path: root/test/integration/targets/subversion/roles/subversion/tasks/setup.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/integration/targets/subversion/roles/subversion/tasks/setup.yml')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/subversion/roles/subversion/tasks/setup.yml b/test/integration/targets/subversion/roles/subversion/tasks/setup.yml
index 3cf5af56..880c295c 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/subversion/roles/subversion/tasks/setup.yml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/subversion/roles/subversion/tasks/setup.yml
@@ -33,6 +33,60 @@
include_tasks: setup_selinux.yml
when: ansible_selinux.status == "enabled"
+- name: Generate CA and TLS certificates via trustme
+ vars:
+ venv_path: >-
+ {{ subversion_server_dir }}/.venv
+ venv_python: >-
+ {{ subversion_server_dir }}/.venv/bin/python
+ block:
+ - name: trustme -- provision a venv
+ command: >-
+ {{ ansible_python_interpreter }}
+ -{% if ansible_python.version.major != 2 %}I{% endif %}m
+ {% if ansible_python.version.major != 2 %}venv{%
+ else %}virtualenv{% endif %}
+ {{ venv_path }}
+ - name: trustme -- upgrade pip in venv | RHEL 7.9 & 8.8+py36
+ when: >- # these don't know how to notice `cryptography` wheels
+ ansible_distribution == 'RedHat'
+ and ansible_distribution_major_version | int < 9
+ pip:
+ name: pip
+ state: latest
+ virtualenv: >-
+ {{ venv_path }}
+ - name: trustme -- install tool
+ pip:
+ name: trustme
+ virtualenv: >-
+ {{ venv_path }}
+ - name: trustme -- generate CA and TLS certs
+ command:
+ argv:
+ - >-
+ {{ venv_python }}
+ - -{%- if ansible_python.version.major != 2 -%}I{%- endif -%}m
+ - trustme
+ - --dir={{ subversion_server_dir }}
+- name: symlink trustme certificates into apache config dir - Red Hat
+ when: ansible_os_family in ['RedHat']
+ # when: ansible_distribution in ['Fedora', 'RedHat']
+ file:
+ src: /tmp/ansible-svn/server.{{ item.trustme_filetype }}
+ dest: /etc/pki/tls/{{ item.apache_target_path }}
+ state: link
+ force: yes # Othewise Apache on CentOS 7 uses its own fake certificate
+ loop:
+ - apache_target_path: certs/localhost.crt
+ trustme_filetype: pem
+ - apache_target_path: certs/server-chain.crt
+ trustme_filetype: pem
+ - apache_target_path: private/localhost.key
+ trustme_filetype: key
- name: template out configuration file
src: subversion.conf.j2
@@ -45,11 +99,7 @@
creates: '{{ subversion_server_dir }}/{{ subversion_repo_name }}'
- name: add test user to htpasswd for Subversion site
- htpasswd:
- path: '{{ subversion_server_dir }}/svn-auth-users'
- name: '{{ subversion_username }}'
- password: '{{ subversion_password }}'
- state: present
+ command: htpasswd -bc {{ subversion_server_dir + '/svn-auth-users' | quote }} {{ subversion_username | quote }} {{ subversion_password | quote }}
- name: apply ownership for all SVN directories
@@ -62,11 +112,22 @@
command: apachectl -k start -f {{ subversion_server_dir }}/subversion.conf
async: 3600 # We kill apache manually in the clean up phase
poll: 0
- when: ansible_os_family not in ['RedHat', 'Alpine']
+ when: ansible_os_family not in ['RedHat']
# On Red Hat based OS', we can't use apachectl to start up own instance, just use the raw httpd
- name: start test Apache SVN site - Red Hat
command: httpd -k start -f {{ subversion_server_dir }}/subversion.conf
async: 3600 # We kill apache manually in the clean up phase
poll: 0
- when: ansible_os_family in ['RedHat', 'Alpine']
+ when: ansible_os_family in ['RedHat']
+- lineinfile:
+ dest: >-
+ {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.subversion/servers
+ regexp: >-
+ ^#\s*ssl-authority-files\s*=\s*
+ line: >-
+ ssl-authority-files = {{ subversion_server_dir }}/client.pem
+ insertafter: >-
+ ^\[global\]
+ state: present