path: root/nrf-softdevice-macro/src
diff options
authorDario Nieuwenhuis <>2020-11-10 00:28:51 +0100
committerDario Nieuwenhuis <>2020-11-10 00:28:51 +0100
commit48ee44be070c7634fb2a9aaaf25a6cf33b73422a (patch)
treec9f66868d9e083d86daaf6b6e608e1084608bfcb /nrf-softdevice-macro/src
parent140bb3946d39aaacc6c0503557ab81c5e0ded85f (diff)
gatt_client: add macro. Fixes #8
Diffstat (limited to 'nrf-softdevice-macro/src')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/nrf-softdevice-macro/src/ b/nrf-softdevice-macro/src/
index 46c36c7..7e2a2e5 100644
--- a/nrf-softdevice-macro/src/
+++ b/nrf-softdevice-macro/src/
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ pub fn gatt_server(args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- if ch.args.indicate || ch.args.notify {
+ if indicate || notify {
fields.push(syn::Field {
ident: Some(cccd_handle.clone()),
ty: syn::Type::Verbatim(quote!(u16).into()),
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ pub fn gatt_server(args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- if ch.args.write {
+ if write {
let case_write = format_ident!("{}Write", name_pascal);
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ pub fn gatt_server(args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- if ch.args.notify {
+ if notify {
let case_enabled = format_ident!("{}NotificationsEnabled", name_pascal);
let case_disabled = format_ident!("{}NotificationsDisabled", name_pascal);
@@ -268,3 +268,243 @@ pub fn gatt_server(args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+pub fn gatt_client(args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ let args = syn::parse_macro_input!(args as syn::AttributeArgs);
+ let mut struc = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemStruct);
+ let args = match ServerArgs::from_list(&args) {
+ Ok(v) => v,
+ Err(e) => {
+ return e.write_errors().into();
+ }
+ };
+ let mut chars = Vec::new();
+ let struct_fields = match &mut struc.fields {
+ syn::Fields::Named(n) => n,
+ _ => {
+ struc
+ .ident
+ .span()
+ .unwrap()
+ .error("gatt_client structs must have named fields, not tuples.")
+ .emit();
+ return TokenStream::new();
+ }
+ };
+ let mut fields = struct_fields
+ .named
+ .iter()
+ .cloned()
+ .collect::<Vec<syn::Field>>();
+ let mut err = None;
+ fields.retain(|field| {
+ if let Some(attr) = field.attrs.iter().find(|attr| {
+ attr.path.segments.len() == 1
+ && attr.path.segments.first().unwrap().ident.to_string() == "characteristic"
+ }) {
+ let args = attr.parse_meta().unwrap();
+ let args = match CharacteristicArgs::from_meta(&args) {
+ Ok(v) => v,
+ Err(e) => {
+ err = Some(e.write_errors().into());
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ chars.push(Characteristic {
+ name: field.ident.as_ref().unwrap().to_string(),
+ ty: field.ty.clone(),
+ args,
+ span: field.ty.span(),
+ });
+ false
+ } else {
+ true
+ }
+ });
+ if let Some(err) = err {
+ return err;
+ }
+ //panic!("chars {:?}", chars);
+ let struct_name = struc.ident.clone();
+ let event_enum_name = format_ident!("{}Event", struct_name);
+ let mut code_impl = TokenStream2::new();
+ let mut code_disc_new = TokenStream2::new();
+ let mut code_disc_char = TokenStream2::new();
+ let mut code_disc_done = TokenStream2::new();
+ let mut code_event_enum = TokenStream2::new();
+ let ble = quote!(::nrf_softdevice::ble);
+ fields.push(syn::Field {
+ ident: Some(format_ident!("conn")),
+ ty: syn::Type::Verbatim(quote!(#ble::Connection).into()),
+ attrs: Vec::new(),
+ colon_token: Default::default(),
+ vis: syn::Visibility::Inherited,
+ });
+ for ch in &chars {
+ let name_pascal = inflector::cases::pascalcase::to_pascal_case(&;
+ let uuid_field = format_ident!("{}_uuid",;
+ let value_handle = format_ident!("{}_value_handle",;
