalten, sowie die jeweils folgenden Zeilen.
-Sie werden benutzt, um ein System zu beschreiben, das von <command>LILO</command>
-gestartet werden kann. Solch ein Systemeintrag kann einen Kernel enthalten
-(<userinput>image</userinput>), eine Root-Partition, zusätzliche
-Kernelparameter usw.; ebenso kann aber auch eine Konfiguration enthalten sein,
-um ein anderes, nicht-Linux-Betriebssystem zu booten (<userinput>other</userinput>).
-Diese Schlüsselwörter
-können auch mehrmals benutzt werden. Die Reihenfolge dieser Systeme in
-der Konfigurationsdatei ist wichtig, weil dadurch festgelegt wird, welches
-System automatisch z.B. nach einem Timeout (<userinput>delay</userinput>)
-gestartet wird (falls <command>LILO</command> nicht durch Drücken der
-<keycap>Shift</keycap>-Taste gestoppt wurde).
-Direkt nach einer frischen Debian-Installation ist nur das laufende
-System konfiguriert, mit <command>LILO</command> gestartet zu werden.
-Wenn Sie möchten, dass ein anderer Linux-Kernel gebootet wird, müssen
-Sie der Konfigurationsdatei <filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> die
-folgenden Zeilen hinzufügen:
-Für eine Basiseinstellung sind nur die ersten zwei Zeilen erforderlich.
-Wenn Sie mehr über die anderen beiden Optionen wissen möchten, werfen
-Sie ein Auge auf die Dokumentation von <command>LILO</command>. Sie finden
-sie in <filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>. Die Datei, die Sie
-lesen sollten, ist <filename>Manual.txt</filename>. Für einen schnelleren
-Einstieg in die Welt des Bootens eines Betriebssystems können Sie auch
-die Handbuchseiten von <command>LILO</command> lesen; die Seite von
-<filename>lilo.conf</filename> gibt einen Überblick über die verwendeten
-Schlüsselwörter und die <filename>lilo</filename>-Handbuchseite beschreibt,
-wie Sie die neue Konfiguration in den Bootsektor installieren.
-Beachten Sie, dass es in &debian; auch andere Bootloader gibt, wie etwa
-GRUB (im <classname>grub</classname>-Paket),
-CHOS (aus dem <classname>chos</classname>-Paket),
-Extended-IPL (im <classname>extipl</classname>-Paket),
-loadlin (aus dem <classname>loadlin</classname>-Paket) usw.
- </sect1>
diff --git a/es/post-install/post-install.xml b/es/post-install/post-install.xml
index 78cd0a8c9..bef501fa2 100644
--- a/es/post-install/post-install.xml
+++ b/es/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
diff --git a/es/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/es/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 44a229ef5..000000000
--- a/es/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<!-- original version: 39614 -->
-<!-- actualizada orig. ver.: Rudy, 5 diciembre 2004 -->
-<!-- revisado Rudy Godoy, 23 feb. 2005 -->
- <sect1 arch="x86" id="reactivating-win">
- <title>Reactivar DOS y Windows</title>
-Despus de instalar el sistema base y escribir en el <emphasis>Registro
-principal de arranque</emphasis> (MBR), podr arrancar Linux, pero
-probablemente nada ms. Esto depende de lo que haya elegido durante la
-instalacin. Este captulo describe cmo puede reactivar su antiguo
-sistema para que pueda tambin arrancar nuevamente DOS o Windows.
-<command>LILO</command> es un gestor de arranque con el que tambin puede
-arrancar otros sistemas operativos, adems de Linux, que sean
-compatibles con PC. El gestor de arranque se configura a travs del
-fichero <filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename>. Siempre que modifique este
-fichero tendr que ejecutar <command>lilo</command> nuevamente. Esto
-es necesario porque los cambios no entrarn en efecto hasta que ejecute el
-Las partes importantes del fichero <filename>lilo.conf</filename> son las
-que contienen las palabras clave <userinput>image</userinput> y
-<userinput>other</userinput>, as como las lneas que le siguen. Se pueden
-utilizar para describir un sistema que se puede arrancar con
-<command>LILO</command>. Dicho sistema puede incluir un ncleo
-(<userinput>image</userinput>), una particin raz, parmetros adicionales
-para el ncleo, etc. As como una configuracin para arrancar otros sistemas
-operativos no Linux (<userinput>other</userinput>). Estas palabras pueden
-usarse ms de una vez. La forma en que estn ordenados estos sistemas es
-importante porque determina qu sistema se cargar automticamente
-antes de, por ejemplo, cierto tiempo de espera
-(<userinput>delay</userinput>) suponiendo que <command>LILO</command> no se
-detenga al presionar la tecla <keycap>shift</keycap>.
