path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-26Add support for `rustywind` fixer (#4477)Guillermo R. Roig Carralero
2023-03-14Fix `ale#util#GetBufferContents` and propagate use (#4457)Wilson E. Alvarez
2023-03-07Fix windows virtualenv PATH testsw0rp
2023-03-07#2172 - Expand PATH in the shell for automatic virtualenvw0rp
2023-03-07Add deadnix linter (#4443)Albert Peschar
2023-02-13Ignore shellcheck error in run-vader-testsw0rp
2023-02-09Add support for llvm-mc as an assembly linter (#4446)javad
2023-02-08Fix CI BSw0rp
2023-02-08#2172 Auto PATH with ale_python_auto_virtualenvw0rp
2023-02-08Close #4389 - Run pyright via poetry, pipenv, venvw0rp
2023-02-08Add support for lua-language-serverw0rp
2023-02-07Fix broken tag references and the broken script to check themw0rp
2023-02-07Add alejandra for nix (#4435)Nathan Henrie
2023-02-02phpstan: set cwd to configuration file directory (#4422)Albert Peschar
2023-01-29diagnostics: support sending ALE output to Neovim's diagnostics API (#4345)Ben Boeckel
2023-01-28Add `gopls format` as a Go fixerSean Enck
2023-01-27add: pycln as a python linter and fixer (#4415)Yining
2023-01-27fix(ale_linters: python: ruff): add --stdin-filename if version > 0.0.69 (#4414)Actionless Loveless
2022-12-27Close #4401 - Use subtle defaults for virtual-textw0rp
2022-12-25Update ALE to v3.3.0w0rp
2022-12-25Close #4397 - Add human-readable values for g:ale_virtualtext_cursorw0rp
2022-12-25Enable ruff for Python by defaultw0rp
2022-12-25nix: handle versions past 2.9 (#4394)Antonio Gurgel
2022-12-24Fix #4388: Fix pylsp and Pyright cwdw0rp
2022-12-22fix: ruff not registered as fixer (#4393)Yining
2022-12-06Handle empty answer of ansible-lint (#4373)Michael F. Schönitzer
2022-12-06add: support for refurb as a Python linter (#4379)Yining
2022-11-25Fix 4246 - Add ansible language-server (#4355)Horacio Sanson
2022-11-25Remove a flaky smoke test we no longer needw0rp
2022-11-21Implement support for SQL linter sqlfluff (#4361)Carl Smedstad
2022-11-21Markdown: allow passing custom executable for markdownlint (#4358)Götz Christ
2022-11-07Add raco_fmt fixer for Racket files (#4354)Jeremy Cantrell
2022-11-06add: support config option for checkmake linter (#4351)Yining
2022-11-04Add 'dockerfile_hadolint_options' config setting (#4353)Matthew Armand
2022-10-31add: support for ruff as a Python linter and fixer (#4347)Yining
2022-10-29Add erlang_ls linter for Erlang files (#4346)Dmitri Vereshchagin
2022-10-29codespell: fix spelling errors picked out by `codespell` (#4343)Ben Boeckel
2022-10-14test: ensure helptags runs (#4336)D. Ben Knoble
2022-10-12cc: fix using '-x c*-header' for header files with GCC. (#4334)Nicolas Pauss
2022-10-04Add support for tfsec Terraform linter (#4323)koka
2022-09-30Add fixer "css-beautify". Adjust "html-beautify." (#4319)Matheus Gabriel Werny de Lima
2022-09-25cc: use '-x c*-header' for header files for C and C++ linters. (#4318)Nicolas Pauss
2022-09-22Pass input via stdin and filename as arg to clj-kondo (#4315)Christoph Frick
2022-09-21bicep: Lint files on disk instead of buffer (#4311)Carl Smedstad
2022-09-14Add support for Microsoft's DSL Bicep (#4310)Carl Smedstad
2022-09-11chore(volar): update volar executable name (#4308)BBOOXX
2022-09-11Add gitlablint support (#3042)Horacio Sanson
2022-09-08Allow to pass options to the buf linter and fix callback. (#4300)Guangqing Chen
2022-08-09Add support for syntax_tree fixer (#4268)Mo Lawson
2022-08-07Add openscad and sca2d support (#4205)Nathan Henrie