diff options
authorw0rp <>2019-02-11 22:07:42 +0000
committerw0rp <>2019-02-11 22:07:52 +0000
commitdf9bee88f6d0e4c72658f5fc6ce8b4091602237f (patch)
parentaca1edb47613a2f41f4b845455a2236b946da197 (diff)
Rewrite the supported tools lists in new files
5 files changed, 984 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index fa067545..2ce08ed5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -78,140 +78,9 @@ other content at [](
## 1. Supported Languages and Tools
-This plugin supports the following languages and tools. All available
-tools will be run in combination, so they can be complementary.
-Keep the table rows sorted alphabetically by the language name,
-and the tools in the tools column sorted alphabetically by the tool
-name. That seems to be the fairest way to arrange this table.
-Remember to also update doc/ale.txt, which has a similar list with different
-* *^ No linters for text or Vim help filetypes are enabled by default.*
-* *!! These linters check only files on disk. See `:help ale-lint-file-linters`*
-| Language | Tools |
-| -------- | ----- |
-| Ada | [gcc]( |
-| ASM | [gcc]( |
-| Ansible | [ansible-lint]( |
-| API Blueprint | [drafter]( |
-| AsciiDoc | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [redpen](, [write-good](, [vale](, [textlint]( |
-| Awk | [gawk](|
-| Bash | [language-server](, shell [-n flag](, [shellcheck](, [shfmt]( |
-| BibTeX | [bibclean]( |
-| Bourne Shell | shell [-n flag](, [shellcheck](, [shfmt]( |
-| C | [cppcheck](, [cpplint](, [clang](, [clangd](, [clangtidy]( !!, [clang-format](, [cquery](, [flawfinder](, [gcc](, [uncrustify](, [ccls]( |
-| C++ (filetype cpp) | [clang](, [clangd](, [clangcheck]( !!, [clangtidy]( !!, [clang-format](, [clazy]( !!, [cppcheck](, [cpplint]( !!, [cquery](, [flawfinder](, [gcc](, [uncrustify](, [ccls]( |
-| CUDA | [nvcc]( |
-| C# | [mcs]( see:`help ale-cs-mcs` for details, [mcsc]( !! see:`help ale-cs-mcsc` for details and configuration, [uncrustify]( |
-| Chef | [foodcritic]( |
-| Clojure | [joker]( |
-| CloudFormation | [cfn-python-lint]( |
-| CMake | [cmakelint](, [cmake-format]( |
-| CoffeeScript | [coffee](, [coffeelint]( |
-| Crystal | [ameba]( !!, [crystal]( !! |
-| CSS | [csslint](, [prettier](, [stylelint]( |
-| Cucumber | [cucumber]( |
-| Cypher | [cypher-lint]( |
-| Cython (pyrex filetype) | [cython]( |
-| D | [dls](, [dmd](, [uncrustify]( |
-| Dafny | [dafny]( !! |
-| Dart | [dartanalyzer]( !!, [language_server](, [dartfmt]( |
-| Dockerfile | [dockerfile_lint](, [hadolint]( |
-| Elixir | [credo](, [dialyxir](, [dogma](, [mix]( !!, [elixir-ls]( |
-| Elm | [elm-format](, [elm-make]( |
-| Erb | [erb](, [erubi](, [erubis](, [ruumba]( |
-| Erlang | [erlc](, [SyntaxErl]( |
-| Fish | fish [-n flag](
-| Fortran | [gcc](, [language_server]( |
-| Fountain | [proselint]( |
-| FusionScript | [fusion-lint]( |
-| Git Commit Messages | [gitlint]( |
-| GLSL | [glslang](, [glslls]( |
-| Go | [gofmt](, [goimports](, [go mod]( !!, [go vet]( !!, [golint](, [gotype]( !!, [gometalinter]( !!, [go build]( !!, [gosimple]( !!, [staticcheck]( !!, [golangserver](, [golangci-lint]( !!, [bingo]( |
-| GraphQL | [eslint](, [gqlint](, [prettier]( |
-| Hack | [hack](, [hackfmt](, [hhast]( (disabled by default; see `:help ale-integration-hack`) |
-| Haml | [haml-lint]( |
-| Handlebars | [ember-template-lint]( |
-| Haskell | [brittany](, [ghc](, [cabal-ghc](, [stylish-haskell](, [stack-ghc](, [stack-build]( !!, [ghc-mod](, [hlint](, [hdevtools](, [hfmt](, [hie]( |
-| HCL | [terraform-fmt]( |
-| HTML | [alex]( !!, [HTMLHint](, [proselint](, [tidy](, [prettier](, [write-good]( |
-| Idris | [idris]( |
-| ISPC | [ispc]( !! |
-| Java | [checkstyle](, [javac](, [google-java-format](, [PMD](, [javalsp](, [uncrustify]( |
-| JavaScript | [eslint](, [flow](, [jscs](, [jshint](, [prettier](, [prettier-eslint](, [prettier-standard](, [standard](, [tsserver](, [xo](
-| JSON | [fixjson](, [jsonlint](, [jq](, [prettier]( |
-| Julia | [languageserver]( |
-| Kotlin | [kotlinc]( !!, [ktlint]( !!, [languageserver]( see `:help ale-integration-kotlin` for configuration instructions |
-| LaTeX | [alex]( !!, [chktex](, [lacheck](, [proselint](, [redpen](, [vale](, [write-good](, [textlint]( |
-| Less | [lessc](, [prettier](, [stylelint]( |
-| LLVM | [llc]( |
-| Lua | [luac](, [luacheck]( |
-| Mail | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [vale]( |
-| Make | [checkmake]( |
-| Markdown | [alex]( !!, [markdownlint]( !!, [mdl](, [prettier](, [proselint](, [redpen](, [remark-lint](, [textlint](, [vale](, [write-good]( |
-| MATLAB | [mlint]( |
-| Mercury | [mmc]( !! |
-| NASM | [nasm]( !! |
-| Nim | [nim check]( !! |
-| nix | [nix-instantiate]( |
-| nroff | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [write-good](|
-| Objective-C | [clang](, [clangd](, [uncrustify](, [ccls]( |