+ let cccd_handle = format_ident!("{}_cccd_handle",;
+ let read_fn = format_ident!("{}_read",;
+ let write_fn = format_ident!("{}_write",;
+ let uuid = ch.args.uuid;
+ let read =;
+ let write = ch.args.write;
+ let notify = ch.args.notify;
+ let indicate = ch.args.indicate;
+ let ty = &ch.ty;
+ let ty_as_val = quote!(<#ty as #ble::GattValue>);
+ fields.push(syn::Field {
+ ident: Some(value_handle.clone()),
+ ty: syn::Type::Verbatim(quote!(u16).into()),
+ attrs: Vec::new(),
+ colon_token: Default::default(),
+ vis: syn::Visibility::Inherited,
+ });
+ fields.push(syn::Field {
+ ident: Some(uuid_field.clone()),
+ ty: syn::Type::Verbatim(quote!(#ble::Uuid).into()),
+ attrs: Vec::new(),
+ colon_token: Default::default(),
+ vis: syn::Visibility::Inherited,
+ });
+ code_disc_new.extend(quote_spanned!(ch.span=>
+ #value_handle: 0,
+ #uuid_field: #uuid,
+ ));
+ let mut code_descs = TokenStream2::new();
+ if indicate || notify {
+ code_descs.extend(quote_spanned!(ch.span=>
+ if _desc_uuid == #ble::Uuid::new_16(::nrf_softdevice::raw::BLE_UUID_DESCRIPTOR_CLIENT_CHAR_CONFIG as u16) {
+ self.#cccd_handle = desc.handle;
+ }
+ ));
+ }
+ code_disc_char.extend(quote_spanned!(ch.span=>
+ if let Some(char_uuid) = characteristic.uuid {
+ if char_uuid == self.#uuid_field {
+ // TODO maybe check the char_props have the necessary operations allowed? read/write/notify/etc
+ self.#value_handle = characteristic.handle_value;
+ for desc in descriptors {
+ if let Some(_desc_uuid) = desc.uuid {
+ #code_descs
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ));
+ code_disc_done.extend(quote_spanned!(ch.span=>
+ if self.#value_handle == 0 {
+ return Err(#ble::gatt_client::DiscoverError::ServiceIncomplete);
+ }
+ ));
+ if read {
+ code_impl.extend(quote_spanned!(ch.span=>
+ async fn #read_fn(&self) -> Result<#ty, #ble::gatt_client::ReadError> {
+ let mut buf = [0; #ty_as_val::MAX_SIZE];
+ let len = #ble::gatt_client::read(&self.conn, self.#value_handle, &mut buf).await?;
+ Ok(#ty_as_val::from_gatt(&buf[..len]))
+ }
+ ));
+ }
+ if write {
+ code_impl.extend(quote_spanned!(ch.span=>
+ async fn #write_fn(&self, val: #ty) -> Result<(), #ble::gatt_client::WriteError> {
+ let buf = #ty_as_val::to_gatt(&val);
+ #ble::gatt_client::write(&self.conn, self.#value_handle, buf).await
+ }
+ ));
+ }
+ if indicate || notify {
+ fields.push(syn::Field {
+ ident: Some(cccd_handle.clone()),
+ ty: syn::Type::Verbatim(quote!(u16).into()),
+ attrs: Vec::new(),
+ colon_token: Default::default(),
+ vis: syn::Visibility::Inherited,
+ });
+ code_disc_new.extend(quote_spanned!(ch.span=>
+ #cccd_handle: 0,
+ ));
+ code_disc_done.extend(quote_spanned!(ch.span=>
+ if self.#value_handle == 0 {
+ return Err(#ble::gatt_client::DiscoverError::ServiceIncomplete);
+ }
+ ));
+ }
+ if notify {
+ let case_notification = format_ident!("{}Notification", name_pascal);
+ code_event_enum.extend(quote_spanned!(ch.span=>
+ #case_notification(#ty),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ let uuid = args.uuid;
+ struct_fields.named = syn::punctuated::Punctuated::from_iter(fields);
+ let result = quote! {
+ #struc
+ impl #struct_name {
+ #code_impl
+ }
+ impl #ble::gatt_client::Client for #struct_name {
+ //type Event = #event_enum_name;
+ fn uuid() -> #ble::Uuid {
+ #uuid
+ }
+ fn new_undiscovered(conn: #ble::Connection) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ conn,
+ #code_disc_new
+ }
+ }
+ fn discovered_characteristic(
+ &mut self,
+ characteristic: &#ble::gatt_client::Characteristic,
+ descriptors: &[#ble::gatt_client::Descriptor],
+ ) {
+ #code_disc_char
+ }
+ fn discovery_complete(&mut self) -> Result<(), #ble::gatt_client::DiscoverError> {
+ #code_disc_done
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ enum #event_enum_name {
+ #code_event_enum
+ }
+ };
+ result.into()