AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-06-21patch 8.1.0093: non-MS-Windows: Cannot interrupt gdb when program is runningBram Moolenaar
2018-06-21patch 8.1.0092: prompt buffer test failsBram Moolenaar
2018-06-20patch 8.1.0091: MS-Windows: Cannot interrupt gdb when program is runningBram Moolenaar
2018-06-20patch 8.1.0090: "..." used inconsistently in a messageBram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0089: error when ending the terminal debuggerBram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0088: terminal test for stdout and stderr is a bit flakyBram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0087: v:shell_error is always zero when using terminal for "!cmd"Bram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0086: no tests for libcall() and libcallnr()Bram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0085: no test for completing user name and languageBram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0084: user name completion does not work on MS-WindowsBram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0083: "is" and "as" have trouble with quoted punctuationBram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0082: in terminal window, typing : at more prompt, inserts ':'Bram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0081: the terminal debugger doesn't adjust to changed 'background'Bram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0080: can't see the breakpoint number in the terminal debuggerBram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0079: superfluous space in messagesBram Moolenaar
2018-06-19Update runtime files.Bram Moolenaar
2018-06-19patch 8.1.0078: "..." used inconsistently in messagesBram Moolenaar
2018-06-18patch 8.1.0077: header of README file is not niceBram Moolenaar
2018-06-18patch 8.1.0076: command getting cleared with CTRL-W : in a terminal windowBram Moolenaar
2018-06-18patch 8.1.0075: no Vim logo in README fileBram Moolenaar
2018-06-18patch 8.1.0074: crash when running quickfix testsBram Moolenaar
2018-06-18patch 8.1.0073: crash when autocommands call setloclist()Bram Moolenaar
2018-06-17patch 8.1.0072: use of 'termwinkey' is inconsistentBram Moolenaar
2018-06-17patch 8.1.0071: terminal debugger only works with the terminal featureBram Moolenaar
2018-06-17patch 8.1.0070: missing part of the changes for prompt_setinterrupt()Bram Moolenaar
2018-06-17patch 8.1.0069: cannot handle pressing CTRL-C in a prompt bufferBram Moolenaar
2018-06-17patch 8.1.0068: nasty autocommands can still cause using freed memoryBram Moolenaar
2018-06-17patch 8.1.0067: syntax highlighting not working when re-entering a bufferBram Moolenaar
2018-06-17patch 8.1.0066: nasty autocommand causes using freed memoryBram Moolenaar
2018-06-17patch 8.1.0065: balloon displayed at the wrong positionBram Moolenaar
2018-06-17patch 8.1.0064: typing CTRL-W in a prompt buffer shows mode "-- --"Bram Moolenaar
2018-06-17patch 8.1.0063: Mac: NSStringPboardType is deprecatedBram Moolenaar
2018-06-17patch 8.1.0062: popup menu broken if a callback changes the window layoutBram Moolenaar
2018-06-16patch 8.1.0061: window title is wrong after resetting and setting 'title'Bram Moolenaar
2018-06-16patch 8.1.0060: crash when autocommands delete the current bufferBram Moolenaar
2018-06-16patch 8.1.0059: displayed digraph for "ga" wrong with 'encoding' "cp1251"Bram Moolenaar
2018-06-16patch 8.1.0058: display problem with margins and scrollingBram Moolenaar
2018-06-16patch 8.1.0057: popup menu displayed wrong when using autocmdBram Moolenaar
2018-06-16patch 8.1.0056: crash when using :hardcopy with illegal byteBram Moolenaar
2018-06-13patch 8.1.0055: complete test has wrong order of argumentsBram Moolenaar
2018-06-13patch 8.1.0054: compiler warning for using %ld for "long long"Bram Moolenaar
2018-06-12patch 8.1.0053: first argument of 'completefunc' has inconsistent typeBram Moolenaar
2018-06-12patch 8.1.0052: when mapping to <Nop> times out the next mapping is skippedBram Moolenaar
2018-06-12patch 8.1.0051: MS-Windows: missing #endifBram Moolenaar
2018-06-12patch 8.1.0050: $VIM_TERMINAL is also set when not in a terminal windowBram Moolenaar
2018-06-12patch 8.1.0049: shell cannot tell running in a terminal windowBram Moolenaar
2018-06-12patch 8.1.0048: vim_str2nr() does not handle numbers close to the maximumBram Moolenaar
2018-06-12patch 8.1.0047: no completion for :unlet $VARBram Moolenaar
2018-06-12patch 8.1.0046: loading a session file fails if 'winheight' is bigBram Moolenaar
2018-06-12patch 8.1.0045: popup test isn't run completelyBram Moolenaar