-Despus de una nueva instalacin de Debian, slo el sistema actual
-est configurado para arrancar con <command>LILO</command>. Si quiere
-arrancar otro ncleo de Linux debe que editar el fichero de
-configuracin <filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> para aadir las siguientes
-Para una configuracin bsica slo son necesarias las dos primeras
-lneas. Si quiere saber ms sobre las dems opciones, por favor lea la
-documentacin de <command>LILO</command>. sta puede encontrarse en
-<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>. El fichero que deber leer es
-<filename>Manual.txt</filename>. Para tener experiencia rpidamente
-en el mundo de sistemas de arranque puede leer tambin las pginas de manual
-de <command>LILO</command>, <filename>lilo.conf</filename> para una
-descripcin de la instalacin de una nueva configuracin en el registro
-de arranque.
-Observe que tambin existen otros gestores de arranque disponibles en
-&debian;, como:
-GRUB (en el paquete <classname>grub</classname>),
-CHOS (en el paquete <classname>chos</classname>),
-Extended-IPL (en el paquete <classname>extipl</classname>),
-loadlin (en el paquete <classname>loadlin</classname>) etc.
- </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/post-install/post-install.xml b/eu/post-install/post-install.xml
index 0fc1cff2a..9cd02993c 100644
--- a/eu/post-install/post-install.xml
+++ b/eu/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
diff --git a/eu/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/eu/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 52da42e89..000000000
--- a/eu/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 16560 untranslated -->
- <sect1 arch="x86" id="reactivating-win">
- <title>Reactivating DOS and Windows</title>
-After installing the base system and writing to the <emphasis>Master Boot
-Record</emphasis>, you will be able boot Linux, but probably nothing else.
-This depends what you have chosen during the installation. This chapter
-will describe how you can reactivate your old systems so that you can also
-boot your DOS or Windows again.
-<command>LILO</command> is a boot manager with which you can also boot
-other operating systems than Linux, which complies to PC
-conventions. The boot manager is configured via
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> file. Whenever you edited this
-file you have to run <command>lilo</command> afterwards. The reason
-for this is that the changes will take place only when you call the
-Important parts of the <filename>lilo.conf</filename> file are the
-lines containing the <userinput>image</userinput> and
-<userinput>other</userinput> keywords, as well as the lines following
-those. They can be used to describe a system which can be booted by
-<command>LILO</command>. Such a system can include a kernel
-(<userinput>image</userinput>), a root partition, additional kernel
-parameters, etc. as well as a configuration to boot another, non-Linux
-(<userinput>other</userinput>) operating system. These keywords can
-also be used more than once. The ordering of these systems within the
-configuration file is important because it determines which system
-will be booted automatically after, for instance, a timeout
-(<userinput>delay</userinput>) presuming <command>LILO</command>
-wasn't stopped by pressing the <keycap>shift</keycap> key.
-After a fresh install of Debian, just the current system is configured
-for booting with <command>LILO</command>. If you want to boot another
-Linux kernel, you have to edit the configuration file
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> to add the following lines:
-For a basic setup just the first two lines are necessary. If you want
-to know more about the other two options please have a look at the
-<command>LILO</command> documentation. This can be found in
-<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>. The file which should be
-read is <filename>Manual.txt</filename>. To have a quicker start into
-the world of booting a system you can also look at the
-<command>LILO</command> man pages <filename>lilo.conf</filename> for
-an overview of configuration keywords and <filename>lilo</filename>
-for description of the installation of the new configuration into the
-boot sector.
