AntennaPodA podcast manager for Androidcos7 months
AntennaPodDbFixerAntennaPod Db Fixercos
PerlNavigatorPerl Language Server that includes syntax checking, perl critic, and code naviga...cos
Post-SMTPNext generation SMTP mailer plugin for WordPress. Trusted by over 100,000 sitescos4 years
RunnerUpLiveSimple web viewer to work with fitness app RunnerUpcos7 years
adventofcodeSolutions to, as implemented by cos.cos14 months
aercA pretty good email clientcos3 years
aleCheck syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol ...cos3 years
alpine-confAlpine configuration scriptscos22 months
ansibleAnsible is sponsored by Red Hat, Inc.cos
antennapodA podcast manager for Androidcos3 years
aportsAlpine packages build scriptscos5 months
bitbakeBitbake Development treecos9 years
calcurseA text-based calendar and scheduling applicationcos8 years
calendar-cliSimple command-line CalDav client, for adding and browsing calendar items, todo ...cos10 months
cccWiP: Cursive CalDAV Clientcos
conduitConduit is a simple, fast and reliable chat server powered by Matrix https://con...cos18 months
cph-rust-websiteWebsite of the Copenhagen Rust meetupcos17 months
cph.rsThe Copenhagen Rust Group websitecos2 years
cphrs-attendanceUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.cos
deklarationsskriptChecklist style scripts for filing Swedish taxescos3 years
deoplete.nvimDark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim/Vim8cos4 years
dotaviousA library for generating Graphviz DOT language files for graphscos4 years
dwbDwb (dwb) is a lightweight webbrowser written in C based on webkit and gtk.cos12 years
embassyModern embedded framework, using Rust and async.cos2 years
etherpad-liteReally real-time collaborative document editing. http://etherpad.orgcos7 years
fehimlib2 based image viewercos12 years
freebsd-portsFreeBSD ports treecos
freebsd-wifibox-alpineFreeBSD wifibox guest based on Alpine Linuxcos
gfoldCLI tool to help keep track of your Git repositories, written in Rustcos17 months
go-webbrowser-launcherwrapper to launch a suitable webbrowser for the url providedcos10 years
hello_rust_example-android years
hisgleHost Inventory Script, Go Learning Experiencecos15 months
iftopiftop.cos5 months
installation-guideDebian installation manualcos15 months
irssiThe client of the futurecos7 years
irssi.github.ioJekyll based website for https://irssi.orgcos7 years
java-language-serverJava language server using the Java compiler APIcos6 years
kismet-preventorsilly dummy packet with the sole purpose to prevent my computer from hanging.cos11 years
lctns-cliCommand line utility for Garmin LCTNS.FIT filescos3 years
libsyslog-rsRust facade and FFI bindings using systems native syslogcos21 months
lua-language-serverA language server that offers Lua language support - programmed in Luacos17 months
luasystemPlatform independent system calls for Luacos7 months
matrecipe management & meal planning script. ugly hack, beware!cos7 years
mazarine-watchA clean AND cluttered face for Garmin watchescos3 years
mcwmmcwm is a minimalist floating window manager for the X Window Systemcos9 years
melihttps://meli.deliverycos2 years
micmotMultiple Irc Clients Multiplexed Over Tmuxcos16 months
mluaHigh level Lua 5.4/5.3/5.2/5.1 (including LuaJIT) and Roblox Luau bindings to Ru...cos8 months