path: root/autoload
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-11-17Fix bug where last c flag was ignoredJacob Segal
2018-11-14Add style highlights for virtualtext and document all of themw0rp
2018-11-14Add specific highlight groups for virtualtext (#2071)jamestthompson3
2018-11-11Merge pull request #2060 from meain/fixer-pretty-htmlw0rp
2018-11-11Merge pull request #2056 from luan/virtualtextw0rp
2018-11-10Merge pull request #2053 from andreypopp/fix-ocamlformat-stdin-stdoutw0rp
2018-11-10Fix #1960 - Do not fix files on :wqw0rp
2018-11-08Enable ESLint for Vue files by defaultw0rp
2018-11-06Fix info textLuan Santos
2018-11-06Move virtualtext handling to own fileLuan Santos
2018-11-07Add prettier to html formattersAbin Simon
2018-11-06Fix incorrect warning matchw0rp
2018-11-05Add support for nvim's virtualtext on cursorLuan Santos
2018-11-04Make ocamlformat work without temporary filesAndrey Popp
2018-11-04elixir-ls now recognizes umbrella projectsJon Parise
2018-10-31Merge pull request #2035 from jparise/lsp_config_callbackw0rp
2018-10-31Implement LSP symbol searchw0rp
2018-10-31Only send LSP config updates when the dict changesJon Parise
2018-10-31Add a `lsp_config_callback` linter optionJon Parise
2018-10-31Use correct exclusion flag in rubocop fixerMax Hung
2018-10-29#2017 Add support for display results from other sourcesw0rp
2018-10-29#2017 Simplify lint cycles for supporting other sources laterw0rp
2018-10-26fix missing (s) on rubocop exclusion flagJustin Powell
2018-10-26closes #1580 add force exclusion to rubocop fixerJustin Powell
2018-10-26Rust checker: allow secondary spans to be ignored (#1696)Dan Aloni
2018-10-26#927 Allow b:ale_linter_aliases to be set to a Stringw0rp
2018-10-25Merge pull request #1958 from Garland-g/perl6w0rp
2018-10-25Merge pull request #2016 from terryding77/masterw0rp
2018-10-25Only run stack if a stack.yaml config is found (#1752)Anthony Poon
2018-10-25Merge pull request #2012 from paihu/fix-cdstring-win32-change-drivew0rp
2018-10-24fix: change google_java_format_* to java_google_java_format_* for inject glob...Terry Ding
2018-10-23add terraform fmt fixer for terraform and hcl filetypesDerek P Sifford
2018-10-22fix indentpaihu
2018-10-22LSP configuration via didChangeConfiguration (#1852)Daniel Welch
2018-10-22fix CdString for MS Windowspaihu
2018-10-17New linter: dls (#1992)Auri
2018-10-12Allow custom filters for the jq fixer (#1980)Aliou Diallo
2018-10-11Fix E523 on asynchronous truncated echo (#1987)Linda_pp
2018-10-10FIX: use mix from the project root directory (#1954)Matteo Centenaro
2018-09-28Add Perl6 support via 'perl6 -c'Travis Gibson
2018-09-28Add better support for Haskell stack compiler tools (#1851)Evan Borden
2018-09-28Move ccls functions to autoload/ale/handlerYe Jingchen
2018-09-25Bugfix: python add blank lines (#1944)Bert JW Regeer
2018-09-20Merge pull request #1932 from rhysd/shfmt-default-indentw0rp
2018-09-19Merge pull request #1719 from elebow/auto-pipenv-option-for-python-lintersw0rp
2018-09-19Add fixer for Go modules (#1873)Martin Tournoij
2018-09-19#1872 Remove extra carriage returns when fixing files on Windowsw0rp
2018-09-19Merge pull request #1926 from gnustomp/masterw0rp
2018-09-18Merge pull request #1928 from felipesere/masterw0rp
2018-09-18Stop tsserver from causing errors to be rendered redundantlyw0rp