diff options
authorw0rp <>2017-03-03 20:14:03 +0000
committerw0rp <>2017-03-03 20:14:03 +0000
commit2750c605c1ee320a8675fb40a224a60d27f8de6f (patch)
parentda8a0f25cc8aefb566447e434f1a6d7e0749fb5f (diff)
Fix cursor issues, and clean up the cursor tests
2 files changed, 81 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/cursor.vim b/autoload/ale/cursor.vim
index 7a9cfc80..cd9593ce 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/cursor.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/cursor.vim
@@ -18,6 +18,26 @@ function! s:GetMessage(linter, type, text) abort
return printf(l:msg, l:text)
+function! s:EchoWithShortMess(setting, message) abort
+ " We need to remember the setting for shormess and reset it again.
+ let l:shortmess_options = getbufvar('%', '&shortmess')
+ try
+ " Turn shormess on or off.
+ if a:setting ==# 'on'
+ setlocal shortmess+=T
+ elseif a:setting ==# 'off'
+ setlocal shortmess-=T
+ else
+ throw 'Invalid setting: ' . string(a:setting)
+ endif
+ exec "norm! :echomsg a:message\n"
+ finally
+ call setbufvar('%', '&shortmess', l:shortmess_options)
+ endtry
function! ale#cursor#TruncatedEcho(message) abort
let l:message = a:message
" Change tabs to spaces.
@@ -25,17 +45,7 @@ function! ale#cursor#TruncatedEcho(message) abort
" Remove any newlines in the message.
let l:message = substitute(l:message, "\n", '', 'g')
- " We need to turn T for truncated messages on for shortmess,
- " and then then we need to reset the option back to what it was.
- let l:shortmess_options = getbufvar('%', '&shortmess')
- try
- " Echo the message truncated to fit without creating a prompt.
- setlocal shortmess+=T
- exec "norm! :echomsg message\n"
- finally
- call setbufvar('%', '&shortmess', l:shortmess_options)
- endtry
+ call s:EchoWithShortMess('on', l:message)
function! s:FindItemAtCursor() abort
@@ -47,6 +57,13 @@ function! s:FindItemAtCursor() abort
return [l:info, l:loc]
+function! s:StopCursorTimer() abort
+ if s:cursor_timer != -1
+ call timer_stop(s:cursor_timer)
+ let s:cursor_timer = -1
+ endif
function! ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning(...) abort
" Only echo the warnings in normal mode, otherwise we will get problems.
if mode() !=# 'n'
@@ -63,7 +80,7 @@ function! ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning(...) abort
" We'll only clear the echoed message when moving off errors once,
" so we don't continually clear the echo line.
- let l:info.echoed = 1
+ let l:info.echoed = 0
@@ -75,10 +92,7 @@ function! ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarningWithDelay() abort
- if s:cursor_timer != -1
- call timer_stop(s:cursor_timer)
- let s:cursor_timer = -1
- endif
+ call s:StopCursorTimer()
let l:pos = getcurpos()[0:2]
@@ -92,19 +106,22 @@ function! ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarningWithDelay() abort
-function! ale#cursor#ShowCursorDetail(...) abort
+function! ale#cursor#ShowCursorDetail() abort
" Only echo the warnings in normal mode, otherwise we will get problems.
if mode() !=# 'n'
+ call s:StopCursorTimer()
let [l:info, l:loc] = s:FindItemAtCursor()
if !empty(l:loc)
- if has_key(l:loc, 'detail')
- echo l:loc.detail
- else
- echo l:loc.text
- endif
+ let l:message = get(l:loc, 'detail', l:loc.text)
+ call s:EchoWithShortMess('off', l:message)
+ " Set the echo marker, so we can clear it by moving the cursor.
