AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-11chore(volar): update volar executable name (#4308)BBOOXX
2022-09-11Deno: find project root using deno.json/deno.jsonc (#4306)Dirk Jonker
2022-09-11Add gitlablint support (#3042)Horacio Sanson
2022-09-11Fix 4155 - Show error when project root not found (#4207)Horacio Sanson
2022-09-08Allow to pass options to the buf linter and fix callback. (#4300)Guangqing Chen
2022-09-08omni: find last racket keyword for completion (#4293)D. Ben Knoble
2022-09-08Fix typo in plug mapping for `ale_go_to_implementation_in_vsplit` (#4304)Nate Pinsky
2022-09-07Implement buffer-wide virtual text support (#4289)Magnus Groß
2022-09-06Fix virtual text for vim 8.2 (#4291)Magnus Groß
2022-08-23Allow callbacks for floating preview popups (#4247)Shaun Duncan
2022-08-23Use native virtual-text for vim9 (#4281)Magnus Groß
2022-08-18Put :ALEInfo in collapsible for bug reports (#4286)Erik Westrup
2022-08-18fix #4276: honor b:ale_enabled for hover at cursor (#4277)Hongbo Liu
2022-08-09Add support for syntax_tree fixer (#4268)Mo Lawson
2022-08-07Add openscad and sca2d support (#4205)Nathan Henrie
2022-07-26Prevent buffering of job output and excessive polling (#4259)Tomáš Janoušek
2022-07-26Add support for Dune (#4263)Albert Peschar
2022-07-22cairo support (#4256)0xHyoga
2022-07-14Fix 4249 - Revert change to stop compl menu. (#4250)Horacio Sanson
2022-07-07Add support for Laravel Pint (#4238)Michael Dyrynda
2022-07-04Improve struct and pointer autocompletion in C (#4231)Marios S
2022-07-02Allow `shfmt` fixer to use `.editorconfig` (#4244)Henrique Barcelos
2022-06-29Update tests to use latest neovim 0.7 (#4180)Horacio Sanson
2022-06-26Update ale-haskell.txt (#4241)Steven Leiva
2022-06-25Show warnings for `dart_analyze` linter (#4237)Gabriel Remus
2022-06-23racket: start completion in a full keyword (#4186)D. Ben Knoble
2022-06-16Add pyflyby fixer (using its tidy-imports script) (#4219)infokiller
2022-06-08Replace gitter badge with Discordw0rp
2022-06-08Recommend Discord instead of IRC, actuallyw0rp
2022-06-06Fix README typo (#4225)Danny (he/him)
2022-06-04re-worded confusing grammar (#4223)Paul Thompson
2022-05-29Add support for actionlint options (#4216)Isman Firmansyah
2022-05-27Allow customization of all floating window borders (#4215)Devin J. Pohly
2022-05-17Add zig fmt support (#4198)Arash Mousavi
2022-05-17Fallback to summary field if detail exists but is empty in terraform linter (...Michał Padula
2022-05-16Add support for Packer (#4192)Zhuoyun Wei
2022-05-16fixes cpplint url in (#4204)Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan, PhD
2022-05-16add rego support (#4199)Reza J. Bavaghoush
2022-05-15support ember-template-lint 4.x (#4200)James C. Davis
2022-05-15Look for .mypy.ini when finding project root (#4202)Fionn Fitzmaurice
2022-05-13Close #4201 - Run vimls from Vader by defaultw0rp
2022-05-13Update Vim versions mentioned in ale-development.txtw0rp
2022-05-09Add support for ansible-lint 6.0.0 (#4189)Matt Perry
2022-05-04Handle golangci_lint warning and error messages correctly (#4182)Richard Jonas
2022-05-04Use stdin for Selene Lua linter (#4183)zandr
2022-05-04fix docs for actionlint (#4181)bretello
2022-05-03Fix 4177 set default yaml linters (#4178)Horacio Sanson
2022-05-03add yaml actionlint support (github actions) (#4173)bretello
2022-05-02VSCode LSPs for CSS, HTML and JSON (#4175)Dalius Dobravolskas
2022-04-30vscode-json-languageserver support (#4164)Dalius Dobravolskas