-| Objective-C++ | [clang](, [clangd](, [uncrustify]( |
-| OCaml | [merlin]( see `:help ale-ocaml-merlin` for configuration instructions, [ols](, [ocamlformat]( |
-| Pawn | [uncrustify]( |
-| Perl | [perl -c](, [perl-critic](, [perltidy]( |
-| Perl6 | [perl6 -c]( |
-| PHP | [langserver](, [phan]( see `:help ale-php-phan` to instructions, [php -l](, [phpcs](, [phpmd](, [phpstan](, [phpcbf](, [php-cs-fixer](, [psalm]( !! |
-| PO | [alex]( !!, [msgfmt](, [proselint](, [write-good]( |
-| Pod | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [write-good]( |
-| Pony | [ponyc]( |
-| Prolog | [swipl]( |
-| proto | [protoc-gen-lint]( |
-| Pug | [pug-lint]( |
-| Puppet | [languageserver](, [puppet](, [puppet-lint]( |
-| Python | [autopep8](, [bandit](, [black](, [flake8](, [isort](, [mypy](, [prospector](, [pycodestyle](, [pydocstyle](, [pyls](, [pyre](, [pylint]( !!, [vulture]( !!, [yapf]( |
-| QML | [qmlfmt](, [qmllint]( |
-| R | [lintr]( |
-| Racket | [raco]( |
-| ReasonML | [merlin]( see `:help ale-reasonml-ols` for configuration instructions, [ols](, [refmt]( |
-| reStructuredText | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [redpen](, [rstcheck](, [textlint](, [vale](, [write-good]( |
-| Re:VIEW | [redpen]( |
-| RPM spec | [rpmlint]( (disabled by default; see `:help ale-integration-spec`) |
-| Ruby | [brakeman]( !!, [rails_best_practices]( !!, [reek](, [rubocop](, [ruby](, [rufo](, [solargraph](, [standardrb]( |
-| Rust | [cargo]( !! (see `:help ale-integration-rust` for configuration instructions), [rls](, [rustc](, [rustfmt]( |
-| Sass | [sass-lint](, [stylelint]( |
-| SCSS | [prettier](, [sass-lint](, [scss-lint](, [stylelint]( |
-| Scala | [fsc](, [sbtserver](, [scalac](, [scalafmt](, [scalastyle](|
-| Slim | [slim-lint]( |
-| SML | [smlnj]( |
-| Solidity | [solhint](, [solium]( |
-| Stylus | [stylelint]( |
-| SugarSS | [stylelint]( |
-| SQL | [sqlint](, [sqlfmt]( |
-| Swift | [swiftlint](, [swiftformat]( |
-| Tcl | [nagelfar]( !! |
-| Terraform | [fmt](, [tflint]( |
-| Texinfo | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [write-good](|
-| Text^ | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [redpen](, [textlint](, [vale](, [write-good]( |
-| Thrift | [thrift]( |
-| TypeScript | [eslint](, [prettier](, [tslint](, [tsserver](, typecheck |
-| VALA | [uncrustify]( |
-| Verilog | [iverilog](, [verilator](, [vlog](, [xvlog]( |
-| VHDL | [ghdl](, [vcom](, [xvhdl]( |
-| Vim | [vint]( |
-| Vim help^ | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [write-good]( |
-| Vue | [prettier](, [vls]( |
-| XHTML | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [write-good]( |
-| XML | [xmllint]( |
-| YAML | [prettier](, [swaglint](, [yamllint]( |
-| YANG | [yang-lsp]( |
+ALE supports a wide variety of languages and tools. See the
+[full list]( in the
+[Supported Languages and Tools]( page.
<a name="usage"></a>
@@ -579,13 +448,13 @@ let g:airline#extensions#ale#enabled = 1
If you don't want to use vim-airline, you can implement your own statusline
-function without adding any other plugins. ALE provides some functions to
+function without adding any other plugins. ALE provides some functions to
assist in this endeavour, including:
* `ale#statusline#Count`: Which returns the number of problems found by ALE
for a specified buffer.
* `ale#statusline#FirstProblem`: Which returns a dictionary containing the
- full loclist details of the first problem of a specified type found by ALE
+ full loclist details of the first problem of a specified type found by ALE
in a buffer. (e.g. The first style warning in the current buffer.)
This can be useful for displaying more detailed information such as the
line number of the first problem in a file.
diff --git a/doc/ale-supported-languages-and-tools.txt b/doc/ale-supported-languages-and-tools.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5668ff82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ale-supported-languages-and-tools.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+*ale-supported-languages-and-tools.txt* For Vim version 8.0.
+ALE Supported Languages and Tools
+The following languages and tools are supported by ALE.
+`^` No linters for text or Vim help filetypes are enabled by default.
+`!!` These linters check only files on disk. See |ale-lint-file-linters|
+* Ada
+ * `gcc`
+* Ansible
+ * `ansible-lint`
+* API Blueprint
+ * `drafter`
+* AsciiDoc
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `proselint`
+ * `redpen`
+ * `textlint`
+ * `vale`
+ * `write-good`
+* ASM
+ * `gcc`
+* Awk
+ * `gawk`
+* Bash
+ * `language-server`
+ * `shell` (-n flag)
+ * `shellcheck`
+ * `shfmt`
+* BibTeX
+ * `bibclean`
+* Bourne Shell
+ * `shell` (-n flag)
+ * `shellcheck`
+ * `shfmt`
+* C
+ * `ccls`
+ * `clang`
+ * `clangd`
+ * `clang-format`
+ * `clangtidy`!!