-Notice that there are other boot loaders available in &debian;, such as
-GRUB (in <classname>grub</classname> package),
-CHOS (in <classname>chos</classname> package),
-Extended-IPL (in <classname>extipl</classname> package),
-loadlin (in <classname>loadlin</classname> package) etc.
- </sect1>
diff --git a/fr/post-install/post-install.xml b/fr/post-install/post-install.xml
index a450f030f..8e736d1fa 100644
--- a/fr/post-install/post-install.xml
+++ b/fr/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<!-- original version: 39894 -->
+<!-- original version: 43500 -->
<chapter id="post-install">
<title>Les prochaines tapes</title>
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
diff --git a/fr/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/fr/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b04f45d28..000000000
--- a/fr/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<!-- original version: 39614 -->
- <sect1 arch="x86" id="reactivating-win">
- <title>Ractiver DOS et Windows</title>
-Aprs avoir install le systme de base et crit le secteur d'amorage
-principal (<emphasis>Master Boot Record</emphasis>), vous pourrez dmarrer
-Linux, mais probablement rien d'autre. Cela dpendra de ce que vous avez
-choisi durant l'installation. Ce chapitre vous explique comment vous pouvez
-ractiver votre ancien systme afin de pouvoir dmarrer sous DOS ou Windows.
-<command>LILO</command> est un programme d'amorage avec lequel vous pouvez
-lancer d'autres systmes d'exploitation que Linux, et qui rpond aux normes
-des PC. Le programme d'amorage est configur avec le fichier
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename>. Si vous modifiez ce dernier, il faudra
-excuter <command>lilo</command> ensuite. Car les changements ne
-prennent effet que quand vous lancez le programme.
-Les parties importantes de <filename>lilo.conf</filename> sont les lignes
-contenant les mots-cls <userinput>image</userinput> et
-<userinput>other</userinput>, et les lignes qui les suivent. Elles sont
-utilises pour dcrire un systme qui peut tre lanc par
-<command>LILO</command>. Un tel systme peut inclure un noyau
-(<userinput>image</userinput>), une partition racine, des paramtres
-additionnels pour le noyau, ainsi que la configuration pour lancer un
-autre systme d'exploitation, non-Linux (<userinput>other</userinput>). Ces
-mots-cls peuvent tre utiliss plus d'une fois. L'ordre dans lequel sont
-dclars ces diffrents systmes d'exploitation est important, car il
-dtermine quel systme sera lanc automatiquement lorsque, par exemple,
-le dlai (<userinput>delay</userinput>) d'attente est coul (en admettant
-que <command>LILO</command> n'ait pas t arrt en pressant la touche
-Aprs une nouvelle installation de Debian, seul le systme courant est
-configur pour dmarrer avec <command>LILO</command>. Si vous voulez lancer
-un autre noyau Linux, vous devez modifier le fichier de configuration
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> et ajouter les lignes suivantes&nbsp;:
-Pour un rglage de base, les deux premires lignes sont suffisantes. Si vous
-voulez en savoir plus sur les deux autres options, jetez un oeil la
-documentation de <command>LILO</command>. Elle se trouve dans
-<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>. Le fichier lire est
-<filename>Manual.txt</filename>. Si vous tes trop impatient de pntrer dans
-le monde magique des amorages, reportez-vous aux pages de manuel de
-<command>LILO</command>,<filename>lilo.conf</filename> pour un survol des
-options de configuration et <filename>lilo</filename> pour une description de
-l'installation d'une nouvelle configuration dans le secteur d'amorage.
-Il faut noter qu'il y a d'autres programmes d'amorage disponibles dans
-&debian;, comme GRUB (dans le paquet <classname>grub</classname>), CHOS (dans
-le paquet <classname>chos</classname>), Extended-IPL (dans
-<classname>extipl</classname>), loadlin (dans <classname>loadlin</classname>),
- </sect1>
diff --git a/it/post-install/post-install.xml b/it/post-install/post-install.xml
index 31af78d85..33e20d533 100644
--- a/it/post-install/post-install.xml
+++ b/it/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39894 -->
+<!-- original version: 43500 -->
<chapter id="post-install">
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
diff --git a/it/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/it/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 03461591c..000000000
--- a/it/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39614 -->
- <sect1 arch="x86" id="reactivating-win">
- <!-- <title>Reactivating DOS and Windows</title> -->
- <title>Riattivazione di DOS e Windows</title>
-After installing the base system and writing to the <emphasis>Master Boot
-Record</emphasis>, you will be able to boot Linux, but probably nothing else.
