path: root/autoload
diff options
authorw0rp <>2017-11-21 00:21:45 +0000
committerw0rp <>2017-11-21 00:21:45 +0000
commit7ea3aba5e587f1993c0377ed270b5cbd823e3711 (patch)
treea21347b43e4c6fb24dfe350e06eb7db1e21f7b3e /autoload
parent5a3a6955863fde86ef318a1fc6c3ad5d23429c0a (diff)
Quietly add go to definition support for tsserver
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload')
2 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/definition.vim b/autoload/ale/definition.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b062b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoload/ale/definition.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+" Author: w0rp <>
+" Description: Go to definition support for LSP linters.
+let s:go_to_definition_map = {}
+" Used to get the definition map in tests.
+function! ale#definition#GetMap() abort
+ return deepcopy(s:go_to_definition_map)
+" Used to set the definition map in tests.
+function! ale#definition#SetMap(map) abort
+ let s:go_to_definition_map = a:map
+" This function is used so we can check the execution of commands without
+" running them.
+function! ale#definition#Execute(expr) abort
+ execute a:expr
+function! ale#definition#Open(options, filename, line, column) abort
+ if a:options.open_in_tab
+ call ale#definition#Execute('tabedit ' . fnameescape(a:filename))
+ else
+ call ale#definition#Execute('edit ' . fnameescape(a:filename))
+ endif
+ call cursor(a:line, a:column)
+function! ale#definition#HandleTSServerResponse(conn_id, response) abort
+ if get(a:response, 'command', '') is# 'definition'
+ \&& has_key(s:go_to_definition_map, a:response.request_seq)
+ let l:options = remove(s:go_to_definition_map, a:response.request_seq)
+ if get(a:response, 'success', v:false) is v:true
+ let l:filename = a:response.body[0].file
+ let l:line = a:response.body[0].start.line
+ let l:column = a:response.body[0].start.offset
+ call ale#definition#Open(l:options, l:filename, l:line, l:column)
+ endif
+ endif
+function! s:GoToLSPDefinition(linter, options) abort
+ let l:buffer = bufnr('')
+ let [l:line, l:column] = getcurpos()[1:2]
+ let l:lsp_details = ale#linter#StartLSP(
+ \ l:buffer,
+ \ a:linter,
+ \ function('ale#definition#HandleTSServerResponse'),
+ \)
+ if empty(l:lsp_details)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let l:id = l:lsp_details.connection_id
+ let l:root = l:lsp_details.project_root
+ let l:message = ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Definition(
+ \ l:buffer,
+ \ l:line,
+ \ l:column
+ \)
+ let l:request_id = ale#lsp#Send(l:id, l:message, l:root)
+ let s:go_to_definition_map[l:request_id] = {
+ \ 'open_in_tab': get(a:options, 'open_in_tab', 0),
+ \}
+function! ale#definition#GoTo(options) abort
+ for l:linter in ale#linter#Get(&filetype)
+ if l:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver'
+ call s:GoToLSPDefinition(l:linter, a:options)
+ endif
+ endfor
diff --git a/autoload/ale/lsp/tsserver_message.vim b/autoload/ale/lsp/tsserver_message.vim
index e2706ed5..b9bd7a01 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/lsp/tsserver_message.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/lsp/tsserver_message.vim
@@ -53,3 +53,11 @@ function! ale#lsp#tsserver_message#CompletionEntryDetails(buffer, line, column,
\ 'entryNames': a:entry_names,
+function! ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Definition(buffer, line, column) abort
+ return [0, 'ts@definition', {
+ \ 'line': a:line,
+ \ 'offset': a:column,
+ \ 'file': expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p'),
+ \}]