path: root/tests/
diff options
authorTobias Brox <>2022-09-30 01:29:58 +0200
committerTobias Brox <>2022-10-09 01:55:25 +0200
commite9a968157e65e18d1b285a7765ecb641175ba370 (patch)
tree4c770db41f5effaa79447df59023b536a5a60738 /tests/
parentfd834cd17933bad5567f1315ddc800145081dcd6 (diff)
More work on the kal aka command. It can now do around 80% of all the stuff calendar-cli can do, plus more.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3858063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+## TODO: all references to calendar-cli should be replaced with references to kal. Work in progress!
+set -e
+for path in . .. ./tests ../tests
+ setup="$path/_setup_alias"
+ [ -f $setup ] && source $setup
+ echo ""
+ echo
+ echo "Generally, should only be run directly if you know what you are doing"
+ echo "You may want to use instead"
+ echo
+ echo "This script will use the following commands to access a calendar server:"
+ echo
+ echo "$kal"
+ echo "$calendar_cli"
+ echo
+ echo "This may work if you have configured a calendar server."
+ echo "The tests will add and delete events and tasks."
+ echo "Content from 2010-10 may be deleted"
+ echo
+ echo "Press enter or ctrl-C"
+ read foo
+echo "## CLEANUP from earlier failed test runs, if any"
+for uid in $($calendar_cli calendar agenda --from-time=2010-10-09 --agenda-days=5 --event-template='{uid}') ; do calendar_cli calendar delete --event-uid=$uid ; done
+calendar_cli todo --categories scripttest delete
+unset QUIET
+echo "## EVENTS"
+echo "## this is a very simple test script without advanced error handling"
+echo "## if this test script doesn't output 'ALL TESTS COMPLETED! YAY!' in the end, something went wrong"
+echo "## Attempting to add an event at 2010-10-09 20:00:00, 2 hours duration"
+kal add event 'testing testing' '2010-10-09 20:00:00+2h'
+uid=$(echo $output | perl -ne '/uid=(.*)$/ && print $1')
+[ -n "$uid" ] || error "got no UID back"
+echo "## Attempting to add an event at 2010-10-10 20:00:00, CET (1 hour duration is default), with description and non-ascii location"
+kal add event 'testing testing' '2010-10-10 20:00:00+01:00' --set-description='this is a test calendar event' --set-location='Москва'
+uid2=$(echo $output | perl -ne '/uid=(.*)$/ && print $1')
+[ -n "$uid2" ] || error "got no UID back"
+echo "## Attempting to add an event at 2010-10-11 20:00:00, CET, 3h duration"
+kal add event 'testing testing' '2010-10-11 20:00:00+01:00+3h'
+uid3=$(echo $output | perl -ne '/uid=(.*)$/ && print $1')
+echo "## OK: Added the event, uid is $uid"
+echo "## Taking out the agenda for 2010-10-09 + four days"
+kal select --start=2010-10-09 --end=+4d --event list --template='{DESCRIPTION} {LOCATION}'
+echo $output | { grep -q 'this is a test calendar event Москва' && echo "## OK: found the event" ; } || error "didn't find the event"
+echo "## Taking out the agenda for 2010-10-10, with uid"
+kal select --start=2010-10-10 --end=+1d --event list --template='{DTSTART.dt} {UID}'
+echo $output | { grep -q $uid2 && echo "## OK: found the UID" ; } || error "didn't find the UID"
+echo "## Deleting events with uid $uid $uid2 $uid3"
+kal select --event --uid=$uid delete
+kal select --event --uid=$uid2 delete
+kal select --event --uid=$uid3 delete
+echo "## Searching again for the deleted event"
+kal select --event --start=2010-10-10 --end=+3d list
+echo $output | { grep -q 'testing testing' && error "still found the event" ; } || echo "## OK: didn't find the event"
+echo "## Adding a full day event"
+kal add event 'whole day testing' '2010-10-10+4d'
+uid=$(echo $output | perl -ne '/uid=(.*)$/ && print $1')
+[ -n "$uid" ] || error "got no UID back"
+echo "## fetching the full day event, in ics format"
+kal select --start=2010-10-13 --end=+1d --event list --ics
+echo "$output" | grep -q "whole day" || error "could not find the event"
+echo "$output" | grep -q "20101010" || error "could not find the date"
+echo "$output" | grep -q "20101010T" && error "a supposed whole day event was found to be with the time of day"
+echo "OK: found the event"
+## saving the ics data
+cat $outfile > $tmpfile
+echo "## cleanup, delete it"
+kal select --event --uid=$uid delete
+echo "## Same, using kal add ics"
+kal add ical --ical-file=$tmpfile
+rm $tmpfile
+kal select --event --start=2010-10-13 --end=2010-10-14 list --ics
+echo "$output" | grep -q "whole day" || error "could not find the event"
+echo "$output" | grep -q "20101010" || error "could not find the date"
+echo "$output" | grep -q "20101010T" && error "a supposed whole day event was found to be with the time of day"
+echo "$output" | grep UID
+echo "OK: found the event"
+echo "## cleanup, delete it"
+kal select --event --uid=$uid delete
+## TODO: PROCRASTINATING TIME ZONES. Waiting for a release of the icalendar library that doesn't depend on pytz
+if [ -n "" ]; then
+echo "## testing timezone support"
+echo "## Create a UTC event"
+calendar_cli --timezone='UTC' calendar add '2010-10-09 12:00:00+10m' 'testevent with a UTC timezone'
+uid=$(echo $output | perl -ne '/uid=(.*)$/ && print $1')
+[ -n "$uid" ] || error "got no UID back"
+echo "## fetching the UTC-event, as ical data"
+calendar_cli --icalendar --timezone=UTC calendar agenda --from-time='2010-10-09 11:59' --agenda-mins=3
+[ -n "$output" ] || error "failed to find the event that was just added"
+echo "$output" | grep -q "20101009T120000Z" || error "failed to find the UTC timestamp. Perhaps the server is yielding timezone data for the UTC timezone? In that case, the assert in the test code should be adjusted"
+echo "## cleanup, delete it"
+calendar_cli calendar delete --event-uid=$uid
+echo "## Create an event with a somewhat remote time zone, west of UTC"
+calendar_cli --timezone='Brazil/DeNoronha' calendar add '2010-10-09 12:00:00+10m' 'testevent with a time zone west of UTC'
+uid=$(echo $output | perl -ne '/uid=(.*)$/ && print $1')
+[ -n "$uid" ] || error "got no UID back"
+echo "## fetching the remote time zone event, as ical data"
+calendar_cli --icalendar --timezone=UTC calendar agenda --from-time='2010-10-09 13:59' --agenda-mins=3
+## zimbra changes Brazil/DeNoronha to America/Noronha. Actually, the server may theoretically use arbitrary IDs for the timezones.
