path: root/net/erlyvideo
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-11-10Change email for my ports to FreeBSD one.Ruslan Makhmatkhanov
2011-06-02- Use ${FIND} -delete instead of ${XARGS} ${RM}.Wesley Shields
2011-06-02- Fix plistPav Lucistnik
2011-05-31- Update to 2.8.1Martin Wilke
2011-03-27- Update to 2.7.4Martin Wilke
2011-03-17- Update to 2.6.5Martin Wilke
2011-02-27- Update to 2.6.3Martin Wilke
2011-02-01- Fix fetchPav Lucistnik
2011-01-31Erlyvideo is an RTMP flash streaming server, written in erlang. It is aMartin Wilke