-This depends what you have chosen during the installation. This chapter
-will describe how you can reactivate your old systems so that you can also
-boot your DOS or Windows again.
-Dopo l'installazione del sistema di base e la scrittura del
-<emphasis>Master Boot Record</emphasis> è possibile avviare Linux
-ma probabilmente nulla di più, dipende da cosa si è scelto durante
-l'installazione. Questo capitolo descrive come si possono riattivare
-i propri vecchi sistemi in modo da poter avviare nuovamente DOS o
-<command>LILO</command> is a boot manager with which you can also boot
-other operating systems than Linux, which complies to PC
-conventions. The boot manager is configured via
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> file. Whenever you edited this
-file you have to run <command>lilo</command> afterwards. The reason
-for this is that the changes will take place only when you call the
-<command>LILO</command> è un boot manager con cui si possono anche
-avviare sistemi operativi diversi da Linux purché rispettino le
-convenzioni PC. Il boot manager è configurato tramite il file
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename>; ogni volta che si modifica questo
-file è necessario eseguire <command>lilo</command>. Questa operazione
-è dovuta al fatto che le modifiche diventano effettive solo quando si
-richiama il programma.
-Important parts of the <filename>lilo.conf</filename> file are the
-lines containing the <userinput>image</userinput> and
-<userinput>other</userinput> keywords, as well as the lines following
-those. They can be used to describe a system which can be booted by
-<command>LILO</command>. Such a system can include a kernel
-(<userinput>image</userinput>), a root partition, additional kernel
-parameters, etc. as well as a configuration to boot another, non-Linux
-(<userinput>other</userinput>) operating system. These keywords can
-also be used more than once. The ordering of these systems within the
-configuration file is important because it determines which system
-will be booted automatically after, for instance, a timeout
-(<userinput>delay</userinput>) presuming <command>LILO</command>
-wasn't stopped by pressing the <keycap>shift</keycap> key.
-Le parti importanti del file <filename>lilo.conf</filename> sono
-le righe con le direttive <userinput>image</userinput> e
-<userinput>other</userinput> e le righe seguenti, perché vengono
-usate per descrivere un qualsiasi sistema che è possibile avviare
-con <command>LILO</command>. Ogni sistema deve contenere un kernel
-(<userinput>image</userinput>), una partizione root, dei parametri
-addizionali per il kernel, ecc. oppure la configurazione per avviare
-un altro sistema operativo (<userinput>other</userinput>) diverso da
-Linux. Queste direttive possono essere inserite più volte. L'ordine
-in cui sono inseriti i sistemi è importante perché determina quale
-sistema viene avviato automaticamente, per esempio, dopo aver atteso
-un certo periodo di tempo (<userinput>delay</userinput>) presumendo
-che <command>LILO</command> non venga fermato dalla pressione del tasto
-After a fresh install of Debian, just the current system is configured
-for booting with <command>LILO</command>. If you want to boot another
-Linux kernel, you have to edit the configuration file
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> to add the following lines:
-Dopo aver appena concluso l'installazione di Debian il sistema è
-configurato per l'avvio con <command>LILO</command>. Se si vuole avviare
-un kernel Linux diverso si deve modificare il file di configurazione
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> e aggiungere le seguenti righe:
-For a basic setup just the first two lines are necessary. If you want
-to know more about the other two options please have a look at the
-<command>LILO</command> documentation. This can be found in
-<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>. The file which should be
-read is <filename>Manual.txt</filename>. To have a quicker start into
-the world of booting a system you can also look at the
-<command>LILO</command> man pages <filename>lilo.conf</filename> for
-an overview of configuration keywords and <filename>lilo</filename>
-for description of the installation of the new configuration into the
-boot sector.