+ * `cppcheck`
+ * `cpplint`!!
+ * `cquery`
+ * `flawfinder`
+ * `gcc`
+ * `uncrustify`
+* C#
+ * `mcs`
+ * `mcsc`!!
+ * `uncrustify`
+* C++ (filetype cpp)
+ * `ccls`
+ * `clang`
+ * `clangcheck`!!
+ * `clangd`
+ * `clang-format`
+ * `clangtidy`!!
+ * `clazy`!!
+ * `cppcheck`
+ * `cpplint`!!
+ * `cquery`
+ * `flawfinder`
+ * `gcc`
+ * `uncrustify`
+* Chef
+ * `foodcritic`
+* Clojure
+ * `joker`
+* CloudFormation
+ * `cfn-python-lint`
+* CMake
+ * `cmake-format`
+ * `cmakelint`
+* CoffeeScript
+ * `coffee`
+ * `coffeelint`
+* Crystal
+ * `ameba`!!
+ * `crystal`!!
+* CSS
+ * `csslint`
+ * `prettier`
+ * `stylelint`
+* Cucumber
+ * `cucumber`
+ * `nvcc`!!
+* Cypher
+ * `cypher-lint`
+* Cython (pyrex filetype)
+ * `cython`
+* D
+ * `dls`
+ * `dmd`
+ * `uncrustify`
+* Dafny
+ * `dafny`!!
+* Dart
+ * `dartanalyzer`!!
+ * `dartfmt`!!
+ * `language_server`
+* Dockerfile
+ * `dockerfile_lint`
+ * `hadolint`
+* Elixir
+ * `credo`
+ * `dialyxir`
+ * `dogma`
+ * `elixir-ls`
+ * `mix`!!
+* Elm
+ * `elm-format`
+ * `elm-make`
+* Erb
+ * `erb`
+ * `erubi`
+ * `erubis`
+ * `ruumba`
+* Erlang
+ * `erlc`
+ * `SyntaxErl`
+* Fish
+ * `fish` (-n flag)
+* Fortran
+ * `gcc`
+ * `language_server`
+* Fountain
+ * `proselint`
+* FusionScript
+ * `fusion-lint`
+* Git Commit Messages
+ * `gitlint`
+ * glslang
+ * `glslls`
+* Go
+ * `bingo`
+ * `go build`!!
+ * `gofmt`
+ * `goimports`
+ * `golangci-lint`!!
+ * `golangserver`
+ * `golint`
+ * `gometalinter`!!
+ * `go mod`!!
+ * `gosimple`!!
+ * `gotype`!!
+ * `go vet`!!
+ * `staticcheck`!!
+* GraphQL
+ * `eslint`
+ * `gqlint`
+ * `prettier`
+* Hack
+ * `hack`
+ * `hackfmt`
+ * `hhast`
+* Haml
+ * `haml-lint`
+* Handlebars
+ * `ember-template-lint`
+* Haskell
+ * `brittany`
+ * `cabal-ghc`
+ * `ghc`
+ * `ghc-mod`
+ * `hdevtools`
+ * `hfmt`
+ * `hie`
+ * `hlint`
+ * `stack-build`!!
+ * `stack-ghc`
+ * `stylish-haskell`
+* HCL
+ * `terraform-fmt`
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `HTMLHint`
+ * `prettier`
+ * `proselint`
+ * `tidy`
+ * `write-good`
+* Idris
+ * `idris`
+ * `ispc`!!
+* Java
+ * `checkstyle`
+ * `google-java-format`
+ * `javac`
+ * `javalsp`
+ * `PMD`
+ * `uncrustify`
+* JavaScript
+ * `eslint`
+ * `flow`
+ * `jscs`
+ * `jshint`
+ * `prettier`
+ * `prettier-eslint`
+ * `prettier-standard`
+ * `standard`
+ * `tsserver`
+ * `xo`
+ * `fixjson`
+ * `jq`
+ * `jsonlint`
+ * `prettier`
+* Julia
+ * `languageserver`
+* Kotlin
+ * `kotlinc`!!
+ * `ktlint`!!
+ * `languageserver`
+* LaTeX (tex)
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `chktex`
+ * `lacheck`
+ * `proselint`
+ * `redpen`
+ * `textlint`
+ * `vale`
+ * `write-good`
+* Less
+ * `lessc`
+ * `prettier`
+ * `stylelint`
+ * `llc`
+* Lua
+ * `luac`
+ * `luacheck`
+* Mail
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `proselint`
+ * `vale`
+* Make
+ * `checkmake`
+* Markdown
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `markdownlint`!!
+ * `mdl`
+ * `prettier`
+ * `proselint`
+ * `redpen`
+ * `remark-lint`
+ * `textlint`
+ * `vale`
+ * `write-good`
+ * `mlint`
+* Mercury
+ * `mmc`!!
+ * `nasm`!!
+* Nim
+ * `nim check`!!
