diff options
authorJames E. Housley <>2000-10-28 12:36:04 +0000
committerJames E. Housley <>2000-10-28 12:36:04 +0000
commitd391bfd2ddd76ec09177656933adbb0db01f55aa (patch)
parent9c2af76ca5842a968a6180a64583a8e654eba528 (diff)
New port: math/gri
Gri is an extensible plotting language for producing scientific graphs PR: 21995 Submitted by: M. L. Dodson <bdodson@scms.utmb.EDU>
8 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/math/Makefile b/math/Makefile
index 9e8cc81d73d3..d09e16250e76 100644
--- a/math/Makefile
+++ b/math/Makefile
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
SUBDIR += gnuplot
SUBDIR += gnuplot+
SUBDIR += grace
+ SUBDIR += gri
SUBDIR += grpn
SUBDIR += gsl
SUBDIR += hexcalc
diff --git a/math/gri/Makefile b/math/gri/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a155df3bf4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/gri/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: gri
+# Date created: 14 Oct 2000
+# Whom: M. L. Dodson, <>
+# $FreeBSD$
+LIB_DEPENDS= netcdf.1:${PORTSDIR}/math/netcdf
+BUILD_DEPENDS= gawk:${PORTSDIR}/lang/gawk
+MAN1= gri.1
+.if !defined(${NOPORTDOCS})
+ @-mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/share/doc/gri
+ @-mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/share/doc/gri/html
+ @-mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/share/doc/gri/html/examples
+ @-mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/share/doc/gri/html/resources
+ @cd ${WRKSRC}/doc && make PREFIX=${PREFIX} html-install
+ @cd ${WRKSRC}/doc && \
+ make PREFIX=${PREFIX} INSTALL_MAN="${INSTALL_MAN}" man-install
+ ${CHMOD} 555 ${PREFIX}/bin/gri_merge
+ ${CHMOD} 555 ${PREFIX}/bin/gri_unpage
+ ${RM} ${PREFIX}/share/gri/license.txt
+.include <>
diff --git a/math/gri/distinfo b/math/gri/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..74cba07feb4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/gri/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 (gri-2.4.4.tgz) = 2aaad67d5ffc787dabc32f4aa1d2212a
diff --git a/math/gri/files/patch-aa b/math/gri/files/patch-aa
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..52288ad15d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/gri/files/patch-aa
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+*** Sun May 7 11:44:07 2000
+--- Sat Sep 23 12:10:29 2000
+*** 154,167 ****
+ install: all
+ echo "Installing into '$(prefix)' directory"
+ cat startup.msg | sed -e s,VSN,${VERSION}, > tmp
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) tmp $(prefix)/share/gri/startup.msg
+ rm -f tmp
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) gri $(prefix)/bin/gri
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) gri.cmd $(prefix)/share/gri/gri.cmd
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) license.txt $(prefix)/share/gri/license.txt
+! $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) gri_merge $(prefix)/bin/gri_merge
+! $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) gri_unpage $(prefix)/bin/gri_unpage
+! cd doc; prefix=$(prefix) make html-install
+ all: force
+ make gri
+--- 154,167 ----
+ install: all
+ echo "Installing into '$(prefix)' directory"
+ cat startup.msg | sed -e s,VSN,${VERSION}, > tmp
++ -@mkdir $(prefix)/share/gri
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) tmp $(prefix)/share/gri/startup.msg
+ rm -f tmp
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) gri $(prefix)/bin/gri
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) gri.cmd $(prefix)/share/gri/gri.cmd
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) license.txt $(prefix)/share/gri/license.txt
+! $(INSTALL_DATA) gri_merge $(prefix)/bin/gri_merge
+! $(INSTALL_DATA) gri_unpage $(prefix)/bin/gri_unpage
+ all: force
+ make gri
diff --git a/math/gri/files/patch-ab b/math/gri/files/patch-ab
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8bcb5be93f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/gri/files/patch-ab
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+*** doc/Makefile.orig Sun May 7 11:44:08 2000
+--- doc/Makefile Sat Sep 23 12:49:29 2000
+*** 1,6 ****
+ # Makefile for Gri documentation files.