-Per la configurazione di base sono sufficienti solo le prime due
-righe. Se si vogliono ulteriori informazioni sulle altre due opzioni
-si consulti la documentazione di <command>LILO</command> (che può
-essere trovata in <filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>, il file da
-leggere è <filename>Manual.txt</filename>). Per entrare rapidamente
-nel mondo dell'avvio del sistema si può anche consultare la pagina man
-di <filename>lilo.conf</filename> dove è contenuta una panoramica delle
-direttive e la pagina man di <filename>lilo</filename> per la descrizione
-di come installare una nuova configurazione nel settore di avvio.
-Notice that there are other boot loaders available in &debian;, such as
-GRUB (in <classname>grub</classname> package),
-CHOS (in <classname>chos</classname> package),
-Extended-IPL (in <classname>extipl</classname> package),
-loadlin (in <classname>loadlin</classname> package) etc.
-Notare che in &debian; sono disponibili anche altri boot loader come
-GRUB (nel pacchetto <classname>grub</classname>), CHOS (nel pacchetto
-<classname>chos</classname>), Extended-IPL (nel pacchetto
-<classname>extipl</classname>), loadlin (nel pacchetto
-<classname>loadlin</classname>), ecc.
- </sect1>
diff --git a/ja/post-install/post-install.xml b/ja/post-install/post-install.xml
index ef09ec373..d5a286a89 100644
--- a/ja/post-install/post-install.xml
+++ b/ja/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="EUC-JP"?>
<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39894 -->
+<!-- original version: 43500 -->
<chapter id="post-install">
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
diff --git a/ja/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/ja/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ffdcaf92..000000000
--- a/ja/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="EUC-JP"?>
-<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39614 -->
- <sect1 arch="x86" id="reactivating-win">
- <title>DOS Windows ѤǤ褦ˤ</title>
-After installing the base system and writing to the <emphasis>Master Boot
-Record</emphasis>, you will be able to boot Linux, but probably nothing else.
-This depends what you have chosen during the installation. This chapter
-will describe how you can reactivate your old systems so that you can also
-boot your DOS or Windows again.
-Linux ϵưǤ褦ˤʤޤʳ OS Ϥ餯ưǤʤʤޤ
-DOS Windows ƵưǤ褦󥹥ȡѤƤƥ
-<command>LILO</command> is a boot manager with which you can also boot
-other operating systems than Linux, which complies to PC
-conventions. The boot manager is configured via
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> file. Whenever you edited this
-file you have to run <command>lilo</command> afterwards. The reason
-for this is that the changes will take place only when you call the
-<command>LILO</command> ϡLinux ¾Υڥ졼ƥ󥰥ƥ
-ưǽʥ֡ȥޥ͡ǡPC ʤ˽򤷤Ƥޤ
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> եˤäƹԤޤ
-եԽϡԽɬ <command>lilo</command> ޥ
-Important parts of the <filename>lilo.conf</filename> file are the
-lines containing the <userinput>image</userinput> and
-<userinput>other</userinput> keywords, as well as the lines following
-those. They can be used to describe a system which can be booted by
-<command>LILO</command>. Such a system can include a kernel
-(<userinput>image</userinput>), a root partition, additional kernel
-parameters, etc. as well as a configuration to boot another, non-Linux
-(<userinput>other</userinput>) operating system. These keywords can
-also be used more than once. The ordering of these systems within the
-configuration file is important because it determines which system
-will be booted automatically after, for instance, a timeout
-(<userinput>delay</userinput>) presuming <command>LILO</command>
-wasn't stopped by pressing the <keycap>shift</keycap> key.
