AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-01-18derive Debug and Clone for PtyModesbold
2020-01-17macOS: use the set-env command to persist environment variablesYusuke Sasaki
2020-01-17use actions-rs/toolchain for Rust installationYusuke Sasaki
2020-01-14Bump libssh2-sys to 0.2.14Alex Crichton
2020-01-14Clarify licensesAlex Crichton
They've been present in `Cargo.toml` forever, add dedicated files as well
2020-01-11fix: define libssh2_socket_t using pointer width for aarch64 windowsHarrison Metzger
2020-01-11let compiler figure out the correct typebold
2020-01-11cargo fmtbold
2020-01-11let compiler figure out the correct typebold
2020-01-11simplify unwrap_or_else argumentbold
2020-01-11make retrieving last session error privatebold
2020-01-11return correct errorsbold
2020-01-03cargo fmtbold
2020-01-03export block directionsbold
2019-12-21use internal-sftp in sshd for testsbold
2019-12-08update systest ctest depsWez Furlong
2019-12-08update bitflags depWez Furlong
2019-12-08update readme for the imminent 0.6 releaseWez Furlong
2019-12-08map TIMEOUT -> std::io::ErrorKind::TimedOutWez Furlong
2019-12-08improve docsWez Furlong
2019-12-08A PtyModes helper for specifying terminal modesWez Furlong
2019-12-08CI: ugh, more problems with implicit shell on GH actions on windowsWez Furlong
2019-12-08CI: update GH actions for recent changes to defaultsWez Furlong
An unspecified shell now defaults to powershell, breaking config that was previously using cmd. This section was just for debugging purposes anyway, so remove it.
2019-11-06fix cargo doc linkWez Furlong
2019-10-20GH actions: maybe parameterize the rust toolchainWez Furlong
2019-10-20tests: disable UsePrivilegeSeparation for ubuntu 16Wez Furlong
2019-10-20dump server logWez Furlong
2019-10-20increase debugability of integration testsWez Furlong
2019-10-20Add linux build to GH actions CI configWez Furlong
2019-10-20make GH actions run on pushes to master too (fixes up badges)Wez Furlong
2019-10-20fixup links to GH actions workflowsWez Furlong
2019-10-20disable gh-pages deploy in travis configWez Furlong
It's not currently working and I don't think anyone uses the GH pages version of the docs.
2019-10-20fix warning in doc buildWez Furlong
2019-10-20add GH action badges to readmeWez Furlong
2019-10-20version bumpsWez Furlong
This is largely to accomodate making Session Send again, so go from 0.4 -> 0.5.
2019-10-20Make Session be `Send` againWez Furlong
2019-10-20complete deletion of src/test.rsWez Furlong
I think this was overlooked in c95e6ea1e74f82f1a889302978e37a7baf4073cf
2019-10-20fixup documentation on Session::newWez Furlong
2019-10-20migrate std::sync::ONCE_INIT -> std::sync::Once::newWez Furlong
2019-10-08tests explain why they are failingChris West (Faux)
2019-10-02Clarify docs of Session to refer to set_tcp_stream(), not handshake()Akshay Narayan
2019-09-15remove macos config from travisWez Furlong
It was slow and unreliable; the GitHub Actions macos support is much faster.
2019-09-15Setup CI on macOS using GitHub Actions (#132)Wez Furlong
2019-09-15Add myself to authors list(s)Wez Furlong
The fact that I overlooked this prior to the 0.4.0 release says something about my humility or my attention to detail. You decide!
2019-09-15remove appveyor from readme as wellWez Furlong
2019-09-15remove appveyor configurationWez Furlong
GitHub Actions is faster and has a better UX on PRs
2019-09-15pull in stdcall linkage fix from my libssh2 PRWez Furlong
2019-09-15link with ntdllWez Furlong
2019-09-15more experimenting to find vs and windows versions with RtlGetVersionWez Furlong
2019-09-15more fun with windows versionsWez Furlong