path: root/test/support/integration/plugins/modules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/support/integration/plugins/modules/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 275 deletions
diff --git a/test/support/integration/plugins/modules/ b/test/support/integration/plugins/modules/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c55a6bc..00000000
--- a/test/support/integration/plugins/modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2013, Nimbis Services, Inc.
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: htpasswd
-version_added: "1.3"
-short_description: manage user files for basic authentication
- - Add and remove username/password entries in a password file using htpasswd.
- - This is used by web servers such as Apache and Nginx for basic authentication.
- path:
- required: true
- aliases: [ dest, destfile ]
- description:
- - Path to the file that contains the usernames and passwords
- name:
- required: true
- aliases: [ username ]
- description:
- - User name to add or remove
- password:
- required: false
- description:
- - Password associated with user.
- - Must be specified if user does not exist yet.
- crypt_scheme:
- required: false
- choices: ["apr_md5_crypt", "des_crypt", "ldap_sha1", "plaintext"]
- default: "apr_md5_crypt"
- description:
- - Encryption scheme to be used. As well as the four choices listed
- here, you can also use any other hash supported by passlib, such as
- md5_crypt and sha256_crypt, which are linux passwd hashes. If you
- do so the password file will not be compatible with Apache or Nginx
- state:
- required: false
- choices: [ present, absent ]
- default: "present"
- description:
- - Whether the user entry should be present or not
- create:
- required: false
- type: bool
- default: "yes"
- description:
- - Used with C(state=present). If specified, the file will be created
- if it does not already exist. If set to "no", will fail if the
- file does not exist
- - "This module depends on the I(passlib) Python library, which needs to be installed on all target systems."
- - "On Debian, Ubuntu, or Fedora: install I(python-passlib)."
- - "On RHEL or CentOS: Enable EPEL, then install I(python-passlib)."
-requirements: [ passlib>=1.6 ]
-author: "Ansible Core Team"
-extends_documentation_fragment: files
-# Add a user to a password file and ensure permissions are set
-- htpasswd:
- path: /etc/nginx/passwdfile
- name: janedoe
- password: '9s36?;fyNp'
- owner: root
- group: www-data
- mode: 0640
-# Remove a user from a password file
-- htpasswd:
- path: /etc/apache2/passwdfile
- name: foobar
- state: absent
-# Add a user to a password file suitable for use by libpam-pwdfile
-- htpasswd:
- path: /etc/mail/passwords
- name: alex
- password: oedu2eGh
- crypt_scheme: md5_crypt
-import os
-import tempfile
-import traceback
-from ansible.module_utils.compat.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
- from passlib.apache import HtpasswdFile, htpasswd_context
- from passlib.context import CryptContext
- import passlib
-except ImportError:
- PASSLIB_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- passlib_installed = False
- passlib_installed = True
-apache_hashes = ["apr_md5_crypt", "des_crypt", "ldap_sha1", "plaintext"]
-def create_missing_directories(dest):
- destpath = os.path.dirname(dest)
- if not os.path.exists(destpath):
- os.makedirs(destpath)
-def present(dest, username, password, crypt_scheme, create, check_mode):
- """ Ensures user is present
- Returns (msg, changed) """
- if crypt_scheme in apache_hashes:
- context = htpasswd_context
- else:
- context = CryptContext(schemes=[crypt_scheme] + apache_hashes)
- if not os.path.exists(dest):
- if not create:
- raise ValueError('Destination %s does not exist' % dest)
- if check_mode:
- return ("Create %s" % dest, True)
- create_missing_directories(dest)
- if LooseVersion(passlib.__version__) >= LooseVersion('1.6'):
- ht = HtpasswdFile(dest, new=True, default_scheme=crypt_scheme, context=context)
- else:
- ht = HtpasswdFile(dest, autoload=False, default=crypt_scheme, context=context)
- if getattr(ht, 'set_password', None):
- ht.set_password(username, password)
- else:
- ht.update(username, password)
- return ("Created %s and added %s" % (dest, username), True)
- else:
- if LooseVersion(passlib.__version__) >= LooseVersion('1.6'):
- ht = HtpasswdFile(dest, new=False, default_scheme=crypt_scheme, context=context)
- else:
- ht = HtpasswdFile(dest, default=crypt_scheme, context=context)
- found = None
- if getattr(ht, 'check_password', None):
- found = ht.check_password(username, password)
- else:
- found = ht.verify(username, password)
- if found:
- return ("%s already present" % username, False)
- else:
- if not check_mode:
- if getattr(ht, 'set_password', None):
- ht.set_password(username, password)
- else:
- ht.update(username, password)
- return ("Add/update %s" % username, True)
-def absent(dest, username, check_mode):
- """ Ensures user is absent
- Returns (msg, changed) """
- if LooseVersion(passlib.__version__) >= LooseVersion('1.6'):
- ht = HtpasswdFile(dest, new=False)
- else:
- ht = HtpasswdFile(dest)
- if username not in ht.users():
- return ("%s not present" % username, False)
- else:
- if not check_mode:
- ht.delete(username)
- return ("Remove %s" % username, True)
-def check_file_attrs(module, changed, message):
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- if changed:
- message += " and "
- changed = True
- message += "ownership, perms or SE linux context changed"
- return message, changed
-def main():
- arg_spec = dict(
- path=dict(required=True, aliases=["dest", "destfile"]),
- name=dict(required=True, aliases=["username"]),
- password=dict(required=False, default=None, no_log=True),
- crypt_scheme=dict(required=False, default="apr_md5_crypt"),
- state=dict(required=False, default="present"),
- create=dict(type='bool', default='yes'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=arg_spec,
- add_file_common_args=True,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- path = module.params['path']
- username = module.params['name']
- password = module.params['password']
- crypt_scheme = module.params['crypt_scheme']
- state = module.params['state']
- create = module.params['create']
- check_mode = module.check_mode
- if not passlib_installed:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib("passlib"), exception=PASSLIB_IMP_ERR)
- # Check file for blank lines in effort to avoid "need more than 1 value to unpack" error.
- try:
- f = open(path, "r")
- except IOError:
- # No preexisting file to remove blank lines from
- f = None
- else:
- try:
- lines = f.readlines()
- finally:
- f.close()
- # If the file gets edited, it returns true, so only edit the file if it has blank lines
- strip = False
- for line in lines:
- if not line.strip():
- strip = True
- break
- if strip:
- # If check mode, create a temporary file
- if check_mode:
- temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- path =
- f = open(path, "w")
- try:
- [f.write(line) for line in lines if line.strip()]
- finally:
- f.close()
- try:
- if state == 'present':
- (msg, changed) = present(path, username, password, crypt_scheme, create, check_mode)
- elif state == 'absent':
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- module.exit_json(msg="%s not present" % username,
- warnings="%s does not exist" % path, changed=False)
- (msg, changed) = absent(path, username, check_mode)
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg="Invalid state: %s" % state)
- check_file_attrs(module, changed, msg)
- module.exit_json(msg=msg, changed=changed)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()