diff options
authorTobias Kortkamp <>2019-08-18 13:23:40 +0000
committerTobias Kortkamp <>2019-08-18 13:23:40 +0000
commitebfce890367e73e4fd1c714fea32c0f34b111f70 (patch)
parentc050c5d5e035896764ecb21461aed544eb1ac8c3 (diff)
databases/postgresql-plruby: Unbreak build with PostgreSQL 11
============================================================ PostgreSQL 11.4 is unsupported. Try plruby-0.4.2. ============================================================ *** Error code 1 While here deprecate it since it seems to have been abandoned in 2010. PR: 239639 Approved by: knu (maintainer timeout, 2 weeks)
4 files changed, 231 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/databases/postgresql-plruby/Makefile b/databases/postgresql-plruby/Makefile
index 72c24b8c9bd6..507b1f85b937 100644
--- a/databases/postgresql-plruby/Makefile
+++ b/databases/postgresql-plruby/Makefile
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ COMMENT= PL/Ruby procedural language for the PostgreSQL database system
+DEPRECATED= Abandonware
+EXPIRATION_DATE= 2019-09-15
BROKEN_powerpc64= fails to build: ruby.h:628:35: call to 'ruby_safe_level_2_error' declared with attribute error: $SAFE=2 to 4 are obsolete
USES= uidfix pgsql
diff --git a/databases/postgresql-plruby/files/patch-extconf.rb b/databases/postgresql-plruby/files/patch-extconf.rb
index d621ced0e07a..6783678a9018 100644
--- a/databases/postgresql-plruby/files/patch-extconf.rb
+++ b/databases/postgresql-plruby/files/patch-extconf.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
---- extconf.rb.orig 2017-08-31 10:56:23 UTC
+--- extconf.rb.orig 2017-05-28 08:47:01 UTC
+++ extconf.rb
-@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ end
+@@ -122,6 +122,10 @@ end
case version_str = `#{pg_config} --version`
when /^PostgreSQL ([7-9])\.([0-9]{1,3})(\.[0-9]{1,3})?$/
version = 10 * $1.to_i + $2.to_i
++when /^PostgreSQL 11/
++ version = 110
+when /^PostgreSQL 10/
+ version = 100
diff --git a/databases/postgresql-plruby/files/patch-src_plpl.c b/databases/postgresql-plruby/files/patch-src_plpl.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6f8b02ac4a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/databases/postgresql-plruby/files/patch-src_plpl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+--- src/plpl.c.orig 2019-08-04 04:35:14 UTC
++++ src/plpl.c
+@@ -137,12 +137,21 @@ pl_query_name(VALUE obj)
+ }
+ res = rb_ary_new2(tpl->dsc->natts);
+ for (i = 0; i < tpl->dsc->natts; i++) {
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ if (tpl->dsc->attrs[i]->attisdropped) {
+ attname = "";
+ }
+ else {
+ attname = NameStr(tpl->dsc->attrs[i]->attname);
+ }
++ if (TupleDescAttr(tpl->dsc, i)->attisdropped) {
++ attname = "";
++ }
++ else {
++ attname = NameStr(TupleDescAttr(tpl->dsc, i)->attname);
++ }
+ rb_ary_push(res, rb_tainted_str_new2(attname));
+ }
+ return res;
+@@ -178,6 +187,7 @@ pl_query_type(VALUE obj)
+ }
+ res = rb_ary_new2(tpl->dsc->natts);
+ for (i = 0; i < tpl->dsc->natts; i++) {
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ if (tpl->dsc->attrs[i]->attisdropped)
+ continue;
+@@ -189,6 +199,19 @@ pl_query_type(VALUE obj)
+ rb_raise(pl_ePLruby, "Cache lookup for attribute '%s' type %ld failed",
+ attname, OidGD(tpl->dsc->attrs[i]->atttypid));
+ }
++ if (TupleDescAttr(tpl->dsc, i)->attisdropped)
++ continue;
++ attname = NameStr(TupleDescAttr(tpl->dsc, i)->attname);
++ typeTup = SearchSysCache(TYPEOID, OidGD(TupleDescAttr(tpl->dsc, i)->atttypid),
++ 0, 0, 0);
++ if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typeTup)) {
++ rb_raise(pl_ePLruby, "Cache lookup for attribute '%s' type %ld failed",
++ attname, OidGD(TupleDescAttr(tpl->dsc, i)->atttypid));
++ }
+ fpgt = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typeTup);
+ rb_ary_push(res, rb_tainted_str_new2(NameStr(fpgt->typname)));
+ ReleaseSysCache(typeTup);
+@@ -588,14 +611,23 @@ pl_tuple_heap(VALUE c, VALUE tuple)
+ MEMZERO(nulls, char, RARRAY_LEN(c));
+ for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(c); i++) {
+ if (NIL_P(RARRAY_PTR(c)[i]) ||
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped) {
++ TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->attisdropped) {
+ dvalues[i] = (Datum)0;
+ nulls[i] = 'n';
+ }
+ else {
+ nulls[i] = ' ';
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ typid = tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid;
+ if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attndims != 0 ||
++ typid = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->atttypid;
++ if (TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->attndims != 0 ||
+ tpl->att->attinfuncs[i].fn_addr == (PGFunction)array_in) {
+ pl_proc_desc prodesc;
+ FmgrInfo func;
+@@ -1088,6 +1120,7 @@ plruby_build_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc,
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < tupdesc->natts; i++) {
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped)
+ continue;
+@@ -1101,7 +1134,21 @@ plruby_build_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc,
+ rb_raise(pl_ePLruby, "Cache lookup for attribute '%s' type %ld failed",
