path: root/autoload/ale/engine/ignore.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'autoload/ale/engine/ignore.vim')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/engine/ignore.vim b/autoload/ale/engine/ignore.vim
index 80574656..8ac36eb5 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/engine/ignore.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/engine/ignore.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,26 @@
" Author: w0rp <>
" Description: Code for ignoring linters. Only loaded and if configured.
+" A map for remapping lspconfig server names to linter names or aliases in
+" ALE. We should change the names where they will conflict with names in ALE.
+" Notes on names from nvim-lspconfig not included here.
+" * 'rubocop' is run in a language server mode
+" * 'eslint' is run via 'vscode-eslint-language-server'
+let s:lspconfig_map = {
+\ 'als': 'adals',
+\ 'ansiblels': 'ansible-language-server',
+\ 'bicep': 'bicep_language_server',
+\ 'cmake': 'cmake_language_server',
+\ 'denols': 'deno',
+\ 'erlangls': 'erlang_ls',
+\ 'html': 'vscodehtml',
+\ 'ocamlls': 'ocaml-language-server',
+\ 'ols': 'odin-lsp',
+\ 'puppet': 'puppet_languageserver',
" Given a filetype and a configuration for ignoring linters, return a List of
" Strings for linter names to ignore.
function! ale#engine#ignore#GetList(filetype, config) abort
@@ -21,24 +41,51 @@ function! ale#engine#ignore#GetList(filetype, config) abort
return []
+" This function can be mocked in tests.
+function! ale#engine#ignore#GetLSPConfigNames() abort
+ return luaeval('require ''ale.util''.configured_lspconfig_servers()')
+function! s:GetMappedLSPConfigNames() abort
+ " Check the lspconfig flag before calling luaeval.
+ if !get(g:, 'lspconfig', 0)
+ return []
+ endif
+ let l:lspconfig_servers = ale#engine#ignore#GetLSPConfigNames()
+ return map(
+ \ !empty(l:lspconfig_servers) ? l:lspconfig_servers : [],
+ \ {_, val -> get(s:lspconfig_map, val, val) }
+ \)
" Given a List of linter descriptions, exclude the linters to be ignored.
function! ale#engine#ignore#Exclude(filetype, all_linters, config, disable_lsp) abort
let l:names_to_remove = ale#engine#ignore#GetList(a:filetype, a:config)
+ " If configured to automatically ignore otherwise configured LSP linter
+ " names, add them to the names to remove. This could ignore linters
+ " with matching names that are not marked as LSP linters.
+ if a:disable_lsp is# 'auto'
+ call extend(l:names_to_remove, s:GetMappedLSPConfigNames())
+ endif
+ let l:ignore_all_lsps = a:disable_lsp is 1 || a:disable_lsp is v:true
let l:filtered_linters = []
for l:linter in a:all_linters
- let l:name_list = [] + l:linter.aliases
- let l:should_include = 1
- for l:name in l:name_list
- if index(l:names_to_remove, l:name) >= 0
- let l:should_include = 0
- break
- endif
- endfor
+ let l:should_include = index(l:names_to_remove, == -1
+ let l:i = 0
+ while l:should_include && l:i < len(l:linter.aliases)
+ let l:name = l:linter.aliases[l:i]
+ let l:should_include = index(l:names_to_remove, l:name) == -1
+ let l:i += 1
+ endwhile
- if a:disable_lsp && has_key(l:linter, 'lsp') && l:linter.lsp isnot# ''
- let l:should_include = 0
+ if l:should_include && l:ignore_all_lsps
+ let l:should_include = empty(get(l:linter, 'lsp'))
if l:should_include