path: root/test/fixers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/fixers')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/fixers/test_erblint_fixer_callback.vader b/test/fixers/test_erblint_fixer_callback.vader
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b56e3a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixers/test_erblint_fixer_callback.vader
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ Save g:ale_eruby_erblint_executable
+ Save g:ale_eruby_erblint_options
+ " Use an invalid global executable, so we don't match it.
+ let g:ale_eruby_erblint_executable = 'xxxinvalid'
+ let g:ale_eruby_erblint_options = ''
+ call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test/fixers')
+ Restore
+ call ale#test#RestoreDirectory()
+Execute(The erblint callback should return the correct default values):
+ call ale#test#SetFilename('../test-files/eruby/dummy.html.erb')
+ AssertEqual
+ \ {
+ \ 'process_with': 'ale#fixers#erblint#PostProcess',
+ \ 'command': ale#Escape(g:ale_eruby_erblint_executable)
+ \ . ' --autocorrect --stdin %s',
+ \ },
+ \ ale#fixers#erblint#Fix(bufnr(''))
+Execute(The erblint callback should include custom erblint options):
+ let g:ale_eruby_erblint_options = '--lint-all'
+ call ale#test#SetFilename('../test-files/ruby/with_config/dummy.rb')
+ AssertEqual
+ \ {
+ \ 'process_with': 'ale#fixers#erblint#PostProcess',
+ \ 'command': ale#Escape(g:ale_eruby_erblint_executable)
+ \ . ' --lint-all'
+ \ . ' --autocorrect --stdin %s',
+ \ },
+ \ ale#fixers#erblint#Fix(bufnr(''))
+Execute(The erblint post-processor should remove diagnostics content):
+ AssertEqual
+ \ [
+ \ '<div>',
+ \ '',
+ \ '</div>',
+ \ ],
+ \ ale#fixers#erblint#PostProcess(bufnr(''), [
+ \ 'Linting 1 files with 11 autocorrectable linters...',
+ \ '',
+ \ '1 error(s) corrected in ERB files',
+ \ '================ /home/user/demo.html.erb ==================',
+ \ '<div>',
+ \ '',
+ \ '</div>',
+ \ ])