path: root/autoload
diff options
authorw0rp <>2020-08-27 11:44:35 +0100
committerw0rp <>2020-08-27 11:44:35 +0100
commitf5aa0e84577e583349b8849beae9348a0c017720 (patch)
treea99985e1f0ce5654b372fe9bb06c2b2bb8a4f20f /autoload
parent686f42a2e1e174568fcef9417de99e39525c26e5 (diff)
Fix #3307 - Handle compile_commands paths better
ALE now converts paths from compile_commands.json files into absolute paths and prefers matching against absolute file and directory names for determining which flags to use for files. As a result, parsing compile_commands.json to determine flags should work for a lot more C and C++ projects.
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/c.vim b/autoload/ale/c.vim
index 5cf4c690..e6fcb8e6 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/c.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/c.vim
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ function! ale#c#ExpandAtArgs(path_prefix, raw_split_lines) abort
let l:path = join(split(l:option, '\zs')[1:], '')
" Make path absolute
- if stridx(l:path, s:sep) != 0 && stridx(l:path, '/') != 0
+ if !ale#path#IsAbsolute(l:path)
let l:rel_path = substitute(l:path, '"', '', 'g')
let l:rel_path = substitute(l:rel_path, '''', '', 'g')
- let l:path = a:path_prefix . s:sep . l:rel_path
+ let l:path = ale#path#GetAbsPath(a:path_prefix, l:rel_path)
" Read the file and add all the arguments
@@ -142,10 +142,12 @@ function! ale#c#ParseCFlags(path_prefix, cflag_line) abort
" Fix relative paths if needed
- if stridx(l:arg, s:sep) != 0 && stridx(l:arg, '/') != 0
+ if !ale#path#IsAbsolute(l:arg)
let l:rel_path = substitute(l:arg, '"', '', 'g')
let l:rel_path = substitute(l:rel_path, '''', '', 'g')
- let l:arg = ale#Escape(a:path_prefix . s:sep . l:rel_path)
+ let l:arg = ale#Escape(
+ \ ale#path#GetAbsPath(a:path_prefix, l:rel_path)
+ \)
call add(l:cflags_list, l:option)
@@ -268,6 +270,10 @@ if !exists('s:compile_commands_cache')
let s:compile_commands_cache = {}
+function! ale#c#ResetCompileCommandsCache() abort
+ let s:compile_commands_cache = {}
function! s:GetLookupFromCompileCommandsFile(compile_commands_file) abort
let l:empty = [{}, {}]
@@ -298,9 +304,20 @@ function! s:GetLookupFromCompileCommandsFile(compile_commands_file) abort
let l:dir_lookup = {}
for l:entry in (type(l:raw_data) is v:t_list ? l:raw_data : [])
+ let l:filename = ale#path#GetAbsPath(, l:entry.file)
+ " Store a key for lookups by the absolute path to the filename.
+ let l:file_lookup[l:filename] = get(l:file_lookup, l:filename, []) + [l:entry]
+ " Store a key for fuzzy lookups by the absolute path to the directory.
+ let l:dirname = fnamemodify(l:filename, ':h')
+ let l:dir_lookup[l:dirname] = get(l:dir_lookup, l:dirname, []) + [l:entry]
+ " Store a key for fuzzy lookups by just the basename of the file.
let l:basename = tolower(fnamemodify(l:entry.file, ':t'))
let l:file_lookup[l:basename] = get(l:file_lookup, l:basename, []) + [l:entry]
+ " Store a key for fuzzy lookups by just the basename of the directory.
let l:dirbasename = tolower(fnamemodify(, ':p:h:t'))
let l:dir_lookup[l:dirbasename] = get(l:dir_lookup, l:dirbasename, []) + [l:entry]
@@ -326,17 +343,41 @@ function! ale#c#GetCompileCommand(json_item) abort
function! ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(buffer, file_lookup, dir_lookup) abort
+ let l:buffer_filename = ale#path#Simplify(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p'))
+ let l:basename = tolower(fnamemodify(l:buffer_filename, ':t'))
+ " Look for any file in the same directory if we can't find an exact match.
+ let l:dir = fnamemodify(l:buffer_filename, ':h')
" Search for an exact file match first.
- let l:basename = tolower(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':t'))
- let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:basename, [])
+ let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:buffer_filename, [])
+ " Try the absolute path to the directory second.
+ let l:dir_list = get(a:dir_lookup, l:dir, [])
+ if empty(l:file_list) && empty(l:dir_list)
+ " If we can't find matches with the path to the file, try a
+ " case-insensitive match for any similarly-named file.
+ let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:basename, [])
+ " If we can't find matches with the path to the directory, try a
+ " case-insensitive match for anything in similarly-named directory.
+ let l:dir_list = get(a:dir_lookup, tolower(fnamemodify(l:dir, ':t')), [])
+ endif
" A source file matching the header filename.
let l:source_file = ''
if empty(l:file_list) && l:basename =~? '\.h$\|\.hpp$'
for l:suffix in ['.c', '.cpp']
- let l:key = fnamemodify(l:basename, ':r') . l:suffix
+ " Try to find a source file by an absolute path first.
+ let l:key = fnamemodify(l:buffer_filename, ':r') . l:suffix
let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:key, [])
+ if empty(l:file_list)
+ " Look fuzzy matches on the basename second.
+ let l:key = fnamemodify(l:basename, ':r') . l:suffix
+ let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:key, [])
+ endif
if !empty(l:file_list)
let l:source_file = l:key
@@ -345,27 +386,25 @@ function! ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(buffer, file_lookup, dir_lookup) abort
for l:item in l:file_list
+ let l:filename = ale#path#GetAbsPath(, l:item.file)
" Load the flags for this file, or for a source file matching the
" header file.
if (
- \ bufnr(l:item.file) is a:buffer
+ \ bufnr(l:filename) is a:buffer
\ || (
\ !empty(l:source_file)
- \ && l:item.file[-len(l:source_file):] is? l:source_file
+ \ && l:filename[-len(l:source_file):] is? l:source_file
\ )
return ale#c#ParseCFlags(, ale#c#GetCompileCommand(l:item))
- " Look for any file in the same directory if we can't find an exact match.
- let l:dir = ale#path#Simplify(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h'))
- let l:dirbasename = tolower(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h:t'))
- let l:dir_list = get(a:dir_lookup, l:dirbasename, [])
for l:item in l:dir_list
- if ale#path#Simplify(fnamemodify(l:item.file, ':h')) is? l:dir
+ let l:filename = ale#path#GetAbsPath(, l:item.file)
+ if ale#path#Simplify(fnamemodify(l:filename, ':h')) is? l:dir
return ale#c#ParseCFlags(, ale#c#GetCompileCommand(l:item))