+* nix
+ * `nix-instantiate`
+* nroff
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `proselint`
+ * `write-good`
+* Objective-C
+ * `ccls`
+ * `clang`
+ * `clangd`
+ * `uncrustify`
+* Objective-C++
+ * `clang`
+ * `clangd`
+ * `uncrustify`
+* OCaml
+ * `merlin` (see |ale-ocaml-merlin|)
+ * `ocamlformat`
+ * `ols`
+* Pawn
+ * `uncrustify`
+* Perl
+ * `perl -c`
+ * `perl-critic`
+ * `perltidy`
+* Perl6
+ * `perl6 -c`
+* PHP
+ * `langserver`
+ * `phan`
+ * `phpcbf`
+ * `phpcs`
+ * `php-cs-fixer`
+ * `php -l`
+ * `phpmd`
+ * `phpstan`
+ * `psalm`!!
+* PO
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `msgfmt`
+ * `proselint`
+ * `write-good`
+* Pod
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `proselint`
+ * `write-good`
+* Pony
+ * `ponyc`
+* Prolog
+ * `swipl`
+* proto
+ * `protoc-gen-lint`
+* Pug
+ * `pug-lint`
+* Puppet
+ * `languageserver`
+ * `puppet`
+ * `puppet-lint`
+* Python
+ * `autopep8`
+ * `bandit`
+ * `black`
+ * `flake8`
+ * `isort`
+ * `mypy`
+ * `prospector`
+ * `pycodestyle`
+ * `pydocstyle`
+ * `pylint`!!
+ * `pyls`
+ * `pyre`
+ * `vulture`!!
+ * `yapf`
+* QML
+ * `qmlfmt`
+ * `qmllint`
+* R
+ * `lintr`
+* Racket
+ * `raco`
+* ReasonML
+ * `merlin`
+ * `ols`
+ * `refmt`
+* reStructuredText
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `proselint`
+ * `redpen`
+ * `rstcheck`
+ * `textlint`
+ * `vale`
+ * `write-good`
+* Re:VIEW
+ * `redpen`
+* RPM spec
+ * `rpmlint`
+* Ruby
+ * `brakeman`
+ * `rails_best_practices`!!
+ * `reek`
+ * `rubocop`
+ * `ruby`
+ * `rufo`
+ * `solargraph`
+ * `standardrb`
+* Rust
+ * `cargo`!!
+ * `rls`
+ * `rustc` (see |ale-integration-rust|)
+ * `rustfmt`
+* Sass
+ * `sass-lint`
+ * `stylelint`
+* Scala
+ * `fsc`
+ * `sbtserver`
+ * `scalac`
+ * `scalafmt`
+ * `scalastyle`
+ * `prettier`
+ * `sass-lint`
+ * `scss-lint`
+ * `stylelint`
+* Slim
+ * `slim-lint`
+* SML
+ * `smlnj`
+* Solidity
+ * `solhint`
+ * `solium`
+* SQL
+ * `sqlfmt`
+ * `sqlint`
+* Stylus
+ * `stylelint`
+* SugarSS
+ * `stylelint`
+* Swift
+ * `swiftformat`
+ * `swiftlint`
+* Tcl
+ * `nagelfar`!!
+* Terraform
+ * `fmt`
+ * `tflint`
+* Texinfo
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `proselint`
+ * `write-good`
+* Text^
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `proselint`
+ * `redpen`
+ * `textlint`
+ * `vale`
+ * `write-good`
+* Thrift
+ * `thrift`
+* TypeScript
+ * `eslint`
+ * `prettier`
+ * `tslint`
+ * `tsserver`
+ * `typecheck`
+ * `uncrustify`
+* Verilog
+ * `iverilog`
+ * `verilator`
+ * `vlog`
+ * `xvlog`
+ * `ghdl`
+ * `vcom`
+ * `xvhdl`
+* Vim
+ * `vint`
+* Vim help^
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `proselint`
+ * `write-good`
+* Vue
+ * `prettier`
+ * `vls`
+ * `alex`!!
+ * `proselint`
+ * `write-good`
+* XML
+ * `xmllint`
+ * `prettier`
+ * `swaglint`
+ * `yamllint`
+ * `yang-lsp`
diff --git a/doc/ale.txt b/doc/ale.txt
index d64ad52c..16da5c23 100644
--- a/doc/ale.txt
+++ b/doc/ale.txt
@@ -413,128 +413,8 @@ developer documentation. See |ale-development|
2. Supported Languages & Tools *ale-support*
-The following languages and tools are supported.
-`^` No linters for text or Vim help filetypes are enabled by default.
-`!!` These linters check only files on disk. See |ale-lint-file-linters|
-* Ada: `gcc`
-* ASM: `gcc`
-* Ansible: `ansible-lint`
-* API Blueprint: `drafter`
-* AsciiDoc: `alex`!!, `proselint`, `redpen`, `write-good`, `vale`, `textlint`
-* Awk: `gawk`
-* Bash: `language-server`, `shell` (-n flag), `shellcheck`, `shfmt`
-* BibTeX: `bibclean`
-* Bourne Shell: `shell` (-n flag), `shellcheck`, `shfmt`
-* C: `cppcheck`, `cpplint`!!, `clang`, `clangd`, `clangtidy`!!, `clang-format`, `cquery`, `flawfinder`, `gcc`, `uncrustify`, `ccls`
-* C++ (filetype cpp): `clang`, `clangd`, `clangcheck`!!, `clangtidy`!!, `clang-format`, `clazy`!!, `cppcheck`, `cpplint`!!, `cquery`, `flawfinder`, `gcc`, `uncrustify`, `ccls`
-* CUDA: `nvcc`!!
-* C#: `mcs`, `mcsc`!!, `uncrustify`
-* Chef: `foodcritic`
-* Clojure: `joker`
-* CloudFormation: `cfn-python-lint`
-* CMake: `cmakelint`, `cmake-format`
-* CoffeeScript: `coffee`, `coffeelint`
-* Crystal: `ameba`!!, `crystal`!!
