AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-02-08#2172 Auto PATH with ale_python_auto_virtualenvw0rp
Automatically set `PATH` for some Python linters that seem to need it when g:ale_python_auto_virtualenv or b:ale_python_auto_virtualenv is `1`.
2023-02-08Close #4389 - Run pyright via poetry, pipenv, venvw0rp
Add support for automatically detecting and running Pyright via poetry, pipenv, and virtualenv directories just like we do with flake8.
2023-02-08Add support for lua-language-serverw0rp
2023-02-07Fix broken tag references and the broken script to check themw0rp
2023-02-07Add alejandra for nix (#4435)Nathan Henrie
- Fixes
2023-02-03Remove duplicated word in help g:ale_virtualtext_cursor (#4444)Andreas Wachowski
2023-02-02add eslint plugin html for linting js in html files (#4428)vindex10
* add eslint plugin html for linting js in html files * fix linting
2023-02-02phpstan: set cwd to configuration file directory (#4422)Albert Peschar
PHPStan will only detect a configuration file in the current working directory, so set that to the directory in which ALE finds the configuration file.
2023-01-29diagnostics: support sending ALE output to Neovim's diagnostics API (#4345)Ben Boeckel
Support replacing ALE's display of problems with sending problems to the Neovim diagnostics API. :help g:ale_use_neovim_diagnostics_api Co-authored-by: David Balatero <> Co-authored-by: Georgi Angelchev <> Co-authored-by: w0rp <>
2023-01-28Add `gopls format` as a Go fixerSean Enck
2023-01-27State ALE works with vim 8.0 and above (#4430)Horacio Sanson
2023-01-27add: pycln as a python linter and fixer (#4415)Yining
this commit adds pycln as a Python linter and fixer, together with some tests and documentation. It addresses #4340 pycln repo:
2023-01-27fix(ale_linters: python: ruff): add --stdin-filename if version > 0.0.69 (#4414)Actionless Loveless
2023-01-06Fix #4413 - Avoid errors for invalid buffers in ale#virtualtext#Clearw0rp
2023-01-04Fix #4410 - Ignore prop_add errorsw0rp
2023-01-03Update copyright to use company name and current yearw0rp
I am the President and Treasurer of Dense Analysis, and through my sole authority I transfer the copyright of ALE to my own nonprofit organisation, so it can live on throughout history as a protected FOSS project after I am dead. Nuff said.
2022-12-31Add new demo video to READMEw0rp
2022-12-30Fix #4408 - Trigger floating preview autocommand on BufWinLeave and ↵Leon
WinScrolled (#4409)
2022-12-28nix: durably handle versions before 2.4 (#4398)Antonio Gurgel
What I should have done in 4394. Idea: @w0rp
2022-12-27Fix #4331 - Shift line 0 errors to line 1 for virtual-textw0rp
2022-12-27Close #4401 - Use subtle defaults for virtual-textw0rp
Default virtual-text to the Comment highlight group and prefix virtual-text messages with comment text for each language by default. Messages can now be formatted with `%type%` to print the error type. The Vim 9.0 version has been updated in the Docker image to add test coverage for virtual-text.
2022-12-27#4400 - Remove virtual-text defaults from highlight.vimw0rp
2022-12-27Fix #4400 - Separate virtual text highlight groups to avoid errorsw0rp
2022-12-26Fix #4399 - Manage virtual-text state betterw0rp
2022-12-25Update ALE to v3.3.0w0rp
2022-12-25Close #4396 - Enable virtualtext by defaultw0rp
Wherever it's supported, enable virtualtext by default.
2022-12-25Close #4397 - Add human-readable values for g:ale_virtualtext_cursorw0rp
2022-12-25Fix markdownlint documentationw0rp
2022-12-25Enable ruff for Python by defaultw0rp
2022-12-25nix: handle versions past 2.9 (#4394)Antonio Gurgel
2022-12-24Document how to create ALE releasesw0rp
2022-12-24Fix #4388: Fix pylsp and Pyright cwdw0rp
Add functions to compute the cwd to be the same as the project root for pylsp and Pyright to work around issues in each language server when they encounter modules that share the same name as first or third party libraries.