+echo "$output" | grep -Eq "TZID=\"?[a-zA-Z/]*Noronha" || echo "$output" | grep -q "140000Z" ||
+ error "failed to find the remote timezone"
+echo "## fetching the remote time zone event, in UTC-time"
+calendar_cli --timezone=UTC calendar agenda --from-time='2010-10-09 13:59' --agenda-mins=3 --event-template='{dtstart}'
+[ "$output" == '2010-10-09 14:00 (Sat)' ] || error "expected dtstart to be 2010-10-09 14:00 (Sat)"
+echo "## fetching the remote time zone event, in CET-time (UTC+2 with DST, and October is defined as summer in Oslo, weird)"
+calendar_cli --timezone=Europe/Oslo calendar agenda --from-time='2010-10-09 15:59' --agenda-mins=3 --event-template='{dtstart}'
+[ "$output" == '2010-10-09 16:00 (Sat)' ] || error "expected dtstart to be 2010-10-09 15:00 (Sat)"
+echo "## cleanup, delete it"
+calendar_cli calendar delete --event-uid=$uid
+echo "## TODOS / TASK LISTS"
+echo "## Attempting to add a task with category 'scripttest'"
+kal add todo --set-category scripttest "edit this task"
+uidtodo1=$(echo $output | perl -ne '/uid=(.*)$/ && print $1')
+kal add todo --set-category scripttest "edit this task2"
+uidtodo2=$(echo $output | perl -ne '/uid=(.*)$/ && print $1')
+echo "## Listing out all tasks with category set to 'scripttest'"
+kal select --todo --category scripttest list
+[ $(echo "$output" | wc -l) == 2 ] || error "We found more or less or none of the two todo items we just added"
+echo "## Editing the task"
+kal select --todo --category scripttest edit --set-summary "editing" --add-category "scripttest2"
+echo "## Verifying that the edits got through"
+kal select --todo --category scripttest list
+[ $(echo "$output" | wc -l) == 1 ] && echo "## OK: found the todo item we just edited and nothing more"
+kal select --todo --category scripttest2 list
+[ $(echo "$output" | wc -l) == 1 ] && echo "## OK: found the todo item we just edited and nothing more"
+kal select --todo --category scripttest3 list
+[ $(echo "$output" | wc -l) == 1 ] && echo "## OK: found the todo item we just edited and nothing more"
+kal select --todo --comment editing list
+[ $(echo "$output" | wc -l) == 1 ] && echo "## OK: found the todo item we just edited and nothing more"
+if [ -n "" ]; then
+echo "## Complete the task"
+calendar_cli todo --categories scripttest complete
+calendar_cli todo --categories scripttest list
+[ -z "$output" ] && echo "## OK: todo-item is done"
+calendar_cli todo --todo-uid $uidtodo1 delete
+## parent-child relationships
+echo "## Going to add three todo-items with children/parent relationships"
+calendar_cli todo add --set-categories scripttest "this is a grandparent"
+uidtodo2=$(echo $output | perl -ne '/uid=(.*)$/ && print $1')
+calendar_cli todo --categories=scripttest add --set-categories scripttest --is-child "this is a parent and a child"
+uidtodo3=$(echo $output | perl -ne '/uid=(.*)$/ && print $1')
+calendar_cli todo --categories=scripttest add --set-categories scripttest --is-child "this task has two parents"
+uidtodo4=$(echo $output | perl -ne '/uid=(.*)$/ && print $1')
+calendar_cli todo --categories scripttest list
+[ $(echo "$output" | wc -l) == 3 ] && echo "## OK: found three tasks"
+calendar_cli todo --hide-parents --categories scripttest list
+[ $(echo "$output" | wc -l) == 1 ] && echo "## OK: found only one task now"
+echo "## Going to complete the children task"
+calendar_cli todo --hide-parents --categories scripttest complete
+calendar_cli todo --hide-parents --categories scripttest list
+[ $(echo "$output" | wc -l) == 1 ] && echo "## OK: found only one task now"
+calendar_cli todo --hide-parents --categories scripttest complete
+calendar_cli todo --hide-parents --categories scripttest list
+[ $(echo "$output" | wc -l) == 1 ] && echo "## OK: found only one task now"
+calendar_cli todo --hide-parents --categories scripttest complete
+calendar_cli todo --hide-parents --categories scripttest list
+[ -z "$output" ] && echo "## OK: found no tasks now"
+rm $outfile