-* CSS: `csslint`, `prettier`, `stylelint`
-* Cucumber: `cucumber`
-* Cypher: `cypher-lint`
-* Cython (pyrex filetype): `cython`
-* D: `dls`, `dmd`, `uncrustify`
-* Dafny: `dafny`!!
-* Dart: `dartanalyzer`!!, `language_server`, dartfmt!!
-* Dockerfile: `dockerfile_lint`, `hadolint`
-* Elixir: `credo`, `dialyxir`, `dogma`, `mix`!!, `elixir-ls`
-* Elm: `elm-format, elm-make`
-* Erb: `erb`, `erubi`, `erubis`, `ruumba`
-* Erlang: `erlc`, `SyntaxErl`
-* Fish: `fish` (-n flag)
-* Fortran: `gcc`, `language_server`
-* Fountain: `proselint`
-* FusionScript: `fusion-lint`
-* Git Commit Messages: `gitlint`
-* GLSL: glslang, `glslls`
-* Go: `gofmt`, `goimports`, `go mod`!!, `go vet`!!, `golint`, `gotype`!!, `gometalinter`!!, `go build`!!, `gosimple`!!, `staticcheck`!!, `golangserver`, `golangci-lint`!!, `bingo`
-* GraphQL: `eslint`, `gqlint`, `prettier`
-* Hack: `hack`, `hackfmt`, `hhast`
-* Haml: `haml-lint`
-* Handlebars: `ember-template-lint`
-* Haskell: `brittany`, `ghc`, `cabal-ghc`, `stylish-haskell`, `stack-ghc`, `stack-build`!!, `ghc-mod`, `hlint`, `hdevtools`, `hfmt`, `hie`
-* HCL: `terraform-fmt`
-* HTML: `alex`!!, `HTMLHint`, `proselint`, `tidy`, `prettier`, `write-good`
-* Idris: `idris`
-* ISPC: `ispc`!!
-* Java: `checkstyle`, `javac`, `google-java-format`, `PMD`, `javalsp`, `uncrustify`
-* JavaScript: `eslint`, `flow`, `jscs`, `jshint`, `prettier`, `prettier-eslint`, `prettier-standard`, `standard`, `tsserver`, `xo`
-* JSON: `fixjson`, `jsonlint`, `jq`, `prettier`
-* Julia: `languageserver`
-* Kotlin: `kotlinc`!!, `ktlint`!!, `languageserver`
-* LaTeX (tex): `alex`!!, `chktex`, `lacheck`, `proselint`, `redpen`, `vale`, `write-good`, `textlint`
-* Less: `lessc`, `prettier`, `stylelint`
-* LLVM: `llc`
-* Lua: `luac`, `luacheck`
-* Mail: `alex`!!, `proselint`, `vale`
-* Make: `checkmake`
-* Markdown: `alex`!!, `markdownlint`!!, `mdl`, `prettier`, `proselint`, `redpen`, `remark-lint`, `textlint`, `vale`, `write-good`
-* MATLAB: `mlint`
-* Mercury: `mmc`!!
-* NASM: `nasm`!!
-* Nim: `nim check`!!
-* nix: `nix-instantiate`
-* nroff: `alex`!!, `proselint`, `write-good`
-* Objective-C: `clang`, `clangd`, `uncrustify`, `ccls`
-* Objective-C++: `clang`, `clangd`, `uncrustify`
-* OCaml: `merlin` (see |ale-ocaml-merlin|), `ols`, `ocamlformat`
-* Pawn: `uncrustify`
-* Perl: `perl -c`, `perl-critic`, `perltidy`
-* Perl6: `perl6 -c`
-* PHP: `langserver`, `phan`, `php -l`, `phpcs`, `phpmd`, `phpstan`, `phpcbf`, `php-cs-fixer`, `psalm`!!
-* PO: `alex`!!, `msgfmt`, `proselint`, `write-good`
-* Pod: `alex`!!, `proselint`, `write-good`
-* Pony: `ponyc`
-* Prolog: `swipl`
-* proto: `protoc-gen-lint`
-* Pug: `pug-lint`
-* Puppet: `languageserver`, `puppet`, `puppet-lint`
-* Python: `autopep8`, `bandit`, `black`, `flake8`, `isort`, `mypy`, `prospector`, `pycodestyle`, `pydocstyle`, `pyls`, `pyre`, `pylint`!!, `vulture`!!, `yapf`
-* QML: `qmlfmt`, `qmllint`
-* R: `lintr`
-* Racket: `raco`
-* ReasonML: `merlin`, `ols`, `refmt`
-* reStructuredText: `alex`!!, `proselint`, `redpen`, `rstcheck`, `textlint`, `vale`, `write-good`
-* Re:VIEW: `redpen`
-* RPM spec: `rpmlint`
-* Ruby: `brakeman`, `rails_best_practices`!!, `reek`, `rubocop`, `ruby`, `rufo`, `solargraph`, `standardrb`
-* Rust: `cargo`!!, `rls`, `rustc` (see |ale-integration-rust|), `rustfmt`
-* Sass: `sass-lint`, `stylelint`
-* SCSS: `prettier`, `sass-lint`, `scss-lint`, `stylelint`
-* Scala: `fsc`, `sbtserver`, `scalac`, `scalafmt`, `scalastyle`
-* Slim: `slim-lint`
-* SML: `smlnj`
-* Solidity: `solhint`, `solium`
-* Stylus: `stylelint`
-* SugarSS: `stylelint`
-* SQL: `sqlint`, `sqlfmt`
-* Swift: `swiftlint`, `swiftformat`
-* Tcl: `nagelfar`!!