2022-12-22fix: ruff not registered as fixer (#4393)Yining
this commit fixes the issue reported at: it also had some code refactored and tests added for ruff as fixer (missed in PR #4347).
2022-12-10fix: #4356 Missing racket documentation (#4384)Yining
This commit adds vim help docs for `raco_fmt` and `racket-langserver`.
2022-12-06Handle empty answer of ansible-lint (#4373)Michael F. Schönitzer
* Handle empty answer of ansible-lint The variable a:lines might be empty if ansible-lint exited early, in that case json_decode would trow an error. * Use ales JSON decode function
2022-12-06add: support for refurb as a Python linter (#4379)Yining
this commit adds refurb as a Python linter, together with some tests and documentation. it should fix issue: #4362 refurb repo:
2022-11-25Added support for more file types for clang-format. (#4367)Matheus
2022-11-25fix: missing plug mapping `ale_go_to_implementation` (#4337)U1s2e3r4n5a6m7e
Co-authored-by: Tiffany <>
2022-11-25Fix 4246 - Add ansible language-server (#4355)Horacio Sanson
2022-11-25Remove a flaky smoke test we no longer needw0rp
2022-11-25Fix 4324 - add neovim 0.8 test (#4325)Horacio Sanson
* Fix 4324 - add neovim 0.8 test * Update vim testbed image * Update documentation Co-authored-by: w0rp <>
2022-11-254242 update tests with vim 9 (#4366)Horacio Sanson
* Replace Vim 8.2 with Vim 9.0 in CI * Keep Windows tests on Vim 8.0 for now Co-authored-by: w0rp <>
2022-11-23Fix bug in sqlfluff implementation & implement fixer support (#4365)Carl Smedstad
* Account for no sqlfluff output Avoid crashes when there isn't any output from sqlfluff. * Add supplort for sqlfluff as a fixer
2022-11-22Add rustfmt executable variable to rust docs (#4360)Joey Buiteweg
2022-11-21Implement support for SQL linter sqlfluff (#4361)Carl Smedstad
2022-11-21Markdown: allow passing custom executable for markdownlint (#4358)Götz Christ
2022-11-07Add raco_fmt fixer for Racket files (#4354)Jeremy Cantrell
* Add raco_fmt fixer for Racket files * Fix command and add test * Fix quoting
2022-11-06add: support config option for checkmake linter (#4351)Yining
`checkmake` by default checks config file "in the same folder it's executed in" unless `--config` option is set. This commit allows setting the `--config` option with an option variable (with documentation updated).
2022-11-05omni: racket should complete at end of keywords (#4352)D. Ben Knoble
Consider a file like ``` #lang racket (require racket/gui) ``` Type `Go(eventspace-`. Pressing <C-x><C-o> to trigger omnicomplete should suggest ``` eventspace-handler-thread eventspace-shutdown? eventspace-event-evt ``` It does not (instead producing "top-level" completions, as if `(eventspace-` wasn't even there). Debugging, place the cursor on a space _after_. Now `ale#completion#OmniFunc(1, '')` correctly returns `1`, but when given `(0, 'eventspace-')` it returns either the empty list or generic completion results as described above. I'm not entirely sure of the mechanism, but it seems that `b:ale_completion_info.prefix` is the key, and that this is set by `ale#completion#GetPrefix`. Calling `ale#completion#GetPrefix('racket', line('.'), col('.'))` returned `''`! Now, it returns `eventspace-` and the completions work correctly again. Ref #4293, #4186, #3870
2022-11-04Add 'dockerfile_hadolint_options' config setting (#4353)Matthew Armand
- Add this option so command line arguments can be supplied to hadolint - This will be respected when running in docker and via the executable - Preserve the --no-color and - flags, and add these to the list - Add to docs and tests