path: root/doc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-09-16Update ALE test docs to mention NVim 0.5 (#3904)Horacio Sanson
2021-09-15[ale-python-root] add `.pyre_configuration.local` to list of files (#3900)Oliver Albertini
2021-09-11Robot framework rflint support (#3715)Samuel Branisa
2021-09-10Fix 3897 - add poetry to isort (#3898)Horacio Sanson
2021-09-05Introduce an ALELSPStarted autocommand (#3878)Jon Parise
2021-08-25Add fixer for "dotnet format" (#3879)Jelte Fennema
2021-08-21Close #3872 - Add eslint-plugin-jsonc as a linter for JSON, JSONC and JSON5 (...João Pesce
2021-08-09Dhall fixes: use stdin, doc errors (#3868)toastal
2021-08-09Adds fixer for golines (#3862)pigfrown
2021-08-08Fix 3853 - Update :floppy_disk: icon on supported tools list. (#3854)Horacio Sanson
2021-08-08`purs-tidy` for PureScript (#3863)toastal
2021-08-04Add a thriftcheck linter (#3852)Jon Parise
2021-08-03Add missing space before function reference (#3849)Jon Parise
2021-07-28Correct the spelling of :ALEComplete (#3843)Jon Parise
2021-07-25Add support for `dart analyze` (#3825)ghsang
2021-07-25Add importMap option to deno Initialization Options (#3827)Arnold Chand
2021-07-25Python support poetry (#3834)Daniel Roseman
2021-07-23Vim popup (#3817)D. Ben Knoble
2021-07-20Correct typo in python config filenames (#3826)foobarbyte
2021-07-20racket: support racket-langserver lsp (#3808)D. Ben Knoble
2021-07-17Add option to clojure clj-kondo linter (#3812)莊喬
2021-07-17Python .tool versions (#3820)foobarbyte
2021-07-16Add support for `dart format` fixer (#3764)ghsang
2021-07-13add autoflake fixer (#3779)Nikolay Zakirov
2021-07-12Add Yosys linter for Verilog files. (#3713)Nathan Sharp
2021-07-09Update eclipse JDT LSP documentation (#3743)Horacio Sanson
2021-07-09Add support for `lua-format` fixer. (#3804)Mathias Jean Johansen
2021-07-09chore: replace python-language-server to supported pylsp (#3810)Gerardo Gómez Rodríguez
2021-07-07updated ale-purescript configuration example in docs according to changes in ...Matej Fandl
2021-07-04Solidity solc linter compatible with 0.6/0.7/0.8 (#3763)Néstor Coppi
2021-07-04Add pandoc as a markdown fixer (#3641)Jesse Hathaway
2021-07-03Add stylua fixer for lua (#3789)Robert Liebowitz
2021-06-19Fix 3167 - add custom fixer example to help docs. (#3541)Horacio Sanson
2021-06-19Close #3433 - Only use noselect if set for automatic completionw0rp
2021-06-19Close #3770 - Add support for checking circleci configsw0rp
2021-05-27Make staticcheck configurable with GOPATH detectionw0rp
2021-05-26Enable gopls by default with GOPATH detectionw0rp
2021-04-09feat: Add protolint as linter and fixer (#2911)yohei yoshimuta
2021-04-07apple-swift-format: linter and fixer with config swiftpm support (#3671)bosr
2021-03-26Add support for V: "v" (compiler) and "vfmt" fixer. (#3622)fiatjaf
2021-03-24Add nixfmt as a Nix fixer. (#3651)David Houston
2021-03-23Add support for `ptop` fixer (#3652)BarrOff
2021-03-21#3633 - Move linter tests into test/linterw0rp
2021-03-20Add support for clangd with CUDA (#3598)Tommy Chiang
2021-03-20add support for svelte via svelteserver language server (#3644)fiatjaf
2021-03-20#3633 - Put all dummy test files in test/test-filesw0rp
2021-03-19Add desktop-file-validatew0rp
2021-03-18issue 3033 (#3620)Nathan Henrie
2021-03-14Check user systemd unit files with systemd-analyzew0rp
2021-03-14Close #2102 - Add support for the Angular language serverw0rp