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3 files changed, 57 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim b/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
index 539234c0..e148ecd6 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
@@ -242,6 +242,9 @@ endfunction
" Add a function for fixing problems to the registry.
" (name, func, filetypes, desc, aliases)
function! ale#fix#registry#Add(name, func, filetypes, desc, ...) abort
+ " This command will throw from the sandbox.
+ let &equalprg=&equalprg
if type(a:name) != type('')
throw '''name'' must be a String'
diff --git a/autoload/ale/linter.vim b/autoload/ale/linter.vim
index 22e3c5dc..aa602f7e 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/linter.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/linter.vim
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ endfunction
" This is only for tests.
" Do not call this function.
function! ale#linter#GetLintersLoaded() abort
+ " This command will throw from the sandbox.
+ let &equalprg=&equalprg
return s:linters
@@ -289,6 +292,9 @@ function! ale#linter#PreProcess(filetype, linter) abort
function! ale#linter#Define(filetype, linter) abort
+ " This command will throw from the sandbox.
+ let &equalprg=&equalprg
if !has_key(s:linters, a:filetype)
let s:linters[a:filetype] = []
@@ -304,6 +310,12 @@ function! ale#linter#PreventLoading(filetype) abort
function! ale#linter#GetAll(filetypes) abort
+ " Don't return linters in the sandbox.
+ " Otherwise a sandboxed script could modify them.
+ if ale#util#InSandbox()
+ return []
+ endif
let l:combined_linters = []
for l:filetype in a:filetypes
diff --git a/test/test_sandbox_execution.vader b/test/test_sandbox_execution.vader
index 7f4941fd..4dbcb0db 100644
--- a/test/test_sandbox_execution.vader
+++ b/test/test_sandbox_execution.vader
@@ -24,10 +24,13 @@ Before:
let g:ale_buffer_info = {}
+ unlet! b:in_sandbox
+ unlet! b:result
delfunction TestCallback
call ale#linter#Reset()
let g:ale_buffer_info = {}
- unlet! b:in_sandbox
Given foobar (Some imaginary filetype):
@@ -61,3 +64,41 @@ Execute(ALE shouldn't blow up if file cleanup happens in a sandbox):
AssertEqual ['/tmp/foo'], g:ale_buffer_info[3].temporary_file_list
AssertEqual ['/tmp/bar'], g:ale_buffer_info[3].temporary_directory_list
+Execute(You shouldn't be able to define linters from the sandbox):
+ call ale#linter#Reset()
+ call ale#linter#PreventLoading('testft')
+ AssertThrows sandbox call ale#linter#Define('testft', {
+ \ 'name': 'testlinter',
+ \ 'output_stream': 'stdout',
+ \ 'executable': 'testlinter',
+ \ 'command': 'testlinter',
+ \ 'callback': 'testCB',
+ \})
+ AssertEqual 'Vim(let):E48: Not allowed in sandbox', g:vader_exception
+ AssertEqual [], ale#linter#GetAll(['testft'])
+Execute(You shouldn't be able to register fixers from the sandbox):
+ call ale#fix#registry#Clear()
+ AssertThrows sandbox call ale#fix#registry#Add('prettier', '', ['javascript'], 'prettier')
+ AssertEqual 'Vim(let):E48: Not allowed in sandbox', g:vader_exception
+ AssertEqual [], ale#fix#registry#CompleteFixers('', 'ALEFix ', 7)
+Execute(You shouldn't be able to get linters from the sandbox, to prevent tampering):
+ AssertThrows sandbox call ale#linter#GetLintersLoaded()
+ AssertEqual 'Vim(let):E48: Not allowed in sandbox', g:vader_exception
+ call ale#linter#Reset()
+ sandbox let b:result = ale#linter#GetAll(['testft'])
+ AssertEqual 0, len(b:result)
+ let b:result = ale#linter#GetAll(['testft'])
+ AssertEqual 1, len(b:result)
+ sandbox let b:result = ale#linter#GetAll(['testft'])
+ AssertEqual 0, len(b:result)