AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-05-12Fix unexpected event on disconnect during l2cap setup.Dario Nieuwenhuis
Fixes #110
2022-05-11Print which unexpected event it is.Dario Nieuwenhuis
2022-05-11Update deps.Dario Nieuwenhuis
2022-04-06Merge pull request #105 from alexmoon/clippy-fixesDario Nieuwenhuis
Fix some minor clippy lints
2022-04-06Fix some minor clippy lintsalexmoon
2022-03-26Merge pull request #104 from alexmoon/soc-eventsDario Nieuwenhuis
Add `Softdevice::run_with_callback()` to receive unhandled `SocEvent`s
2022-03-26Remove flash events from SocEvent and add docs.alexmoon
2022-03-25Add callback to `Softdevice::run()` to receive `SocEvent`s that are not ↵alexmoon
handled by nrf-softdevice.
2022-03-15readme: warn about assertion failed errors.Dario Nieuwenhuis
2022-03-15Update README, nrf_softdevice::interrupt::free no longer exists.Dario Nieuwenhuis
2022-03-15Change `run()` to never return.Dario Nieuwenhuis
2022-03-14Merge pull request #103 from embassy-rs/update-nrf-pac-depUlf Lilleengen
Update nrf PAC dependency version
2022-03-14Update nrf PAC dependency versionUlf Lilleengen
2022-02-12Merge pull request #101 from danielzfranklin/masterDario Nieuwenhuis
Add FixedGattValue for bool
2022-02-11Add FixedGattValue for boolDaniel Franklin
0x00 is false, any other byte is true.
2022-02-07Merge pull request #99 from embassy-rs/use-released-embedded-storageUlf Lilleengen
Use newly released embedded-storage and embedded-storage-async
2022-02-07Use newly released embedded-storage and embedded-storage-asyncUlf Lilleengen
2022-02-01Merge pull request #98 from lulf/update-storage-refUlf Lilleengen
Update reference to embedded-storage
2022-02-01Update reference to embedded-storageUlf Lilleengen
2022-01-27Merge pull request #96 from lulf/use-embedded-storage-traitsDario Nieuwenhuis
Migrate do embedded-storage-async
2022-01-27Fix example buildDario Nieuwenhuis
2022-01-27Migrate do embedded-storage-asyncUlf Lilleengen
2022-01-16Merge pull request #95 from jacobrosenthal/patch-1Dario Nieuwenhuis
2022-01-16Update README.mdJacob Rosenthal
2022-01-16Update readme docs regarding interrupts.Dario Nieuwenhuis
2022-01-16Merge pull request #94 from danbev/typos_readmeDario Nieuwenhuis
Fix typos in
2022-01-15Fix typos in README.mdDaniel Bevenius
2021-12-28Merge pull request #92 from matoushybl/feat/linking-errDario Nieuwenhuis
Add linking problems due to critical-section to troubleshooting.
2021-12-27Add linking problems due to critical-section to troubleshooting.Matous Hybl
2021-12-23Merge pull request #91 from mehmetalianil/patch-1Dario Nieuwenhuis
Added instructions for flashing with probe-rs
2021-12-23Added instructions for flashing with probe-rsMehmet Ali Anil
2021-12-22Merge pull request #90 from timokroeger/update-toolchainDario Nieuwenhuis
Update toolchain
2021-12-22Update dependencies to latest embassy git versionTimo Kröger
2021-12-22Update toolchainTimo Kröger
Update the toolchain to match embassy. I manually replaced `asm!` with `core::arch::asm!` in bindings because regenerating them resulted in a large diff.
2021-11-26Merge pull request #88 from embassy-rs/evt-wakerDario Nieuwenhuis
Use AtomicWaker instead of Signal for event handling.
2021-11-26Use AtomicWaker instead of Signal for event handling.Dario Nieuwenhuis
It's slightly more lightweight!
2021-11-21Merge pull request #87 from jacobrosenthal/gatt_traitsDario Nieuwenhuis
gatt traits: add const array and heapless string
2021-11-20gatt traits: FromGattError impl everythingJacob Rosenthal
2021-11-20gatt traits: add const array and heapless stringJacob Rosenthal
2021-11-15Merge pull request #86 from bobmcwhirter/update_defmtDario Nieuwenhuis
Update toolchain and defmt versions.
2021-11-15Update toolchain and defmt versions.Bob McWhirter
2021-10-24Merge pull request #85 from jacobrosenthal/sd-helpDario Nieuwenhuis
add softdevice configuration to readme
2021-10-24Update README.mdDario Nieuwenhuis
2021-10-23add softdevice configuration to readmeJacob Rosenthal
2021-10-18Merge pull request #84 from embassy-rs/multipsmDario Nieuwenhuis
ble/l2cap: add listen_with, to allow listening on multiple PSMs at once.
2021-10-18ble/l2cap: add listen_with, to allow listening on multiple PSMs at once.Dario Nieuwenhuis
2021-10-15Merge pull request #83 from albertskog/feature/fix-exampleDario Nieuwenhuis
fix panic in example
2021-10-15Merge pull request #81 from albertskog/feature/indicationsDario Nieuwenhuis
Add support for indications
2021-10-15fix panic in exampleAlbert Skog
2021-10-15Merge branch 'master' into feature/indicationsAlbert Skog