diff options
authorBartolomeo Stellato <>2018-09-07 11:11:29 -0400
committerBartolomeo Stellato <>2018-09-07 11:11:29 -0400
commitdf72c5f1c11726a8db2c9c22fa579ee59238d0aa (patch)
parent8bf5d144ed2299e0ecd6fa8f9703647e5c5ef02f (diff)
Added various files to integrate julia. Still not working.
4 files changed, 32 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index e8108733..d8eb5d87 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ formatting.
| JavaScript | [eslint](, [flow](, [jscs](, [jshint](, [prettier](, [prettier-eslint](, [prettier-standard](, [standard](, [xo](
| JSON | [fixjson](, [jsonlint](, [jq](, [prettier]( |
| Kotlin | [kotlinc]( !!, [ktlint]( !!, [languageserver]( see `:help ale-integration-kotlin` for configuration instructions |
+| Julia | [LanguageServer.jl]( |
| LaTeX | [alex]( !!, [chktex](, [lacheck](, [proselint](, [redpen](, [vale](, [write-good]( |
| Less | [lessc](, [prettier](, [stylelint]( |
| LLVM | [llc]( |
diff --git a/ale_linters/julia/languageserver.vim b/ale_linters/julia/languageserver.vim
index 1755c794..d59e9959 100644
--- a/ale_linters/julia/languageserver.vim
+++ b/ale_linters/julia/languageserver.vim
@@ -1,30 +1,16 @@
" Author: Bartolomeo Stellato <>
" Description: A language server for Julia
-call ale#Set('julia_languageserver_executable', 'julia')
-call ale#Set('julia_languageserver_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0))
-function! ale_linters#julia#languageserver#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
- let l:binary = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'julia_languageserver_executable')
- return ale#Escape(l:binary)
function! ale_linters#julia#languageserver#GetCommand(buffer) abort
- let l:executable = ale_linters#julia#languageserver#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
- let l:options = '--startup-file=no --history-file=no -e ' . '"
-\ using LanguageServer;
-\ server = LanguageServer.LanguageServerInstance(STDIN, STDOUT, false);
-\ server.runlinter = true;
-\ run(server);"'
- return ale#Escape(l:executable) . ale#Escape(l:options)
+ let l:julia_executable = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'julia_executable')
+ return ale#Escape(l:julia_executable) . ale#Escape("--startup-file=no --history-file=no -e 'using LanguageServer; server = LanguageServer.LanguageServerInstance(STDIN, STDOUT, false); server.runlinter = true; run(server);'")
call ale#linter#Define('julia', {
\ 'name': 'languageserver',
\ 'lsp': 'stdio',
-\ 'executable_callback': 'ale_linters#julia#languageserver#GetExecutable',
+\ 'executable_callback': ale#VarFunc('julia_executable'),
\ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#julia#languageserver#GetCommand',
+\ 'language': 'julia',
\ 'project_root_callback': 'ale#julia#FindProjectRoot',
diff --git a/autoload/ale/julia.vim b/autoload/ale/julia.vim
index a6c0ee4a..71243763 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/julia.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/julia.vim
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-" Set just so tests can override it.
+" Author: Bartolomeo Stellato
+" Description: Functions for integrating with Julia tools
+" Set julia executable variable
+call ale#Set('julia_executable', 'julia')
+" Find the nearest dir contining a git project as julia project
let g:__ale_julia_project_filenames = ['.git/HEAD']
function! ale#julia#FindProjectRoot(buffer) abort
for l:project_filename in g:__ale_julia_project_filenames
diff --git a/doc/ale-julia.txt b/doc/ale-julia.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3795c8ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ale-julia.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ALE Julia Integration *ale-julia-options*
+languageserver *ale-julia-languageserver*
+To enable Julia LSP linter you need to install the LanguageServer.jl package
+within julia.
+g:ale_julia_executable *g:ale_julia_executable*
+ *b:ale_julia_executable*
+ Type: String
+ Default: 'julia'
+ Path to the julia exetuable.
+ vim:tw=78:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:ft=help:norl: