path: root/app/src/main
diff options
authorMartin Fietz <>2018-04-07 18:03:49 +0200
committerMartin Fietz <>2018-04-07 18:03:49 +0200
commit4e63bfb11c3c1e44fdb15660a264625162fa899c (patch)
tree6e7d3c6afd91c5e0af7d8ebfb7da34eaa53d6ded /app/src/main
parent18ad76fd438f8e110d250cb839ea07881af8af9c (diff)
Update translations
Diffstat (limited to 'app/src/main')
7 files changed, 188 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/app/src/main/play/bg/listing/fulldescription b/app/src/main/play/bg/listing/fulldescription
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16a005e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/play/bg/listing/fulldescription
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+AntennaPod е подкаст мениджър и плейър, който ви дава незабавен достъп до милиони безплатни и платени подкасти, от независими подкасти до големи издателства като BBC, NPR и CNN. Добавете, импортирайте и експортирайте своите емисии безпроблемно, като използвате базата данни на iTunes, OPML файлове или обикновени URL адреси. Спестете усилие, захранване на батерията и мобилни данни чрез мощни контролни механизми за автоматизиране на изтеглянето на епизоди (задайте часове, интервали и WiFi мрежи) и изтриването на епизоди (базирани на предпочитаните от вас и настройките за отлагане).<br>
+But most importantly: Download, stream or queue episodes and enjoy them the way you like with adjustable playback speeds, chapter support and a sleep timer. You can even show your love to the content creators with our Flattr integration.
+Made by podcast-enthousiast, AntennaPod is free in all senses of the word: open source, no costs, no ads.
+<b>Всички функции:</b><br>
+&#8226; Add and import feeds via the iTunes and directories, OPML files and RSS or Atom links<br>
+&#8226; Manage playback from anywhere: homescreen widget, system notification and earplug and bluetooth controls<br>
+&#8226; Enjoy listening your way with adjustable playback speed, chapter support (MP3, VorbisComment and Podlove), remembered playback position and an advanced sleep timer (shake to reset, lower volume and slow down playback)<br>
+&#8226; Access password-protected feeds and episodes<br>
+&#8226; Take advantage of paged feeds (
+&#8226; Keep track of the best of the best by marking episodes as favourites<br>
+&#8226; Find that one episode through the playback history or by searching (titles and shownotes)<br>
+&#8226; Share episodes and feeds through advanced social media and email options, the services and via OPML export<br>
+&#8226; Support content creators with Flattr integration including automatic flattring
+&#8226; Take control over automated downloading: choose feeds, exclude mobile networks, select specific WiFi networks, require the phone to be charging and set times or intervals<br>
+&#8226; Manage storage by setting the amount of cached episodes, smart deletion (based on your favourites and play status) and selecting your preferred location<br>
+&#8226; Use AntennaPod in your language (EN, DE, CS, NL, NB, JA, PT, ES, SV, CA, UK, FR, KO, TR, ZH)<br>
+&#8226; Adapt to your environment using the light and dark theme<br>
+&#8226; Back-up your subscriptions with the integration and OPML export
+<b>Присъединете се към общността на AntennaPod!</b><br>
+AntennaPod се разработва активно от доброволци. Можете да допринесете с код или с коментар!
+GitHub е мястото за заявки за функции, отчети за грешки и участие:<br>
+Our Google Group is the place to share your ideas, favourite podcasting moments and gratitude to all the volunteers:<br>
+Имате въпрос или искате да дадете отзиви?
+Transifex е мястото за помощ при преводите:<br>
+Check out our Beta Testing programme to get the latest features first:<br>
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/play/ca/listing/fulldescription b/app/src/main/play/ca/listing/fulldescription
index 87b477fdc..0e8d76e5e 100644
--- a/app/src/main/play/ca/listing/fulldescription
+++ b/app/src/main/play/ca/listing/fulldescription
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-AntennaPod is a podcast manager and player that gives you instant access to millions of free and paid podcasts, from independent podcasters to large publishing houses such as the BBC, NPR and CNN. Add, import and export their feeds hassle-free using the iTunes podcast database, OPML files or simple RSS URLs. Save effort, battery power and mobile data usage with powerful automation controls for downloading episodes (specify times, intervals and WiFi networks) and deleting episodes (based your favourites and delay settings).<br>
-But most importantly: Download, stream or queue episodes and enjoy them the way you like with adjustable playback speeds, chapter support and a sleep timer. You can even show your love to the content creators with our Flattr integration.
-Made by podcast-enthousiast, AntennaPod is free in all senses of the word: open source, no costs, no ads.
-<b>All features:</b><br>
-&#8226; Add and import feeds via the iTunes and directories, OPML files and RSS or Atom links<br>
-&#8226; Manage playback from anywhere: homescreen widget, system notification and earplug and bluetooth controls<br>
-&#8226; Enjoy listening your way with adjustable playback speed, chapter support (MP3, VorbisComment and Podlove), remembered playback position and an advanced sleep timer (shake to reset, lower volume and slow down playback)<br>
-&#8226; Access password-protected feeds and episodes<br>
-&#8226; Take advantage of paged feeds (
-&#8226; Keep track of the best of the best by marking episodes as favourites<br>
-&#8226; Find that one episode through the playback history or by searching (titles and shownotes)<br>
-&#8226; Share episodes and feeds through advanced social media and email options, the services and via OPML export<br>
-&#8226; Support content creators with Flattr integration including automatic flattring
-&#8226; Take control over automated downloading: choose feeds, exclude mobile networks, select specific WiFi networks, require the phone to be charging and set times or intervals<br>
-&#8226; Manage storage by setting the amount of cached episodes, smart deletion (based on your favourites and play status) and selecting your preferred location<br>
-&#8226; Use AntennaPod in your language (EN, DE, CS, NL, NB, JA, PT, ES, SV, CA, UK, FR, KO, TR, ZH)<br>
-&#8226; Adapt to your environment using the light and dark theme<br>
-&#8226; Back-up your subscriptions with the integration and OPML export
-<b>Join the AntennaPod community!</b><br>
-AntennaPod is under active development by volunteers. You can contribute too, with code or with comment!
-GitHub is the place to go for feature requests, bug reports and code contributions:<br>
+L'AntennaPod és un gestor i reproductor de podcasts que us dóna accés instantani a milions de podcasts gratuïts i de pagament, fets per podcasters independents o grans emissores com la BBC, l'NPR i la CNN. Afegiu, importeu i exporteu les seves subscripcions sense complicacions utilitzant la base de dades de podcasts de l'iTunes, fitxers OPML o enllaços RSS. Estalvieu esforços, bateria i consum de dades al mòbil amb potents controls d'automatització per a baixar episodis (especifiqueu hores, intervals i xarxes WiFi) i esborrar-los (basats en la vostra configuració sobre favorits i demores).<br>
+Però el més important: baixeu, transmeteu o afegiu episodis a la cua i gaudiu-ne a la vostra manera amb velocitats de reproducció ajustables, capacitat per a usar capítols i un temporitzador per a dormir. Fins i tot podeu demostrar la vostra estima pels creadors de continguts amb la nostra integració de Flattr.
+Fet per entusiastes del podcàsting, l'AntennaPod és lliure en tots els sentits del terme: codi obert, sense cost ni anuncis.
+<b>Totes les funcions:</b><br>
+&#8226; Afegeix i importa canals mitjançant els directoris iTunes i, fitxers OPML i enllaços RSS o Atom<br>
+&#8226; Gestiona la reproducció des de qualsevol banda: giny de la pantalla d'inici, notificacions del sistema i controls d'auriculars i Bluetooth.<br>
+&#8226; Gaudiu escoltant a la vostra manera amb velocitat de reproducció ajustable, capacitat per a usar capítols (MP3, VorbisComment i Podlove), record de la posició de reproducció i un temporitzador per a dormir avançat (agiteu per a reiniciar, abaixar el volum i reduir la velocitat de reproducció).<br>
+&#8226; Accediu a subscripcions i episodis protegits per contrasenya.<br>
+&#8226; Aprofiteu les subscripcions paginades (
+&#8226; Seguiu el millor del millor marcant episodis com a favorits.<br>
+&#8226; Trobeu l'episodi que busqueu mitjançant l'historial de reproducció o la cerca (de títols i descripcions).<br>
+&#8226; Compartiu episodis i subscripcions mitjançant xarxes socials i correu electrònic, els serveis de i exportant a OPML.<br>
+&#8226; Recolzeu els creadors de continguts amb la integració de Flattr, fins i tot de forma automàtica.
+&#8226; Prengueu el control de les baixades automàtiques: trieu les subscripcions, exclogueu xarxes mòbils, trieu xarxes WiFi específiques, requeriu que el telèfon s'estigui carregat i establiu les hores o intervals.<br>
+&#8226; Gestioneu l'emmagatzematge ajustant la quantitat d'episodis en emmagatzematge temporal, l'esborrat intel·ligent (basat en els vostres favorits i l'estat de reproducció) i triant la vostra ubicació preferida.<br>
+&#8226; Feu servir l'AntennaPod en la vostra llengua (EN, DE, CS, NL, NB, JA, PT, ES, SV, CA, UK, FR, KO, TR, ZH).<br>
+&#8226; Adapteu-vos al vostre entorn fent servir el tema clar o el fosc.<br>
+&#8226; Feu còpies de seguretat de les vostres subscripcions amb la integració amb i l'exportació a OPML.
+<b>Uniu-vos a la comunitat d'AntennaPod!</b><br>
+L'AntennaPod el desenvolupen voluntaris. Podeu col·laborar, amb codi o comentaris.
+Podeu proposar noves característiques, informar d'errors i aportar codi a GitHub:<br>
-Our Google Group is the place to share your ideas, favourite podcasting moments and gratitude to all the volunteers:<br>
+Podeu compartir les vostres idees, els vostres moments de podcàsting favorits i la gratitud amb tots els voluntaris al nostre grup de Google:<br>!forum/antennapod
-Have a question or want to give us feedback?
+Teniu preguntes o voleu comentar-nos alguna cosa?
-Transifex is the place to help with translations:<br>
+Ens podeu ajudar amb les traduccions a Transifex:<br>
-Check out our Beta Testing programme to get the latest features first:<br>
+Consulteu el nostre programa de proves beta per a obtenir els primers<br> les últimes característiques: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/play/fa/listing/fulldescription b/app/src/main/play/fa/listing/fulldescription
index 87b477fdc..0a005f962 100644
--- a/app/src/main/play/fa/listing/fulldescription
+++ b/app/src/main/play/fa/listing/fulldescription
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-AntennaPod is a podcast manager and player that gives you instant access to millions of free and paid podcasts, from independent podcasters to large publishing houses such as the BBC, NPR and CNN. Add, import and export their feeds hassle-free using the iTunes podcast database, OPML files or simple RSS URLs. Save effort, battery power and mobile data usage with powerful automation controls for downloading episodes (specify times, intervals and WiFi networks) and deleting episodes (based your favourites and delay settings).<br>
-But most importantly: Download, stream or queue episodes and enjoy them the way you like with adjustable playback speeds, chapter support and a sleep timer. You can even show your love to the content creators with our Flattr integration.
+AntennaPod یک نرم افزار مدیریت و پخش پادکست میباشد که به شما امکان دسترسی سریع به میلیون ها پادکست رایگان و پرداخت شده ، از طریق انتشارات بزرگ و مستقل مانند بی بی سی، NPR و CNN را می دهد. همچنین شما میتوانید از پایگاه داده iTunes podcast، فایل های OPML یا URL های ساده RSS، استفاده نمایید ، آنها را اضافه کنید ،اطلاعالت خود را وارد و یا از انها فایل پشتیبان تهیه کنید.. صرفه جویی در زمان جستجو ، قدرت باتری و استفاده از داده های تلفن همراه با استفاده از ترفندهای قدرتمند اتوماسیون برای دانلود قسمت ها (تعیین زمان، فواصل و شبکه های WiFi) و حذف قسمت (بر اساس علاقه مندی های خود و تنظیمات تاخیر)<br>
+ما مهمتر از همه: دانلود، پخش یا پخش قسمت ها و لذت بردن از آنهاست، سرعت پخش قابل تنظیم، به هر سرعتی که شما علاقه دارید ، با پشتیبانی فصل ( قسمتها ) و یک تایمر برای خواب .حتی شما میتوانید علاقه خود را با سازندگان محتوا با استفاده از Flattr integration ما ، نشان دهید.
Made by podcast-enthousiast, AntennaPod is free in all senses of the word: open source, no costs, no ads.
diff --git a/app/src/main/play/it/listing/fulldescription b/app/src/main/play/it/listing/fulldescription
index 307f86117..3d0425660 100644
--- a/app/src/main/play/it/listing/fulldescription
+++ b/app/src/main/play/it/listing/fulldescription
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-AntennaPod is a podcast manager and player that gives you instant access to millions of free and paid podcasts, from independent podcasters to large publishing houses such as the BBC, NPR and CNN. Add, import and export their feeds hassle-free using the iTunes podcast database, OPML files or simple RSS URLs. Save effort, battery power and mobile data usage with powerful automation controls for downloading episodes (specify times, intervals and WiFi networks) and deleting episodes (based your favourites and delay settings).<br>
-But most importantly: Download, stream or queue episodes and enjoy them the way you like with adjustable playback speeds, chapter support and a sleep timer. You can even show your love to the content creators with our Flattr integration.
+AntennaPod è un gestore e player di podcast che ti dà accesso istantaneo a milioni di podcast gratuiti e a pagamento, da podcaster indipendenti a grandi case editrici come BBC, NPR e CNN. Aggiungi, Importa ed esporta facilmente i Feed dal database di iTunes, file OPML oppure semplici collegamenti RSS. Risparmia fatica, batteria e dati con potenti controlli automatici per scaricare gli episodi (specifica orari, intervalli e reti WiFi) ed eliminare gli episodi.<br>
+Ma soprattutto: Scarica, fai Stream o metti in coda gli episodi e goditeli come preferisci cambiando la velocità di riproduzione, saltando tra capitoli e impostando lo sleep timer. Puoi persino mostrare il tuo amore attraverso l'integrazione con Flattr.
-Made by podcast-enthousiast, AntennaPod is free in all senses of the word: open source, no costs, no ads.
+Creato da amatori del podcast, AntennaPod è <i>free</i> in tutti i sensi: open-source, nessun costo, nessuna pubblicità.
<b>Tutte le funzioni:</b><br>
-&#8226; Add and import feeds via the iTunes and directories, OPML files and RSS or Atom links<br>
-&#8226; Manage playback from anywhere: homescreen widget, system notification and earplug and bluetooth controls<br>
-&#8226; Enjoy listening your way with adjustable playback speed, chapter support (MP3, VorbisComment and Podlove), remembered playback position and an advanced sleep timer (shake to reset, lower volume and slow down playback)<br>
+&#8226; Aggiungi ed importa i feed tramite i database di iTunes e, file OPML e link RSS o Atom<br>
+&#8226; Gestisci la riproduzione in ogni modo: attraverso il widget per la home, le notifiche di sistema oppure tramite i controlli sulle cuffie, sia cablate che bluetooth<br>
+&#8226; Goditi l'ascolto a modo tuo attraverso la velocità di riproduzione regolabile, il supporto ai capitoli (MP3, VorbisComment e Podlove), la memoria della posizione di riproduzione e un timer di riproduzione avanzato (scuoti per reimpostare, abbassamento del volume e rallentamento di riproduzione)<br>
&#8226; Accedi a feed ed episodi protetti da password<br>
-&#8226; Take advantage of paged feeds (
+&#8226; Approfitta dei <i>paged feeds</i> (
-&#8226; Keep track of the best of the best by marking episodes as favourites<br>
-&#8226; Find that one episode through the playback history or by searching (titles and shownotes)<br>
-&#8226; Share episodes and feeds through advanced social media and email options, the services and via OPML export<br>
-&#8226; Support content creators with Flattr integration including automatic flattring
+&#8226; Tieni traccia degli episodi migliori aggiungendoli ai preferiti<br>
+&#8226; Trova episodi specifici nella cronologia di riproduzione o cercando tra titoli e descrizioni<br>
+&#8226; Condividi episodi e feed attraverso le opzioni avanzate di condivisione verso social e emali, i servizi online di e l'esportazione in file OPML<br>
+&#8226; Supporta i creatori attraverso Flattr consentendo anche il <i>flattring</i> automatico
-&#8226; Take control over automated downloading: choose feeds, exclude mobile networks, select specific WiFi networks, require the phone to be charging and set times or intervals<br>
-&#8226; Manage storage by setting the amount of cached episodes, smart deletion (based on your favourites and play status) and selecting your preferred location<br>
+&#8226; Prendi il controllo dei download automatici: scegli i Feed, escludi le reti cellulari, seleziona reti WiFi specifiche, attiva solo a telefono in carica e imposta orari e intervalli.<br>
+&#8226; Gestisci la memoria impostando il numero massimo di episodi scaricati, l'eliminazione automatica (basata sui tuoi preferiti e lo stato di riproduzione) e selezionando la tua posizione preferita in memoria<br>
&#8226; Utilizza AntennaPod nella tua lingua (EN, DE, CS, NL, NB, JA, PT, ES, SV, CA, UK, FR, KO, TR, ZH)<br>
-&#8226; Adapt to your environment using the light and dark theme<br>
-&#8226; Back-up your subscriptions with the integration and OPML export
+&#8226; Adatta all'ambiente usando il tema chiaro e quello scuro<br>
+&#8226; Fai il backup delle tue iscrizione con e l'esportazione OPML
<b>Unisciti alla comunità di AntennaPod!</b><br>
-AntennaPod is under active development by volunteers. You can contribute too, with code or with comment!
+AntennaPod è in fase attiva di sviluppo da parte di volontari. Anche te puoi contribuire, con codice o commenti!
-GitHub is the place to go for feature requests, bug reports and code contributions:<br>
+Per chiedere nuove funzioni, contribuire con del codice o segnalare problemi, puoi trovarci su GitHub:
-Our Google Group is the place to share your ideas, favourite podcasting moments and gratitude to all the volunteers:<br>
+Il nostro Gruppo Google è il posto giusto per condividere le tue idee, i tuoi più bei momenti di podcasting e per mostrare gratitudine ai volontari<br>!forum/antennapod
Hai una domanda o vuoi fornirci un feedback?
diff --git a/app/src/main/play/ms_MY/listing/fulldescription b/app/src/main/play/ms_MY/listing/fulldescription
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87b477fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/play/ms_MY/listing/fulldescription
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+AntennaPod is a podcast manager and player that gives you instant access to millions of free and paid podcasts, from independent podcasters to large publishing houses such as the BBC, NPR and CNN. Add, import and export their feeds hassle-free using the iTunes podcast database, OPML files or simple RSS URLs. Save effort, battery power and mobile data usage with powerful automation controls for downloading episodes (specify times, intervals and WiFi networks) and deleting episodes (based your favourites and delay settings).<br>
+But most importantly: Download, stream or queue episodes and enjoy them the way you like with adjustable playback speeds, chapter support and a sleep timer. You can even show your love to the content creators with our Flattr integration.
+Made by podcast-enthousiast, AntennaPod is free in all senses of the word: open source, no costs, no ads.
+<b>All features:</b><br>
+&#8226; Add and import feeds via the iTunes and directories, OPML files and RSS or Atom links<br>
+&#8226; Manage playback from anywhere: homescreen widget, system notification and earplug and bluetooth controls<br>
+&#8226; Enjoy listening your way with adjustable playback speed, chapter support (MP3, VorbisComment and Podlove), remembered playback position and an advanced sleep timer (shake to reset, lower volume and slow down playback)<br>
+&#8226; Access password-protected feeds and episodes<br>
+&#8226; Take advantage of paged feeds (
+&#8226; Keep track of the best of the best by marking episodes as favourites<br>
+&#8226; Find that one episode through the playback history or by searching (titles and shownotes)<br>
+&#8226; Share episodes and feeds through advanced social media and email options, the services and via OPML export<br>
+&#8226; Support content creators with Flattr integration including automatic flattring
+&#8226; Take control over automated downloading: choose feeds, exclude mobile networks, select specific WiFi networks, require the phone to be charging and set times or intervals<br>
+&#8226; Manage storage by setting the amount of cached episodes, smart deletion (based on your favourites and play status) and selecting your preferred location<br>
+&#8226; Use AntennaPod in your language (EN, DE, CS, NL, NB, JA, PT, ES, SV, CA, UK, FR, KO, TR, ZH)<br>
+&#8226; Adapt to your environment using the light and dark theme<br>
+&#8226; Back-up your subscriptions with the integration and OPML export
+<b>Join the AntennaPod community!</b><br>
+AntennaPod is under active development by volunteers. You can contribute too, with code or with comment!
+GitHub is the place to go for feature requests, bug reports and code contributions:<br>
+Our Google Group is the place to share your ideas, favourite podcasting moments and gratitude to all the volunteers:<br>
+Have a question or want to give us feedback?