-<filename>lilo.conf</filename> եǤϡ<userinput>image</userinput>
-뤤 <userinput>other</userinput> ɤޤԤȡ³
-ԤפʲսǤѤơ<command>LILO</command> ư
-ʤɤꤹ뤳ȤǤ¾ Linux ʳ OS
-(<userinput>other</userinput>) ư뤿ꤹ뤳ȤǤޤ
-<command>LILO</command> Ǥʤȡॢ
-(<userinput>delay</userinput>) ˤ줫ΥƥबưŪ
-After a fresh install of Debian, just the current system is configured
-for booting with <command>LILO</command>. If you want to boot another
-Linux kernel, you have to edit the configuration file
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> to add the following lines:
-<command>LILO</command> ǵưǤ褦ꤵޤ¾ Linux ͥ
-ưϡե <filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename>
-For a basic setup just the first two lines are necessary. If you want
-to know more about the other two options please have a look at the
-<command>LILO</command> documentation. This can be found in
-<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>. The file which should be
-read is <filename>Manual.txt</filename>. To have a quicker start into
-the world of booting a system you can also look at the
-<command>LILO</command> man pages <filename>lilo.conf</filename> for
-an overview of configuration keywords and <filename>lilo</filename>
-for description of the installation of the new configuration into the
-boot sector.
-ŪȤƤϡǽ 2 ԤнʬǤ
-¾ 2 ԤΥץ˴ؤܤˤĤƤϡ
-<command>LILO</command> ΥɥȤ
-<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename> ˤޤ
-ä <filename>Manual.txt</filename> ɤߤ
-<command>LILO</command> man ڡˤʤΤ褤Ǥ礦
-ꥭɤγѤˤĤƤ <filename>lilo.conf</filename>
-Notice that there are other boot loaders available in &debian;, such as
-GRUB (in <classname>grub</classname> package),
-CHOS (in <classname>chos</classname> package),
-Extended-IPL (in <classname>extipl</classname> package),
-loadlin (in <classname>loadlin</classname> package) etc.
-ʤ&debian; ǤϡGRUB (<classname>grub</classname> ѥå)
-CHOS (<classname>chos</classname> ѥå)
-Extended-IPL (<classname>extipl</classname> ѥå)
-loadlin (<classname>loadlin</classname> ѥå)
- </sect1>
diff --git a/nl/post-install/post-install.xml b/nl/post-install/post-install.xml
index fa3d06167..e9eda62b3 100644
--- a/nl/post-install/post-install.xml
+++ b/nl/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39894 untranslated -->
+<!-- original version: 43500 untranslated -->
<chapter id="post-install">
<title>Next Steps and Where to Go From Here</title>
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
diff --git a/nl/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/nl/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a42e1a3f8..000000000
--- a/nl/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39614 untranslated -->
- <sect1 arch="x86" id="reactivating-win">
- <title>Reactivating DOS and Windows</title>
-After installing the base system and writing to the <emphasis>Master Boot
-Record</emphasis>, you will be able to boot Linux, but probably nothing else.
-This depends what you have chosen during the installation. This chapter
-will describe how you can reactivate your old systems so that you can also
-boot your DOS or Windows again.
-<command>LILO</command> is a boot manager with which you can also boot
-other operating systems than Linux, which complies to PC
-conventions. The boot manager is configured via
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> file. Whenever you edited this
-file you have to run <command>lilo</command> afterwards. The reason
-for this is that the changes will take place only when you call the
-Important parts of the <filename>lilo.conf</filename> file are the
-lines containing the <userinput>image</userinput> and
-<userinput>other</userinput> keywords, as well as the lines following
-those. They can be used to describe a system which can be booted by
-<command>LILO</command>. Such a system can include a kernel
-(<userinput>image</userinput>), a root partition, additional kernel
-parameters, etc. as well as a configuration to boot another, non-Linux
-(<userinput>other</userinput>) operating system. These keywords can
-also be used more than once. The ordering of these systems within the
-configuration file is important because it determines which system
-will be booted automatically after, for instance, a timeout
-(<userinput>delay</userinput>) presuming <command>LILO</command>
-wasn't stopped by pressing the <keycap>shift</keycap> key.
-After a fresh install of Debian, just the current system is configured
-for booting with <command>LILO</command>. If you want to boot another
-Linux kernel, you have to edit the configuration file
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> to add the following lines:
-For a basic setup just the first two lines are necessary. If you want
-to know more about the other two options please have a look at the
-<command>LILO</command> documentation. This can be found in
-<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>. The file which should be
-read is <filename>Manual.txt</filename>. To have a quicker start into
-the world of booting a system you can also look at the
-<command>LILO</command> man pages <filename>lilo.conf</filename> for
-an overview of configuration keywords and <filename>lilo</filename>
-for description of the installation of the new configuration into the
-boot sector.
