java-language-serverJava language server using the Java compiler APIcos6 years
rdesktoprdesktop is an open source UNIX client for connecting to Windows Remote Desktop ...cos6 years
irssi.github.ioJekyll based website for https://irssi.orgcos6 years
irssiThe client of the futurecos6 years
vimVim - the text editorcos6 years
RunnerUpLiveSimple web viewer to work with fitness app RunnerUpcos7 years
etherpad-liteReally real-time collaborative document editing. http://etherpad.orgcos7 years
matrecipe management & meal planning script. ugly hack, beware!cos7 years
calcurseA text-based calendar and scheduling applicationcos8 years
mongo-eduSelect and download videos and handouts from cour...cos8 years
ratpoisonratpoison is a simple window manager with no flashy wank.cos9 years
bitbakeBitbake Development treecos9 years
mcwmmcwm is a minimalist floating window manager for the X Window Systemcos9 years
taiga-contrib-ldap-authTaiga plugin for LDAP authentication http://taiga.iocos9 years
go-webbrowser-launcherwrapper to launch a suitable webbrowser for the url providedcos10 years
mutt-filtersCollection of (okay, one) scripts to filter non-text to be readable in pagercos10 years
kismet-preventorsilly dummy packet with the sole purpose to prevent my computer from hanging.cos11 years
fehimlib2 based image viewercos11 years
dwbDwb (dwb) is a lightweight webbrowser written in C based on webkit and gtk.cos11 years
cccWiP: Cursive CalDAV Clientcos
cphrs-attendanceUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.cos
AntennaPodDbFixerAntennaPod Db Fixercos
ansibleAnsible is sponsored by Red Hat, Inc.cos
freebsd-portsFreeBSD ports treecos
freebsd-wifibox-alpineFreeBSD wifibox guest based on Alpine Linuxcos
syncthing-docsDocumentation site,
todo.txt-vimEfficient Todo.txt management in vimcos
PerlNavigatorPerl Language Server that includes syntax checking, perl critic, and code naviga...cos