-* Terraform: `fmt`, `tflint`
-* Texinfo: `alex`!!, `proselint`, `write-good`
-* Text^: `alex`!!, `proselint`, `redpen`, `textlint`, `vale`, `write-good`
-* Thrift: `thrift`
-* TypeScript: `eslint`, `prettier`, `tslint`, `tsserver`, `typecheck`
-* VALA: `uncrustify`
-* Verilog: `iverilog`, `verilator`, `vlog`, `xvlog`
-* VHDL: `ghdl`, `vcom`, `xvhdl`
-* Vim: `vint`
-* Vim help^: `alex`!!, `proselint`, `write-good`
-* Vue: `prettier`, `vls`
-* XHTML: `alex`!!, `proselint`, `write-good`
-* XML: `xmllint`
-* YAML: `prettier`, `swaglint`, `yamllint`
-* YANG: `yang-lsp`
+ALE supports a wide variety of languages and tools. See |ale-supported-list|
+for the full list.
3. Linting *ale-lint*
@@ -2499,7 +2379,7 @@ ALELast *ALELast*
`-style` and `-nostyle` allow you to jump respectively to style error or
warning and to not style error or warning. They also are mutually
exclusive and nostyle has priority over style.
Flags can be combined to create create custom jumping. Thus you can use
":ALENext -wrap -error -nosyle" to jump to the next error which is not a
style error while going back to the begining of the file if needed.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..232b5298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+# ALE Supported Languages and Tools
+This plugin supports the following languages and tools. All available
+tools will be run in combination, so they can be complementary.
+Keep the table rows sorted alphabetically by the language name,
+and the tools in the tools column sorted alphabetically by the tool
+name. That seems to be the fairest way to arrange this table.
+Remember to also update doc/ale.txt, which has a similar list with different
+| Key | Definition |
+| ------------- | -------------------------------- |
+| :floppy_disk: | Only checked when saved to disk |
+| :warning: | Disabled by default |
+* Ada
+ * [gcc](
+* Ansible
+ * [ansible-lint](
+* API Blueprint
+ * [drafter](
+* AsciiDoc
+ * [alex]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [proselint](
+ * [redpen](
+ * [textlint](
+ * [vale](
+ * [write-good](
+* ASM
+ * [gcc](
+* Awk
+ * [gawk](
+* Bash
+ * [language-server](
+ * shell [-n flag](
+ * [shellcheck](
+ * [shfmt](
+* BibTeX
+ * [bibclean](
+* Bourne Shell
+ * shell [-n flag](
+ * [shellcheck](
+ * [shfmt](
+* C
+ * [ccls](
+ * [clang](
+ * [clangd](
+ * [clang-format](
+ * [clangtidy]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [cppcheck](
+ * [cpplint](
+ * [cquery](
+ * [flawfinder](
+ * [gcc](
+ * [uncrustify](
+* C#
+ * [mcs]( see:`help ale-cs-mcs` for details
+ * [mcsc]( :floppy_disk: see:`help ale-cs-mcsc` for details and configuration
+ * [uncrustify](
+* C++ (filetype cpp)
+ * [ccls](
+ * [clang](
+ * [clangcheck]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [clangd](
+ * [clang-format](
+ * [clangtidy]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [clazy]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [cppcheck](
+ * [cpplint]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [cquery](
+ * [flawfinder](
+ * [gcc](
+ * [uncrustify](
+* Chef
+ * [foodcritic](
+* Clojure
+ * [joker](
+* CloudFormation
+ * [cfn-python-lint](
+* CMake
+ * [cmake-format](
+ * [cmakelint](
+* CoffeeScript
+ * [coffee](
+ * [coffeelint](
+* Crystal
+ * [ameba]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [crystal]( :floppy_disk:
+* CSS
+ * [csslint](
+ * [prettier](
+ * [stylelint](
+* Cucumber
+ * [cucumber](
+ * [nvcc](
+* Cypher
+ * [cypher-lint](
+* Cython (pyrex filetype)
+ * [cython](
+* D
+ * [dls](
+ * [dmd](
+ * [uncrustify](
+* Dafny
+ * [dafny]( :floppy_disk:
+* Dart
+ * [dartanalyzer]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [dartfmt](
+ * [language_server](
+* Dockerfile
+ * [dockerfile_lint](
+ * [hadolint](
+* Elixir
+ * [credo](
+ * [dialyxir](
+ * [dogma](
+ * [elixir-ls](
+ * [mix]( :warning: :floppy_disk:
+* Elm
+ * [elm-format](
+ * [elm-make](
+* Erb
+ * [erb](
+ * [erubi](
+ * [erubis](
+ * [ruumba](
+* Erlang
+ * [erlc](
+ * [SyntaxErl](
+* Fish
+ * fish [-n flag](
+* Fortran
+ * [gcc](
+ * [language_server](
+* Fountain
+ * [proselint](
+* FusionScript
+ * [fusion-lint](
+* Git Commit Messages
+ * [gitlint](
+ * [glslang](
+ * [glslls](
+* Go
+ * [bingo]( :warning:
+ * [go build]( :warning: :floppy_disk:
+ * [gofmt](
+ * [goimports]( :warning:
+ * [golangci-lint]( :warning: :floppy_disk:
+ * [golangserver]( :warning:
+ * [golint](
+ * [gometalinter]( :warning: :floppy_disk:
+ * [go mod]( :warning: :floppy_disk:
+ * [gosimple]( :warning: :floppy_disk:
+ * [gotype]( :warning: :floppy_disk:
+ * [go vet]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [staticcheck]( :warning: :floppy_disk:
+* GraphQL
+ * [eslint](
+ * [gqlint](
+ * [prettier](
+* Hack
+ * [hack](
+ * [hackfmt]( :warning:
+ * [hhast]( :warning: (see `:help ale-integration-hack`)
+* Haml
+ * [haml-lint](
+* Handlebars
+ * [ember-template-lint](
+* Haskell
+ * [brittany](
+ * [cabal-ghc](
+ * [ghc](
+ * [ghc-mod](
+ * [hdevtools](
+ * [hfmt](
+ * [hie](
+ * [hlint](
+ * [stack-build]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [stack-ghc](
+ * [stylish-haskell](
+* HCL
+ * [terraform-fmt](
+ * [alex]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [HTMLHint](
+ * [prettier](
+ * [proselint](
+ * [tidy](
+ * [write-good](
+* Idris
+ * [idris](
+ * [ispc]( :floppy_disk:
+* Java
+ * [checkstyle](
+ * [google-java-format](
+ * [javac](
+ * [javalsp](
+ * [PMD](
+ * [uncrustify](
+* JavaScript
+ * [eslint](
+ * [flow](
+ * [jscs](
+ * [jshint](
+ * [prettier](
+ * [prettier-eslint](
+ * [prettier-standard](
+ * [standard](
+ * [tsserver](
+ * [xo](
+ * [fixjson](
+ * [jq](
+ * [jsonlint](
+ * [prettier](
+* Julia
+ * [languageserver](
+* Kotlin
+ * [kotlinc]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [ktlint]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [languageserver]( see `:help ale-integration-kotlin` for configuration instructions
+* LaTeX
+ * [alex]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [chktex](
+ * [lacheck](
+ * [proselint](
+ * [redpen](
+ * [textlint](
+ * [vale](
+ * [write-good](
+* Less
+ * [lessc](
+ * [prettier](
+ * [stylelint](
+ * [llc](
+* Lua
+ * [luac](
+ * [luacheck](
+* Mail
+ * [alex]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [proselint](
+ * [vale](
+* Make
+ * [checkmake](
+* Markdown
+ * [alex]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [markdownlint]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [mdl](
+ * [prettier](
+ * [proselint](
+ * [redpen](
+ * [remark-lint](
+ * [textlint](
+ * [vale](
+ * [write-good](
+ * [mlint](
+* Mercury
+ * [mmc]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [nasm]( :floppy_disk:
+* Nim
+ * [nim check]( :floppy_disk:
+* nix
+ * [nix-instantiate](
+* nroff
+ * [alex]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [proselint](
+ * [write-good](
+* Objective-C
+ * [ccls](
+ * [clang](
+ * [clangd](
+ * [uncrustify](
+* Objective-C++
+ * [clang](
+ * [clangd](
+ * [uncrustify](
+* OCaml
+ * [merlin]( see `:help ale-ocaml-merlin` for configuration instructions
+ * [ocamlformat](
+ * [ols](
+* Pawn
+ * [uncrustify](
+* Perl
+ * [perl -c]( :warning:
+ * [perl-critic](
+ * [perltidy]( :warning:
+* Perl6
+ * [perl6 -c]( :warning:
+* PHP
+ * [langserver](
+ * [phan]( see `:help ale-php-phan` to instructions
+ * [phpcbf](
+ * [phpcs](
+ * [php-cs-fixer](
+ * [php -l](
+ * [phpmd](
+ * [phpstan](
+ * [psalm]( :floppy_disk:
+* PO
+ * [alex]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [msgfmt](
+ * [proselint](
+ * [write-good](
+* Pod
+ * [alex]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [proselint](
+ * [write-good](
+* Pony
+ * [ponyc](
+* Prolog
+ * [swipl](
+* proto
+ * [protoc-gen-lint](
+* Pug
+ * [pug-lint](
+* Puppet
+ * [languageserver](
+ * [puppet](
+ * [puppet-lint](
+* Python
+ * [autopep8]( :warning:
+ * [bandit]( :warning:
+ * [black]( :warning:
+ * [flake8](
+ * [isort]( :warning:
+ * [mypy](
+ * [prospector]( :warning:
+ * [pycodestyle]( :warning:
+ * [pydocstyle]( :warning:
+ * [pylint]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [pyls]( :warning:
+ * [pyre]( :warning:
+ * [vulture]( :warning: :floppy_disk:
+ * [yapf]( :warning:
+* QML
+ * [qmlfmt](
+ * [qmllint](
+* R
+ * [lintr](
+* Racket
+ * [raco](
+* ReasonML
+ * [merlin]( see `:help ale-reasonml-ols` for configuration instructions
+ * [ols](
+ * [refmt](
+* reStructuredText
+ * [alex]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [proselint](
+ * [redpen](
+ * [rstcheck](
+ * [textlint](
+ * [vale](
+ * [write-good](
+* Re:VIEW
+ * [redpen](
+* RPM spec
+ * [rpmlint]( :warning: (see `:help ale-integration-spec`)
+* Ruby
+ * [brakeman]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [rails_best_practices]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [reek](
+ * [rubocop](
+ * [ruby](
+ * [rufo](
+ * [solargraph](
+ * [standardrb](
+* Rust
+ * [cargo]( :floppy_disk: (see `:help ale-integration-rust` for configuration instructions)
+ * [rls]( :warning:
+ * [rustc]( :warning:
+ * [rustfmt](
+* Sass
+ * [sass-lint](
+ * [stylelint](
+* Scala
+ * [fsc](
+ * [sbtserver](
+ * [scalac](
+ * [scalafmt](
+ * [scalastyle](
+ * [prettier](