+ let l:info.echoed = 1
diff --git a/test/test_cursor_warnings.vader b/test/test_cursor_warnings.vader
index cddeda99..5e37036a 100644
--- a/test/test_cursor_warnings.vader
+++ b/test/test_cursor_warnings.vader
@@ -4,33 +4,33 @@ Before:
\ 'loclist': [
\ {
\ 'lnum': 1,
+ \ 'col': 10,
\ 'bufnr': bufnr('%'),
\ 'vcol': 0,
\ 'linter_name': 'eslint',
\ 'nr': -1,
\ 'type': 'E',
- \ 'col': 10,
\ 'text': 'Missing semicolon. (semi)',
\ 'detail': 'Every statement should end with a semicolon'
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 2,
+ \ 'col': 10,
\ 'bufnr': bufnr('%'),
\ 'vcol': 0,
\ 'linter_name': 'eslint',
\ 'nr': -1,
\ 'type': 'W',
- \ 'col': 10,
\ 'text': 'Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)'
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 2,
+ \ 'col': 15,
\ 'bufnr': bufnr('%'),
\ 'vcol': 0,
\ 'linter_name': 'eslint',
\ 'nr': -1,
\ 'type': 'E',
- \ 'col': 15,
\ 'text': 'Missing radix parameter (radix)'
\ }
\ ],
@@ -42,107 +42,74 @@ Before:
let g:ale_set_signs = 0
let g:ale_set_highlights = 0
+ function GetLastMessage()
+ redir => l:output
+ silent mess
+ redir END
+ let l:lines = split(l:output, "\n")
+ return empty(l:lines) ? '' : l:lines[-1]
+ endfunction
+ call cursor(1, 1)
let g:ale_set_loclist = 1
let g:ale_set_signs = 1
let g:ale_set_highlights = 1
- unlet! g:output
- unlet! g:lines
let g:ale_buffer_info = {}
+ delfunction GetLastMessage
+ mess clear
Given javascript(A Javscript file with warnings/errors):
var x = 3
var x = 5*2 + parseInt("10");
-Execute(Evaluate the cursor function at line 1):
- :1
+Execute(Messages should be shown for the correct lines):
+ call cursor(1, 1)
call ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning()
-Then(Check the cursor output):
- redir => g:output
- silent mess
- redir END
+ AssertEqual 'Missing semicolon. (semi)', GetLastMessage()
- let g:lines = split(g:output, "\n")
- AssertEqual 'Missing semicolon. (semi)', g:lines[-1]
-Execute(Evaluate the cursor function at line 2):
- :2
+Execute(Messages should be shown for earlier columns):
+ call cursor(2, 1)
call ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning()
-Then(Check the cursor output):
- redir => g:output
- silent mess
- redir END
- let g:lines = split(g:output, "\n")
+ AssertEqual 'Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)', GetLastMessage()
- AssertEqual 'Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)', g:lines[-1]
-Execute(Evaluate the cursor function later in line 2):
- :2
- normal 16l
+Execute(Messages should be shown for later columns):
+ call cursor(2, 16)
call ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning()
-Then(Check the cursor output):
- redir => g:output
- silent mess
- redir END
- let g:lines = split(g:output, "\n")
- AssertEqual 'Missing radix parameter (radix)', g:lines[-1]
+ AssertEqual 'Missing radix parameter (radix)', GetLastMessage()
-Execute(Set results for a lint cycle, with the cursor on line 1):
- :1
+Execute(The message at the cursor should be shown when linting ends):
+ call cursor(1, 1)
call ale#engine#SetResults(
\ bufnr('%'),
\ g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('%')].loclist,
-Then(Check the cursor output):
- redir => g:output
- silent mess
- redir END
+ AssertEqual 'Missing semicolon. (semi)', GetLastMessage()
- let g:lines = split(g:output, "\n")
- AssertEqual 'Missing semicolon. (semi)', g:lines[-1]
-Execute(Simulate leaving insert mode on line 2):
- :2
- normal 16h
+Execute(The message at the cursor should be shown on InsertLeave):
+ call cursor(2, 9)
doautocmd InsertLeave
-Then(Check the cursor output):
- redir => g:output
- silent mess
- redir END
- let g:lines = split(g:output, "\n")
- AssertEqual 'Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)', g:lines[-1]
-Execute(Evaluate the cursor detail function at line 1):
- :1
- call ale#cursor#ShowCursorDetail()
-Then(Check the cursor output):
- redir => g:output
- silent mess
- redir END
+ AssertEqual 'Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)', GetLastMessage()
- AssertEqual "Every statement should end with a semicolon", g:lines[-1]
+Execute(ALEDetail should print 'detail' attributes):
+ call cursor(1, 1)
+ ALEDetail
-Execute(Evaluate the cursor detail function at line 2):
- :2
- call ale#cursor#ShowCursorDetail()
+ AssertEqual "Every statement should end with a semicolon", GetLastMessage()
-Then(Check the cursor output):
- redir => g:output
- silent mess
- redir END
+Execute(ALEDetail should print regular 'text' attributes):
+ call cursor(2, 10)
+ ALEDetail
- AssertEqual "Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)", g:lines[-1]
+ AssertEqual "Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)", GetLastMessage()