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1 files changed, 38 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/handlers/gcc.vim b/autoload/ale/handlers/gcc.vim
index ad5cab39..a3f2a302 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/handlers/gcc.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/handlers/gcc.vim
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ endfunction
function! ale#handlers#gcc#HandleGCCFormat(buffer, lines) abort
let l:include_pattern = '\v^(In file included | *)from ([^:]*):(\d+)'
+ " Include pattern looks for lines like :
+ "
+ " In file included from test.h:1:0,
+ " from test.cpp:1:
let l:include_lnum = 0
let l:include_lines = []
let l:included_filename = ''
@@ -58,51 +62,42 @@ function! ale#handlers#gcc#HandleGCCFormat(buffer, lines) abort
let l:match = matchlist(l:line, l:pattern)
if empty(l:match)
- " Check for matches in includes.
- " We will keep matching lines until we hit the last file, which
- " is our file.
let l:include_match = matchlist(l:line, l:include_pattern)
- if empty(l:include_match)
- " If this isn't another include header line, then we
- " need to collect it.
- call add(l:include_lines, l:line)
- else
- " GCC and clang return the lists of files in different orders,
- " so we'll only grab the line number from lines which aren't
- " header files.
- if !s:IsHeaderFile(l:include_match[2])
- " Get the line number out of the parsed include line,
- " and reset the other variables.
- let l:include_lnum = str2nr(l:include_match[3])
- endif
- let l:include_lines = []
- let l:included_filename = ''
+ " If the line has an 'included from' pattern, store the line to
+ " create a gutter sign at the appropriate location in linted file
+ if !empty(l:include_match)
+ " We don't check if l:include_match[2] is linted filename
+ " because the last line matching include_pattern in a group
+ " of contiguous lines is probably concerning the linted file
+ " anyway
+ let l:include_lnum = l:include_match[3]
- elseif l:include_lnum > 0
- \&& (empty(l:included_filename) || l:included_filename is# l:match[1])
- " If we hit the first error after an include header, or the
- " errors below have the same name as the first filename we see,
- " then include these lines, and remember what that filename was.
- let l:included_filename = l:match[1]
- call add(l:include_lines, l:line)
- " If we hit a regular error again, then add the previously
- " collected lines as one error, and reset the include variables.
- call s:AddIncludedErrors(l:output, l:include_lnum, l:include_lines)
- let l:include_lnum = 0
- let l:include_lines = []
- let l:included_filename = ''
+ " Filter out the pragma errors
if s:IsHeaderFile(bufname(bufnr('')))
\&& l:match[5][:len(s:pragma_error) - 1] is# s:pragma_error
+ " If the 'error type' is a note, make it detail related to
+ " the previous error parsed in output
+ if l:match[4] is# 'note'
+ let l:output[-1]['detail'] = get(l:output[-1], 'detail', '')
+ \ . s:RemoveUnicodeQuotes(l:match[0]) . "\n"
+ continue
+ endif
+ " If l:include_lnum is non-null, then the error relates to
+ " an included file and l:include_lnum is the line number
+ " where a gutter sign would be needed in linted file
+ " The ternary operator in filename filters out the 'dummy'
+ " filenames like <nopath> or <stdin> and leave the location
+ " handling to engine#FixLocList
let l:item = {
+ \ 'filename': (l:match[1][:0] is# '<') ? '' : l:match[1],
\ 'lnum': str2nr(l:match[2]),
- \ 'type': l:match[4] =~# 'error' ? 'E' : 'W',
+ \ 'type': l:match[4] is# 'error' ? 'E' : 'W',
\ 'text': s:RemoveUnicodeQuotes(l:match[5]),
@@ -110,12 +105,17 @@ function! ale#handlers#gcc#HandleGCCFormat(buffer, lines) abort
let l:item.col = str2nr(l:match[3])
+ " Finish filtering out filename : if the key exists but is empty,
+ " unlet it.
+ if get(l:item, 'filename', 'dummy_no_key_to_unlet') is# ''
+ unlet l:item['filename']
+ endif
call add(l:output, l:item)
+ " Reset include_lnum after an error has been added
+ let l:include_lnum = 0
- " Add remaining include errors after we go beyond the last line.
- call s:AddIncludedErrors(l:output, l:include_lnum, l:include_lines)
return l:output