+ attname, OidGD(tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid));
+ }
++ if (TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->attisdropped)
++ continue;
++ attname = NameStr(TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->attname);
++ attr = heap_getattr(tuple, i + 1, tupdesc, &isnull);
++ typeTup = SearchSysCache(TYPEOID, OidGD(TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->atttypid),
++ 0, 0, 0);
++ if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typeTup)) {
++ rb_raise(pl_ePLruby, "Cache lookup for attribute '%s' type %ld failed",
++ attname, OidGD(TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->atttypid));
++ }
+ fpgt = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typeTup);
+ typoutput = (Oid) (fpgt->typoutput);
+ #if PG_PL_VERSION >= 75
+@@ -1115,6 +1162,7 @@ plruby_build_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc,
+ int alen;
+ typname = NameStr(fpgt->typname);
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ alen = tupdesc->attrs[i]->attlen;
+ typeid = tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid;
+ if (strcmp(typname, "text") == 0) {
+@@ -1129,6 +1177,22 @@ plruby_build_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc,
+ alen = tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypmod - 4;
+ }
+ }
++ alen = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->attlen;
++ typeid = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->atttypid;
++ if (strcmp(typname, "text") == 0) {
++ alen = -1;
++ }
++ else if (strcmp(typname, "bpchar") == 0 ||
++ strcmp(typname, "varchar") == 0) {
++ if (TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->atttypmod == -1) {
++ alen = 0;
++ }
++ else {
++ alen = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->atttypmod - 4;
++ }
++ }
+ if ((type_ret & RET_DESC_ARR) == RET_DESC_ARR) {
+ res = rb_ary_new();
+ rb_ary_push(res, rb_tainted_str_new2(attname));
+@@ -1190,8 +1254,13 @@ plruby_build_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc,
+ fmgr_info(typoutput, &finfo);
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ s = pl_convert_arg(attr, tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid,
+ &finfo, typelem,tupdesc->attrs[i]->attlen);
++ s = pl_convert_arg(attr, tupdesc->attrs[i].atttypid,
++ &finfo, typelem, TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->attlen);
+ }
diff --git a/databases/postgresql-plruby/files/patch-src_plruby.c b/databases/postgresql-plruby/files/patch-src_plruby.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c840896b462a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/databases/postgresql-plruby/files/patch-src_plruby.c
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+--- src/plruby.c.orig 2019-08-04 04:30:44 UTC
++++ src/plruby.c
+@@ -1184,17 +1184,29 @@ for_numvals(obj, argobj)
+ rb_raise(pl_ePLruby, "invalid attribute '%s'", RSTRING_PTR(key));
+ }
+ attnum -= 1;
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ if (arg->tupdesc->attrs[attnum]->attisdropped) {
++ if (TupleDescAttr(arg->tupdesc, attnum)->attisdropped) {
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ typeTup = SearchSysCache(TYPEOID,
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ OidGD(arg->tupdesc->attrs[attnum]->atttypid),
++ OidGD(TupleDescAttr(arg->tupdesc, attnum)->atttypid),
+ 0, 0, 0);
+ if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typeTup)) {
+ rb_raise(pl_ePLruby, "Cache lookup for attribute '%s' type %ld failed",
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ RSTRING_PTR(key), OidGD(arg->tupdesc->attrs[attnum]->atttypid));
++ RSTRING_PTR(key), OidGD(TupleDescAttr(arg->tupdesc, attnum)->atttypid));
+ }
+ fpg = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typeTup);
+ ReleaseSysCache(typeTup);
+@@ -1226,11 +1238,19 @@ for_numvals(obj, argobj)
+ else {
+ arg->modvalues[attnum] =
+ plruby_to_datum(value, &finfo,
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ arg->tupdesc->attrs[attnum]->atttypid,
+ fpg->typelem,
+ (!VARLENA_FIXED_SIZE(arg->tupdesc->attrs[attnum]))
+ ? arg->tupdesc->attrs[attnum]->attlen
+ : arg->tupdesc->attrs[attnum]->atttypmod);
++ TupleDescAttr(arg->tupdesc, attnum)->atttypid,
++ fpg->typelem,
++ (!VARLENA_FIXED_SIZE(TupleDescAttr(arg->tupdesc, attnum)))
++ ? TupleDescAttr(arg->tupdesc, attnum)->attlen
++ : TupleDescAttr(arg->tupdesc, attnum)->atttypmod);
+ }
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+@@ -1284,12 +1304,21 @@ pl_trigger_handler(struct pl_thread_st *plth)
+ tmp = rb_ary_new2(tupdesc->natts);
+ for (i = 0; i < tupdesc->natts; i++) {
++#if PG_VERSION_NUM < 110000
+ if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped) {
+ rb_ary_push(tmp, rb_str_freeze_new2(""));
+ }
+ else {
+ rb_ary_push(tmp, rb_str_freeze_new2(NameStr(tupdesc->attrs[i]->attname)));
+ }
++ if (TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->attisdropped) {
++ rb_ary_push(tmp, rb_str_freeze_new2(""));
++ }
++ else {
++ rb_ary_push(tmp, rb_str_freeze_new2(NameStr(TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)->attname)));
++ }
+ }
+ rb_hash_aset(TG, rb_str_freeze_new2("relatts"), rb_ary_freeze(tmp));