+Transifex is the place to help with translations:<br>
+Check out our Beta Testing programme to get the latest features first:<br>
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/play/nb_NO/listing/fulldescription b/app/src/main/play/nb_NO/listing/fulldescription
index 11bc6fd9f..460a880fe 100644
--- a/app/src/main/play/nb_NO/listing/fulldescription
+++ b/app/src/main/play/nb_NO/listing/fulldescription
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ FØLG MED, DEL OG SETT PRIS PÅ<br>
&#8226; Støtt innholdsskapere med Flattr-integrasjon gjennom automatisk &#171;flattring&#187;
-&#8226; Take control over automated downloading: choose feeds, exclude mobile networks, select specific WiFi networks, require the phone to be charging and set times or intervals<br>
+&#8226; Ta kontroll over automatiske nedlastninger: velg feeds, ekskluder mobil tilkobling, spesifiser Wifi-nettverk, krev at telefonen er tilkoblet lader, sett tidspunk eller intervaller<br>
&#8226; Manage storage by setting the amount of cached episodes, smart deletion (based on your favourites and play status) and selecting your preferred location<br>
&#8226; Bruk AntennaPod i ditt språk (EN, DE, CS, NL, NB, JA, PT, ES, SV, CA, UK, FR, KO, TR, ZH)<br>
&#8226; Tilpass appens stil ved å bruke det mørke eller lyse temaet<br>
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
Our Google Group is the place to share your ideas, favourite podcasting moments and gratitude to all the volunteers:<br>!forum/antennapod
-Have a question or want to give us feedback?
+Har du spørsmål eller vil du gi oss tilbakemelding?
-Transifex is the place to help with translations:<br>
+Transifex er stedet for å hjelpe til med oversettinger:<br>
-Check out our Beta Testing programme to get the latest features first:<br>
+Sjekk ut vårt program for betatesting for å få de nyeste funksjonene først:<br> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/play/sl_SI/listing/fulldescription b/app/src/main/play/sl_SI/listing/fulldescription
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87b477fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/play/sl_SI/listing/fulldescription
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+AntennaPod is a podcast manager and player that gives you instant access to millions of free and paid podcasts, from independent podcasters to large publishing houses such as the BBC, NPR and CNN. Add, import and export their feeds hassle-free using the iTunes podcast database, OPML files or simple RSS URLs. Save effort, battery power and mobile data usage with powerful automation controls for downloading episodes (specify times, intervals and WiFi networks) and deleting episodes (based your favourites and delay settings).<br>
+But most importantly: Download, stream or queue episodes and enjoy them the way you like with adjustable playback speeds, chapter support and a sleep timer. You can even show your love to the content creators with our Flattr integration.
+Made by podcast-enthousiast, AntennaPod is free in all senses of the word: open source, no costs, no ads.
+<b>All features:</b><br>
+&#8226; Add and import feeds via the iTunes and directories, OPML files and RSS or Atom links<br>
+&#8226; Manage playback from anywhere: homescreen widget, system notification and earplug and bluetooth controls<br>
+&#8226; Enjoy listening your way with adjustable playback speed, chapter support (MP3, VorbisComment and Podlove), remembered playback position and an advanced sleep timer (shake to reset, lower volume and slow down playback)<br>
+&#8226; Access password-protected feeds and episodes<br>
+&#8226; Take advantage of paged feeds (
+&#8226; Keep track of the best of the best by marking episodes as favourites<br>
+&#8226; Find that one episode through the playback history or by searching (titles and shownotes)<br>
+&#8226; Share episodes and feeds through advanced social media and email options, the services and via OPML export<br>
+&#8226; Support content creators with Flattr integration including automatic flattring
+&#8226; Take control over automated downloading: choose feeds, exclude mobile networks, select specific WiFi networks, require the phone to be charging and set times or intervals<br>
+&#8226; Manage storage by setting the amount of cached episodes, smart deletion (based on your favourites and play status) and selecting your preferred location<br>
+&#8226; Use AntennaPod in your language (EN, DE, CS, NL, NB, JA, PT, ES, SV, CA, UK, FR, KO, TR, ZH)<br>
+&#8226; Adapt to your environment using the light and dark theme<br>
+&#8226; Back-up your subscriptions with the integration and OPML export
+<b>Join the AntennaPod community!</b><br>
+AntennaPod is under active development by volunteers. You can contribute too, with code or with comment!
+GitHub is the place to go for feature requests, bug reports and code contributions:<br>
+Our Google Group is the place to share your ideas, favourite podcasting moments and gratitude to all the volunteers:<br>
+Have a question or want to give us feedback?
+Transifex is the place to help with translations:<br>
+Check out our Beta Testing programme to get the latest features first:<br>
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