-Notice that there are other boot loaders available in &debian;, such as
-GRUB (in <classname>grub</classname> package),
-CHOS (in <classname>chos</classname> package),
-Extended-IPL (in <classname>extipl</classname> package),
-loadlin (in <classname>loadlin</classname> package) etc.
- </sect1>
diff --git a/pt_BR/post-install/post-install.xml b/pt_BR/post-install/post-install.xml
index c127848c0..707f0f224 100644
--- a/pt_BR/post-install/post-install.xml
+++ b/pt_BR/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39894 -->
+<!-- original version: 43500 -->
<!-- revised by Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) 2006.08.23 -->
<chapter id="post-install">
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
diff --git a/pt_BR/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/pt_BR/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index aac2b19c3..000000000
--- a/pt_BR/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
-<!-- original version: 39614 -->
-<!-- reviewed by Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) 2006.01.01 -->
- <sect1 arch="x86" id="reactivating-win">
- <title>Reativando o DOS e o Windows</title>
-Após a instalação do sistema básico e gravando o <emphasis>Master Boot
-Record</emphasis>, será possível inicializar no Linux, mas
-provavelmente nada mais que isso. Isto depende do que selecionou durante
-a instalação. Este capítulo descreverá como reativar sistemas antigos
-assim você poderá inicializar novamente no DOS e Windows.
-O <command>LILO</command> é um gerenciador de partida que lhe permite também
-iniciar outros sistemas operacionais além do Linux, que segue as convenções
-do padrão PC. O gerenciador de partida é configurado através do arquivo
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename>. Sempre que editar este arquivo você
-deverá executar o comando <command>lilo</command>. A razão disto é que
-as alterações somente farão efeito se executar este programa.
-As partes importantes do arquivo <filename>lilo.conf</filename> são as
-linhas contendo as palavras <userinput>image</userinput> e
-<userinput>other</userinput>, assim como as linhas que seguem estas. Elas
-dizem com o o sistema será inicializado através do <command>LILO</command>.
-Tal sistema deverá incluir uma <userinput>imagem</userinput> do kernel,
-uma partição raíz, parâmetros adicionais do kernel, etc. assim como a
-configuração para inicializar um outro sistema operacional não-Linux
-(<userinput>other</userinput>). Estas palavras poderão ser usadas mais de
-uma vez. A ordem destes sistemas dentro do arquivo de configuração é importante
-porque ela determina qual sistema operacional será inicializado
-automaticamente após o tempo se esgotar (<userinput>delay</userinput>)
-assumindo que não interrompeu a contagem pressionado a tecla
-Após a instalação básica da Debian, apenas o sistema atual estará
-configurado para inicialização usando o <command>LILO</command>.
-Se quiser inicializar a partir de outro kernel do Linux, você terá que
-editar o arquivo de configuração
-<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> e adicionar as seguintes linhas:
-Para uma configuração básica, apenas as duas primeiras linhas são
-necessárias. Se quiser conhecer mais sobre as outras opções, dê uma
-olhada na documentação do <command>LILO</command>.
-A documentação poderá ser encontrada em
-<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>. O arquivo que deverá ser lido
-é o <filename>Manual.txt</filename>. Para entrar rapidamente no mundo
-da inicialização do sistema, você deverá também dar uma olhada nas páginas
-de manual do <filename>lilo.conf</filename> para ter uma idéia das
-palavras de configuração e do <filename>lilo</filename>
-para descrição de como instalar a configuração no novo setor de partida.
-Note que também existem outros gerenciadores de partida disponíveis na
-&debian;, tal como o
-GRUB (no pacote <classname>grub</classname>),
-CHOS (no pacote <classname>chos</classname>),
-Extended-IPL (no pacote <classname>extipl</classname>),
-loadlin (no pacote <classname>loadlin</classname>) etc.
- </sect1>