+! GRI_DIR = /opt/gri
+ DEST_BIN = /doc/info
+ RM = rm -f
+ REFCARD = refcard
+--- 1,6 ----
+ # Makefile for Gri documentation files.
+! GRI_DIR = $(PREFIX)/share/doc/gri
+ DEST_BIN = /doc/info
+ RM = rm -f
+ REFCARD = refcard
+*** 11,22 ****
+ all:
+- make info
+ make html
+! install:
+! make info-install
+! make html-install
+ read:
+ chmod a+r Makefile
+--- 11,27 ----
+ all:
+ make html
+! # make info
+! # make html
+! man-install:
+! gzip -nfc -9 gri-manpage.1 > gri.1.gz
+! ${INSTALL_MAN} gri.1.gz ${PREFIX}/man/man1
+! # make info-install
+! # make html-install
+ read:
+ chmod a+r Makefile
+*** 48,69 ****
+ perl > Newsgroup.html
+ html-install:
+! # GRI_DIR = /opt/gri
+! if test ! -d $(GRI_DIR) ; then mkdir -m 755 -p $(GRI_DIR) ; fi
+! if test ! -d $(GRI_DIR)/doc ; then mkdir -m 755 -p $(GRI_DIR)/doc ; fi
+! if test ! -d $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html ; then mkdir -m 755 -p $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html ; fi
+! if test ! -d $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html/examples ; then mkdir -m 755 -p $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html/examples ; fi
+! if test ! -d $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html/resources ; then mkdir -m 755 -p $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html/resources ; fi
+! -cp ./resources/*.gif $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html/resources
+! -chmod a+r $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html/resources/*
+! -cp ./examples/* $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html/examples
+! -chmod a+r $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html/examples/*
+! -cp ./*.html $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html
+! -cp ./resources/ $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html/resources
+! -cp ./resources/logo.gif $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html/resources
+! -cp ./resources/logo.gri $(GRI_DIR)/doc/html/resources
+ -chmod a+r $(GRI_DIR)/*
+- -make html-clean
+ html-clean:
+ -cp FAQ.html save
+--- 53,66 ----
+ perl > Newsgroup.html
+ html-install:
+! -cp ./resources/*.gif $(GRI_DIR)/html/resources
+! -chmod a+r $(GRI_DIR)/html/resources/*
+! -cp ./examples/* $(GRI_DIR)/html/examples
+! -chmod a+r $(GRI_DIR)/html/examples/*
+! -cp ./*.html $(GRI_DIR)/html
+! -cp ./resources/logo.eps $(GRI_DIR)/html/resources
+! -cp ./resources/logo.gif $(GRI_DIR)/html/resources
+ -chmod a+r $(GRI_DIR)/*
+ html-clean:
+ -cp FAQ.html save
diff --git a/math/gri/pkg-comment b/math/gri/pkg-comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..539c7a552f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/gri/pkg-comment
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Gri is an extensible plotting language for producing scientific graphs
diff --git a/math/gri/pkg-descr b/math/gri/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f2fe871d3a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/gri/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Gri is a language for scientific graphics applications. By 'language' I mean
+that it is a command-driven application, as opposed to a click/point
+application. It is analogous to latex or tex, and shares the property that
+extensive power is the reward for tolerating a modest learning curve. Gri
+output is in industry-standard PostScript, suitable for incorporation in
+documents prepared by various text processors. Gri can make x-y graphs,
+contour-graphs, and image graphs. In addition to high-level capabilities, it
+has enough low-level capabilities to allow users to achieve a high degree of
+customization. Precise control is extended to all aspects of drawing, including
+line-widths, colors, and fonts. Text includes a subset of the tex language, so
+that it is easy to incorporate Greek letters and mathematical symbols in labels.
diff --git a/math/gri/pkg-plist b/math/gri/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..27b07aa94f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/gri/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+@dirrm share/gri
+@dirrm share/doc/gri/html/examples
+@dirrm share/doc/gri/html/resources
+@dirrm share/doc/gri/html
+@dirrm share/doc/gri