+ * [sass-lint](
+ * [scss-lint](
+ * [stylelint](
+* Slim
+ * [slim-lint](
+* SML
+ * [smlnj](
+* Solidity
+ * [solhint](
+ * [solium](
+* SQL
+ * [sqlfmt](
+ * [sqlint](
+* Stylus
+ * [stylelint](
+* SugarSS
+ * [stylelint](
+* Swift
+ * [swiftformat](
+ * [swiftlint](
+* Tcl
+ * [nagelfar]( :floppy_disk:
+* Terraform
+ * [fmt](
+ * [tflint](
+* Texinfo
+ * [alex]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [proselint](
+ * [write-good](
+* Text
+ * [alex]( :warning: :floppy_disk:
+ * [proselint]( :warning:
+ * [redpen]( :warning:
+ * [textlint]( :warning:
+ * [vale]( :warning:
+ * [write-good]( :warning:
+* Thrift
+ * [thrift](
+* TypeScript
+ * [eslint](
+ * [prettier](
+ * [tslint](
+ * [tsserver](
+ * typecheck
+ * [uncrustify](
+* Verilog
+ * [iverilog](
+ * [verilator](
+ * [vlog](
+ * [xvlog](
+ * [ghdl](
+ * [vcom](
+ * [xvhdl](
+* Vim
+ * [vint](
+* Vim help
+ * [alex]( :warning: :floppy_disk:
+ * [proselint]( :warning:
+ * [write-good]( :warning:
+* Vue
+ * [prettier](
+ * [vls](
+ * [alex]( :floppy_disk:
+ * [proselint](
+ * [write-good](
+* XML
+ * [xmllint](
+ * [prettier](
+ * [swaglint](
+ * [yamllint](
+ * [yang-lsp](
diff --git a/test/script/check-supported-tools-tables b/test/script/check-supported-tools-tables
index 220c7427..beb580d7 100755
--- a/test/script/check-supported-tools-tables
+++ b/test/script/check-supported-tools-tables
@@ -6,66 +6,56 @@ set -u
# This script compares the table of supported tools in both the README file
# and the doc/ale.txt file, so we can complain if they don't match up.
-# Find the start and end lines for the help section.
-ale_help_start_line="$( \
- grep -m1 -n '^[0-9][0-9]*\. *Supported Languages' doc/ale.txt \
- | sed 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' \
-ale_help_section_size="$( \
- tail -n +"$ale_help_start_line" doc/ale.txt \
- | grep -m1 -n '================' \
- | sed 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' \
-# -- shellcheck complains about expr, but it works better.
-# shellcheck disable=SC2003
-ale_help_end_line="$(expr "$ale_help_start_line" + "$ale_help_section_size")"
-# Find the start and end lines for the same section in the README.
-readme_start_line="$( \
- grep -m1 -n '^.*[0-9][0-9]*\. *Supported Languages' \
- | sed 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' \
-readme_section_size="$( \
- tail -n +"$readme_start_line" \
- | grep -m1 -n '^##.*Usage' \
- | sed 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' \
-# shellcheck disable=SC2003
-readme_end_line="$(expr "$readme_start_line" + "$readme_section_size")"
doc_file="$(mktemp -t doc.XXXXXXXX)"
+doc_sorted_file="$(mktemp -t doc-sorted.XXXXXXXX)"
readme_file="$(mktemp -t readme.XXXXXXXX)"
-sed -n "$ale_help_start_line,$ale_help_end_line"p doc/ale.txt \
- | grep '\* .*: ' \
- | sed 's/^*//' \
- | sed 's/[`!^]//g;s/([^)]*)//g' \
- | sed 's/ *\([,:]\)/\1/g' \
- | sed 's/ */ /g' \
- | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//' \
- | sed 's/^/ /' \
- > "$doc_file"
-sed -n "$readme_start_line,$readme_end_line"p \
- | grep '| .* |' \
- | sed '/^| Language/d;/^| ---/d' \
- | sed 's/^|//' \
- | sed 's/ \{0,1\}|/:/' \
- | sed 's/[`!^|]//g;s/([^)]*)//g' \
- | sed 's/\[//g;s/\]//g' \
- | sed 's/see[^,]*//g' \
- | sed 's/ *\([,:]\)/\1/g' \
- | sed 's/ */ /g' \
- | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//' \
- | sed 's/^/ /' \
- | sed 's/ *-n flag//g' \
- > "$readme_file"
+while read -r; do
+ if [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^! ]]; then
+ language="${REPLY/!/}"
+ else
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
+ echo "$language - $REPLY"
+ fi
+done < <(
+ grep '^\*\|^ *\*' doc/ale-supported-languages-and-tools.txt \
+ | sed -e '1,2d' \
+ | sed 's/^\* */!/' \
+ | sed 's/^ *\* *\|!!\|\^\|(.*)\|`//g' \
+ | sed 's/ *$//'
+) > "$doc_file"
+while read -r; do
+ if [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^! ]]; then
+ language="${REPLY/!/}"
+ else
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
+ echo "$language - $REPLY"
+ fi
+done < <(
+ grep '^\*\|^ *\*' \
+ | sed 's/^\* */!/' \
+ | sed 's/^ *\* *\|:floppy_disk:\|:warning:\|(.*)\|\[\|\].*\|-n flag//g' \
+ | sed 's/ *$//'
+) > "$readme_file"
+# Sort the tools ignoring case, and complain when things are out of order.
+sort -f -k1,2 "$doc_file" -o "$doc_sorted_file"
+diff -U0 "$doc_sorted_file" "$doc_file" || exit_code=$?
+if ((exit_code)); then
+ echo
+ echo "The supported tools list isn't sorted properly"
+ echo
diff -U0 "$readme_file" "$doc_file" || exit_code=$?
rm "$doc_file"
+rm "$doc_sorted_file"
rm "$readme_file"
exit "$exit_code"