path: root/ale_linters/cs
diff options
authorXristoph Hintermüller <>2017-09-26 09:19:53 +0200
committerXristoph Hintermüller <>2017-09-27 13:21:05 +0200
commit8f6044b8b64b608196a28b8125719be8736932bd (patch)
tree03fe4e437a4b7ace6244fee0ad4acf802c76976e /ale_linters/cs
parent0be77c60c59072a8895cde3fea38669391cff010 (diff)
Implemented review recommendations
Implements suggestions and recommendations suggested by the first review of the "Advance C# linter based on mcs -t:module (#952)" pull request. - Clarifies and simplifies description of linters and options - Added links to help file and marked the mcsc linter as to be run only when file in buffer is saved or loaded. - Added comments to the mcsc.vim file to clarify code - removed type checks considered not necessary be reviewer. - addresses findings by vader - removed call to getcwd and cd in vim script - handler expands file names relative to route of source tree into absolute pathes. Fixes errors not being marked when vim is started from subdirectory of source tree. - implements tests for mcs.vim and mcsc.vim linter
Diffstat (limited to 'ale_linters/cs')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/ale_linters/cs/mcsc.vim b/ale_linters/cs/mcsc.vim
index 70dc4ab6..38a08556 100644
--- a/ale_linters/cs/mcsc.vim
+++ b/ale_linters/cs/mcsc.vim
@@ -1,71 +1,72 @@
+" general mcs options which are likely to stay constant across
+" source trees like -pkg:dotnet
let g:ale_cs_mcsc_options = get(g:, 'ale_cs_mcsc_options', '')
-let g:ale_cs_mcsc_source = get(g:,'ale_cs_mcsc_source','')
-let g:ale_cs_mcsc_assembly_path = get(g:,'ale_cs_mcsc_assembly_path',[])
-let g:ale_cs_mcsc_assemblies = get(g:,'ale_cs_mcsc_assemblies',[])
+" path string pointing the linter to the base path of the
+" source tree to check
+let g:ale_cs_mcsc_source = get(g:, 'ale_cs_mcsc_source','.')
+" list of search paths for additional assemblies to consider
+let g:ale_cs_mcsc_assembly_path = get(g:, 'ale_cs_mcsc_assembly_path',[])
+" list of assemblies to consider
+let g:ale_cs_mcsc_assemblies = get(g:, 'ale_cs_mcsc_assemblies',[])
function! ale_linters#cs#mcsc#GetCommand(buffer) abort
- let l:path = ale#Var(a:buffer,'cs_mcsc_assembly_path')
- if !empty(l:path)
- if type(l:path) == type('')
- let l:path = '-lib:' . l:path
- elseif type(l:path) == type([])
- let l:path = '-lib:' . join(l:path,',')
- else
- throw 'assembly path list must be string or list of path strings'
- endif
- elseif type(l:path) != type('')
- if type(l:path) != type([])
- throw 'assembly path list must be string or list of path strings'
- endif
+ " if list of assembly search paths is not empty convert it to
+ " appropriate -lib: parameter of mcs
+ let l:path = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'cs_mcsc_assembly_path')
+ if !empty(l:path)
+ let l:path = '-lib:"' . join(l:path, '","') .'"'
+ else
let l:path =''
- let l:assemblies = ale#Var(a:buffer,'cs_mcsc_assemblies')
- if !empty(l:assemblies)
- if type(l:assemblies) == type('')
- let l:assemblies = '-r' . l:assemblies
- elseif type(l:assemblies) == type([])
- let l:assemblies = '-r:' . join(l:assemblies,',')
- else
- throw 'assembly list must be string or list of strings'
- endif
- elseif type(l:assemblies) != type('')
- if type(l:assemblies) != type([])
- throw 'assembly list must be string or list of string'
- endif
+ " if list of assemblies to link is not empty convert it to the
+ " appropriate -r: parameter of mcs
+ let l:assemblies = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'cs_mcsc_assemblies')
+ if !empty(l:assemblies)
+ let l:assemblies = '-r:"' . join(l:assemblies, '","') . '"'
+ else
let l:assemblies =''
- let l:base = ale#Var(a:buffer,'cs_mcsc_source')
- let l:cwd = getcwd()
- if isdirectory(l:base)
- exe 'cd ' . l:base
- elseif empty(l:base) && ( type(l:base) == type('') )
- let l:base = '.'
- else
- throw 'ale_cs_mcs_source must point to an existing directory or empty string for current'
- endif
- let l:out = tempname()
- call ale#engine#ManageFile(a:buffer,l:out)
- let l:cmd = 'cd ' . l:base . ';'
- \ . 'mcs -unsafe'
+ " register temporary module target file with ale
+ let l:out = tempname()
+ call ale#engine#ManageFile(a:buffer, l:out)
+ " assemble linter command string to be executed by ale
+ " implicitly set -unsafe mcs flag set compilation
+ " target to module (-t:module), direct mcs output to
+ " temporary file (-out)
+ "
+ return 'cd "' . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'cs_mcsc_source') . '";'
+ \ . 'mcs -unsafe'
\ . ' ' . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'cs_mcsc_options')
\ . ' ' . l:path
\ . ' ' . l:assemblies
- \ . ' -out:' . l:out
+ \ . ' -out:' . l:out
\ . ' -t:module'
- \ . ' "' . join(glob('**/*.cs',v:false,v:true),'" "') . '"'
- exe 'cd ' . l:cwd
- return l:cmd
+ \ . ' -recurse:"*.cs"'
function! ale_linters#cs#mcsc#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
" Look for lines like the following.
" Tests.cs(12,29): error CSXXXX: ; expected
+ "
+ " NOTE: pattern also captures file name as linter compiles all
+ " files within the source tree rooted at the specified source
+ " path and not just the file loaded in the buffer
let l:pattern = '^\(.\+\.cs\)(\(\d\+\),\(\d\+\)): \(.\+\): \(.\+\)'
let l:output = []
+ let l:source = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'cs_mcsc_source')
for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches(a:lines, l:pattern)
call add(l:output, {
- \ 'filename': l:match[1],
+ \ 'filename': fnamemodify(l:source . '/' . l:match[1], ':p'),
\ 'lnum': l:match[2] + 0,
\ 'col': l:match[3] + 0,
\ 'text': l:match[4] . ': ' . l:match[5],
@@ -82,5 +83,5 @@ call ale#linter#Define('cs',{
\ 'executable': 'mcs',
\ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#cs#mcsc#GetCommand',
\ 'callback': 'ale_linters#cs#mcsc#Handle',
-\ 'lint_file': 1
+\ 'lint_file': 1