path: root/autoload/ale/codefix.vim
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-04-29Add CodeAction codeActionLiteralSupport Feature (#4163)godbless
2022-02-09Sometimes end_lnum and end_col are not present (#4062)Horacio Sanson
2021-10-07codefix: Fix code actions that return Command[] directly instead of CodeActio...Tomáš Janoušek
2021-09-16ALECodeAction fix: check linter name when searching for nearest error. (#3901)Dalius Dobravolskas
2020-12-05codefix: Fix LSP MenuCallback invocation (E119, not enough args)Tomas Janousek
2020-11-21#3442 Fix code fix clangd issueDalius Dobravolskas
2020-11-21Close #1466 - Add GVIM refactor menu supportw0rp
2020-11-14Support for LSP/tsserver Code Actions (#3437)Dalius Dobravolskas