path: root/doc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-02-08fix: duplicate tags in doc (#4059)Sébastien NOBILI
2022-02-08Dispatch textDocument/didChange after rename (2) (#4049)Jerko Steiner
2022-02-08Add a unimport linter for Python files (#4058)Jon Parise
2022-02-06Add CMake linter cmake-lint (#4036)Carl Smedstad
2022-02-06Add oelint-adv support (#4043)offa
2022-02-05Allows to use quickfix for references. (#4033)Dalius Dobravolskas
2022-02-04Treat ale_open_list integer values as thresholds (#4050)nospam2998
2022-02-04Add ALEPopulateQuickfix and ALEPopulateLocList (#3761)David Briscoe
2022-02-04doc: Clarify the types of process_with (#4039)David Briscoe
2022-02-04Add `naga` linter for WGSL support (#4047)Linda_pp
2022-02-03enable using cpplint for c (#3008)Justin Huang
2022-02-02Allow to configure haskell-language-server LSP config (#4038)Tomáš Janoušek
2022-01-07Add yaml-language-server support for YAML (#2874) (#4029)Jeffrey Lau
2022-01-05Fix 3838 - deprecate datanalyzer (#3839)Horacio Sanson
2022-01-05Fix 4025 - Allow to configure texlab LSP settings (#4027)Horacio Sanson
2022-01-04Add dprint fixer (#4024)Nathan
2021-12-17ALEFileRename command added. (#4012)Dalius Dobravolskas
2021-12-11add support for checkov for linting terraform files (#4006)thyme-87
2021-11-21Add volar support for vue (#3992)Arnold Chand
2021-11-19Add cspell Linter (#3981)David Houston
2021-11-18Rewrite Alex Integration to Use stdin (#3982)David Houston
2021-11-18Adds PHPActor Linter (LSP) (#3975)Arie Oldman
2021-11-15Add support for AVRA linting (#3950)Utkarsh Verma
2021-11-12Adds --memory-limit support for phpstan (#3973)Arie Oldman
2021-11-12Implement statix Linter and Fixer (#3969)David Houston
2021-11-09Implement gofumpt Fixer (#3968)David Houston
2021-10-24Add support for zeek (#3952)Benjamin Bannier
2021-10-09Add support for erblint (#3931)Roeland
2021-10-02Add flakehell python linter (#3295) (#3921)a666
2021-10-02feat: add deno lsp for javascript (#3924)Arnold Chand
2021-10-02Implement virtual text support for vim (#3915)Magnus Groß
2021-09-21Add support for jsonnetfmt and jsonnet-lint (#3907)Trevor Whitney
2021-09-16Update ALE test docs to mention NVim 0.5 (#3904)Horacio Sanson
2021-09-15[ale-python-root] add `.pyre_configuration.local` to list of files (#3900)Oliver Albertini
2021-09-11Robot framework rflint support (#3715)Samuel Branisa
2021-09-10Fix 3897 - add poetry to isort (#3898)Horacio Sanson
2021-09-05Introduce an ALELSPStarted autocommand (#3878)Jon Parise
2021-08-25Add fixer for "dotnet format" (#3879)Jelte Fennema
2021-08-21Close #3872 - Add eslint-plugin-jsonc as a linter for JSON, JSONC and JSON5 (...João Pesce
2021-08-09Dhall fixes: use stdin, doc errors (#3868)toastal
2021-08-09Adds fixer for golines (#3862)pigfrown
2021-08-08Fix 3853 - Update :floppy_disk: icon on supported tools list. (#3854)Horacio Sanson
2021-08-08`purs-tidy` for PureScript (#3863)toastal
2021-08-04Add a thriftcheck linter (#3852)Jon Parise
2021-08-03Add missing space before function reference (#3849)Jon Parise
2021-07-28Correct the spelling of :ALEComplete (#3843)Jon Parise
2021-07-25Add support for `dart analyze` (#3825)ghsang
2021-07-25Add importMap option to deno Initialization Options (#3827)Arnold Chand
2021-07-25Python support poetry (#3834)Daniel Roseman
2021-07-23Vim popup (#3817)D. Ben Knoble