path: root/plugin
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-09-16Close #4458 - Add an ALEStopLSP commandw0rp
2023-09-14#4607 No conflicts with nvim-lspconfig by defaultw0rp
2023-09-09Close #4442 - Use Neovim diagnostics by defaultw0rp
2023-09-07Update minimum supported NeoVim version to 0.6.0w0rp
2023-09-06Close #3368 - Supercharge :ALEInfow0rp
2023-09-06Add an option to save hidden buffersw0rp
2023-02-08#2172 Auto PATH with ale_python_auto_virtualenvw0rp
2023-01-29diagnostics: support sending ALE output to Neovim's diagnostics API (#4345)Ben Boeckel
2022-12-25Close #4396 - Enable virtualtext by defaultw0rp
2022-12-25Close #4397 - Add human-readable values for g:ale_virtualtext_cursorw0rp
2022-11-25fix: missing plug mapping `ale_go_to_implementation` (#4337)U1s2e3r4n5a6m7e
2022-09-08Fix typo in plug mapping for `ale_go_to_implementation_in_vsplit` (#4304)Nate Pinsky
2022-05-27Allow customization of all floating window borders (#4215)Devin J. Pohly
2022-04-30Add ALEGoToImplementation (#4160)godbless
2022-04-01Fix test for echoing messagesw0rp
2022-02-04Add ALEPopulateQuickfix and ALEPopulateLocList (#3761)David Briscoe
2021-12-17ALEFileRename command added. (#4012)Dalius Dobravolskas
2021-07-25Add importMap option to deno Initialization Options (#3827)Arnold Chand
2021-07-25Python support poetry (#3834)Daniel Roseman
2021-03-01Add borders for floating windows in Neovim (#3603)Yen3
2021-03-01#3599 - Use ale_root instead of ale_lsp_rootw0rp
2021-02-06#3362 Disable LSP/tsserver hints/suggestions by defaultw0rp
2021-01-14Add nvim floating window support (replaces #3314) (#3470)Kevin Clark
2020-11-21Use has('gui_running') instead of has('gui')w0rp
2020-11-21Close #2727 - Add a hover-only setting for balloonsw0rp
2020-11-21Fix #3332 - Modify everything for rename/actionsw0rp
2020-11-21Close #1466 - Add GVIM refactor menu supportw0rp
2020-11-14Update documentation for code actions and renamew0rp
2020-11-14Support for LSP/tsserver Code Actions (#3437)Dalius Dobravolskas
2020-10-15#3332 Implement :ALERename! for ignoring errorsw0rp
2020-09-08Close #3333 - Add an ALECompletePost eventw0rp
2020-09-06Close #3268 - Implement :ALEImportw0rp
2020-08-23Close #2556 - Support filename mappingw0rp
2020-08-18Remove features deprecated in previous versionsw0rp
2020-08-04#1532 - Display hover information on CursorHoldw0rp
2020-04-15Closes #3019 - Implement default navigationw0rp
2020-03-11Fixes #2982 - Implement g:ale_exclude_highlightsw0rp
2019-10-12Add option to show hover messages in preview.Ildar Akhmetgaleev
2019-09-12Add ALERename (tsserver & LSP), ALEOrganizeImports (tsserver) and auto import...Jerko Steiner
2019-08-02Fix #2668 - Set g:ale_go_go111modulew0rp
2019-06-10Lint on InsertLeave, not in insert mode by defaultw0rp
2019-04-23Close #1753 - Implement minimum viable integration with Deopletew0rp
2019-03-08Fix #2326 - ALEComplete no longer replaces completeoptw0rp
2019-02-10Supporting filtered jump (#2279)Théo Cavignac
2019-02-06Update syntax checkingw0rp
2019-01-27Use relative paths when previewing file locations (#2238)Alvin Chan
2019-01-26Add additional ways to detect LSP project rootbrian m. carlson
2019-01-21Add textDocument/typeDefinition for LSP (#2226)Andrey Popp
2019-01-08Optimize ale#completion#Filter when prefix is ""Jerko Steiner
2019-01-07Add ability to manually trigger completion menu (#2177)Jerko Steiner