diff options
authorfenuks <>2018-04-12 02:23:58 +0200
committerfenuks <>2018-04-18 02:13:24 +0200
commita591b191db819f2c78a852936bd9742a831f56cb (patch)
parentf9ba3d924fc445ceea6ab7a6700b95dd12d268ca (diff)
Make ALEFix support arguments
3 files changed, 37 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/fix.vim b/autoload/ale/fix.vim
index 197a1862..066ae1af 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/fix.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/fix.vim
@@ -356,8 +356,11 @@ function! s:RunFixer(options) abort
call ale#fix#ApplyFixes(l:buffer, l:input)
+function! s:GetCallbacks(linters) abort
function! s:GetCallbacks(buffer) abort
- if type(get(b:, 'ale_fixers')) is type([])
+ if len(a:linters)
+ let l:callback_list = a:linters
+ elseif type(get(b:, 'ale_fixers')) is type([])
" Lists can be used for buffer-local variables only
let l:callback_list = b:ale_fixers
@@ -422,13 +425,13 @@ endfunction
" Accepts an optional argument for what to do when fixing.
" Returns 0 if no fixes can be applied, and 1 if fixing can be done.
-function! ale#fix#Fix(buffer, fixing_flag) abort
+function! ale#fix#Fix(buffer, fixing_flag, ...) abort
if a:fixing_flag isnot# '' && a:fixing_flag isnot# 'save_file'
throw "fixing_flag must be either '' or 'save_file'"
- let l:callback_list = s:GetCallbacks(a:buffer)
+ let l:callback_list = s:GetCallbacks(a:buffer, a:000)
catch /E700\|BADNAME/
let l:function_name = join(split(split(v:exception, ':')[3]))
let l:echo_message = printf(
diff --git a/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim b/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
index 86a10908..d12cf0d4 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
@@ -277,6 +277,14 @@ function! s:ShouldSuggestForType(suggested_filetypes, type_list) abort
return 0
+function! s:IsGenericFixer(suggested_filetypes) abort
+ if empty(a:suggested_filetypes)
+ return 1
+ endif
+ return 0
function! s:FormatEntry(key, entry) abort
let l:aliases_str = ''
@@ -296,6 +304,27 @@ function! s:FormatEntry(key, entry) abort
+" Get list of applicable fixers for filetype, including generic fixers
+function! ale#fix#registry#GetApplicableFixers(filetype) abort
+ let l:type_list = split(a:filetype, '\.')
+ let l:fixer_name_list = []
+ for l:key in sort(keys(s:entries))
+ let l:suggested_filetypes = s:entries[l:key].suggested_filetypes
+ if s:IsGenericFixer(l:suggested_filetypes) || s:ShouldSuggestForType(l:suggested_filetypes, l:type_list)
+ call add(l:fixer_name_list, l:key)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return l:fixer_name_list
+" Function that returns autocomplete candidates for ALEFix command
+function! ale#fix#registry#CompleteFixers(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) abort
+ return ale#fix#registry#GetApplicableFixers(&filetype)
" Suggest functions to use from the registry.
function! ale#fix#registry#Suggest(filetype) abort
let l:type_list = split(a:filetype, '\.')
@@ -315,7 +344,7 @@ function! ale#fix#registry#Suggest(filetype) abort
let l:generic_fixer_list = []
for l:key in sort(keys(s:entries))
- if empty(s:entries[l:key].suggested_filetypes)
+ if s:IsGenericFixer(s:entries[l:key].suggested_filetypes)
call add(
\ l:generic_fixer_list,
\ s:FormatEntry(l:key, s:entries[l:key]),
diff --git a/plugin/ale.vim b/plugin/ale.vim
index d64229b3..3f157bc0 100644
--- a/plugin/ale.vim
+++ b/plugin/ale.vim
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ command! -bar ALEInfoToClipboard :call ale#debugging#InfoToClipboard()
command! -bar -nargs=1 ALEInfoToFile :call ale#debugging#InfoToFile(<f-args>)
" Fix problems in files.
-command! -bar ALEFix :call ale#fix#Fix(bufnr(''), '')
+command! -bar -nargs=* -complete=customlist,ale#fix#registry#CompleteFixers ALEFix :call ale#fix#Fix(bufnr(''), '', <f-args>)
" Suggest registered functions to use for fixing problems.
command! -bar ALEFixSuggest :call ale#fix#registry#Suggest(&filetype)